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Objective To study and compare the behavior of capacitors in parallel and series combination. Capacitor and capacitance Capacitor is an electrical device that can store energy in the electric field between a pair of closely spaced conductors(called 'plates'). When current is applied to the capacitor, electric charges of equal magnitude, but opposite polarity, build up on each plate. Capacitors are used in electrical circuits as energy-storage devices. Capacitance is ability of a conductor to store electric charge or energy is known as electrical capacitance of the conductor. when a charge is given to a conductor, it is raised to certain potential. More the charge on the conductor, higher is it’s potential. Q « V where Q's the charge given to the conductor and V is it’s electric potential Q=CV, where C is the constant of proportionality called capacitance c=Q/V Unit : Farad When a charged conductor is placed near an uncharged conductor, the potential of the charged conductor falls. To raise the conductor initial potential, more charges can be added. = Plate 2 + Plate 1 is given a positive charge loly charged plate. to its full potential “pee witt Plate 4 _ q@_= a 4h Now if we earth the further or outer Side of plate 2 the positive charge aol now oars Boiipiatss will get removed leaving only This is the principle of a capacitor negative charge on Plate 2 2 e ms Electrons move from -ve to +ve ( By convention -> +ve to terminal of battery. Electrons start collecting on the right si the right side of capacitor Cs, the right plate gets negatively charged. This negatively charged plate induces +ve chare on the opposite plate (left plate). Hence the right plate of C2 gets same charge as the same amount of electrons have moved from C2 right plate to the C; left plate. Hence same amount of charge in each capacitor. Potential across each capacitor is different. This can be explained by a simple analogy : Suppose there is a stationary source charge and few charges near it, the charge closer to source would be at higher potential than the one away from source. If you draw a line from the source, at each point there will be a different potential. See the illustration below for better understanding. Viz Q/Cr , Va=Q/C2 , Vs =Q/Cs tVatVs V=Q/C C=Q/C,+Q/G,+OQ/C; => 1/Cs=1/C,+1/Cz, + 1/Cs Capacitors in parallel % 3 = | h | wal Vv + “_ : q Gq Gg TL ag | a | 2 Contrary to series potential is same Qi= VC, , Q2=VC2 , Q3 =VC3 across each capacitor in case of parallel. Q=Q:+Q:+Q3 =CpV As current flows, the charge is being CpV = VC, +VC, +VC3 distributed in the three wires connected Cp= C, +Cz +C3 to parallel capacitors. Hence charge in each capacitor is different in parallel combination Aso te | Mathematical comparison... Cp= C; +C2 +C3 1/Cs = 1/C, + 1/€, +1/Cs Cs =(C, +C, +C3) / (Ci C2 C3) Hence, it is self explanatory that Cp > Cs . Capacitances diminish in series. Capacitances THE CIRCUIT The circuit is s ee amplifier. ear protic EE ale ator The = coll Saiaue denies at D throug its calléc ector. The using = of two transistor isistor is to Rasa ae to increase on tt

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