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Pirate yarn zeke roach

Captain Slv!tch was grinning. This wasn t to say that he was happy, but a rather severe shrapnel wound gave him little other choice. He was only happy when someone was about to die painfully. Unfortunately for the small ship on the view screen, Slv!tch was in fact happy. The ship was stylish, a iridescent electric blue that stood out like, well, like a really light blue against a pitch black background. It was also shaped somewhat like a primitive bullet, sleek and aerodynamic, which was pointless and idiotic because they were in space. Slv!tch s ship was deceptively small when compared to a full warship, but was bristling with almost every conceivable form of weaponry. Except for the Tyranid s bio-weaponry, obviously. It was also colored black to fool any Ork ships, who use crewmen strapped to the outside with rebreathers rather than conventional sensors. The only problem with this was that they sometimes forgot to pull the crewman back in before going into warpspace. The merchant ship drifted though space. The aft was badly damaged from asteroids. It was calculating a jump to the nearest repair station. Now was the time to strike, or lose the ship forever. Captain Slv!tch gave the order, and immediately the gunners opened fire. Spears of pure energy lanced out and punctured the ship s engines, permanently crippling it. Warp cannons pirated from Eldar wraithships made holes in reality in the turret emplacements. Plasma launchers prepared to fire upon enemy fighter ships. But none came. The hulk just floated there, as if nothing had happened, the illumination from its engines slowly dying away. Tz arkan, the first mate, looked questioningly at Slv!tch. Maybe there was a breach in shields during their warp jump. He suggested No said Slv!tch We would know if that had happened. He was right. If there had been a breach in the shields during a warpjump, chaos daemons would have flooded through, and the ship would have come out in an obscene mockery of itself, if at all. Well, maybe that damage to the aft is more severe than it seems T tzarkan said Caused a massive decompression. Slv!tch nodded. That was probably what had happened. Pity though, Human slaves sell well on the black market. Oh well sighed the captain Might as well start the looting.

Captain Slv!tch was odd in the respect that he liked to lead the looting parties himself. No one was certain why, and no one had the guts to ask him, so it will forever remain a mystery. When the crew arrived, they were surprised to see that the entire ship wasn t a vacuum. However, Slv!tch ordered that they all keep on their helmets, because there were certainly parts of the ship that were. However, as both parties explored the ship on their own, both noticed a surprising lack of vacuum. In fact, when the group led by Tz arkan reached a room in vacuum, he was relieved. He was beginning to get the creeps being on a ship where people just disappeared. Unfortunately for him, and indeed that entire party, was that the vacuum had burst the halogen lights, so they didn t see the

Termagaunts skulking in the shadows. There is no sound in space, so they didn t hear Fleshborers firing. And the beetles burrowed into their armor so fast, they didn t even have time to feel the impacts before the vacuum sucked out the artificial atmospheres, and their bodies exploded. Captain Slv!tch and his team were lucky to not have had a similar encounter by the time the reached the bridge. Captain Slv!tch immediately noticed the coordinates of the ship s intended destination. Terra? He muttered, How did a merchant ship get clearance for Terra? The crewmembers started to get restless. They had a sufficient amount of ill gained wealth, but the complete absence of bodies was nerve wracking. Even Slv!tch, a man who punished superstition with whipping, felt that something was wrong with the ship. Then a flashing message caught his eye. The minimal amount of power still running through the ship was broadcasting the last message ordered by the bridge.
Every man, woman, and child report to the cargo bay immediately. Take no possessions other than any armament you may possess. This is not a drill. Every man, woman, and child report to the cargo bay imme- Slv!tch decided to do the

same. If any answers could be found, it would be there. Captain Slv!tch opened the cargo bay door, and immediately regretted it. The entire room was a gore filled mess. There was nothing that was recognizable as human except for the odd bit here and there. A dozen men vomited almost immediately, and less than half got the helmet off in time. Even Slv!tch felt nauseous. By the emperor He cursed. Slv!tch had not invoked the Emperor s name in years, but he was overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of this desecration. T zarkan! he barked into his vox-caster We need to get of this ship! Now! nothing but an ominous hiss of static emanated from the communicator. T zarkan! he was yelling now Report back! Now! ssssssssssssssssssss it replied. Slv!tch tossed it to his technician.

See if you can fix it. He snapped, then steeled himself, and looked out over the carnage. The wounds were caused by non-conventional weaponry. There were scorch marks on the walls, but they looked to be from the lasguns of the imperial guard. ssssssssssssssssss hissed the vox-caster.

Then something odd caught Slv!tch s eye he couldn t tell what at first, but then it hot him. All of the guardsman s weaponry was still here! ssssssssssssssssss hissed the vox-caster.

s-sir? asked the technician. Slv!tch Ignored him, his mind in a flurry. Even Orks would scavenge weaponry from there enemies! So why were these left behind?


hissed the vox-caster.

sir? asked the technician, a note of panic in his voice. Slv!tch whirled around. What is i- his rebuke died in his throat as he saw the vox-caster in the technician s left hand, it s back panel open. In his other hand were the vox-caster s power cells. Slowly, ever so slowly, Slv!tch looked up at the crowd of six limbed figures on the loading crane above them. In their eye s, sparked the all knowing intelligence of the Hive Mind. Their upper two limbs were attached to a flesh borer, a weapon that launched voracious feeder beetles. Tyranids sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss . Hissed the termagaunts. They leapt off the crane, and Slv!tch didn t even have time to scream.

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