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MARKING SCHEME FINAL EXAM ‘Question 1. a) i) ger = Waer = Mev (Trai = Tris) In process A. some of the heat added goes to doing work In process B, there is no change in Temperature In process C, the gas does no work and all the heat goes to increasing the temperature [1 mark] ‘Therefore, answer is process C. Ui) Qet= Wret = Mev (Tin ~ Tinta) In process A. pressure stays constant In process B, the pressure must decrease (expansion) In process C, T increases, therefore P must increase Therefore, answer is process B. b) i) State 1: Ps = 150 kPa, T1 = 12°C P.Vi= MRT (25002) Tz0en (as) 0506 ke 2marks ii) State 2: P: = 750 kPa, Te = 177°C = 450 K; PaVa= mRT2 __(0.506)(0.2081)(450) * (750) ve 063m? 2 marks PVs" = PV" (150)(0.2)" = (750)(0.063)" (0.2)" = 5 (0.063)" o2 Goes) 25 2marks ln 3.175 =In5 n= In S/n 3.175 = 1.609 / 1.155 = 1.39 [a mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] im) PiVa— PV, 2 marks 1-n 750(0.063) — 150(0.2) = 43.13 ky 2 Wa J dV 2marks vy) Q—W=dU =me(T,—T,) 2 mearks 0.506(0.3122)(450 ~ 285) = 26.07 Q = 26.07 + W = 26.07 — 43.13 = ~17.06 kJ 2 marks w 2marks Question 2 a) Steady Flow: Mass balance: }m, = > m, mark Energy Balance: ow ‘mark 'b) The changes in kinetic energy and potential energy are only a small fraction of the change in enthalpy and are therefore often neglected. a : 2marks Q : State 1: P= 15 MPa, T; = 600°C» superheated vapor 1 mark i= 3583.1 ki/kg; Lmark vy, =0.028921 m'/kg; rh, = 15 ke/s State 2: P; = 1.2 MPa, T:= 200°C» superheated vapor 1 mark ho= 2816.1 ki/kg; 1 mark v2 = 0.16934 m?/kg_ 1 mark State 3:P3=10kPa,xs=0.9 _» mixture 1 mark ha= hr x{hy— hy) = 191.81 + 0.9 (2583.9 - 191.91) = 2344.7 ki/kg_— 1 mark \vs= e+ x(ve—v.) = 0.001010 + 0.9(14,67 ~ 0.001010) = 13.2 m?/kg i) mass balance tity = thy +rty ——-Lmark 15 = ring + 12 Az=1d'/4=0,0254m? mark M tng = Bkg/s =40%t 1 mark Vo= 3 (0.16934)/0.0254 = 20 m/s mark ii) Energy balance tiaghy ~ righ, - righs = Westone + Qoue 3 marks Weurine = 15 (3583.1) — 3 (2816.1) -12(2344.7) - Qaux = 53746.5 ~ 8448.3 - 28136.4- 162 = 16,999.8 kW 2marks “1 eh com x10 GAO | Qu -Q_= Weet _ | Fe0- 320 = 400 dst baw satshed - | il baw 3 I | f t i Roo 4100s F7% a asCOn yh hay DSsye + Qe Ht 4, < peel wae nee aye 4 = ’ >We | 2o04ud 4 30 2 Wis _ Bod . 3 , = O83 LK yf Om PF mH Sy o iweneeible P= 400 Wy 260 KS Teak | T, Fy |v) 7 2 Me bh, | 303% Oey Wa * Tha, Og = “20K Aw = A IU-Th —— An “BOT, > ne i sWa 4 Bs —3| ee 1 (% ae Wi - Cra it = : a = : 13 [ey a i (how - Qe | ~ \R00 i a + wy- Q2I4T |e CSA eK + cp —|7 = /433 -6en. a 100 - lo aaa oop) | | T = caeo-e\ 4 443 +(4eee 2 6bHAk Candtc —b - Sse = Sa € pln —Rhh —1 rol y

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