A Devoted Service To Science

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ISSN 1019-3316, Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007, Vol. 77, No. 4, pp. 410–416.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2007.

Original Russian Text © V.V. Kozlov, S.S. Demidov, 2007, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2007, Vol. 77, No. 8, pp. 724–731.


DOI: 10.1134/S1019331607040156

A Devoted Service to Science

On the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician A.M. Lyapunov

The Lyapunovs paid much attention to the upbring-

ing of their children. A.M. Lyapunov’s two brothers
placed themselves on record in Russian culture:
S.M. Lyapunov (1859–1924) became a famous com-
poser, pianist, and conductor, and B.M. Lyapunov
(1862–1943), a well-known philologist, famous for his
works in the comparative grammar of the Slavic lan-
guages and the history of the proto-Slavic and Slavic
languages. After their father’s early death, the responsi-
bility for the children fell wholly upon S.A. Lyapunova,
while the Sechenovs exerted a marked influence on
shaping their upbringing. The boys used to spend the
summers at R.M. Sechenov’s estate in the village of
Teplyi Stan, Kurmysh uezd of Simbirsk province.
I.M. Sechenov, who also often visited this estate, used
to arrange lectures on physiology for the mansion’s
inhabitants with experiments on frogs supplied from
nearby ponds by the young Krylov. According to
V.A. Steklov, “A.M. Lyapunov, who spent his teens
among the most elucidated representatives of the then
society still influenced by N.A. Dobrolyubov and
N.G. Chernyshevsky, personified the best type of the
idealists of the 1860s” [1, pp. 31–32]. His firm belief in
progress and in the great future of science, as well as his
Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov. absolute rejection of religion, so typical of “those of the
Sixties,” was formed in his childhood and youth. More-
over, it was in Teplyi Stan where Lyapunov, still a child,
A century and a half ago, on May 25 OS (June 6), played with his cousin N.R. Sechenova, who later
1857, in Yaroslavl, in the family of the director of the became his wife.
Demidov Vocational School, a boy was born, who later A lot has been written about Lyapunov’s life; hence,
became one of the most prominent Russian mathemati- let us refer the reader to the voluminous literature (see,
cians and mechanical engineers. The boy’s father, for example, [2, 3]) and focus only on the events that
Mikhail Vasil’evich Lyapunov (1820–1868), a student seem to us the most important, including, of course, his
and then an associate at Kazan University, was an scientific achievements.
astronomer and a student and colleague of The years of learning and the beginning of cre-
N.I. Lobachevsky and belonged to an old aristocratic ative activity. Upon finishing the Nizhni Novgorod
family related to the families of the Sechenovs gymnasium, Lyapunov entered the Faculty of Physics
(R.M. Sechenov, the brother of the famous physiologist and Mathematics at St. Petersburg University, which at
I.M. Sechenov, was married to Lyapunov’s sister) and that time flourished with a galaxy of scientists, such as
the Krylovs (Lyapunov’s niece was the mother of P.L. Chebyshev, A.N. Beketov, A.M. Butlerov,
A.N. Krylov, a famous mathematician and shipbuilder). I.M. Sechenov, D.I. Mendeleev, and A.S. Famintsyn. At
M.V. Lyapunov was a man of high culture and had that time, the St. Petersburg mathematical school, or, as
many interests. A.M. Lyapunov’s mother, Soph’ya Ale- it is sometimes called, Chebyshev’s school, was matur-
ksandrovna (née Shipilova), was an educated woman of ing, which became crucial for Lyapunov’s future. Its
remarkable moral virtues. She loved music and was fame, won owing to works by Chebyshev and his bril-
superb at playing the piano. liant students A.N. Korkin, Yu.V. Sokhotskii, and


E.I. Zolotarev, had already spread beyond the borders mutually attracted according to the Newtonian
of the Russian Empire. Two years prior to Lyapunov, law, may take, or, at any rate, it must differ insig-
A.A. Markov, another remarkable representative of the nificantly from this figure of equilibrium for a
St. Petersburg mathematical school, had entered the rotating liquid. Therefore, under the above con-
Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. ditions, questions on the forms of equilibrium for
In 1880, Lyapunov graduated from the university a rotating liquid (rotational velocity being
with a candidate’s degree in mathematics and a Gold assumed as constant) acquire significance.
Medal for a paper about the equilibrium of floating bod- It was established long ago (by I. Newton and
ies, which had been prepared under Professor C. Maclaurin) that ellipsoids of revolution might serve
D.K. Bobylev’s supervision. It was Bobylev who rec- as the forms of equilibrium for a rotating liquid.
ommended keeping Lyapunov at the faculty for a post- J. d’Alembert showed that there are two ellipsoids flat-
graduate course, or, in the then formulation, “to be pre- tened at the poles for every rotation for which the veloc-
pared for professorship.” The young scientist was to ity does not exceed a certain value. C.G. Jacobi discov-
select the subject for his master’s dissertation. ered that the figures of a rotating body can also be tri-
Lyapunov developed as a scientist under the influ- axial ellipsoids if there are definite ratios between the
ence of Chebyshev, whose ideas and recommendations axes. Continuing these studies, J. Liouville established
affected his further activity. In his introductory lecture that three figures of equilibrium—two Maclaurin ellip-
“On the Form of Celestial Bodies” to the course that he soids and one Jacobi ellipsoid—correspond to an angu-
read at Novorossiisk University, Lyapunov described lar velocity of less than ω1 (obviously, at the zero rota-
this as follows [4, p. 314]: tional velocity, the equilibrium figure will be a sphere);
under an increase in this velocity up to ω1, the Jacobi
In 1882, while searching for a suitable subject of ellipsoid transforms into one of the Maclaurin ellip-
my master’s dissertation, I often spoke with Che- soids; under high rotational velocities, there are two
byshev about different mathematical problems, Maclaurin ellipsoids that merge into one when rota-
and Chebyshev used to repeat that there would tional velocity reaches a certain value of ω = ω0. What
be no use for a young scientist to deal with sim-
ple, even if new, problems solvable through well- will happen if the rotational velocity exceeds this limit?
known methods and that every young scientist, Will (Chebyshev’s question!) “any new forms of equi-
already skilled in solving mathematical prob- librium, which differ insignificantly from ellipsoids
lems, should test his abilities on a serious prob- under a small increase in angular velocity” appear?
lem, implying certain theoretical difficulties. He In studying this problem, Lyapunov managed to
suggested to me the following question: “It is solve it only in the first approximation. Since he consid-
known that at a certain angular rotational veloc- ered it impossible to draw conclusions on the first
ity, ellipsoidal equilibrium forms cease to serve approximation (Lyapunov here already showed his
as forms of the equilibrium of a rotating liquid. characteristic feature—not to accept first approxima-
Do they transform to any new forms of equilib- tions as satisfactory while solving problems of mechan-
rium, which, under a small increase in angular ics), he tried to find an exact mathematical solution.
velocity, differ little from ellipsoids?” He added: However, as he recalled later, “with the miserable math-
“If you manage to solve this problem, your work ematical resources that I had at that time, only two
will be noticed at once ….” Later I learned that years after the university, I faced insurmountable diffi-
Chebyshev had also offered this question to other culties” [4, pp. 342, 343]. He put aside this problem and
mathematicians, such as Zolotarev, a young sci- took up another one—the problem of the stability of
entist at that time, whose brilliant lectures I had ellipsoids of revolution—important for finding natural
attended at the university, and S. Kovalevskaya. equilibrium forms. Those who had studied this problem
I do not know whether Zolotarev and Kova- before (Liouville, B. Riemann, and others) reduced
levskaya tried to solve this problem. I became their studies to particular cases or used inexact meth-
interested in this problem, all the more so that ods. Lyapunov suggested an exact statement of this
Chebyshev had not given any directions for its problem by giving a mathematical definition of a stable
solution, and I began to work at once. form of equilibrium for a rotating liquid. As a result, the
problem was reduced to the question about the exist-
In this lecture on the form of celestial bodies, ence of the minimum of a certain mathematical expres-
Lyapunov formulated the essence of the question posed sion. The criterion that he eventually obtained made it
by Chebyshev [4, p. 303]: possible to study the question of the stability of the
According to the known hypothesis, any such Maclaurin and Jacobi ellipsoids. As for the problem
body was initially in the liquid state, and it posed by Chebyshev, Lyapunov only barely touched it
obtained its current form prior to solidification, in one of his dissertation theses: “For any integer n
first having acquired, through some internal fric- exceeding 2, it is possible to find at least one among the
tion, its unchangeable form. Under this assump-
Jacobi ellipsoids and E ⎛ ------------⎞ among the Maclaurin
tion, the figure of a celestial body is one of those n+2
that a liquid rotating mass, whose particles are ⎝ 2 ⎠



ellipsoids, to which certain n-order algebraic surfaces

are infinitely close, for which it is possible to satisfy the
condition of equilibrium in the first approximation.”
However, unlike H. Poincaré, Lyapunov did not find it
possible to conclude from this that these new forms
existed and left this question open.
In January 1885, he defended his master’s disserta-
tion in applied mathematics at St. Petersburg Univer-
sity. In the spring of the same year, Lyapunov was
accepted as a privatdozent at St. Petersburg University.
However, he did not start working there at that time: a
vacancy opened at the Department of Mechanics at
Kharkov University after the departure of V.G. Imsh-
enetskii, who had been elected to the Academy of Sci-
ences. In August 1885, Lyapunov moved to Kharkov
and soon began lecturing at the university. In the same
academic year, his marital status changed: in January
1886, he married Sechenova.
Lyapunov worked in Kharkov until the spring of
1902, when, after being elected an ordinary academi-
cian in applied mathematics (he had become a corre-
sponding member in 1900), he moved to the capital.
The Kharkov period was filled with teaching (Steklov,
our prominent mathematician, was among his stu-
Lyapunov in the year of his admittance to the Nizhni
dents), public duties (from 1891 through 1898, he was Novgorod gymnasium.
a vice president and from 1898 through 1902, president
of the Kharkov Mathematical Society, which he led into
one of the most significant mathematical societies in General Equations of the Theory of the Figure of Plan-
Europe), and with his intensive creative activity. In ets” (1904), “On One Problem Posed by Chebyshev”
1888, he published his first work on the theory of the (1905), “On the Equilibrium Figures of a Homogenous
stability of the motion of mechanical systems with a Rotating Liquid That Differ Insignificantly from Ellip-
finite number of degrees of freedom and in 1892 soidal Ones” (1906–1914), and, finally, his posthumous
defended his doctoral dissertation “The General Prob- “On Certain Equilibrium Figures of an Inhomogeneous
lem of the Stability of Motion” [5] at Moscow Univer- Rotating Liquid” (1925–1927). In these works, he con-
sity, which became one of the most remarkable currently developed a number of problems of mathe-
achievements in the mathematics of the 20th century. In matical analysis: the theory of the Riemann–Stieltjes
1893, he received ordinary professorship. integral, the theory of nonlinear integral equations, the
Figures of equilibrium for a rotating liquid. The theory of spherical functions, etc. Lyapunov had to
problem posed by Chebyshev, which had determined enter into the circle of problems developed by Poincaré
the subject of Lyapunov’s master’s dissertation, once more.
remained in Lyapunov’s focus for many years. In 1885 At a certain angular velocity, certain figures, which
the great French mathematician Poincaré came to the Poincaré defined as pear-shaped, separate from the
same figures of equilibrium. On the basis of the first ellipsoid. On the basis of second approximations,
approximation results and certain analogies, Poincaré Poincaré made an assumption that these figures were
stated the possibility of the obtained equilibrium fig- stable. Poincaré’s results drew the attention of the Brit-
ures. The scientists began their correspondence [6]. ish astronomer G. Darwin (C. Darwin’s son) and drove
Lyapunov did not consider the first approximation him to a new cosmogonic hypothesis, in which the
results as finite, while Poincaré, who believed that above pear-shaped bodies played a significant role.
mechanical methods did not necessitate the strictness Darwin’s own complex computations convinced him
required for mathematical considerations, regarded that Poincaré’s conclusion about the stability of pear-
them as sufficient. Poincaré’s work, published two shaped bodies was true. In 1905, upon completing not
years later, did not satisfy Lyapunov. an approximate but an exact analysis of the problem,
Then a long interval came when Lyapunov was not Lyapunov spoke against Poincaré’s and Darwin’s con-
engaged in these problems, which ended only after he clusions. He showed that, for pear-shaped forms, a cer-
had moved to St. Petersburg in 1902. During the last tain mathematical expression the minimum of which
16 years of his life, he never stopped his studies in this ensures the stability of the form under study has no
area: “Studies in the Theory of the Figure of Celestial such minimum. However, Lyapunov did not present all
Bodies” (1903), “On the Clairault Equation and More the necessary computations at that time, presenting



them only in his work of 1912. Nobody dared to check

these computations at that time. On February 25, 1916,
introducing Lyapunov for during his election as a cor-
responding member of the French Academy of Sci-
ences (the election took place in the spring of 1916),
E. Picard, comparing Poincaré’s and Darwin’s opinions
to that of Lyapunov, “whose method was indisputably
more strict than the method of his predecessors,” noted:
“Since the final result could be obtained only by way of
difficult numerical computations, it would be proper to
have these calculations made anew by others” (cited in
[7, p. 386]). In 1917, J. Jeans found the error in Dar-
win’s calculations.
Potential theory and probability theory. The pro-
fessorial duties during the Kharkov period of
Lyapunov’s life (mainly, within the first two years)
required much energy. This makes the range of his sci-
entific activities of that time look even more amazing.
Although Lyapunov devoted a considerable portion of
his off-hours to the theory of stability, the subject of his
future doctoral dissertation, he managed to find time to
contemplate the problems touched in his master’s dis-
sertation, as well as other subjects, in particular, the Lyapunov in 1876.
problems of the theories of potential and probability.
In Kharkov, he wrote remarkable works on potential
theory, later compiled in a collection of works [8]. Stek- layer in the Neumann method may be repre-
lov wrote (cited in [8, pp. 21, 22]): sented as the potential of a simple layer.
Beginning from 1895, a vivid interest arose In 1902, Lyapunov initiated a new study (News
among the members of the Kharkov Mathemati- of the Kharkov Mathematical Society 7 (1902)—
cal Society in the issues of mathematical phys- V.K. and S.D.) and indicated new properties of
ics, in the development of which Lyapunov the double-layer potential, which made it possi-
actively participated, and his contributions to this ble to get rid of the above limitation and solve
field, as to everything that he undertook, were of Dirichlet’s problem in the most general way.
great importance. In his famous memoirs “On Some Questions
All the previous studies into the fundamental Related to Dirichlet’s Problem” (Journal de
problems of mathematical physics (the electro- math., 1898), Lyapunov gave a number of other
static problem, the Dirichlet problem, and the important theorems related to the double- and
fundamental problem of hydrodynamics) were simple-layer potentials and indicated, apropos,
based on certain properties of the so-called dou- the necessary and sufficient conditions for the
ble-layer potential, which, as Lyapunov noted, function that solves the Dirichlet problem within
sometimes were inadequate even in the simplest a given area to have normal derivatives on the
examples. surface that limits this area.
I mean the question about the existence of the so- The surfaces for which the conditions he indicated
called normal derivatives from the double-layer are satisfied are now called Lyapunov surfaces.
potential. Lyapunov’s lectures on probability theory at
This circumstance made dubious all methods of Kharkov University motivated him to take up the cen-
solving the above problems, which have become tral limit theorem of probability theory—the subject he
classical after Lyapunov’s studies. He was the had been interested in back in his student years when he
first to indicate the general conditions relative to heard Chebyshev’s lectures in the academic year of
both the tension of the layer and the surface of its 1879–1880. His contemplations on this subject resulted
distribution, under which normal derivatives in two memoirs written during 1900: “On One Theo-
actually exist (in 1897, in Comptes rendus and rem of Probability Theory” and “A New Form of the
Journal de mathématiques). Theorem of the Limit of Probability.” The method of
Using these results, I proved later (in 1899 in momenta, used by Markov to prove this theorem in
Comptes rendus and in 1900 in Journal de Tou- 1898 (see [9, pp. 225–227]), seemed to Lyapunov very
louse) that Neumann’s principle is actually complex and complicated, and he chose a different
applicable to all the surfaces satisfying one—the method of characteristic functions. Using this
Lyapunov’s conditions if the tension of the initial method, Lyapunov managed to indicate exactly the



conditions necessary to perform the central limit theo- series of works, opening with the article “On Constant
rem and to evaluate the quickness of the convergence of Spiral Motions of a Solid Body in a Liquid” (1888) and
the distribution of a normal sum of random values to the finishing with the article “On One Series Met in the
standard law. Lyapunov’s result became another step Theory of Linear Differential Equations of the Second
towards the development of probability theory as a Order with Periodic Coefficients” (1902). The obtained
purely mathematical discipline. results formed the content of his doctoral dissertation
Lyapunov’s famous paper on Kovalevskaya’s case “The General Problem of Motion Stability” [5]. In the
of the integrability of an equation system for a solid introduction, Lyapunov stated his main goal in the fol-
body’s motion around a fixed point (1894–1895) also lowing way: “to indicate the cases for which the first
belongs to the Kharkov period of Lyapunov’s creative approximation actually solves the problem of stability
activity. and to offer some methods that would make it possible
to solve it at least in some of the cases when it is impos-
The theory of the stability of systems with a finite sible to judge about stability by the first approximation”
number of degrees of freedom. When we speak about [11, vol. 2, pp. 8, 9].
Lyapunov today, we, first of all, remember his most
famous achievement—the theory of stability, one of the Lyapunov reduced the problem about the stability of
brightest achievements in the mathematics of the late motion for systems with a finite number of degrees of
19th–early 20th centuries. The main areas in which the freedom to study of the stability of an unperturbed
theory of stability had been studied since the 18th cen- (zero) solution. According to Lyapunov, such a solution
tury were the study of small fluctuations around the is called stable if, for an arbitrarily small ε > 0, such a
equilibrium position and perturbation theory in celes- δ > 0 can be found that all perturbed solutions will be
tial mechanics. Although the definition of the stability less than modulo ε, as soon as initial perturbations are
of equilibrium or motion remained unspecified, sub- less than modulo δ.
stantial progress had been achieved by the 1880s in the
To study the question about the stability of motion,
understanding of the phenomenon and the methods of
Lyapunov developed two methods known in the litera-
studying it [10].
ture as the first and second Lyapunov methods. Under
The mathematical statement of the problem (which the first method, Lyapunov himself meant “the totality
we could not present here in a minimally strict manner of all methods of studying stability … which are
without special symbols) led to studying the behavior reduced to a direct study of perturbed motion and,
of the solutions of a system of ordinary differential therefore, are based on a search for general and partic-
equations. If such a system is integrable, the solution of ular solutions of differential equations” [11, vol. 2,
the stated problem is not difficult. However, as is p. 25].
known, this opportunity is very rare. Therefore, the fol-
lowing way was used: this system was linearized and All the constructions related to Lyapunov’s first
the initial problem was replaced by the linearized one; method are connected with integrating linearized sys-
i.e., the solution was reduced to the first approximation. tems, whereas the studies based on his second method
It is evident that to solve the problem of stability for (this is where the principal difference between the two
such a system is a much simpler task, and this is how methods lies!) are qualitative. The second method
the problem of stability had been treated by previous reduced the study of a system’s stability to finding a
authors, such as W. Thomson and P. Tait in the first vol- function that was later called a Lyapunov function.
ume of A Treatise on Nature Philosophy (1867) or Although Lyapunov constructed such functions while
N.E. Zhukovskii in his work “On the Stability of studying different particular cases of the motion of sys-
Motion” (1882). However, it remained fully unclear to tems, he did not offer any general method of their con-
what extent the obtained conclusions were applicable to struction. The respective problems were actively stud-
the initial problem. Using “second approximations” ied already during the 20th century, when problems of
(S.D. Poisson, E. Routh, and others) did not improve stability became very important in engineering sci-
the situation: the problem of stability remained solvable ences. Russian scientists have played an outstanding
for a different, simplified, problem. role in this activity (see, e.g., [10]).
By the 1880s, the problem of developing methods to The second—qualitative—method admits a simple
study stability, which were not limited to approximate geometric interpretation, revealing its conceptual con-
considerations of the question, had become very topi- nection with Poincaré’s method of topographic systems
cal. One example of a strict approach to the stability (although Lyapunov avoided using the geometric vehi-
problem had been given back in 1846 by P.G. Dirichlet, cle). Hence, Lyapunov’s second method may be defined
who suggested a strict proof of Lagrange’s theorem as second in importance to Poincaré’s important
about the stability of an isolated equilibrium position of advancement in the qualitative theory of differential
a conservative system, which corresponded to the equations, the later successes of which were connected
potential energy maximum. In Kharkov, young with the names of J. Hadamard, I. Bendixson,
Lyapunov began to solve it and chose it as the subject G. Birkhoff, and others (see [12]). Soviet scientists
of his doctoral dissertation. His efforts resulted in a made a significant contribution to these studies.



The brothers Lyapunov (left to right): composer S.M. Lyapunov, philologist B.M. Lyapunov, and mathematician A.M. Lyapunov.

In 1954, when working with Lyapunov’s archives, which, as mentioned above, he started to think as soon
V.I. Smirnov found a manuscript of an unknown work as he had graduated from the university. In 1908,
prepared no later than in 1893. It contained a study of Lyapunov participated in the International Mathemati-
one of, in Lyapunov’s terms, “special” (for the solution cal Congress in Rome, and in 1909 he started to work
of which the first approximation proved insufficient) over the publication of the complete works by L. Euler
cases of the stability of unperturbed motion, described as the editor of two volumes. His academic achieve-
by the so-called regular systems of differential equa- ments won international recognition. In 1908,
tions. Lyapunov’s analytical potential had been so great Lyapunov was elected a foreign member of the Italian
that by the year when this work was published— Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, and in 1916, as already
1963—the results contained in it were still unknown. mentioned, a corresponding member of the French
The St. Petersburg period: The end of life. In Academy of Sciences.
Steklov’s words [1, pp. 31, 32], The end of his life was tragic. A severe disease of his
[Lyapunov] devoted all his unique potential to wife (the flare-up of tuberculosis) forced Lyapunov to
his selfless service to science and lived by it move to Odessa in late June of 1917. The general polit-
alone; science was the only reason for him to ical situation in the country was getting worse every
live, and he used to say that life meant nothing to day. The war was going on. In October, another revolu-
him without science. tion broke out. The Civil War began, tearing the country
From the very start of his scholarly career, he into belligerent regions. Normal communication with
worked day by day until 4 or 5 a.m. and some- Petrograd and the Academy of Sciences was cut. Finan-
times came to deliver lectures (at Kharkov Uni- cial difficulties came. The habitual world was collaps-
versity) after a sleepless night. He denied himself ing. The only remaining support was lectures at
every relaxation, and if he was seen occasionally Novorossiisk University, where Lyapunov read a course
(once or twice a year) at the theater or a concert, on the figures of equilibrium for a rotating liquid mass and
these cases were exclusive, such as rare concerts their stability. When his wife died on October 31, 1918, he
of his brother S.M. Lyapunov, a famous com- could not find strength to live further. On the same day
poser. he shot himself from his revolver and died on Novem-
Lyapunov’s move to St. Petersburg in 1901 opened ber 3. He was buried in the same grave with his wife, by
an opportunity for him to devote himself entirely to his will.
research. He focused on the problem of the figure of Lyapunov’s death coincided with very harsh times
equilibrium for a rotating liquid—the problem over suffered by the nation and the Academy. In spite of this,



the Academy performed all memorial honors due to its 2. B. M. Lyapunov, A Brief Survey of the Life and Activity
outstanding deceased member. The Vice President, of A.M. Lyapunov, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otd. Fiz.-Mat.
Academician Steklov, published in the journal Herald Nauk, No. 1 (1930).
of the Academy of Sciences a remarkable article about 3. A. L. Tsykalo, Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov
his teacher, which we have cited more than once [1]. (Nauka, Moscow, 1988) [in Russian].
In March 1919, the Chebyshev and Lyapunov Math- 4. A. M. Lyapunov, Selected Works, Ed. by V. I. Smirnov
ematical Room was established at the Academy, (Akad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, 1948) [in Russian].
where it was planned to keep manuscripts by these 5. A. M. Lyapunov, The General Problem of Motion Stabil-
remarkable mathematicians. Under Steklov’s leader- ity (Kharkov, 1892) [in Russian].
ship, A.A. Fridman and Smirnov prepared for publica- 6. V. I. Smirnov and A. P. Yushkevich, “A.M. Lyapunov’s
tion the original of Lyapunov’s last work “On Certain Correspondence with H. Poincaré and P. Duhem,”
Equilibrium Figures of an Inhomogeneous Rotating Ist.-Mat. Issled., No. 29, 265–284 (1985).
Liquid,” which was published in 1925–1927. In 1924, 7. A. P. Yushkevich, A History of Mathematics in Russia
at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Tor- before 1917 (Nauka, Moscow, 1968) [in Russian].
onto, Steklov delivered a speech dedicated to the mem-
ory of his outstanding teacher. 8. A. M. Lyapunov, Works on Potential Theory, Ed. by
N. I. Akhiezer and G. I. Drinfel’d (Gostekhteorizdat,
In the subsequent years, the flow of studies continu- Moscow, 1949) [in Russian].
ing and developing the great master’s ideas was grow- 9. B. V. Gnedenko and O. B. Sheinin, “Probability Theory,”
ing. However, this was later. On the last day of October in Mathematics of the 19th Century: Mathematical
1918, when he put his finished memoir into his desk Logic, Algebra, Theory of Numbers, and Probability
and took the revolver, all around him looked com- Theory, Ed. by A. N. Kolmogorov and A. P. Yushkevich
pletely hopeless. (Nauka, Moscow, 1978) [in Russian].
10. I. B. Pogrebysskii, “Stability Theory,” in A History of
V.V. Kozlov, Mechanics from the End of the 18th Century to the Mid-
Academician dle of the 20th Century, Ed. by A. T. Grigor’yan and
I. B. Pogrebysskii (Nauka, Moscow, 1972) [in Russian].
11. A. M. Lyapunov, Collected Works, 5 Vols. (Akad. Nauk
S.S. Demidov, SSSR, Moscow, 1955–1965), Vols. 1–4 [in Russian].
Dr. Sci. (Phys.–Math.) 12. S. S. Demidov, (with collaboration of S. S. Petrova and
N. I. Simonov), “Ordinary Differential Equations,” in
Mathematics of the 19th Century: The Chebyshev Line of
REFERENCES Research in the Theory of Functions, Ordinary Differen-
1. V. A. Steklov, “Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov,” in tial Equations, Variational Calculus, and The Theory of
A. M. Lyapunov, Works on Potential Theory (Gostekh- Finite Differences, Ed. by A. N. Kolmogorov and
teorizdat, Moscow, 1949), pp. 9–32 [in Russian]. A. P. Yushkevich (Nauka, Moscow, 1987) [in Russian].


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