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As a vehicle is useless without the fuel, likewise a country growth is impossible with it.

Economic is the pre-requisite for social development, economic and political harmony.

Play an important role in upgrading the standard of society

Economic progress is the life line of the social, political and economic development

Decline is the bottle neck for the country development.

Crisis is the death blow to the social, political and economic development.

Indeed, No doubt,

There is no denying the fact that

Twenty-first century is the age of ….

The most beautiful movement of life of human is when someone of your own blood call you mama and
papa and parents provide all the best of everything to new born with high frequency.

Linking paragraph words:

Moreover, Similarly, Besides, Meanwhile, In the same manner, Likewise, Furthermore, In addition, In the
same way, In the same fashion, In the same manner, Adding more to it, Truly speaking, Last but not
least, To conclude, To cut the long story short, To sum up, In a nut shell, it can be said that ….. In
addition to it…

In this modern age, Secondly, Thirdly, Fourthly, By and large, Apart from it , To add to it, In the same
way, it can be said that, Someone has rightly remarked, “”.

Historical background

History is evident of the fact that……, The era of Musharraf is the crystal evident of war economy in the
shape of coalition fund.

Historical background as old as human history or society and shows discouraging/ encouraging results in
the form of destruction, construction etc.

Islamic history, political and economic history is evident …..

Various attempts have been taken in the past to eradicate the…..


As every problem has some causes, ____ are the major responsible factors of consideration…..bread the

Multiple causes behind _________ in Pakistan/world can be listed under the political, economic and
social contexts.

As each crisis has some effects, similarly….

Everything’s has pros and cons in the world.

Illiteracy generate corruption, give birth to corruption, added fuel on the spreading of corruption, is
responsible for …

Linking sentences

Not only poverty is responsible for this but … also

Bad governance also contribute/bottle neck

Along with this other factor such as is responsible to enhance terrorism.


Short term policies

 It is a pathological issue, need treatment in the form of psychological, social , promotion of

 It is a political issue, need political response in the shape of institutional role
 It is economical issue, need economic push in the form of trade, business, banking

Medium term polices : Dynamic interaction of people, discussion on international media for viable
suggestions. These medium term polices give birth to the success stories of the nations such as india is
economic agent, turkey with strong political entity etc.

Long term polices


In a nutshell, it can be said that the issue has reached an alarming stage and matter of life and death for
………….. Someone rightly said that, “” Someone has rightly remarked that

 “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

 “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose”. Lyndon B. Johnson
 “Victory is the only solution in crisis for the survival of nations”
 “Take care of the present and the future will take care of itself”
 Shakespeare rightly said, “ There is nothing either good or bad , but thinking makes it so”
 “ Variety is the spice of life “
 “ Try, Try again till you succeed”
 “ Coward die many times before their death but the heroic never taste of death but once”
 “ Every dark cloud has a sliver linning in it”

Beside these, the positive role of international and regional organization such as US, NATO, OIC, SARRC,
should set together and seek a way out to encourage….. and discourage ……….crisis. The solution need
full determination and strong political will. It can be overcome with the help of these two so that the
people of the state enjoy the era of globalization and socialization.

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