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1 Steps to perform in PeopleSoft after a refresh

Note: the following steps do not necessarily have to be performed for every refresh


(Bypass this step unless being requested to do so) Export any security that you need to preserve from the target database to a flat file. Data Mover is a nice tool to use for this since you can qualify each table with a list of operator ID's to export. The tables you should consider exporting for specific users are PSOPRDEFN, PSOPRALIAS, PSROLEUSER, PSUSERATTR, PSUSEREMAIL, PSUSERPRSNLOPTN, PS_ROLEXLATOPR and PS_RTE_CNTL_RUSER.


PSDBOWNER Table setup

After the refresh, set DBNAME in PSDBOWNER back to the target database name. Ex: update PS.PSDBOWNER set DBNAME = 'Target-DB-Name' where DBNAME = 'Source-DB-Name' and OWNERID = 'SYSADM';


Change Global Name


PSOPTIONS table setup

Set GUID to ' ' in the PSOPTIONS table. This will cause PeopleSoft to generate a new GUID so that change assistant can track it separately from the source database. In Sql*Plus: update PSOPTIONS set GUID = ' '; commit;


Change Access Password (SYSADM)

In Datamover: set log c:\temp\sysadm.log; CHANGE_ACCESS_PASSWORD SYSADM1 <password>; NOTE: Check the Symbolic ID first. It is not nessessarely equal to the Access ID. OR Start PeopleTools Tools -> Miscellaneous Objects -> Access Profiles The Access Profile Name is the Symbolic ID.

select * from sysadm.PSACCESSPRFL; SYMBOLICID VERSION ACCESSID ACCESSPSWD ENCRYPTED ------------------------ ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------SYSADM1 4 06DE6F1A406C9DAC 7778E525A489C9A2 1


Clear application server, web server and process scheduler cache.


Clear up data in tables

Delete the data from the reporting tables, process scheduler tables and application messaging tables since this data isn't relevant in the target database. Run prcsclr.dms, rptclr.dms and appmsgpurgeall.dms. In addition, also delete from the report manager tables PSRF_RATTR_TBL; PSRF_RSCRTY_TBL; PSRF_RINFO_TBL; and delete from PSRF_FINFO_TBL where PSRF_PRNT_FLDR_ID <> 0;

1.7.1 Purge Process Scheduler Start Datamover in Bootstrap Mode (sysadm/password)

RUN ...\scripts\PRCSCLR.DMS;

1.7.2 Purge Report Repository Tables

RUN ...\scripts\RPTCLR.DMS;

1.7.3 Purge Application Messaging

This script deletes the queue data from every archive or live message table in the database. Typically, you run this script after an upgrade or while switching from your demonstration to your production environment. RUN ...\scripts\APPMSGPURGEALL.DMS;

1.7.4 Purge archive message queues

This script deletes the queue data from every archive message table in the database. RUN ...\scripts\AppMsgPurgeArchive.dms:

1.7.5 Purge live message queues

This script deletes the queue data from every live message table in the database. RUN ...\scripts\AppMsgPurgeLive.dms:


Reset e-mail addresses (if required)

If you have a script to reset everyone's e-mail address to a pre-defined value so that workflow messages from the Test environment don't get sent to real users, run it now. It should update the PSUSEREMAIL and PS_ROLEXLATOPR tables. NOTE: This is recommended when refreshing a dev database from a copy of production.

update ps_rolexlatopr set emailid=' '; commit; update PSUSEREMAIL set emailid=' '; commit;


Import the security Only if you exported in step 1.

1.10 Change the Web Profile (if required)

Note: Must be done prior to start the web server.

1.11 Restart Appserv and Webserver

NOTE: Do not start the process scheduler yet.

1.12 Change Application Password (PS)

1.12.1 Change PS password

Change it in PeopleSoft Security OR Updating psoprdefn table And then encrypting as follows: encrypt_password PTWEBSERVER;

1.13 Update the Report Node configuration

Verify your Process Scheduler Servers are using the correct node configuration. Start Process Scheduler on Unix Start Process Scheduler on the Windows Server.

1.14 Change password rules if required.

Dev and/or Production.

PeopleTools -> Security -> Password Configuration -> Password Controls

1.15 Change the PeopleBook URL:
Open Tab: General EX: In PeopleTools -> Web Profile -> Web Profile Configuration

1.16 Change the Debugging options:

Open Tab: Debugging

1.17 Change the Timeout value

Navigate to PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration -> Security

1.18 Building Search Indexes For Portal Applications

using You can build a search index from the portal administration pages and schedule the build process

PeopleSoft Process Scheduler. Each time that you build the search index, the index is entirely rebuilt, and any previous entries are overwritten.

1.19 Reconfigure REN servers and clusters

startup. Reconfigure REN servers and clusters if the application server didn't configure it correctly at NOTE: If the Application Server does not startup because of the ren server: - Disable the ren server in PSADMIN - Start the Application Server See Appendix A for Screen Shots PeopleTools -> REN Server Configuration -> Ren Server Cluster - Click on Buffer Test - Click on Ping Test

1.20 Reconfigure Integration Broker/Gateway

1.21 Validate the SMTP email address

Make sure the SMTP email requestor is valid in the Appserv and PRCS config files
1.22 Recreate database links

If needed:
1.23 Refresh Code If was requested make sure you copy all of the batch objects on both Unix and Windows servers. SQRs, Cobols, Parms, Scripts, Crystals, Word Templates etc

1.24 Run sample jobs, At least one from each process type and verify they executed as expected and reports were posted and distributed.

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