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Santosh khadka
Science and Technology
Inventions and Contributions of Famous Scientists
Archimedes (287 B.C. - 212 B.C.)
 He was born in Cecily, Greece
 His teacher was Euclid (Father of Geometry)
 He has major contribution in the area of Mathematics
 He is known as the "Father of Experiment and "Geometrical Monster"
 Created formula to find out the value of Pie ( )
 Found out the radius of Sun and Moon
 Invented mirror, catapult and water screw
 Founder of: Principle of Buoyancy, Upthrust, Floatation, Lever
 Famous Quotes :
 Give me a place to stand, I will move the earth
 Eureka!! Eureka!!!
Galileo Gallelei (1564 February 15 – 1642 January 8)
 He was born in Pisa, Italy.
 Galileo first defined Gravitation.
 He proved that,
 The Earth rotates in its own axis, The Earth is not constant.
 All the objects fall at the same rate in vacuum.
 The surface of the Moon is not smooth; the Moon doesn't have its own light.
 He invented Telescope (1609A.D.), Thermometer, Pendulum and Satellites of Jupiter.
Sir Isaac Newton "Father of Physics" (1642 December 25 - 1727 March 20)
 He was born in Kingsayar, England.
 The three laws of motion were propounded by Newton in 1687 A.D.
 1st law - definition of Force,
 2nd law - Measurement of force,
 3rd law - Property of force.
 Founder of Calculus and propounded Law of Gravitation in 1686 A.D.
 He identified seven colors in rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
and found Rainbow occurs due to dispersion of light.
 Isaac Newton was rewarded with the title "Sir" in 1705 A.D. by the Great Queen of UK.
Michael Faraday "Father of Electricity" "Prince of experiment" (1791 A.D – 1867 A.D.)
 Discovered the law of Electromagnetic induction.
 He invented dynamo, generator, motor, voltaic cell, Transformer.
John Dalton (1766 - 1844)
 He discovered the law of partial pressure (P=P1+P2+P3+……Pn)
 He first discovered that an atom contains Electron, Proton and Neutron.
 The famous principle of Chemistry 'Atomic Principle" was discovered by John Dalton.
Albert Einstein "Father of Science" (1879 March 14 - 1955 April 18)
 Discovered "Theory of Relativity" in 1905 A.D. and Brownian motion.
 Discovered the "General theory of relativity" in 1915 A.D.
 Gave birth to a famous equation, E=mc2 (E- velocity of light, M- Mass, C- energy)
 Atom Bomb was discovered based on this equation E=mc2
 Received Nobel Prize for the study of “Photo Electric Effect” in 1921 A.D. in physics
 His brain has been kept safely in Princeton hospital, USA and is under research
 He rejected the proposal to be the president of Israel
 He died in New Jersey, USA at the age of 76
Thomas Alba Edison "Scientist of Scientists" (1847 – 1931)
 He is called the wizard of the Menlo park. Edison built his famous laboratory in
Menlo park where he invented the phonograph and electric light.
 He has more than 1000 inventions to his name "father of Invention"
 He used to forget his own name
 His first invention was Telegram in 1868 A.D.
 His major inventions are Typewriter, Memograph, Movie Camera, Motion Picture
Machine, Loud Speaker, Electric Bulb, Phonograph, Gramophone, Movie Projector
 His famous Quote: Genius is 1% Inspiration and 99% Perspiration.
Guglielmo Marconi (1874 April 25 - 1937 A.D)
 Invented wireless telegram in 1897A.D.
 He connected USA and Europe through wireless telegraph for the first time in 1901.
 Invented Radio, Magnetic detector
Madam Curie (1867 November 7–1934 July 4)
 She was born in Warsaw (Poland)
 The first lady to receive Nobel Prize
 She was awarded with Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 along with her husband and her
teacher Henry Byaukurel for the discovery of Polonium and Radium.
 She was awarded with Nobel Prize for the second time in chemistry in 1911 A.D for
the discovery of purified Radium
 She discovered X-Radiography
 She died of cancer in 1934 A.D in France
Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895)
 Discovered the theory of pasteurization, organism can be killed by boiling (any liquid
heated at 55°C for half an hour, the organism gets killed) in 1865 A.D.
 Developed Germ theory of disease based on fermentation process
 Developed vaccine against Rabies in 1855 A.D.
 Developed Insulin vaccine, Tuberculosis vaccine, sterilization process
Charles Darwin (1809 A.D - 1882 A.D)
 He studied about “The Theory of Development”
 He studied about the human development in Galapagos Island Along With Robert
Wallace. He used a ship named Beagle for his research in Galapagos Island
 His famous theories are
 Origin of Species and Natural Selection (1859)
 Theory of Struggle for existence
 Theory of Survival of the fittest
Stephen William Hawkins (1942 January 8 – 2018 March 14)
 He was born in England, Oxford
 The greatest scientist after Newtown and Einstein
 He suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
 He is the author of famous books like
 A brief history of time (1988)
 A brief history of universe (1991)
 Black holes and the baby universe
 The universe is a nut shell (2001 A.D)
 God created integers : The mathematical break through that changed the history
J.J. Thompson: He discovered Electron and Received Nobel Prize in 1904 A.D
Ottohan "Father of Nuclear Chemistry"
 Received Nobel Prize in 1944 A.D for Nuclear Fission
Nicolas Copernicus: He discovered Heliocentric Theory
 He proved that the earth revolves round the sun for the first time
Alfred Nobel (1833 A.D. - 1896 A.D.)
 He was born in Sweden. He invented Dynamite
 Nobel prize was established in his memory
 Nobel Prize was distributed from 1901 A.D. (Nobel prize in Economics from1969)
Har Govinda Khorana: He discovered artificial gene
Inventions related to day to day use
 Paper: Cailun (China) Watch: A.L. Vriget
 Printing Press: Johanes Gutenburg (Germany) Fountain Pen:: Waterman
 Photocopy Machine: Chester Carlson F.M Radio: Edwin Armstrong
 Ball point pen: George and Ladislao Biro Telephone: J.L. Baird
 Ice Cream: Jerald Tissain Coca-Cola: John Yasterdern
 Toothbrush: William Addis, England Paint: Shalimar
 Washing machine: Charles Stone Air conditioner: Wilis H. Carrier
 Battery: Alsandro Volta Blade: Gillette
 Contact lenses: Adolf Eugene Flick Paint: Shalimar
 Telephone: Alexander Grahmbell Calculator: Blaise Pascal
Arms and ammunition related inventions:
 Pistol / Revolver: Samuel colt Machine gun: Richard Jordan Gateling
 Ak - 47 Rifle: Michael Kalashnikov, Russia Military tank: Swinton
 Gun Powder: Roger Bacon Atom Bomb: Ottohan
Machinery Inventions:
 Diesel Engine: Rudolf diesel Steam Engine (1769): James watt
 Gas Engine/Automobile: Diamler Helicopter: Broquet
 Motor Car: Karl Bench Sewing Machine: Elias Howe
 Motor Cycle: Gotiwin Daveler Bicycle (1842): Mac Milan
 Liquid fuel rocket Engine: Robert Goddard Radar: Robert Watson Watt
 Airplane: Wilber Wright and Orville Wright (Wright Brothers)
Medical and Biological Inventions:
 Tuberculosis, Cholera: Robert Koch Polio vaccine: John Salk
 Rabies vaccine: Louis Pasteur Insulin: Sir. Frederic Grant Banting (1921)
 X-Ray: Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen Penicillin: Alexander Fleming, Scotland
 Heart transplantation: Christian Bernard Finger Print: Sir Francis Galton
 Analysis of mind and brain: Sigmund Fraid Bacteria: Leuen Hawk
 Vaccine for Chicken Pox: Edward Jenner DNA: Watson and Crick
 Diphtheria and Tetanus Antitoxin: Email Won Behring
 B.C.G. vaccine: Albert Lyon Calumet and Clime Guerin
Discoveries/Inventions related to Chemistry and Physics
 Laughing Gas N2o: Joseph priest Oxygen gas: Joseph Priest
 Neon, Helium: Ramjet Periodic table: Mendeleev
Other Major Inventions/Discoveries
 Refrigerator: Baltzar van paltten Rubber Tyre: Dunlop
 Parachute: Faust Vrancic, Croatia Atom Bomb: J. R. Oppenheimer
 Balloon (1883): Joseph and Jacob Mont Golfer Barometer: Torecilli
 Braille writing system: Louis Braille Croskograph : Jagdish Chandra Boss
 Mercury thermometer: Gabriel Fahrenheit Alcohol thermometer: Daniel Gabriel

Father of Different Branches of Science

 Biology and Zoology: Aristotle Medicine: Hippocrates
 Botany: Theo Prates Nuclear Chemistry: Ottohan
 Chemistry: Robert Boyle Ayurveda: Dhanawantari
 Modern Chemistry: Antoine - Laurent Lavoisier Mutation: Hugo De Varies
 Blood circulation: William Harvey Genetics: Gregory John Mendel
 Modern Genetics: William Bateson Modern Taxonomy: Carlos Linnaeus
 Paleontology: Leonardo Da Vinci
Major Theories of Science and Their Profounder:
 Evolution: Charles Darwin Atomic Fission: Enrich Fermi
 Velocity of light: Rohmer Quantum theory: Max Plank
 Electron theory: Neil Bohr Atomic theory: John Dalton
 Germ theory of disease: Louis Pasteur Heliocentric theory : Nicolas Copernicus

Study of Different Branches of Science

 Archaeology: Study of Ancient history
 Astrology: Study of relationship between astronomical phenomena and the events in
the human world.
 Astronomy: Study of Natural Science which is the study of celestial bodies.
 Calligraphy: The art of writing beautiful handwriting
 Cosmology: Study of the origin, evolution & eventual fate of the universe
 Enology: Study of wine and wine making
 Herpetology: Study of reptiles and amphibians
 Jurisprudence: The Philosophy or science of law
 Paleontology: Study of fossils to determine organisms evolution & interaction with
each other and environment
 Phenology: Study of mental processes in humans
 Apology: Study of bees Entomology: Study of Insects
 Ornithology: Study of Birds Ichtyology: Study of fishes
 Pyrology: Study of fire Selenology: Study of Moon
 Semilogy: Study of Sign Theology: Study of God
 Vexillology: Study of flags Xylology: Study of wood
 Epigraphy: Study of inscriptions Lexicography: art of making dictionary
Scientific Instruments and their Uses
 Alcovinometer: to measure strength of wine
 Algometer: to measure the amount of pain in the body
 Ammeter: to detect the flow of electric current/charges
 Barometer: to measure atmospheric pressure
 Chronometer: to detect accurate time in water ship
 Encephalograph: to record brain images
 Fathometer: to detect the depth of oceans, rivers, lake, seas using sound
 Galvanometer: to detect small amount of electric current
 Hubble constant: to measure the speed of the expansion of Universe
 Hydrophone: to record sound under water
 Lactometer: to determine the relative density/ purity of milk
 Microscope: to magnify smaller objects to large objects
 Motor: to convert electrical energy into speed energy
 Sillometer: to measure speed of ship
 Sphygmomanometer: to measure blood pressure
 Stethescope: to listen heart beats
 Voltmeter: to measure electrical potential difference between 2 points in an electric
 Voltameter: to detect the dispersion of current

 Charles Babbage is called the "Father of Computer"
 The first use of computer in Nepal: 2028 B.S., in the 7th Census
 The name of the first computer used: IBM-1401
Generation of Computers:

First generation (1940-1956): The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and
magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms
Second generation (1956-1963): Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the
Second generation of computers
Third generation (1964-1971): The development of the Integrated Circuit (IC) for memory
was the hallmark of the Third Generation Computers
Fourth generation (1971-Present): The microprocessors (Micro-Chips) brought the fourth
generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip.
Fifth generation (Present and beyond): Fifth generation computing devices based on
Artificial Intelligence (Bio-Chips), are still in development, though there are some applications,
such as voice recognition, that are being used today
Data storage capacity (Memory Units):
 4 bit: 1nibble 8 bit: 1 byte
 1024 B : 1 KB (Kilo Byte) 1024 KB : 1 MB (Mega Byte)
 1024 MB : 1 GB (Giga Byte) 1024 GB: 1 TB (Tera Byte)
Founder of Different Social Networking sites and Computer Applications and Software:
 Internet: Robert E. Kahn, Vent Cerf, 1950 A.D.
 Email: Raymond Tomlinson, 1971 A.D.
 Microsoft comp: Bill gates and Paul Allen 1975
 World Wide Web (www): Tim Berne’s Lee, 1989 A.D.
 Yahoo: David Filo, Jerry Yang, 1995 A.D.
 Google: Larry page, Sergey Brine, 1998 A.D.
 Wikipedia: Jimmy Wales, Larry Sanger, 2001
 Face book: Mark Jukerberg, 2004 February 4
 Gmail: Paul Burchett, 2004
 YouTube: Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, 2005
Modern Information and Technology (Bio -Technology):
 Karl Erley from Hungary in 1919 A.D. coined the term "Biotechnology"
 The first Country to produce mushroom through Bio-technology is China.
 Alexander Fleming in 1928 A.D. produced Penicillin, the first antibiotic
 Examples of Bio-technology are DNA testing, tissue culture, artificial fertilization,
genetic engineering, cloning and vegetative propagation
 The First Tissue Culture centre was established in Godawari in 2034 B.S.
 The process of bringing change in the gene of an organism and plants through
artificial methods is called Genetic Engineering. DNA and protein are mostly used in
genetic engineering
 The structure of DNA was discovered by James Watson and Crick (USA) in 1953
 The similar cells obtained from the somatic cell division is known as clone
 The first person to prepare a clone is Ian Wilmette
 The first cloned animal is sheep named Dolly in 1996 A.D.
 The first test tube baby of the world is Louise Joy Brown born in 1978 July 25 in
Oldham General Hospital, Oldham.
 The first test tube baby of Nepal is Om Mani Tamang born in 2061 Falgun 20.
 The persons to evolve the technique to produce the first test tube baby are Robert
Edwards and Patrick Steptoe

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