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long suggestion i know

passive: Molten Fuel

every time Enigma kills something, they refuel themselves, gaining full health and
recharging the empowered moves
It takes 3 kills to refuel Enigma's empowered c
Enigma also gains 1.25x damage above 80% health but 0.75x damage under 30% health

enigma e
Enigma activates rocket thrusters in the hammer, gaining a speed boost (slightly
slower than sprint? idk)
after using a move in this state, gain exhaustion and overheat.
Enigma will lose its orange glow and recharge, making you unable to use moves for 5
Enigma will reactivate after 5 seconds via a fancy animation(the fancy animation is
important i swear)
Enigma will also gain 1 second endlag(exhaustion) after using any empowered move.
M1s have a grey tint and deal 5 dmg in this state.(maybe different animations?)
Empowered moves cannot be used again until refueled by molten fuel.

skill 1 z2 becomes enigmatic explosion

if not charged, Enigma slams the ground with little delay which erupts 3 massive
explosions in front of Enigma
if charged, Enigma slam the ground in front of it,
staggering people in a small area and making the ground shake before a pillar of
lava bursts forth that has the same properties
as Sunderers flame wall but lasts shorter

skill 2 x2 (ran out of edgy names)

Enigma cast Fiery Pursuit but after they blast themselves away, they give the enemy
a split second to react before boosting again
then hitting the enemy really hard with the hammer, dealing 25 dmg(follow up is a
if the follow up somehow misses, enigma will zoom at mach 10 into a wall or out of
the map.

skill 3 c2(ran out of edgy names (again)

Enigma sets the hammer upside down and sits on it, blasting into the sky. After a
long time, Enigma holds on to the hammer while it speeds back down,
eventually overheating itself and knocking down Enigma away from it for 20 self
The hammer hits the ground really hard while knocking down people around it. Enigma
then seemingly deactivates, before exploding in a massive radius
while Enigma watches from a distance.
Enigma is unable to use any moves after using (insert move name here) and must
retrieve the hammer after using this move.
the hammer overheats for 10 seconds after (insert move name here) finishes.(starts
counting from after the explosion)
fancy animations are prefarable

skill 4 v2 (insert edgy name)

Enigma boosts the rocket thrusters even more and slides on its hammer. When in
contact with an enemy,
Enigma will drag the enemy under the hammer and deal repetitive damage. After a
short while, Enigma will explode the hammer two times before finally
blasting the enemy away with a massive fiery eruption/explosion.
is a grab
slides for 2 seconds, is really hard to turn

make enigma x self burn on startup and self 10 damage when you hit a enemy
make enigma x last forever until you hit a wall or someone but really hard to turn
meke enigma v just do the final explosion thing if not held down
if held down do the spin and gain self burn until let go, which does the big
explosion thing (gain unstoppable when spinning? m1 outdamages it but idk)
make it be canceled if you get hit by anything during the startup
make enigma c grab in the air if close to someone
make it a ground slam instead of an explosion would look cooler(or not) or just
dont change it

I made this in my free time just for fun, and you can do anything with it lol
remove jump(universal options are mid)

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