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Cranial Cavity and CNS

Lecture outline

 Cranial Cavity
 Central Nervous System
Figure 8.1 Major compartments of the head and neck.

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Skull – some basic facts

Can be divided into 2 parts:

a. Neurocranium(cranial vault): consist of 8 bones- 4
singular bones (frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, occipital) &
2 sets of bilateral pairs (temporal and parietal)
b. Viscerocranium (facial skeleton- develops from
mesenchyme of embryonic pharyngeal arches): consist
of 15 irregular bones (3 singular bones – mandible,
ethmoid & vomer) and 6 pairs of bilateral bones
(maxilla, inferior nasal concha; and zygomatic,
palatine, nasal and lacrimal bones)
(Bones of the ear (2 pairs) – maleus, incus, stapes)
Skull - basics
Figure 8.7 Skull. A. Bones. Skull. B. Sutures. C. Fontanelles.

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Figure 8.7 Skull. A. Bones. Skull. B. Sutures. C. Fontanelles.

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Anterior Cranial Fossa
Middle Cranial Fossa
Posterior Cranial Fossa
Cervical Vertebrae

Figure 8.8 Cervical vertebrae. A. Typical features. B. Atlas-vertebra CI (superior view). C. Axis-vertebra CII (superior view). D. Atlas and axis (anterolateral view). E.
Atlanto-occipital joint (posterior view).

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Bones of the orbit

The following seven bones

form the orbit:

 Sphenoid.
 Frontal.
 Zygomatic.
 Ethmoid.
 Lacrimal.
 Maxilla.
 Palatine.
Bones of the orbit
Medial view of the
right orbit
Anterior view – cross section
Structures passing through...
Extraocular muscles
Extra-ocular muscles

Lacrimal gland
Central Nervous System
Divisions of the nervous system

 Central Nervous System (CNS)

 Brain and Spinal Cord

 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

 Cranial (12 pairs) and spinal nerves (31 pairs)
 Consist of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)-
(In voluntary)Sympathetic and Parasympathetic),
and Somatic Nervous System (Voluntary)
Covering of CNS



Ref: Google image

Brain – lateral view

Ref: Google image

Brain-medial surface
Brain- Lobes
Visual cortex
Thalamus & Hypothalamus
Brainstem Anatomy
Cranial nerves

Ref: Google image

Cranial nerve
Cerebellar anatomy
Spinal nerves
Spinal cord
Spinal cord and spinal nerves

Ref: Google image

Spinal cord -Main tracts
Tracts & Functions

….and many more….

Recommended online reading and notes...
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