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FS 2 Learning Episode 1: THE TEACHER WE REMEMBER


Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I need improvement in?

- The personality trait I possess is that I take responsibility for my actions, even if it means
affecting my ego. If I know that I am in the wrong, I do my best to correct my actions and
apologize for what is needed.
- The personality that I do not possess is confidence. Even if I already know the correct
answer, I always end up thinking twice or not even trying to answer. 
- I need improvement on my confidence because in teaching, confidence is a huge factor,
especially when you are going to demonstrate your lesson to your superiors.

Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating?

- Leadership is what I am capable of demonstrating because I take full responsibility for

my actions, and I can decide what is best for my leaders. I use the term "leaders" because
I know my followers are natural leaders. They only need encouragement to arouse their
leadership skills, and as a leader, it is my job to do that.
In which competencies do I need to develop more?

- Communication. Because there are times when it is hard for me to articulate my thought,
especially when I feel intimidated. I know that I can communicate well if I’m
comfortable. But when I start to feel nervous, it is hard for me to speak fluently.
Who are the teachers that we remember most?

- I will always remember my first teachers, which were my aunt, who raised me since I
was a year old and taught me how to be kind to others, and my father, who taught me to
be patient and avoid bad habits. Of course, I will always remember my teachers from
high school who have helped me personally and professionally.


- In my observation, the students have a playful behavior even if the teacher is in front of
them discussing the lesson. The students who are trying to participate in the discussions
are being distracted by the other students who are making distractions.


- Students from the DCNHS grade 7 sections 17 and 18 have the same case of a problem.
70% - 80% are too playful with their classmates, and others are too distracted with

3. PLAN.

- To lessen or alter their playful behavior, I will give them a task. The students will group
themselves into four and make the chaotic student a leader. They will create a short story
and perform it in front of them.
- Rearranging their designated seats and separating those who create distractions.
- There should be space at least 1 meter apart from their seatmates. 

4. ACT

- I will ask my cooperating teacher if I am allowed to execute my plan for her students. If
she allowed me, my first strategy is to rearrange their seats and have them at least 1 or 1.5
meters apart from their classmates. After that, I will give them the activity I have
prepared and make the chaotic students a leader so they will start to take responsibility
and mature.


Direction: Read the questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which behavior does a great teacher who can empathize with his/her students display?

a) Feels what students feel

b) b. Expects students to understand his/her feelings
c) c. Gives no assignment
d) d. Makes test easy
2. According to students, a great teacher is "chill". What does this mean? Teacher is _____

I. Cool
II. Calm
III. Doesn't get overwhelmed
a) I, II, and III
b) I and II
c) I only
d) I and II

3. Which professional competency refers to content knowledge and pedagogy?

I. Apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy grounded on content knowledge

and current research

II. Display proficiency in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in the teaching learning process

III. Demonstrate skill in the use of communication strategies, teaching strategies and
technologies to promote high quality learning

a) I only
b) II only
c) I and II
d) I, II and III

4. To address the diversity of learners, which professional competency must teacher display?

a) Apply interactive teaching

b) Do differentiated teaching
c) Use problem-based learning
d) Employ project-based learning

5. In the Southeast Asian Teachers Competency Framework, who is at the center with Students
also viewed whom the professional teacher relates?

a) The professional teacher

b) The school head
c) The joyful learner
d) The parent




The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers defines teacher quality in the
Philippines. The standards describe the expectations of teachers' increasing levels of knowledge,
practice and professional engagement. The standards allow for teachers' growing understanding,
applied with increasing sophistication across a broader and more complex range of
teaching/learning situations.

Four Career Stages of the PPST

BEGINNING (Career Stage 1) Teachers who have gained the qualifications recognized for
entry into the teaching profession and need support from more experienced colleagues. The
implication of this career stage is that it offers realistic requirements of teachers in training. TEI's
what they need to guide the design of teacher education programs and judge pre-service teacher

PROFICIENT (Career Stage 2) Teachers who independently apply teaching principles and
strategies skills vital to the teaching and learning process. The implication of this career stage is
for teachers of good quality in school and is what teachers need to enjoy success and a sense of
genuine professionalism. Also, it allows a focus for school-based induction for beginning

HIGHLY PROFICIENT (Career Stage 3) Teachers who consistently display a high level of
performance in their teaching practice, mentor colleagues and work collegially with other staff. It
allows a focus on high-quality teaching and mentoring which is a defining characteristic of a
profession where established practitioners exercise responsibility for the development of their
DISTINGUISHED (Career Stage 4) Teachers who embody the highest standards for teaching
grounded in global best practice and lead colleagues in promoting quality teaching and learning.
Teacher shows exemplary teaching and is recognized as a leader and mentor in teaching and

Quality teachers in the Philippines need to possess the following characteristics:

Domain 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Recognize the importance of mastery of content knowledge and its interconnectedness

within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound and critical understanding of the
application of theories and principles of teaching and learning.

Domain 2. Learning Environment

Provide learning environments that are safe, secure, fair and supportive in order to
promote learner responsibility and achievement. They create an environment that is learning-
focused and they efficiently manage learner behavior in a physical and virtual space.

Domain 3. Diversity of Learners

Establish learning environments that are responsive to learner diversity. They respect
learners’ diverse characteristics and experiences as inputs to the planning and design of learning

Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning

Interact with the national and local curriculum requirements. They translate curriculum
content into learning activities that are relevant to learners and based on the principles effective
teaching and learning.

Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting

Apply a variety of assessment tools and strategies in monitoring, evaluating,

documenting and reporting learners' needs, progress and achievement.

Domain 6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

Establish school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning environment, as
well as the community's engagement in the educative process. They identify and respond to
opportunities that link teaching and learning in the classroom to the experiences, interests and
aspirations of the wider school community and other key stakeholders.

Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development

Value personal growth and professional development and exhibit high personal regard for
the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of teaching such as caring
attitude, respect and integrity

"The mediocre teacher tells

The good teacher explains

The superior teacher demonstrate

The GREAT teacher inspires”




What concepts have been emphasized in the task and infographics? Give at least four.

1. The teaching method and adaptation of a teaching strategy in order to solve the day to
day problem in class setting.
2. Models/Guide for conducting an Action Research; McNiff &Whitehead 2006
(Adaptation), Nelson, O 2014 Model, and the Department of Education (DO 16) 2017
3. The main purpose of Action Research is to change and improve the strategies and
4. Action research is a continuous, method that involves observation, reflection, action,
evaluation, and modification to move in a new direction.

Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements of the three?
- The common elements among the three models for action research are; Observe, Reflect,
Plan, and Act.

As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing?



- Because action research helps you to identify and use different teaching strategies for different
types of students, since not everyone has the same behavior, this will help us solve the common
problem of the students. Action research helps both the student and researcher to improve.

How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher?

- When you observe, you identify the problem. When you reflect, you understand the situation.
Once you have identified and understood the main problem, we can proceed to plan the strategy
to change or help the students and act on what is necessary to your plan.


Direction: Check from the choices, what answer/s respond to the question correctly and put an ex
if otherwise

1. Action research requires a teacher to be

______ Observant of what is happening in the classroom.

______ Asking oneself of how to improve teaching.

______ Following the daily routine all the time.

______ Finding ways on how children should learn better

______ Blaming learners for their inability to learn.

2. There are many ways of doing action research which follow a cyclical process. The

______ Observe, Reflect, Plan, Act X Observe, Plan, Act, Reflect

______ Reflect, Act, Plan, Observe X Plan, Observe, Act, Reflect

______ Modify, Observe, Plan, Reflect

3. As an action researcher, I will be developing my skill as a person who is

______ Systematic

______ Reflective

______ Rigorous

______ Futuristic

______ Situational

4. On which of the following would you choose to conduct an Action Research why?

______ Changes in the classroom practice. Why?

______ Effects of curriculum restructuring. Why?

______ Understanding of self as a teacher. Why?

______ Teaching a new process to the students. Why?

5. Which of the following relates closely to what action research is?

______ Used to address practical problems in the classroom

______ Refers only to everyday life of the learners

______ Allows teachers to study their own classroom

______ Brings theories and practice together




Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily life of a teacher. This scenario
might also be similar to the class you have observed noticed.

Scenario A: Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has forty
learners in her class. One half of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
She has been repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no progress was observe. This
situation has been bothering Miss Fely

Can you identify, Miss Fely's problem? Can you find a solution to solve her problem?
Give your two suggestions.
- Ms. Fely should try to go back to basics, such as explaining the meaning of
vertebrates and invertebrates. Set examples that are easier to comprehend on
their level. Show pictures of videos.
- Ms. Fely should try using different approaches, such as interactive teaching or
constructive teaching. Students learn through interaction and by building on
their previous knowledge and experiences by actively engaging in the learning

What solution can solve Miss Fely's problem?

- The combination of my two suggestions. Ms. Fely should do the interactive
method and explain the vertebrates and invertebrates with the use of pictures
and videos that would help them identify the meaning of those words.
- During the discussion, there should be a question and answer with the teacher
and the learner. For example, if teacher Fely is done with the explanation of
vertebrates through the use of pictures and videos. Then she should show a
picture/video and let the students identify and answer the given to retain the
Are they matched with the problem?
- Yes, because the use of pictures, videos, and interaction addresses the given
problem, and it solves the gap between the teacher and the learners. Pictures
and videos help the students to see and understand the meaning of vertebrates
and invertebrates. The interaction helps the students to understand and retain
the knowledge.
Scenario B: Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners come
from families that are disrupted, either with single parents or with their guardians who stand only
as parents. They are deprived of the necessary food, clothing and shelter

Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir
- The most probable teaching-learning problem of Sir Ryan is the lack of
benefits/assistance for those single parents or senior citizens that are taking
care of their children. This affects the time to help their children with their
school work.
- The budget is also one of the factors that affect the students from coming to
school. This becomes a dilemma for the students if they should continue
studying or work to help their families.
Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
- The parents/guardians should apply for government assistance and try to enroll
their children in government scholarships to lessen the financial problem.
Time management can also be a help for the student and parents.


After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying problematic
situations and finding solution those problem help you to become a better teacher?

Explain: As a teacher, we should always be observant and consider the situation of our students
because not everyone has the same privilege. If the students have a learning gap, then if possible,
we should try to offer help to those students who are in need. We should not stick to one teaching
method because it is not always 100% effective. We should be inclusive to make sure that
everyone will have an opportunity to learn.
Write action research prompts

Using any example of problem in this activity, answer the AR prompts that follow:


What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?

- Based on the two situations, the probable problem that would prevail is the lack of
interaction between student and teacher and the dilemma that some students and parents
are facing because of deprivation.


What changes do you want to achieve?

- I want to change the teacher-centered approach and replace it with a student-centered. In

this way, the students learning puts interests first, acknowledging student voice as central
to the learning experience. This emphasizes the learner's critical role in constructing
meaning from new information and prior experience.


What strategies will you use to improve the situation?

- I will give them meaningful activities, which they can use in their daily lives, and I will
interact with the students by exchanging ideas. For their problem, if possible, I will call a
PTA meeting to address the needs of the students and also help the parents make a
strategy on how they should help their children in their studies. If the problem is
deprivation, then I will try to look for government assistance in my free time to help
those parents that are in need.


What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?

“The enhancement of learning through Interactive teaching for grade 7 students.”

ADD: Solutions/Actions

- Through this research, both parents and students will benefit. Because the interactive
teaching style ensures that the learning needs of every learner are sufficiently met. To
achieve this, I will propose it to the principal and ask for approval for this research. I will
also set a PTA meeting to inform the parents that once this research is achieved, they can
also use it in their homes when they are going to help their children in their studies.



What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in
the following conditions?

1. Bulletin Board Display

In the bulletin board display, I will share my ideas that would catch the learning interest
of the students to learn and attend more in the class discussions.
2. Small Group Discussion
In a small group discussion, I will help my mentor roam around the classroom and set the
standard for each group by listening and implementing the rules of which they should
3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. Google meet or zoom)
In checking attendance in a virtual classroom, the students should always open their
cameras to monitor if they are participating in the class while my mentor is discussing the


Learning Environment 1:
What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or
theme does it convey?
- It conveys the arts of the students in which they have drawn their dreams and
life quotations. It also gives the basic information of major subjects such as
English, Filipino, Science, and Mathematics.
What makes it attractive o the learners? Does it help in the learning process? How?
- Yes, because most of the basic information about the subjects is indicated on the
class bulletin board. It also has arts and life quotations of students, which will
give inspiration to them to pursue their studies.
Learning Environment 2:
If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through modules, where is most
likely the learning space of the students?
The learning space of the student is most likely in their home, in their free time. Since
not everyone has the privilege to scour the internet, some of them will go to a computer
shop or to their friend's/cousins house where they can make it as their study space.
Can you describe?
The computer shop is complete with headphones and a camera which they can use for
online classes or video tutorials. The same goes for those who have WI-FI and a phone
which makes an easier, less expensive, and more comfortable learning environment.
How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
By setting up the standards for the class and giving them the resources that they need. If
it’s in the classroom, I will maintain the cleanliness of the room and decorate books that
they can use at any time. In the virtual classroom, I will give them resources that can
catch their attention, from the PowerPoint presentation to images and videos.




Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and assist in face to face
learning environment?


Having been exposed to the traditional classroom in your basic education, it seems that
everything is familiar, However, as teaching learning theories evolve over time there are change
that are taking place

What change have you notice in the face to face classroom space?


It doesn’t have a hand sanitizer We use hand sanitizer before and after we
enter the classroom
They use black board and chalk Most of the classroom now use white board
and a marker with projectors
The chairs are set side by side The sitting arrangement is now one seat apart.
The books on the library are being used by the The library is now being use as waiting area
students. because most of the sources can be found in
the internet.


What do you think brought the changes in the face to face learning environment now?

o The reason why there were a lot of changes is because of the pandemic, and
because we always move forward, everything is becoming a modern style that is
convenient for both the learner and the teacher.

From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?

o The use of white board and projector. I can use the white board as a white screen
for the projector and present my presentation. While discussing, I can point out
the important terms using the market for the white board.


Do you think making the learning environment conducive for face to face classroom will
enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes? Explain your answer.

- Yes, because the learning environment has a great effect on the student's motivation
internally and externally. It is an advantage for the students to get them away from their
comfort zones, which affects their learning interests. It will boost their determination and
help them realize that the environment that they are in is for learning.


What common problem have I noticed in a face to face learning environment?

o Most of the students are too excited to see each other that they tend to forget that
school is for learning and to help them excel in class.

Can I translate this problem into a question?

o What can we do to alter their excitement for learning?


How would I solve the problem?

o By making the learning environment conducive for face-to-face classes, and

establishing standards that would serve them as their rules and regulations.

Will it improve my teaching? How?

o Yes, because it will push me to improve my teaching skills and be more creative
in giving them activities and other presentations that will catch their learning


What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.

o Since I have already set the standards, I will interact with my students by
exchanging ideas and giving them meaningful activities which they can use in
their daily lives and improve their morality.



- The physical environment in DCNHS, when it comes to the overall design of the class room is
standard. This means it can use more improvements by having a Bulletin Board display with
the arts of the students. The walls already have the basic subject information which is useful
for the students. I also have noticed that there are a lot of excess chairs that are not being used,
which they can hide in the meantime for it to look more aesthetic. The rooms have books that
are updated and usable for the students.


- When it comes to their psychological environment, the teachers help them to develop their
morality and attitude by setting their selves as role models. They assist and offer to counsel the
students and encourage them to pursue their studies.
- In terms of social environment, most of the time the behaviors of the students are based on the
trends in social media. The playful behavior of the students affects those who participate in
class. But when the teacher starts to stay silent, it is when they will pay attention in their class.
To alter their playful behavior, the teacher must plan an activity to divert their attention into
learning and will influence them with positive behavior.






Unlike the traditional face to face classroom environment, online or virtual environment
is a bit difficult to manage. It is because Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is imaginary and
not in the physical sense. It has no corners or walls and it can be set up with the support of
As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in you virtual class?

- In virtual classes, it is easy to implement the mandatory open camera to monitor if they
are participating in the class. Another is the participation in recitation, this would
guarantee that the students are listening to the discussions.


Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of online learning environment?

- It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students.

- It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform.
- Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to make responses
- Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a conducive environment.


As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe if

- It is mandatory to open the camera for the students to guarantee that they are in the class
and participating. The online learning environment is no doubt difficult, but if we adjust
and take advantage of what we have, it could work out for both students and teachers.

I think that teaching in a virtual environment is

- A bit difficult for me because I am used to presenting in a physical learning environment.

But as a teacher, I have to adjust and make sure that the learning of my students will be
sufficient even if it is through a virtual learning environment.

Make a list of 10 websites where you can source reference and instructional materials for this
episode. Place the list in the matrix like the one below. Share this with your mentor



Education Theory ( the nature and background of the sport
DepEd Tambayan Introduction to Individual Sports reviews goals based on assessment results
PE7PF-IIa-24 executes the skills involved in the sport
PE7GS-IId-h-4 describes the nature and background of the
dance PE7RD-IIId-1 undertakes physical activity and physical
fitness assessments PE7PF-IIIa-h-23 reviews goals based on assessment results
PE7PF-IIIa-34 assumes responsibility for achieving personal
fitness PE7PF-IIId-h-31 keeps the importance of winning and losing in
perspective PE7PF-IIId-h





After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you
noticed by answering the following questions:

 How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your
procedures in the classroom/remote learning?
 I feel like this will help my students to be more active in class. I feel like leading
them toward learning and enhancing their interest in education.
 How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?
 At first, most of the students feel awkward. But after some time, most of them are
starting to pay more attention to the discussions. Most of the students are writing
down notes during the discussions and showing signs of the initiative.
 What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and

 My critique teacher approved my routines and procedures, she also gave me

advice that not all the noise that the students make is bad because there are two
types of noises which are the one with sense and the one that is only for
 Was there a change in the classroom environment/teaching-learning process after you
have implemented your classroom routines and procedures?

 Yes, I have seemed to listen to the distractions that the students were creating, and
most of them are starting to pay more attention in class. Before, when they were
given instructions, it is hard for them to follow. But now, most of them are even
taking down notes to make sure that they will get all the details.
 What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and

 My critique teacher approved my routines and procedures, she also gave me

advice that not all the noise that the students make is bad because there are two
types of noises which are the one with sense and the one that is only for


1. What factors/conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and


 When it comes to routines, we have prayers, classroom management, and

exercise/motivation (jumping or stretching) This is to help them get rid of
boredom and drowsiness. In motivating the students, I use singing or games that
would catch their attention to the topic. In the procedure, It is required that every
time there is a discussion, they should always recite and take down notes. I have
also required them to have a highlighter so that they can highlight the important
terms that I have given. I am giving them the advanced lesson for the next
meeting for them to review.
2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your
classroom routines?

 Yes, the students are now more active because of the exercise/motivation I have
given them. The classroom is neat because I have given them the instructions that
before we start the class, the room should be clean and properly arrange. After all,
I have given them a proper arrangement in their seats.
3. Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer

 Yes, this is because of the motivation I am giving them before we start the
discussions, and I am giving them the advanced lesson for the next meeting.
Because of this, it is now easy for them to understand the lecture and follow my
discussions. The recitation shows that they are participating in the class. It helps
them to remember the lessons and rationalize their answers.

What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?

 During the time I was answering the learning episode, I identified that there is no
perfect class and management when it comes to the students. There are always ups
and downs which would challenge you on how you can cope with different types of
situations. One thing I am sure of is that every problem or situation is manageable. It
only depends on how you execute the different types of methods and strategies. Yes,
this is because of the motivation I am giving them before we start the discussions, and
I am giving them the advanced lesson for the next meeting. Because of this, it is now
easy for them to understand the lecture and follow my discussions. The recitation
shows that they are participating in the class. It helps them to remember the lessons
and rationalize their answers.

Write Action Research Prompts


1. The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines

a. Most of the time when I start to establish my classroom routines some students
exaggerate the activity which leads to their behavior in a playful way that creates
distractions for the other students. 
b. There is a difficulty when it comes to checking attendance because there are
students that come in late. 


2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by

a. Creating a strategy that would make the students participate as active learners, not
as playful students. I'm going to make their environment more attractive and make
the activities more interesting and exciting so they can always come to class early.


3. Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are

a. Make the environment more attractive in a way that the learners would feel that
their classroom is for learning.
b. Innovate the activities and make it more interesting for the students to come in
c. Praising or giving the students rewards for them to be more active in class.


4. (Based on my answers in nos. 1-3), the possible title of my action research on this
episode is

a. Effects of the classroom environment and innovative activities on the student's

behavior and learning interest.

To further enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines and procedures,

whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will
help me in these activities (include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these
to your peers.)


Direction: Read the questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Mrs. Asuncion Teaches English in Grade Six, she finds difficulty in getting her class settled
and ready for the next lesson, which of the following would be the best advice for her?

A. She should have seating arrangement plan

B. She should assignment a group leader to monitors students discipline.

C. She should not let them in until they are ready

D. She should have an entry pass before they get in

2. The students of Mrs.Dionisio were instructured to use the washroom gate pass whenever they
need to attend to personal necessities, this is an example of which of the following classroom
management techniques?

A. The Use of Cards

B. The use of Gate Pass

C. The use of Transitions

D. The use of Clear Schedule

3. Ms. Esplana assigned daily Prayer Leaders and Attendance Monitor Checkers in her class,
what is the benefit of having this practices?

A. Ensure discipline and Responsibility in the class

B. Make her students busy all the times

C. Develop the Camaderie in the Class

D. Ease of her small stuffs

4. During incliment weather one of the routine established by Ms. Return is for her class to fall in
line along the corridors and not on the school yards, what must be the reason why she
implemented this?

A. To have another area for line formation

B. To enable them to stay outside

C. To proctect them from harm

D. To give more time for them to socialize outside the classroom

5. Why is it the best to establish routine at the beginning of the class?

A. To eliminate the stress of teacher in the beginning of the class

B. To control unruly Students

C. To know all the students in class

D. To ensure order and discipline at all times




Philosophical Statement
 All students are given a chance to learn and have the full benefit of materials in
school that they’ll use for learning.
 In the process of learning, mistakes are inevitable, which is why the students
have the right to be corrected in a mannerly and learning way.
 Respect must be shown between all students.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
 There will be no smart shaming.
 Always participate in recitations.
 No shouting or running around inside the classroom. 
 No using of phones unless the teacher told so.
 Always be kind to everyone.
 When asked a question, Always answer in a mannerly way.
Teacher Student Relationships
 Recognize the viewpoint of the pupil.
 Be courteous and respectful to the students.
 Even if you have to pause for a moment to collect yourself, try to create a
positive tone and serve as an example of how to respond.
Schedules and Timeframes
 To remind the students of the duties they need to complete, always post a daily
reminder on the board or paste the chores on the bulletin.
 Respect the allotted free time and adhere to the schedule set by the principle for
each topic
Classroom Structure Design and Arrangements
 Chairs should have at least a 1-meter gap
 Every year, the decoration and visual images of learning on the walls should be
 Add attractive and useful colors to the classroom to make it more vibrant.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures
 No running inside the classroom.
 Do not bring tools for gardening or other materials that can harm the students,
such as knives, screwdrivers, rocks, etc.
 Keep heavy objects off of cabinets, tables, and other surfaces where they could
fall and injure students.
 When entering and exiting the classroom, always count the students.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
 If you break a rule the first time, you will receive a verbal warning.
 If you break a rule the second time, you will receive a written warning.
 If you break a rule the third time, you will eat your lunch in the classroom and
lose recess privileges.
 If you break a rule the fourth time, a note will be sent home to your parents or

 Positive note/email sent home to parents
 Homework pass (get to skip one assignment)
 Bonus points
 Your ideas will be shared
 A note (or email) of praise (written to the students)
 You will be a leader
 Earn chance to assist at sporting event


Direction: Read the questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why is a classroom management plan important?

a. To assist the teacher in instruction

b. To ensure that the students obey the classroom rules

c. To develop the sense of belongingness in class

d. To make the students responsible and accountable for their actions

2. Why is there a need to make the classroom management plan clear and simple?
a. For students to understand the follow easily

b. To make it doable for the teacher

c. To prevent chaos in class

d. To ensure compliance of superiors

3. Why is there a need to have a classroom structure/lay out?

a. For aesthetic purposes

b. For compliance with school rule

c. To be at par with others

d. For the safety and security of students

4. When is the best time to make the classroom management/remote plan?

a. At the beginning of the school year

b. At the beginning of each class

c. At the middle of the year

d. At the end of the year

5. Which of the elements in the classroom management/remote plan must be given more

a. Classroom rules and Procedures

b. Schedule and time frame

c. Strategies for rewards and consequences

d. Classroom design, structure and arrangement



LESSON PLAN in Physical Education

Grade Level: 7

Learning Outcomes
Set goals based on assessment results.
Recognized activities independently to practice and solidify your understanding and skills
of the topic.

Undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessments

Learning Content
Components of Physical Fitness
Physical Fitness test

Learning Resources

Learning Procedures
Review: The teacher will ask the students about their ideas on physical fitness and
other physical activities.
Motivation: The teacher will give praises, fun activities, and encourage student self-
Discussion: Components of Physical Fitness
a) Assessing your fitness (individual)
b) Performing a physical fitness activity (By Group)
Evaluation: QUIZ
Identify the Components of Physical Fitness Test (Multiple Choice)

The Department of Education has issued Department Order 42s 2016, Policies Guidelines on
Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program. These are the templates for
the Detailed

Instructional Planning Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

School: Dagupan City National High School Grade Level Grade 7
Teacher: Zenaida bautista Learning Physical Education
Time and Dates: October 13, 2022. 7:20 – Quarter Quarter 1
8:10 AM

A. Content Standards Undertakes physical activity and physical
fitness assessments.
B. Performance Standards Describe the nature and background of the
C. Learning Competencies/Objective. Monitor periodically one’s progress
Write the LC code for each. towards fitness goals. PE7PF-Id-h28
II. CONTENT Lesson 1 – Introduction to Running
Lesson 2 – Skills in Running
Lesson 3 – Introduction to Swimming
Lesson 4 – Skills in Swimming
A. References pe7_q1_mod3_introduction-to-individual-
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Introduction to Individual Sports (Running
and Swimming)
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Module, PowerPoint presentation
3. Textbook Pages Physical Education Quarter 1 Module 3
4. Additional Materials from Material
Learning Resource (LR) portal
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review the previous lesson about basic
presenting the new lesson exercise program
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Do the Pre-test to check the prior
knowledge and understanding.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Introduce the Individual sport (Running)
new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and Crossword Puzzle: Encircle the group of
practicing skills #1 letters to form a word related to human
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads to
Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of Monitor the progress of your running
concepts and skills in daily living speed for one week, Write your
observation in one whole pad
H. Making generalizations and Enhance the knowledge and understanding
abstractions about the lesson about the lesson by doing the word hunt
I. Evaluating learning The teacher will ask questions about the

Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the
instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42,5.2016)
Detailed lesson Plan (DLP) Format
School: Dagupan City National High School Grade Level: Grade 7
Teacher Zenaida Bautista Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates: October 14, 2022 Quarter 1
Teaching Time: 8:10 – 9:00 AM Section 7-18
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1. Content Undertakes Undertakes Undertakes Undertakes Undertakes
Standards physical physical physical physical physical
activity and activity and activity and activity and activity and
physical physical physical physical physical
fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness
assessments. assessments assessments assessments assessments
. . . .
2. Performanc Describe the Describe Describe Describe Describe
e Standards nature and the nature the nature the nature the nature
background and and and and
of the sport background background background background
of the sport of the sport of the sport of the sport
3. Learning Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor
Competenci periodically periodically periodically periodically periodically
es one’s one’s one’s one’s one’s
Write the progress progress progress progress progress
LC code for towards towards towards towards towards
each fitness goals. fitness fitness fitness fitness
PE7PF-Id- goals. goals. goals. goals.
h28 PE7PF-Id- PE7PF-Id- PE7PF-Id- PE7PF-Id-
h28 h28 h28 h28
B. CONTEN Lesson 1 – Lesson 1 – Lesson 1 – Lesson 1 – Lesson 1 –
T Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction
to Running to Running to Running to Running to Running
Lesson 2 – Lesson 2 – Lesson 2 – Lesson 2 – Lesson 2 –
Skills in Skills in Skills in Skills in Skills in
Running Running Running Running Running
Lesson 3 – Lesson 3 – Lesson 3 – Lesson 3 – Lesson 3 –
Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction
to Swimming to to to to
Lesson 4 – Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming
Skills in Lesson 4 – Lesson 4 – Lesson 4 – Lesson 4 –
Swimming Skills in Skills in Skills in Skills in
Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming
References pe7_q1_mod pe7_q1_mo pe7_q1_mo pe7_q1_mo pe7_q1_mo
3_introductio d3_introduc d3_introduc d3_introduc d3_introduc
n-to- tion-to- tion-to- tion-to- tion-to-
individual- individual- individual- individual- individual-
sports_runnin sports_runni sports_runni sports_runni sports_runni
g-and- ng-and- ng-and- ng-and- ng-and-
swimming_v swimming_ swimming_ swimming_ swimming_
2.pdf v2.pdf v2.pdf v2.pdf v2.pdf
1. Teacher’s Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction
Guide to Individual to to to to
Pages Sports Individual Individual Individual Individual
(Running and Sports Sports Sports Sports
Swimming) (Running (Running (Running (Running
and and and and
Swimming) Swimming) Swimming) Swimming)
2. Leaner’s Module, Module, Module, Module, Module,
Material PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
Pages presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation
3. Textbook Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical
Pages Education Education Education Education Education
Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 1
Module 3 Module 3 Module 3 Module 3 Module 3
4. Additional
(LR) portal
a) Reviewing Review the Review the Review the Review the Review the
previous previous previous previous previous previous
lesson or lesson about lesson about lesson about lesson about lesson about
presenting the basic exercise basic basic basic basic
new lesson program exercise exercise exercise exercise
program program program program
b) Establishing a Do the Pre- Do the Pre- Do the Pre- Do the Pre- Do the Pre-
purpose for test to check test to check test to check test to check test to check
the lesson the prior the prior the prior the prior the prior
knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
and and and and and
understandin understandi understandi understandi understandi
g. ng. ng. ng. ng.
c) Presenting Introduce the Introduce Introduce Introduce Introduce
examples/inst Individual the the the the
ances of the sport Individual Individual Individual Individual
new lesson (Running) sport sport sport sport
(Running) (Running) (Running) (Running)
d) Discussing Crossword Crossword Crossword Crossword Crossword
new concepts Puzzle: Puzzle: Puzzle: Puzzle: Puzzle:
and practicing Encircle the Encircle the Encircle the Encircle the Encircle the
new skills group of group of group of group of group of
letters to letters to letters to letters to letters to
form a word form a word form a word form a word form a word
related to related to related to related to related to
human human human human human
development. developmen developmen developmen developmen
t. t. t. t.
e) Discussing
new concepts
and practicing
new skills #2
f) Developing
(Leads to
Assessment 3)
g) Finding Monitor the Monitor the Monitor the Monitor the Monitor the
practical progress of progress of progress of progress of progress of
applications your running your your your your
of speed for one running running running running
concepts and week, Write speed for speed for speed for speed for
skills in daily your one week, one week, one week, one week,
living observation Write your Write your Write your Write your
in one whole observation observation observation observation
pad in one in one in one in one
whole pad whole pad whole pad whole pad
h) Making Enhance the Enhance the Enhance the Enhance the Enhance the
generalization knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge
s and and and and and and
i) abstractions understandin understandi understandi understandi understandi
about the g about the ng about the ng about the ng about the ng about the
lesson lesson by lesson by lesson by lesson by lesson by
doing the doing the doing the doing the doing the
word hunt word hunt word hunt word hunt word hunt
activity. activity. activity. activity. activity.
j) Evaluating The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher
learning will ask will ask will ask will ask will ask
questions questions questions questions questions
about the about the about the about the about the
lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson
k) Additional Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple
activities for choice test choice test choice test choice test choice test
application or questions questions questions questions questions
E. REMARK Active Consistent Achiever Potential Honest
S learners in Activities Leaders
F. REFLECT The students The Maintain Lead and Always
ION are students are their manage a telling the
participating consistent standard in group truth
in both when it academics
discussion comes to
and activity their


1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson/learning plans?

 The diversity of the students 
 Each of them may or may not have a similar process of acquiring
 The behaviors of the students when it comes to activities
 The use of universal and Filipino language.
 The information

2. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson/learning plans?

 The difficulties that I’ve encountered are gathering information and
choosing what is best to include in my lesson plan. I also considered the
updated information that is useful to modern society.
3. What feedback was/were given by your Resource Teacher in your first
draft/succeeding lesson/learning plans?
 Since my lesson plan is based on my critique teacher's lesson plan,
everything was corrected accordingly. She also gave me a site where I can
gather useful information to include in my lesson plan.
4. What were the best features/areas for improvement of your/lesson learning plans?
 In the beginning, I didn’t have a proper source of information, but my
critique teacher showed me a website where I can get the module or
materials that complete the objectives and the lesson proper to activities
and assignments, which makes it the best area for improvement in my
lesson plan.


Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering the given matrix.
Take note that you must have provisions to do this lesson on a face-to-face, modular or through
online learning.

1. How did you arouse students' interest? 1. I arouse my student interest by
What motivational techniques did you showing them images and videos
that are related to the lesson.
indicate in your plan?
Then I gave them a simple
2. How did you respond to the diverse activity that involves movements
types of learners? to energize their body and mind
before starting the lesson
2.1 Gender needs, strengths,
interests and
2.2 Linguistic, cultural, socio- 2. When it comes to interest, I
approach them with curiosity by
economic and
teaching them how to ask quality
2.3 With disabilities, giftedness questions. 
and talents In cultural diversity, I allow my
2.4 In difficult circumstances students to share their culture so
everyone knows their differences
2.5 From indigenous groups in culture, In handling students
with giftedness and talents or
special needs, I allow them to sit
in front, and I provide visual and
auditory aids that would help
them understand the lesson. 

3. What instructional strategies will you

Since we are now in a modern society, I
employ in face-to-face or in a remote will use a projector and show them a
learning delivery for this lesson? video, images, and presentations. I will
even give them a copy so that they can
Explain. advance reading the lesson.

4. Was the language used appropriate to Yes, since they are at a secondary level. I
use both our universal and Filipino
the level of the students? Explain your
language for them to comprehend and
answer briefly follow the discussions.
5. What types and levels of questions did Here is the question that I have
formulated in the Grade 7 level Higher
you formulate? Are they of the higher
order thinking skills
order thinking skills (OTS)? Write two
- What are the physical fitness tests
(2) examples. you remember doing when you
were in Grade 6?
- Share your experiences during the
administration of the Physical
Fitness Test.

6. What instructional resources will you

Here is my instructional resources
use? Why? Cite the possible online PE-CG CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR K-
resources that you can utilize whether 12 - Republic of the Philippines
done in the classroom or in remote
7. Are your modes of assessment aligned Yes, from my perspective. My modes of
with your learning outcomes and assessment are aligned with my learning
outcomes and activities because the aim was
activities? Cite a specific example.
to set their goal based on their assessment
results in physical fitness, and they have set
their goal accordingly.
8. Will your performance tasks ensure the Yes, Because their performance task is about
mastery of the learning competencies? performing a physical fitness activity which
in the activity, there should always be at least
Explain, briefly.
2 or 3 components of physical fitness
9. In a scale of 1-10, how will you rate I would rate it 7-8 because it is specific,
your learning plan(s)? Justify your measurable, and attainable. I have to admit
that there is a lot to improve, but this plan has
a combination of strategies in teaching that
came from the experience of other teachers. 
10. If this lesson is not implemented face- If this lesson is not implemented face to face
to-face, how are you going to do it I would innovate and make it effective in
virtual learning. Since I did experience
teaching and learning in an online class, I
would take that advantage and create an
effective strategy that would make my
learners efficient when it comes to learning.


Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?

- Lesson planning is important because it allows you to create possible solutions in

situations that may or may not happen. Lesson planning makes both the learner and the
teacher efficient, it requires time and dedication because it is a plan for the students to
give correct knowledge, information, instructions, and goals for the class.

Write Action Research Prompts


- The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my learning/lesson plans are that I

consider the types of students I’m handling and the fact that there are a lot of teaching
strategies to use which seems that almost every teaching strategies are effective, it is just
a matter of how you are going to choose the right one for your students. I also
encountered that there is a piece of information that doesn’t need to be included in the
lesson plan which is why I only choose the information that is usable for the students.

- I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by asking my critique teacher
for advice with regard to their writing of lesson plans and their experience in
implementing them. I would also approach my colleagues if they have a similar situation
in writing their learning/lesson plan.  

- Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/problems I

will start by giving them motivational activities that would catch their learning interest in
the lesson, and I will boost that learning interest by showing them a presentation, video,
and images that are related to the discussion. There will also be an interaction between
the student and the teacher by asking questions to enhance their critical thinking skills.


3. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this
episode is

“The strategies of writing your learning/lesson plan and making it


To further enrich my knowledge in writing my learning/lesson plans whether in' the

classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help me in
these activities. (Include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to your

(221) Team Lyqa - YouTube

Realizing the various skills that you need to master in preparing the learning/lesson plans,
which are the most difficult? The easiest to write? Conduct a simple survey from among your
peers by requesting them to answer this simple questionnaire.

Instruction: These are the basic skills in lesson plan writing. Rate yourself on the level of
difficulty of doing the following based on your experience.

4- Very difficult

3- Difficult

2- Moderate in difficulty

1- Not difficult

4 – VERY 3– 2– 1 – NOT
1. Stating learning
2. Identifying learning
resources to be used
3. Sequencing the
lesson in an engaging
and meaningful
4. Planning specific
learning activities
5. Identifying strategies
to be used
6. Formulating higher
order thinking
questions (ttiOTS)
7. Integrating lesson
concepts to real life
8. Integrating values in
the lessons
9. Formulating
assessment tools
10. Identifying
performance tasks
11. Giving assignments
12. Planning for lesson
13. Others (specify


Direction: Read the questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why are learning/lesson plans important?

a. To allow students to participate more
b. To maintain order in class
c. To ensure quality instruction
d. To comply with school standards

2. Which is NOT in the cognitive domain?

a. Identify nouns in sentences
b. Differentiate noun from pronounce
c. Give examples of nouns
d. Draw of example of nouns

3. Why are attention getters needed at the beginning of the class?

a. To arouse student’s interest
b. To avoid truancy in class
c. To make the students active
d. To keep the students focused

4. Which is considered high order thinking skills in the given questions?

a. Why are plants important?
b. What are the needs of plants?
c. How do we take care of plants?
d. If you are a plant, what will you tell humankind?

5. Which of these objectives does NOT belong to the group

a. Narrate a story using varied materials
b. Rewrite the story using various forms
c. Draw the events of the study
d. Give the moral lesson of the story

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