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Subject: Machine design

style : Design of I C Engine Parts
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• ComicTopic Design of Piston
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Prof Vishal T Patel
Piston of I C Engine
What is Piston?
Piston is just a open ended trunk type disc which reciprocates because of
Process on fluids.

Function of Piston:

Function of Piston is to receive the Impulse force from the Gas produced
by combustion of fuel and transmit the energy through the connecting rod
to Crank shaft

Design of Piston

Main Parts of Piston

1.Piston Head or Crown
2.Piston rings
4.Piston pin

Materials of Piston
1. Cast Iron - good for Piston speed below 6 m/s.

2. Aluminium Alloys – god for piston above 6 m/s.

3. Alloy cast steel and Forged steel

Design Consideration of Piston
1. It should have enormous strength to withstand the high gas pressure and inertia

2. It should have minimum mass to minimise the inertia forces.

3. It should form an effective gas and oil sealing of the cylinder.

4. It should provide sufficient bearing area to prevent undue wear.

5. It should disperse the heat of combustion quickly to the cylinder walls.

6. It should have high speed reciprocation without noise.

7. It should be of sufficient rigid construction to withstand thermal and mechanical


8. It should have sufficient support for the piston pin.

Design of Piston
Design of Piston head

Design of Piston barrel

Design Piston rings

Design of Piston Skirt

Design of Reinforcing ribs

Design of Piston Pins

Piston Clearance
1. Design of Piston Head
Thickness of Piston head can be determined based on
1. Strength and 2. Heat Dissipation

1. Thickness Based on Strength

tph = 0.433 × D

Where, D = Diameter of Piston in mm,

Pmax = maximum pressure inside the cylinder N/mm2
σallp = Allowable tensile stress for piston in Mpa

1. Design of Piston Head
2. Thickness Based on Heat Dissipation

Rate of Heat absorption by piston from Gases = Rate of heat Dissipation

tph =
𝐗 𝒃𝒔𝒇𝒄 𝐁.𝑷 (𝐇𝐂𝐕)
𝟒𝛑𝐊 𝜟𝑻

Where, X = Fraction representing the part of heat absorbed by piston head = 0.05
(bsfc) = break specific fuel consumption, kg/kW-s
B.P = Brake Power, kW
HCV = Higher Calorific value, J/kg
K = Thermal conductivity of piston head material, W/m C
𝜟𝑻 = Tc – To , C
Tc = Temperature at the center of piston head , C
To = temperature at the outer surface, CC
2. Design of Piston Barrel
Thickness Based on Heat Dissipation

For Effective Heat flow,

tpb = tph

3. Design of Piston rings

3. Design of Piston rings
1. Radial thickness of the piston ring (tr)

a1 or tr = D
𝟑 × 𝑷𝒘

Where, D = Diameter of Piston in mm,

Pw = radial wall pressure between the piston ring and cylinder wall, N/mm2
= 0.03 N/mm2 to 0.06 N/mm2

σbr = Allowable bending stress for piston ring, N/mm2

= 90 N/mm2 to 120 N/mm2

3. Design of Piston rings
2. Axial width of the piston ring (br)

h1 or br = 0.75 to 1 * tr

3. Number of Piston ring (z)

z = D / (10 * br)

4. Width of lands on piston between the ring grooves (b1)

b1 = 0.75 to 1 br
3. Design of Piston rings
5. Width of the top land (bo)

bo = 1 to 1.25 tph

6. Gap between fee ring ends (Gr)

Gr = 3 to 4 * (tr or a1)

4. Design of Piston skirt

4. Design of Piston skirt
1. Maximum side thrust

RN = 0.05 to 0.1 × × Pmax

2. Length of Piston skirt

RN = Lps * D * Pbc
Where, Pbc = permissible bearing pressure between piston skirt and
cylinder wall, N/mm2

4. Design of Piston skirt
3. Length of piston (Lp)

Lp = bo + zbr + (z-1)b1 + Lps

5. Design of Reinforcing Ribs

Thickness of each rib

tR = tph / 3 to tph / 2

6. Design of Piston pin
Maximum gas force,

Fgmax = × Pmax

Piston pin is designed from the bearing pressure consideration and then
checked for a direct shear stress and a bending stress,

From Bearing Pressure,

Fgmax = l1 * dp * Pb

Where l1 = 045 D
and Pb = Permissible bearing pressure between the piston pin and the
connecting rod --- 25 N/mm2
6. Design of Piston pin
(i) Direct stress

di = 0.6 * dp

Check for shear failure:-

Fgmax = 2 [ (𝒅𝒑 𝟐 − 𝒅𝒊 𝟐 )] * τ

Find the value of τ from this and check that value of it should be less than allowable
shear stress for piston pin for safe design.

6. Design of Piston pin
Check for bending failure:-

𝟒 𝐅𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐃 𝐝𝐩
σbp =
𝛑 (𝐝𝐩 𝟒 − 𝐝𝐢 𝟒 )

Find the value of σbp from this and check that value of it should be less than allowable
bending stress for piston pin for safe design.

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