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Randy Boadilla

Bpe 3-A


Development of Affective Assessment Tools

Checklist -

Name :

Checklist - this checklist consists of simple items that the student or teacher marks as

1. Develop an individual observation checklist for assessing learning

Observation Yes No
Paying attention during
class discussion
Attend class on time
Listening to teacher while
Follow instruction during
Raises her/his hand to
answer the question

2. Develop a group discussion checklist for assessing learning

Sample : checklist for observation in classroom
Group no:

observation yes no

Student share a ideas to a

Student are following the
instruction easily
Student are active during
Student help the co member
of a group
Student can work

3. Create your own rating scale ( using template to measure student affective learning outcomes)
A. Numerical rating scale
On a scale 1-10, how helpful do you think team -based learning is for your learning?
(not at all helpful)1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 ( extremely helpful)
On a scale 1-5 how helpful do you think the use of case studies was for your learning?

Not all helpful A little helpful Moderately helpful Extremely helpful

1 2 3 4

Please rate your agreement with the following statements related to team based

Strongly Disagree Neither agree Strongly

disagree agree or not agree
Team based
learning is
difficult that
lecture .
Team based
learning help

B. Descriptive graphic rating

Competence Unacceptable Weak Fair Good Excellent

0 1 2 3 4
Use of
formative and
of learning

C. Common rating scale errors

 the halo effect-The halo effect refers to the tendency to allow one specific trait
or our overall impression of a person, company or product to positively
influence our judgment of their other related traits
 generosity error-when a teacher's bias leads to higher ratings than are
warranted. halo effect. when a teacher's overall impression of a student
influences how the teacher rates that student with respect to an individual
 severity error- type of rating error in which the ratings are consistently overly
negative, particularly with regard to the performance or ability of the participants. It is
caused by the rater's tendency to be too strict or negative and thus to give
undeservedly low scores. Also called severity bias
 central tendency error- Error of central tendency refers to the phenomenon
where raters assign scores to most subjects that are average regardless of
the differences in performance between subjects. A rater can be someone
who is judging a performance or skill

4. Construct a likert scale for assessing affective learning

Likert scale- A Likert scale is commonly used to measure attitudes, knowledge,
perceptions, values, and behavioral changes

Name :

Strongly agree (SA)
Agree (A)
Undecide (U)
Disagree (D)
Strongly disagree (SD)

Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly

agree (A) (U) (D) disagree
(SA) (SD)
I raised my
hand during
my teacher
as a
I accept

5. Construct a semantic graphic differential scale that would measure the attitude toward
assessment learning
SEMANTIC GRAPHIC- semantic differential scale is a survey or questionnaire rating scale that asks people
to rate a product, company, brand, or any 'entity' within the frames of a multi-point rating option. These
survey answering options are grammatically on opposite adjectives at each end .

BORING: : : : : : : : : INTERESTING
UNNECESSARY: : : : : : : : :: : : NECESSARY

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