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Observation of Teaching-Learning in
Actual School Environment

Nimrey Ann Aguirre


Dr. Ma. Martha Madrid




Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus

To realize the Intended Learning Outcome, work my way through these


1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the

campus, then in the classroom.

2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.

4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment through any of


A. Descriptive Paragraphb. Photo essay

c. Sketch and Drawingd. Poem, song, or rap


As you move around the campus, observations forms are provided for you

to document your observation. It is advised that you read the entire

worksheet before proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of

the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield

better learning results.


Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school.

Check the column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of

those that are available, and say how each will contribute to the students’

learning and development.

Will it contribute to the
Facilities / Description students’ learning and
development. Why?
Office of the Principal  / As soon as you walk Yes. The principal's
into the principal's office has a
room, you'll notice a significant impact on
computer table as student
well as his secretary's accomplishment in a
desk. number of ways,
including creating a
vision that inspires
the entire community,
creating a school
culture that fosters
student learning,
ensuring resources
are used efficiently,
and interacting with
the community.
 / The building's second Yes, The purpose of
story is where you'll having a school
find the library. library is to benefit
However, you must every member of
first "Log-in" or sign your school
in their log book community—
before you may enter. students, staff, and
The Library Bulletin families—and to help
is displayed on the them build lifelong
exterior. You'll study habits and new
eventually come information, skills,
across Books in the and dispositions for
library once you've learning and personal
entered. growth.
Counseling Room  / The counseling room Yes, By assisting
and several cabinets students with their
filled with tons of present worries about
documents and books their academic
can be found in the performance and
guidance office. personal issues that
There are two light affect their academic
lights and one electric standing in school,
fan. having a counseling
room helps students
learn and develop.
Canteen/ Cafeteria  / One is for JHS and Yes, with a school
the other is for cafeteria, they can
college, however the give staff and
JHS canteen is students good
closed. There are nourishment, which
many chairs, tables, boosts their energy
and healthy foods levels and wards
available for the against problems like
students to purchase anemia and obesity
in the college that are linked to a
canteen, which is bad diet
quite nice and
The college has side-
mounted trash cans,
ceiling fans, and light
bulbs. For effective
segregation, there is a
waste can.
Medical Clinic  / The JHS Infirmary, Yes because having a
also known as the medical clinic allows
Clinic, is on the left it to maintain to
side of the entrance. provide immediate
Once inside, you'll assistance to those
observe chairs in who needs it as well
front of a line of as critical health
waiting students. reminders to students
that could aid in their
learning and
Audio Visual/ Learning X
Resource Center
Science Laboratory  / Their laboratory is yes, With a science
complete with the lab, it teaches
equipment needed to students how to deal
perform other with the difficulties
experiments of the involved in closely
students seeing and interacting
with the physical
world, including
resolving issues with
observational tools,
measurement error,
and analyzing and
combining the data
that is produced.
acquiring practical
Gymnasium  /  A large number of The presence of a
students could fit in the gymnasium in a
gymnasium, which had school is essential
long, wide bleachers on because it enables
both sides. students to boost their
physical fitness and
other activities
Auditorium X
Outdoor Garden  / The outdoor garden, yes, An outdoor
which is in the midst garden is a brilliant
of Jhs, is stagnant, and engaging method
but there are some to bring practically
trees on the other any classroom topic
side. to life and give kids a
sense of "real-world"
relevance as they
learn. In addition to
the intended subject,
a garden can offer
kids the chance to
engage in hands-on
learning that
teamwork, and
respect for nature,
other people, and
Home Economics Room X
Industrial Workshop X
PTA Office X
Comfort room for boys  / The second and third Because students
floors each provide frequently urinate in
comfort rooms for class, it is crucial for
boys. There is schools to have
adequate water, it is comfort rooms. This
clean, and there is no will help students
odor. study because they
will be more aware of
their own personal
Comfort Room for Girls  / There are comfort rooms Because students
for Girls is located in frequently urinate in
2  floor and 3  floor. It is class, it is crucial for
nd rd

clean and does not have schools to have

any bad odor, they have comfort rooms. This
enough water. will help students
study because they
will be more aware of
their own personal
Others (Please Specify)


An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. The write your observation report

on the space provided.

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report
1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the The school is located alongside the MCDO on Tapuac
school is found Dagupan City's roadside. There is a near a food stalls and
La Sallete School in front of the school across the road
2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? The campus is wide, with separate buildings for JHS and
What is the condition of the buildings? SHS, as well as a basketball court. The primary colors I see
are white, brown, yellow, and gray. The buildings were as
nice as new, the cleanliness was maintained, and the
facilities were well-kept.
3. Pass by the office. What impression do you have of The office has a respectful vibe, as if passing by requires
these office? you to be quiet and quiet. Because of the CCTV cameras
that were installed, important documents and files were
much more secure from any outsiders.
4. Walk through the school halls, the library cafeteria. In the canteen and library, there is a students' corner. Each
Look around and find out the other facilities that the classroom has a corridor with a fire extinguisher. Each
school has. floor has a bulletin board and a lot of sticky notes on the

Resource Teacher:Teacher’s SignatureSchool

Grade/Year Level:Subject AreaDate

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT
Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the

matrix to record your data.


Classroom Facilities
(location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall Display
2. Teacher’s Table
3. Learner’s Desks
4. Blackboard
5. Learning Materials/ Visual Aids

Write your school observation report here.
Name of the school Observed
Location of the school
Date to Visit

Because of the wall displays, the classrooms at JHS at LNU were conducive to learning. Each room is
spacious and can comfortably accommodate 20 to 25 students with adequate distance and personal
space. The room is very clean, and the other items, such as books, are properly arranged. Armchairs
are brand new. Each room also has a flat screen, which aids teachers and students in the teaching and
learning process.

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the

learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusions?

➢  LNU is located on a road, so students will not have to rely on public

transportation to get to and from school. My conclusion is that if

students enter the school willingly, they will learn a lot and develop their

skills because of the opportunity to learn in the classroom. They also

have a lot of equipment and facilities like computer labs, science labs,

and so on that will help them learn more about different things.

How does this related to your knowledge of child and adolescent

development/How does this related to your knowledge of facilitating


➢ I've noticed that environmental learning helps students improve

themselves and has an impact on their own development. Students are

more motivated to learn in a positive environment. The school facilities

where teachers and students can learn more about child development

and education.


1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed?

Why? Why not?

 Yes, I'd like to teach in this type of school environment because it's

spacious and well-kept.

 2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

➢ Different students may have different ideas about what makes a

school campus conducive to learning. However, in general, for a school

to be conducive, it should have facilities and laboratories that students

can use for learning, such as a library, computer laboratory, and science

laboratory. The school building and offices were kept clean.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

➢ A classroom is conducive to learning if it is well-lit, well-ventilated,

has proper sanitation, and is spacious. Similarly, if the room has bulletin

boards or wall displays that could encourage students to study. The

teacher should be upbeat, organized, self-assured, and compassionate.

The teacher should assist the students in improving

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number3?

➢ When I become a teacher, I want my classroom to have its own

arrangement for each item such as books, proper lighting, an electric

fan, good seats, arm chairs, and a wide space for my students to be

comfortable. As a teacher in the future, I will do everything I can to help

them understand the lesson I discussed and will ask them if they

understand or not to know whether to repeat until they understand

because I know that each student has their own set of strengths and


5. Write your additional learning’s and insights here.

➢  During my observation, I realized that the learning environment is

very important to the students. Maintaining cleanliness and posting wall

displays and bulletin boards are critical for motivating students. You will

need a lot of patience as a future teacher.



Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays

Resource Teacher:Teacher’s Signature:School:

Grade/Year Level:Subject Area:Date:

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS
Read the following carefully before you observe.
1. Go around the school and examine the board display. How many board display do you

 As I count the display board, I notice that the school has at least 40+ display boards.

2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see

 Display boards can be found in the back of the classroom and before entering the
classroom, near the principal's office alongside the corridor, inside the classroom, at
the gate, and at the gymnasium. They were posted in places where the target viewers
could easily see them.

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and
colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?

 The announcements, organizational charts, vision, mission, and goals of the school
are displayed on the display boards. It conveys some accomplishments, important
announcements, and shows school faculties. White and brown were the colors used.
The information that was arranged defends on the target viewers.

4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?

  Bond papers, colored papers, and tarpaulin were among the materials used.

5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)
 none

6. Are the message clear and easily understood?


7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?

 I presume I caught my interest in the board display that was pasted outside the
classroom and located in the building's hallway.

8. Take a photos of the display boards (if allowed).


Observation REPORT
(You may paste pictures of the board display here.)



Topic of the Board Display
Location of the Board Display In School
Check the column that indicates your rating. Writing comments to back up your ratings.
4- outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement
Criteria Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective / As I count the
Communication display board,
It conveys the I notice that
message quickly the school has
and clearly. at least 40+

Attractiveness / Display
Colors and boards can be
arrangement catch and found in the
hold interest. back of the
classroom and
entering the
near the
alongside the
inside the
classroom, at
the gate, and
at the
They were
posted in
places where
the target
viewers could
easily see

Balance / The
Objects are arranged, announcement
so s,
stability is perceived organizational
charts, vision,
mission, and
goals of the
school are
displayed on
the display
boards. It
conveys some
nts, important
s, and shows
White and
brown were
the colors
used. The
that was
defends on the

Unity / Materials
Repeated shapes or being used
colors or use of were bond
borders papers,
hold display together. colored
Interactivity / None
The style and approach

entice learners to be

involved and engaged.

Legibility / Yes
Letters and


can be seen from a


Correctness / None
It is free from grammar

errors, misspelled


Durability /
It is well-constructed, I presume I
items are securely caught my
attached. interest in the
board display
that was
pasted outside
the classroom
and located in
the building's

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: NImrey Ann Aguirre
Location: LNU-Basic Ed
Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: Library Bulletin Board

Strengths Weaknesses

Description of the Bulletin  It motivates students. The  NONE

Board Layout main goal of the library's
bulletin boards, as well as
any other area set aside for
the posting of public notices,
is to inform library patrons
about events or services with
a cultural, educational, or
communal focus.
Evaluation of educational content. And  The information bulletins  NONE
other aspects are created as one of the
more contemporary library
information services to
quickly provide readers with
the most recent bibliographic
information on pressing
Recommendations or
Suggestions for
Improvement: I like the backgroud, it is dark, the text is readable and the color is lively and visible to students.

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:


What do you think was the purpose was the purpose of the board display?

 It is an excellent way to get students engaged, excited, and working together,

thereby maximizing learning and personal skills. Display boards are an excellent
learning tool for children who are visual learners because they allow them to
visualize exactly what is being said to them

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target

audience? Why? Why not?

 Yes, because the colors are eye-catching, the prints are appealing and
simple to understand, the message is convincing, and some draft fits in
to the board is all about the students' achievements.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why?
Why not?
Yes, the language used was clean and straightforward. In order for the audience
to easily read the writings on the board

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

 Yes, it is effective because the board display encourages students to do well in their

What suggestions can you make?

 The school should keep making displays because they have a positive impact on the
students and viewers.

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up

with effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

 •  To be creative means to present concepts and content in an engaging


 • Resourceful: to use the resources at one's disposal to meet the needs

of the situation while conserving the teacher's time, effort, and money.
 •Originality: it is a work created with a distinct style and substance in

order to attract students to the board.

 •Good communication: she/he should understand that words

combined with visual content can often communicate more than words

and that students can easily comprehend the message.

 •Artistic: to effectively visualize the presentation and the impacts they

want to create, then apply those to the display.

2. Which of the skill you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past

experiences I making board displays. How do you practice these skills?

 My existing skills include creativity, resourcefulness, originality, good

communication, and artistic ability. I recall making a board display when

I was in grade 10 from previous experiences. When I was walking

around with my board display, the materials I used to design it were

straw, pain, and plywood. I was successful in making it presentable.

Because I admit to having poor grammar skills, the skills I need to

improve are good communication and artistic ability. I should work on

improving this skill by practicing and studying the correct ones.


Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take

on how you can improve on/or acquire this skills.

  I need to improve my poor grammar skills by practicing and studying

the English language because I sometimes lose confidence when

speaking because I run out of English words and think my grammar is

Name of FS StudentDate Submitted

Year &SectionCourse:
Learning Episodes Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement
4 3 2
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two. (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/task observation observation observation

s completely questions/ tasks questions/task questions!

answered/ not answered / s not answered tasks not answered I

accomplished. accomplished. / accomplished.


Analysis All questions All questions were Questions Four (4) or more

were answered answered were not observation

completely; completely; answered questions were not

answers are answers are completely; answered; answers

with depth and clearly connected answers are not connected to

are thoroughly to theories; not clearly theories; more than

grounded on grammar and connected to four (4)

theories; spelling are free theories; one grammatical/

grammar and from errors. (1) to three (3) spelling errors.

spelling are grammatical I

free from spelling errors.


Reflection Profound Clear but lacks Not so clear Unclear and shallow;

and clear; depth; supported and shallow; rarely supported by

Supported by what by what were somewhat what were observed

were observed and analyzed supported by what were and analyzed

observed observed and analyzed



Learning Artifacts Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not

reflected on in reflected on in the not reflected reflected on in the

the context of context of the on in the context of the

the learning learning outcomes. context of learning outcomes;

outcomes; Complete; well the learning not complete; not

Complete, organized, very outcomes. organized, not

well- relevant to the Complete; relevant

organized, learning outcome not

highly relevant organized.

to the relevant to

learning the learning

outcome outcome

Submission Submitted Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2) days
before the deadline the deadline or more after the
deadline deadline

Learner’s Development Matrix
High School
Development Domain
Indicate age range of children observed: 12-13
Gross-motor skills
Fine motor skills
Self-help skills
Interaction with Teacher
Interaction with classmates/ friends
Moods and temperament, expression of feelings
Emotional independence
Communication skills
Thinking skills

Implications to the Teaching-Learning
Level Salient Characteristics Observed
High School The students were group by the Therefore, teacher should expect to
Age range of learners observed: 12-13 teacher and they cooperate with their the student to answer her questions.
group mates


1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own

experiences when you were their age? What similarities or differences do

you have with the learners you observed?

  Yes, because I recognized myself in a student who I observed to be

noisy, but she cooperates in all group activities, which benefits his group
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons.

How did she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional,

social, and cognitive)? how did it affect you?

 He helped me to face my fears in solving mathematical equation.


3. Share your other insights here.

 As a student, it is essential to study diligently so that you do not fall

behind in your classes, and you must complete your studies for your

SHOW Your Learning  Artifacts


Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a

future teacher. Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.

➢ Piaget's theory of cognitive development is a comprehensive theory

about the nature and development of human intelligence, first develop

by Jean Piaget. It is primarily known as a developmental stage theory,

but in fact it deals with the nature of knowledge itself and how humans

come gradually acquire, construct, and use it. To Piaget, cognitive

development was a progressive reorganization of mental processes as a

result of biological maturation and environmental experience. Children

construct and understanding of the world around them, and then

experience discrepancies between what they already know and what

they discover in their environment. Moreover Piaget claims the idea that

cognitive development is at the center of human organism and language

is contingent on cognitive development. Below there is first a short

description of Piaget views about the nature of intelligence and then a

description of the stages through which it develops until maturity.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Name of FS StudentDate Submitted

Year &SectionCourse:
Learning Episodes Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement
4 3 2
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two. (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/task observation observation observation

s completely questions/ tasks questions/task questions!

answered/ not answered / s not answered tasks not answered I

accomplished. accomplished. / accomplished.


Analysis All questions All questions were Questions Four (4) or more

were answered answered were not observation

completely; completely; answered questions were not

answers are answers are completely; answered; answers

with depth and clearly connected answers are not connected to

are thoroughly to theories; grammar and not clearly theories; more than four (4)

grounded on spelling are free connected to grammatical/

theories; grammar and from errors. theories; one spelling errors.

spelling are (1) to three (3)

free from error. grammatical I

spelling errors.

Reflection Profound Clear but lacks Not so clear Unclear and shallow; rarely

and clear; depth; supported and shallow; supported by what were

Supported by what by what were Somewhat supported by observed and analyzed

Were observed observed and analyzed what were observed and

And analyzed analyzed

Learning Artifacts Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not reflected on Portfolio is not

reflected on in reflected on in the in the context of the reflected on in the

the context of context of the learning outcomes. context of the

the learning learning outcomes. Complete; Not organized. learning outcomes;

outcomes; Complete; well relevant to the learning not complete; not

Complete, organized, very outcome organized, not

well-organized, relevant to the relevant

highly relevant to the learning outcome

learning outcome

Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2) days
deadline deadline the deadline or more after the



An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report on the space provided
on the next page.

1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial Groups, religious,a and ethnic

During class:
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact with one another and with the
teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the teachers that others.
2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do  they behave and interact differently?
3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate or compete against each other?
4. Who among the students stidents participate actively? Who among them ask for most help?
5. When the student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the classmates try to  help him? Or do
they raise their hands, so that the teacher will call them instead?

Outside class:
1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogeneously, by age? By gender? By racial or ethnic
groups? By their interests? Or are the students in mixed social groupings? If so, described the groupings.
2. Notice students who are alone and those who are not interacting. Describe their behaviour.

Name of the school Observed
Location of the school
Date to Visit


1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and

interactions in the classroom. What roles do they play? Is there somebody

who appears to be the leader, a mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little

teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
  Just like a typical classroom, each of them played a certain role. By
displaying fair ideals in the classroom, the instructor can affect how the
pupils interact while taking into account their particular characteristics.
When they provide incorrect answers to questions, the teacher doesn't
demoralize them.
2.  Is there anyone you observed who appear left out?are students who

appear “different?” Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or

rejected by others? How is this shown?

I notice that there are some who are shy when it comes to reciting.

What does the teacher do to address issues like this?

  they are not left out of the topic because their teacher does everything

to engage them in the discussion.

3.  How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the

individual differences of the students?

 By displaying fair ideals in the classroom, the instructor can affect how

the pupils interact while taking into account their particular

characteristics. When they provide her incorrect response to the

inquiry, the teacher doesn't get upset with them.

4.  What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of

diversity in the classroom? How does the teacher leverage diversity?

 When creating learning objectives and instructional activities, take into

account the cultures and linguistic abilities of the students. This

includes questions about technology use and comfort, perceptions of

personal space, and solitary vs. group tasks. Establish a supportive

learning atmosphere in the classroom that fosters a sense of

community, respect for one another, and appreciation of others'

1.  How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of

oneness or unity among the learners and between the teacher and the


 Yes, because they enjoy the topic and they are happy interacting with

one another.
Activity 3.2 Observing differences among learners with disabilities,

giftedness, and talents

Resource Teacher:Teacher’s SignatureSchool

Grade/Year Level:Subject AreaDate

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these


1. To observe at least 2 of these classes.

a. SPED class with learners with intellectual disabilities

b. SPED class with learners with physical disabilities

c. SPED class for the gifted and talent

d. A regular class with conclusion of learners with disabilities

2. Note the needs of the learners that the teacher should address.

3. Interview the teachers to find out more about the learners.

4. Write your observation report

5. Analyze you observation data

6. Reflect on your experience
An observation Guide for the learner’s Characteristics

Read the following carefully before begin to observe. Then write your observation report on the space provided.

1. Observe class to see the differences in abilities of the learners.

2. Try to identify the students who seem to be performing well and those that seem yo be behind.
3. Validate your observation by asking the teacher about the background and needs of the learners.
4. Observe the behavior of both regular students and those with special needs. Note their disposition, pace in
accomplishing tasks, interaction with teacher, and interaction with others.
5. Observe the teacher’s method in addressing the individual learning needs of the students in his/her class.


Name of the school Observed LNU SHS

Location of the school TAPUAC DAGUPAN CITY
Date to Visit SEPT 22, 2022

Everyone is enjoying the lesson during the discussion. The instructor is considerate and
effective at imparting knowledge. The teacher held all students to high standards while
allowing students to explore their abilities and understanding in a variety of ways during
the conversation.
Eliminate preconceptions and stereotypes about pupils; instead, get to know them as
unique people.

1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher? yes
2.  Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class?

What practices or strategies are done or should be done to differentiate

instruction to meet the needs of then learners.

 In assignments or lesson plans, provide pupils a selection of


 Multiple texts and instructional materials should be available.

 Use a range of student assessments and individualized learning


 Adapt instruction to the many types of intellect.

3.  Describe the method used by the teacher in handling the students’

differences in abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher use

differentiated? If yes, describe how.

 The teacher utilizes "collaborative learning" serves as a catch-all for a range of
teaching techniques that entail students' or students' and teachers' combined
intellectual work. Students typically work in groups of two or more, looking
together for understanding, answers, or meanings or producing a product.

1.  Recall the time when you wear in elementary or high school. Recall the

high and low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with

differences and abilities was your teacher effective

 before, the top students were separated from the unranked ones in the

class. the arrangement is by row from top 1 to those who did not excel
2. What position and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the

needs of the learners?

 Communication, listening, teamwork, adaptation, empathy, and patience
are some traits of an effective teacher. Additionally, engaging classroom
presence, importance of real-world learning, sharing of best practices,
and a lifetime love of learning are traits of good teachers.
An Observation Guide for Indigenous Peoples Education

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report on the space
If you are watching videos in your search instead of actually visiting a school have this question in mind you are
watching the videos you can try to get in touch with the creator of the videos and interview them to.

1. Before you observe or read about the specific ip group in the school you will visit know their norms and customary
greetings this will help you blend in the school community and enter with respect.
2. Observe and note the different parts or areas of the school environment how are learning spaces arranged
3. what activities do they do in this different areas of the school
4. Who are the people who manage the school who are involved in teaching the learners?
5. Observe how the teaching-learning process happen. Describe the learning activities they have and the teaching
strategies that the teacher uses.
6. describe the interaction that is taking place between the teacher and learners, among the teachers, and in the
school in general
7. What instructional materials and learning resources are they using ?
8. Interview the teacher or principle about the curriculum.Find out the curriculum goals .You can use the questions
found on the analysis part of this activity

Name of the school Observed
Location of the school
Date to Visit

They practice other religions, including Iglesia ni Cristo, but the majority of them are Roman Catholics. The pupils are
engaged in class; they contribute and work cooperatively with their teacher during discussions. They respond to
questions posed by their teacher and discuss their thoughts on the lesson. His classmates and seatmates are
attempting to assist him in case the teacher calls on the kids who are not paying attention. Outside of class, they were
divided into groups based on their preferences. There are student groups with a mix of boys and girls, as well as
student groups with only guys or only girls.

Answer each question based on your observation and
Curriculum design, Competencies, and Content
interview data.
1. Does the school foster a sense of belonging to one's
ancestral domain a deep understanding of the
communities beliefs and practices. Cite examples.
2. does the school show respect of the community's
expression of spirituality? how?
3. Does the school faster in the engineers learners and
deep appreciation of their identity? How?
4. Does the curriculum teach skills and competencies in
the indigenous learners that will help them develop and
protect their ancestral domain and culture ?
5. Does the curriculum link new concepts and
competencies to the last experience of the community ?
6. Does the teaching strategies help strengthen and rich
and compliments the communities indigenous teaching
process ?
7. Does the curriculum maximize the use of the ancestral
domain and activities of the community as relevant
settings for learning and combination with classroom-
based session ? Cite examples
8. is cultural sensitivity to uphold culture beliefs and
practices observed and apply in the development and use
of instructional materials and learning resources ? How ?
(For example, Culture bearers of the indigenous peoples
are consulted )
9. do assessment practices considered community values
and culture? How ?
10. do assessment processes include application of higher  yes
order thinking skills ?

What do you think can still be done to promote and uphold the engine

indigenous peoples knowledge systems and practices and rights in

schools ?
 Adhere to the top priorities.

 Include native people when talking about land use.

 Apply the legislation to safeguard the preservation of land rights.

 increase public awareness

 Identify their function in conservation.  


Reflect reflect based on your actual visit or videos that you watched.

1.  what new things did you learn about indigenous peoples ?

Indigenous Peoples contribute to environmental preservation, the battle

against climate change, and disaster preparedness, yet their rights aren't

always upheld. Indigenous Peoples control 80% of the world's surviving

biodiversity, even though they only own, inhabit, or use a quarter of its

surface area.

2.  What did you appreciate most from your experience and visiting the

school with indigenous learners ? why ?

Indigenous studies are a crucial field of study. It's about extending the

scope of the human tale and making sure that all civilizations are valued
equally. It is also a great option for students who wish to contribute to

making the world safer and more affluent for all people.

3. For indigenous learners, as a future teacher i promise these three

things :

3.1 Be open to and respect indigenous peoples by

3.2 Uphold and celebrate their culture beliefs and practices by

3.3 advocate for indigenous peoples education by

SHOW your learning artifacts

With the principle of individual differences in mind what methods and

strategies will you remember in the future to ensure that you will be able

to meet the needs of both and high and low achievers in your class ? Make

a collection of strategies on how to address the students different ability


LINK theory to practice

Directions: read the items given below and encircle the correct answer

1. Which statement on student diversity is CORRECT ? 

A. The teacher must do his/her best reduce student diversity in class.

B. The less the diversity of students in class the better for the teacher and


C. The teachers showed accept and value diversity. 

D. Student diversity is purely due to students varied cultures.

2. Which students thinking/behavior indicates that he/she values

diversity ?

A. He/she regards his culture as superior to the other's cultures.

B. He/she regards his culture as inferior to others cultures. 

C. He/she accept the fact that all people are unique in their own way 

D. He/She emphasizes the differences among people and disregards their

3. What is a teaching-learning implication of student diversity ? 

A. Compare students

B. Make use of a variety of teaching in assessment methods and activities

C. Do homogeneous grouping for group activities

D. Develop different standards for different student groups

4. All are features of the Indigenous Peoples Education Curriculum EXCEPT.
A. Affirms and strengthen indigenous cultural identity

B. Make education exclusive to the indigenous culture 

C. Revitalizes, regenerates and enriches IKSPS and indigenous languages.

D. Anchors the learning’s context on the ancestral domain, the

communities world view and its indigenous cultural institutions.

5. All are best practices in using learning resources for indigenous learners,


A. Culturally generated learning resources only include indigenous groups

artifacts stories dances songs and musical instruments

B. The language used in instructional materials especially in primary years

which highlight mother tongue, is consulted with indigenous community

C. Cultural sensitivity and protocols are observed and development and use

of instructional materials

D. The indigenous communities property rights are upheld in publishing

learning resources
6. All are best practices for i Indigenous Peoples Education


A. Including the practice of competences in actual community and family


B. Applying higher order thinking skills and integrative understanding

across subject areas

C. Using international context in the assessment standards and content

faithfully without modification

D. Including community generated assessment process that are part of

indigenous learning system

7. Read the following comments by the teacher. Which of these comments

will most likely make a child try harder rather than give up ?

A. Sinuwerte ka ngayon dito sa test, ha ?

B. Hindi ka talaga magaling dito sa paksang ito, no?

C. Nakikita ko na kailangan mong maglaan ng mas mahabang panahon sa

paksang ito para lubos mong maunawaan ito

D. Nahihirapan ka sa paksang ito. Maaari kitang tulungan

8. Which of the following demonstrates differentiated instruction?

A. The teacher groups the learners by their ability level and makes the

groups weight with the same topic but assigns a different task appropriate

for each group to accomplish

B. The teacher divides the class into three heterogeneous groups and

assigns the same activity for each group to work on

C. The teacher groups the learners by their ability level and assigns

different content topics for the groups to work on

D. The teacher groups the learners by ability levels and assigns each group

a different task on the same topic and then request three different

teachers each to assess one of the groups

9. Which teaching practice gives primary consideration to individual

differences ?

A. Along children to show that they learn the stages of mitosis in a way

where they feel most comfortable

B. Allowing children to show that they learn the stages of mitosis in a way

where they feel most comfortable except by lecturing

C. Preparing two different sets of examination 14 the fast learners and

another for the slow learners

D. Applying two sets of different standards


EVALUATE Performance Task

Name of FS StudentDate Submitted

Year &SectionCourse:
Learning Episodes Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement
4 3 2
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two. (2) Three (3) Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/task observation observation observation

s completely questions/ tasks questions/task questions!

answered/ not answered / s not answered tasks not answered I

accomplished. accomplished. / accomplished.


Analysis All questions All questions were Questions Four (4) or more

were answered answered were not observation

completely; completely; answered questions were not

answers are answers are completely; answered; answers

with depth and clearly connected answers are not connected to

are thoroughly to theories; not clearly theories; more than

grounded on grammar and connected to four (4)

theories; spelling are free theories; one grammatical/

grammar and from errors. (1) to three (3) spelling errors.

spelling are grammatical I

free from spelling errors.


Reflection Profound Clear but lacks Not so clear Unclear and shallow;

and clear; depth; supported and shallow; rarely supported by

Supported by what by what were somewhat what were observed

were observed and analyzed supported by what were and analyzed

observed observed and analyzed



Learning Artifacts Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not

reflected on in reflected on in the not reflected reflected on in the

the context of context of the on in the context of the

the learning learning outcomes. context of learning outcomes;

outcomes; Complete; well the learning not complete; not

Complete, organized, very outcomes. organized, not

well- relevant to the Complete; relevant

organized, learning outcome not

highly relevant organized.

to the relevant to

learning the learning

outcome outcome

Submission Submitted Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2) days
before the deadline the deadline or more after the
deadline deadline

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