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Professional Practices for IT

Submitted to:
Sir Osama
Submitted by:
Moarij Manzoor

Current political problem and challenge (NAMOOSE-E-RISALAT)
which Muslims face today and their solutions in the light of Islamic

1. Introduction:......................................................................................................................................2
2. Findings and Discussions:.................................................................................................................3
2.1. Blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):.................................................................4
2.2. Danish newspaper caricatures:.................................................................................................4
2.3. Charlie Hebdo case:...................................................................................................................4
2.4. French President on Muhammad (PBUH) cartoons:..............................................................5
2.5. Protest in Pakistan (2020):........................................................................................................5
2.6. TLP protest in 2021:..................................................................................................................5
2.7. Agreement between government of Pakistan and TLP:.........................................................6
2.8. Stance of Government of Pakistan:..........................................................................................6
2.9. TLP stance:................................................................................................................................6
3. Solutions:............................................................................................................................................7
4. References..........................................................................................................................................7

1. Introduction:
For decades and even couple of hundreds of years, France has been up to disgracing Islam and
the Holy Prophet P.B.U.H. The ice between France and rest of the Muslim world has been, since,
thick. In the past few years, a newspaper company in France captured attention by making
cartoonic images of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. No Muslim can ever allow such
disgrace. Certain complaints were made against the notorious newspaper company and the issue
had been going on. Recently, a Muslim man I'm France came up with a little extremist idea and
killed the guy who was responsible for making these cartoonic images. The newspaper company,

in response to this killing, announced to especially advertise even more cartoonic images
publicly on different platforms. Muslims were deeply offended by it. A political party in
Pakistan, known better as TLP or Tehreek-Labbaik had more to say and do. They requested the
government to terminate the French Ambassador in order to express hatred and resentment
against the utter disgrace done by France. The Government of Pakistan gave a commitment to
take action against the issue after a few days’ time. The "few days’ time" period clearly did not
acceptable to TLP and the party announced to break out riots forcing a country shutdown. The
Government took quick notice of it and arrested Saad Rizvi, the chairman and leader of TLP
considering the shutdown threat a serious issue and disgrace. TLP supporters, being offended by
it greatly came out to streets and began banging things presenting themselves as extremists. The
city most damaged by this was Lahore. For a week, the government tried its very best to cope
with a issue. Police were ordered to arrest the extremist TLP supporters. Unfortunately, the
situation could not be put to rest and two of the policemen were also martyred. The opposition
parties' supporters joined hands with TLP against the government and gave fuel to this fire by
terrorizing the citizens of Lahore. Together, the massive majority of TLP and few supporters of
other parties came out as terrorists on streets, blocked roads, traffic, even broke the cars of
citizens and snatched their mobile phones, hence causing great disruption. Many routes and
major roads were flooded with traffic and havoc. This even blocked oxygen suppliers and
ambulances from reaching the hospitals, endangering lives of many patients. The Government of
Pakistan could not stay quiet at this issue and police gunmen were ordered to number up against
the terrorist supporters and arrest them. Some of the supporters were even shot. Few were taken
to the government hospitals for recovery whereas some were kept in mosques in order to keep
themselves from getting arrested. Treatment not given timely lead to the death of injured
supporters. Saad Rizvi was then allowed to convey to TLP supporters to retreat to their homes.
Many TLP supporters were arrested and those who caused havoc to have been ordered to be
arrested. The political party TLP itself has now been clearly prohibited from its political status
and it can no longer participate as candidate party.

2. Findings and Discussions:
Namoos-e-Risalat means the sanctity or honor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Being a
Muslim, it is our faith that Allah is one and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last
Prophet of Allah. It is our duty as a Muslim that we should stand against any
blasphemous activity that happens in the world. If we are not doing anything then
obviously there is a lack in our love for our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our basic
faith demands from us that we should protect the honor of Muhammad (PBUH) in any
possible ways. We must protect it verbally as well as practically. If we Muslims do not
take stand against such activities that hurts the honor of our beloved Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) than who will stand. So, every Muslim should protect Namoos-e-Risalat n every
possible way or what is in his power.

2.1. Blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

It is just not only the last year (2020) that blasphemous activity against Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) has been done. As a Muslim country and being Muslim, we should
think that had we not taken proper steps in the past that such blasphemous activities
against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) continues or the matter had not been discussed
properly on the international forum.

2.2. Danish newspaper caricatures:

The case that got the Muslims attention internationally goes back to 2005 when the
Danish newspaper published 12 cartoons depicting prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The
world-wide protests happened in major Muslim countries in the late January and early
February of 2006 and some results in violence. The supporters of the publishers of the
cartoons said that it was a freedom of speech, but freedom of speech does not mean that
they hurt the beliefs of other religion peoples.

2.3. Charlie Hebdo case:

It does not stop here, in 2015 Charlie Hebdo, a France weekly newspaper published the
cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). These caricatures were first published back in
2006 and their re-publication causes a huge outrage in the Muslim world and protests

were made in Muslim countries including Pakistan. As a result of the publication of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) caricatures, two French Muslim brothers attack on the
office of the magazine in Paris but as a Muslim we should not go for the violent behavior.
Our religion Islam teaches us that we should do a peaceful protest and should not go for a
way that results in hatred and violence.

2.4. French President on Muhammad (PBUH) cartoons:

The matter of disrespecting the honor of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) happens again in
2020 when in October a teacher in France, who was beheaded, used cartoons of
Muhammad (PBUH). The Muslims became more furious especially in Pakistan when the
French president Emmanuel Macron protects the teacher for using cartoons by saying that
is a freedom of speech and it is not wrong if the teacher uses the caricatures of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) but should not we ask that what kind of Freedom of speech is this
that can hurt the religious beliefs of other religion people and where this freedom of
speech is gone when the topic is holocaust (genocide of European Jews during world war

2.5. Protest in Pakistan (2020):

The stance of French president causes an outrage among the people of Pakistan and
protests were made all over Pakistan. The Islamic party TLP blocks the entrance of
Islamabad in November 2020 and demanded the expulsion of French Ambassador from
Government of Pakistan. The protests came to an end when the two parties (TLP and
government of Pakistan) reached an agreement the matter of the expulsion of French
ambassador will be discussed in the parliament.

2.6. TLP protest in 2021:

On 11 April 2021, the leader of the TLP party calls for the nationwide protest on 20 April
if the government of Pakistan do not expel the French ambassador from Pakistan. After
this Call leader of TLP party Saad Rizvi was arrested by the police on 12 April. This
angered the protests more and the nationwide unrest happened. The roads were blocked
resulting in cutting of cities including Lahore, Peshawar, Gujranwala. Many protestors
were killed, and hundreds were injured, and it was reported that 2 policemen were also
killed in this riot. the government of Pakistan banned the TLP party on 15th April as their

protestors were engaged in violence and attacked the public law enforces but the ban
cannot be enabled as it required the mandate for the supreme court of Pakistan to fully
dissolve the party. The social service was closed by the government of Pakistan for four
hours on 16 April and the coverage of the TLP party protestors were also banned by the
local media.

2.7. Agreement between government of Pakistan and TLP:

When the situation becomes more violent, then the government of Pakistan made an
agreement with the TLP party that they will take this issue to the assembly and a
resolution will be given in the assembly and then it will be decided whether the French
ambassador should be expelled from the country or not.

2.8. Stance of Government of Pakistan:

The point is whether the TLP party was right, or the government of Pakistan was just in
their stance. The stance of our prime minister Imran Khan was that they cannot expel the
French ambassador because this will cause a negative impact on the relation of Pakistan
and France. He further said that all the EU will turn against Pakistan and what is the
guarantee that after the expulsion of the French ambassador no one will do blasphemy
again. As a Muslim country should we not do every possible way to record our peaceful
protest on the international forum and if it is not effective then we should expel the
French ambassador from the country as a form of our protest. If this effects our
relationship with the France and EU than it is our believe as a Muslim that Allah is
sufficient for us, he is the provider, and we should trust him as Quran says:
“And whoever relies upon Allah- then He is sufficient for him (Quran 65:3)”
So, we should not go for the worldly relations, but we must trust Allah as he is sufficient
for us.

2.9. TLP stance:

On the side, the TLP stance was that Pakistan should ban French products and
ambassador of France should be expelled from Pakistan. Their demands were not wrong
as this is the least thing we can do as a Muslim country to record our protest against such
blasphemy and to give this message to the world and the France that our first most

priority is Namoos-e-Risalat, and our beliefs comes first. But on the other hand, the way
of protesting by the protestors was not right as it created unrest and violence in the
country. Islam teaches us to do a peaceful protest and should not affect others’ lives
during the protest.
So, as a Muslim we should come on one page and record our protest on blasphemy
against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the international forums.

3. Solutions:
“Muhammad whose footprints guarantee permanent joy of the hereafter”

Hate speech and violence is never the solution to any problem. It only brings chaos and havoc. A
soul with resentment, anger and hatred can never be at peace. Islam itself is a religion of love. It
brings peace to the hearts of those who deeply understand it and follow it truly. ALLAH (SWT)
has great reward for those who choose to be patient and forgiving. The beloved Holy Prophet
P.B.U.H also taught us the lessons of forgiveness through his (P.B.U.H) various acts. He
(P.B.U.H) even forgave his (P.B.U.H) worst enemies and remained patient over their animosities
and bad doings. After some of his(P.B.U.H) enemies accepted Islam, He (P.B.U.H) had no sign
of resentment against them and he (P.B.U.H) loved them and prayed for them as they became his
(P.B.U.H) ummah.

This teaches us that we should always work with patience, forgiveness and love. Instead of
choosing hate speech or violence, we should not only tolerate but choose to work with kindness
against those who hold animosities for us. Instead of looking out to fix the world, we should first
fix ourselves. We must follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H and
abstain from acts that bring resentment and havoc. Forgiving others should always be our first
priority because that is what our Prophet P.B.U.H taught us. We better not throw stones at those
who make fun of our religion. The Holy Prophet P.B.U.H went through so much yet He P.B.U.H
never even took revenge from those who threatened his (P.B.U.H) life. We should forward good
character and kindness to even those who intend to bring us harm. After all, we are all human
and our souls were made to worship ALLAH. Let us worship Him by forgiving His creations
and showing them love and respect.

4. References

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