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Obviously, in my heart there’s a feeling of guilt

over the circumstances. If… If we take them
home and they don’t get to school… That makes
me feel more guilty. But it is an advantage for
them in the future, because of these
circumstances. If they don’t get to school it will
be troublesome for them in the future, and I will
feel more guilty and have regret.

Gede, the father of a 15 year old boy living in a Hindu Child Welfare
Institution in Denpasar.


The sample group for this quantitative distinct from other sectors of the
research was defined based on research societies now prevailing on those
done by Save the Children (Martin & territories, or parts of them” (United
Sudrajat 2007). A sample group has Nations 2008). Criteria for an
indigenous Balinese in this
been defined based on the percentage
dissertation are:
of boys (54,8%) and girls (45,2%) as
1. bearing a name fitting in the
outlined as outcome within the research Balinese system of name
by Save the Children and is further giving within all kasta
defined by age group and restricted by 2. born in Bali
being submitted to the Child Welfare
Institution after October 2002, being Indigenous Balinese children are
indigenous Balinese and based on a likely victimized by the social cultural
variety of religious background of the effects of the terroristic attacks.
Child Welfare Institutions. Therefore, the research focused on
A complete picture of the actual those classified as indigenous
number of children in Child Welfare Balinese. Besides that, the focus was
Institutions in Denpasar city was on children submitted to a Child
sketched by preliminary research. Welfare Institution after October
Based on the quantity of children in 2002. The selected 225 children live
Child Welfare Institutions in in Child Welfare Institutions with
Denpasar city a defensible corpus multi-religious background (2), a
for qualitative research was Hindu background (3), a Christian
defined, based on the earlier background (4) and a Muslim
mentioned set of restrictions. The background (3).
qualitative research is executed by The qualitative research focused
in-depth interviews with children on the reason for children to be
and parents / familial caretakers. submitted to a Child Welfare
In total nine Child Welfare Institution. The qualitative research
Institutions in Denpasar gave will not only focus on the children but
consent to research within the also involved parents / familial
vicinity of their Institution. caretakers.
Field research has shown that
currently out of 648 children living Demographics Sample 50
in Child Welfare Institutions in Children
Denpasar city 225 children classify In this subchapter a quantitative
as indigenous Balinese. To qualify approach towards the sample can be
to be interviewed a child had to be found. In total ten children living in
at least in the age group of five to Christian Child Welfare Institutions,
nine years old. 29 children in Hindu Child Welfare
The UN declares: Institutions, eight children living in
“Indigenous communities, peoples multi religious Child Welfare
and nations are those which, Institutions and three children living
having a historical continuity with in a Muslim Child Welfare Institution
pre-invasion and pre-colonial have been interviewed. Subsequently
societies that developed on their parents of 16 children mentioned
territories, consider themselves above were interviewed.

In total nine Child Welfare Only children with a Balinese
Institutions gave permission for background were classified to be a
conducting research, representing participant in the research. An
a Hindu, Christian, Muslim and a inventory has been made on the
multi-religious background. kabupaten where children were born.
Percentages of participation, The result can be seen in Figure 5.2,
names of Child Welfare Institution Geographical backgrounds of children
and religious background can be in Child Welfare Institutions in
found in figure 3.1: researched Denpasar.
Child Welfare Institutions.

Figure 3.1: Researched Child Welfare Institutions

Figure 3.2: Geographical backgrounds of children in Child Welfare Institutions in


An inventory has been made based Child Welfare Institution. The
on the age of interviewed children outcomes have been presented in
per religious background of the below pie charts.

Figure 3.3: Age of interviewed children in Christian Child Welfare Institutions

Figure 3.4: Age of interviewed children in Hindu Child Welfare Institutions

Figure 3.5: Age of interviewed children in Multi-religious Child Welfare

Figure 3.6: Age of interviewed children in Muslim Child Welfare Institutions

To understand the familial both parents alive and another 16

background all children were asked percent of the children have one
whether their parents were known parent alive and known. In figure
and alive. This helped in 5.7: Status parents an overview is
understanding the concept of given of the status of the parents of
‘orphan’ and ‘orphanage’ in the the children researched.
Indonesian context. 76 percent of Subsequently; ten children
the children researched still have noted that their parents divorced.

Figure 3.7: Status parents

Way of submittance Institution now. His father passed

It is striking that in fact a number away after an accident.
of children have chosen themselves
to go and live in the Child Welfare Who recommended you to stay
Institution, where other children here?
have been sent to the Child Welfare It was Ms. …, one of the caretakers
Institutions by parents / familial here. I lived close to her house in
caretakers. Buleleng. She went to her home in
It should be remarked that Buleleng every six months during
many familial caretakers have Galungan. At that time, she met me
heard about the Child Welfare and asked whether I wanted to stay
Institutions from friends, family, in the orphanage or not. Because of
villagers or even schoolteachers, the financial condition of my family,
but that also cases are identified I said 'yes'.
where Child Welfare Institutions Did she talk to you directly at that
recruited children in time?
underprivileged villages directly. Hmm, she talked to my mother.
Recruitment is prohibited Was your mother unable to pay for
under the decree of the Minister of your school at that time?
Social Affairs: Yes, because my father passed away
and my mother had a difficult time
Child Welfare Institutions should to pay my school.
receive referrals for children in
need of alternative care but should Wayan’s mother has been
not proactively recruit children in interviewed. She contributes:
communities that do not require How about the process when
alternative care. (Ministry of Social surrendering him to the
Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia orphanage?
2011, p. 30). The owner of the orphanage came
An interesting narrative is here and my neighbour introduced
shared by Wayan, a 17 year old boy me to her. Miss … and Miss … came
from Buleleng. At the moment of and stay overnight here and they
the interview he lived for three suggested that if we can’t send our
years in the Child Welfare child to school, we can go to the

orphanage and then the orphanage being brought right away or register
will send them to school. first?
She was being brought right away.
Putu is a 20 year old girl from Then she was being brought right
Karangasem. She lives for six years away, being accepted, and lived
in a Child Welfare Institution. She there… Just like that?
narrates: Yes.
Did your parents allow you to stay So, that day she went was also the
here? day she got accepted?
Hmm, in the beginning, they said Yes.
no. About your friend, did he really know
Why? about the orphanage in Denpasar?
They said, it would be better if I He knew.
move to … a few years later since Oh he knew so he recommend it to
my junior high school was free you?
and I got a scholarship there. Yes.
Hmm, when … picked me up, my At first, why did he suggest it to you?
parents weren't at home. You asked him first?
No. He… He was… Maybe, he asked
An interview was conducted with my child before what about her being
the parents of Putu as well. It is schooled in the orphanage? She was
interesting to see the different being asked and when she came
perception of the chronology seen home from school she told me : ‘Dad,
from the eyes of the parents. I’ve been asked if I want to be
Where did you get the information schooled in Denpasar and live in the
on the orphanage? orphanage?’. I let her make the
Told by… decision, if she want it, if she can
There was a liaison. There is a stand it… Then do as you want, right?
foundation here too… I told her. Then she said that she
Oh a foundation, here? wanted to go, and he brought her
Yes, there is. There’s a friend that there. So… So… That is what she
was working in that foundation that wanted, that’s it.
told me. Maybe he already knew about my
Did he work for the foundation situation here. For example, he told
here? Why did you not you place us about things, if I want my child to
her in the orphanage here if that be schooled… There is a way, he said.
was nearer? If she lived here maybe she won’t
She was too old. continue to high school, I am being
At that time, what is your reason honest with you. I am not ashamed,
for surrendering your daughter to the circumstance is like this, right? I
the orphanage? am poor, my child wanted to continue
Because we have less than her schooling, moreover if I am didn’t
fortunate economic condition. let her… I can’t do that for her. So I
If we thought that we could school let her decide…
her here, then we didn’t have to So that’s why you let her choose?
bring her there, right? Yes, let her decide.
Yes. Better for her to live with her
family, right?
First, you got the information from An interesting chronology is
your friend, right? Then she was shared by Ketut from Negara. His
parents are divorced and Ketut ended
up living in a Child

Welfare Institution. Ketut has three which secondarily led to austerity on
sisters of whom two are already education. The Child Welfare
married and one sister who still Institution has been chosen to fill in
lives with his mother. the gap of a lack of funding for
Do you know why your father Ketut’s education. The Child Welfare
asked you to stay here? Institution was chosen upon a
Because he could not afford my referral from neighbours.
Who asked you to stay here? Another interesting chronology is
My mother <annoyed face> asked shared by Ayu: She is a 14 year old
me to stay here, but my father girl from Tabanan, living in the Child
was the one who brought me Welfare Institution for one year. She
here. has one younger brother.
Did you cry when your father Who told your parents about this
brought you here? orphanage?
Yes. My aunt <glassy eyes>
Did you feel sad? Who told your aunt about this
Yes. orphanage?
Why? My aunt is working in SMA …, and
I don’t know <soft voice>. one of her students is staying in this
If you can choose, do you prefer orphanage.
to stay with your father or your Why don't you stay with your aunt?
mother? No.
I prefer to stay with my mother. But, did your parents agree to put
Do you have any relatives who you here?
have stayed here as well? Yes. <she avoids eye contact with
No. the researcher, was holding back her
Have you ever been mad at your tears>
parents because they asked you to But, did they force you to come
stay here? here?
No, never. No, they asked my opinion first.
In which grade are you now? What did you say at that time?
I am still in the first grade of I said yes at that time. I thought it
junior high school; package B. was going to be easy for me to go
Did your mother ask your opinion home whenever I want it <holding
before telling you to stay here? back her tears>.
Yes, she did. Do you feel mad at your parents?
What did you say? Yes, I do feel that…but <holding
I said ‘yes I want to stay there’ back her tears again>
because I didn’t know anything at With your brother?
that time. <She is crying>
How did your father know about Do you know why your parents ask
this orphanage? you to stay here?
He knew it from one of our They said the social environment in
neighbours. Tabanan is not good for me. They
wanted me to have a better future
Primary reason to be as well as to be an independent
submitted to a Child Welfare woman.
Institution for Ketut are financial Did you feel mad because you need
struggles, probably caused by the to stay here while your brother
mentioned divorce, stayed at home?

<nodding her head while wiping Welfare Institution. Putu, a 17 year
her tears> old girl from Tabanan, narrates the
If you can choose, do you prefer following based upon the question
to stay here or with your parents? why she wasn’t submitted to a Child
With my parents. Welfare Institution in Tabanan:
Have you ever asked your parents Aren’t there any orphanages in
to take you back home? Tabanan?
Yes, I asked them once, and I told I think there are some, but I was
them that I was not feeling looking for a Hindu orphanage.
comfortable staying here. Why don’t you stay there?
Did they offer you to go home? One of my neighbours stayed there,
No, they did not. and they asked him/her to convert
Do you know until when did your her/his religion to being Christian.
parents want you to stay here?
They wish until I finish my
university. Wayan is a 15 year old boy from
Klungkung. His parents passed away
The referral to the Child (even though his story is not clear
Welfare Institution has been made on the actual passing of his mother,
by an aunt of Ayu who works at a he is told she passed away). His
high school. The decree of the aunt made the decision to submit
Minister of Social Affairs stipulates Wayan to a Child Welfare Institution,
referrals in practice: apparently without informing her
The Child Welfare Institution brothers and sisters.
receives referrals by the Social Who brought you here?
Authorities, the Child Protection My aunties child.
agencies, Non-Governmental Where did you live before?
Organizations or other parties that Before I was living with my aunt in
deem a child needs to be placed in Negara. But I could not go to school,
the institution for their best interest so I was brought here so I could get
(Ministry of Social Affairs of the education.
Republic of Indonesia 2011, p. 30). How did you, or your aunt, know
that you could get free education
In this case the aunt, in her role as here?
educator, should have reached out I just heard it. There are two
to the Child Welfare Institution and orphanages, one in Klungkung and
make a referral to her niece. one in Denpasar. They said to just
go here with Pak Komang.
After the interview <IHG14B>: Why not in Klungkung, but here?
mentioned that she feels that her I don’t know..
parents love her younger brother Was it chosen for you?
more than they love <IHG14B>: Yes.
This may be caused by the But did they not ask whether you
successive links of patrifiliation would like to live in an orphanage?
from father to son as described by No.
Geertz in their book Kinship on Bali What did they say?
(Geertz & Geertz 1975, p. 47). Come here, we buy clothes, because
you go to school, and then I was
In the case of <IHG15C> the brought here.
choice for a Child Welfare Did they know that you were sent
Institution was also based on the here at the time?
religion practiced within the Child


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