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Contractual & Legal Aspects in the Construction Industry

CLAC 050 Final ONLINExam - Spring 2021

Dr. Sherif El Haggan

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………

I. Mark T (True) or F (False) next to each sentence

FIDIC Red Book 1999 Edition

An attempt at amicable settlement pursuant to Sub-Clause 20.5 is not a condition
1 
precedent to the referral of the disputes to arbitration

If a party fails to comply with a DAB’s final and binding decision the other party
2 
may refer the disputes to the courts

If the Contractor fails to give notice of a claim within 28 days the Contractor loses
3 
entitlement to additional payment and to extension of time

4 The DAB must comprise three members 

5 In case of disagreement DAB members are appointed by the local courts 

If the parties do not issue a notice of dissatisfaction, the DAB’s decision becomes
6 
final and binding

7 The DAB has power to adopt an inquisitorial procedure 

The DAB has the power to decide upon its own jurisdiction as to the scope of any
8 
dispute referred to it

9 The DAB has the power to proceed with a hearing in the absence of one of parties 

FIDIC Red Book 4th Edition

An attempt at amicable settlement pursuant to Sub-Clause 20.5 is a condition
10 
precedent to referral of the disputes to arbitration

If the Contractor fails to give notice of a claim within 28 days the Contractor does
11 
not lose entitlement to additional payment

12 Arbitration may be commenced prior to or after completion of the Works 



Arbitration may not be conducted in a language other than the language of the
13 

14 A tribunal consisting of an even number is accepted in some legal systems 

15 It is recommended to name arbitrators in the arbitration clause before disputes arise 

According to the Egyptian arbitration law, when an arbitrator is challenged, the

16 
tribunal continues the proceedings

Parties can agree that meetings may be held in a place other than the place of
17 

The parties can choose the substantive law to be applied to the case by the arbitral
18 

19 An arbitration clause becomes void if the contract is terminated 

The place of arbitration may determine the procedural law that governs the
20 

A default award is where the arbitral tribunal does not follow the substantive law
21 
agreed by the parties and thus the award is subject to annulment

Where a party submits fresh evidence or argument at the hearing, the arbitral
22 
tribunal usually permits a further rebuttal to the other party

A tribunal cannot correct computation errors in its award after issuing the final
23 

24 An arbitration clause constitutes a separate and autonomous contract 

Under the Egyptian arbitration law, the tribunal may order interim measures upon
25 
the request of a party without the agreement of the other party

Normally, the respondent submits his counterclaims, if any, with his statement of
26 

In civil law jurisdictions, the arbitral tribunal usually follows an inquisitorial

27 

Under the Egyptian law of arbitration, when an arbitrator is challenged the tribunal
28 
continues with the proceedings

29 Arbitration clauses are drawn up to deal with disputes that have already arisen 

30 Arbitrations my in certain situations be governed by more than one system of law 

If one of the parties refuses to attend a hearing, the arbitral tribunal may proceed ex
31 

Under the Egyptian arbitration law, the tribunal’s decisions may be reached by
32 
majority vote

A tribunal may not issue additional awards with respect to claims presented in the
33 
proceedings but omitted from the award

The Egyptian arbitration law empowers the arbitral tribunal to take interim
34 

According to the Egyptian arbitration law, the tribunal may act as amiable
35 

A claimant may change substantiations, evidence, arguments and quantum that

36 
were indicated in his statement of case

37 Appeals against arbitral awards are allowed in most jurisdictions 

In civil law countries, the judge plays a more active part in the conduct of the
38 
proceedings compared with common law countries

39 ‫ النظر فى مواضيع النزاع أثناء نظر دعوى بطالن حكم التحكيم‬9 ‫يجوز لمحكمة المادة‬ 

40 ‫تنظر محكمة استئناف القاهرة كل دعاوى بطالن أحكام التحكيم‬ 


II. Complete the following sentences

1. Arbitration agreements in respect of future disputes are usually contained in

Arbitration Clause

2. On being approached to be appointed, an arbitrator must disclose all facts that

may give rise to any doubt about his impartiality and independence

3. The principle via which the tribunal rules on motions related to its jurisdiction is

known as Competence/Competence

4. A tribunal may act as amiable compositeur according to Article number 39 (4)

of the Egyptian arbitration law

5. Mention 3 methods used to appoint arbitrators:

1. by agreement of the parties. 2. by a list system

3. by a arbitral institution

6. The law that governs the arbitration proceedings is known as lex-arbitri

7. Mention 3 methods used to asses arbitrators’ fees:

1. The “ad valorem” method 2. The “time spent” method 3. The “fixed fee”


‫ التي‬1958 ‫ لسنة‬New York ‫ يتم االعتراف بأحكام التحكيم األجنبية وتنفيذها بناء على اتفاقية‬.8

1923 ‫ لسنة‬Genava ‫ وبروتوكول‬1927 ‫ لسنة‬Genava ‫حلت محل اتفاقية‬


‫ يجوز للمحكمة رفض تنفيذ حكم التحكيم حال معارضة هذا الحكم للنظام العام فى الدولة التى‬.9

.‫ُيطلب تنفيذ حكم التحكيم فيها‬

Arbitrability ‫ قابلية النزاع للتحكيم يعرف باإلنجليزية بـاآلتي‬10

III. Cases

Case # 1

An Iraqi is appointed as arbitrator according to the ICC Arbitration Rules. The

substantive law applicable to the contract is the Kuwaiti law.

The arbitrator must have capacity according to Iraqi law

The lex arbitri is ICC Arbitration Rules

The law applicable to the matters in dispute is Kuwaiti law

Case # 2

A project executed in France and the French Law is the law applicable to the contract.
The seat of arbitration is CRCICA Cairo and the award shall be enforced in Kuwait.

The substantive law is the French Law

Recognition and enforcement of the award is based on Kuwaiti law

The lex arbitri is CRCICA Rules


‫‪Case # 3‬‬
‫اتفقت شركة سعودية مع شركة مقاوالت كورية على إنشاء مصنع بالقاهرة‪ ،‬مصر وتضمن العقد االتفاق على حل‬

‫المنازعات بالتحكيم وفقاً للقانون المصري على أن يتولى رئيس اتحاد المقاولين المصري اختيار محكم أوحد‪.‬‬

‫لم تسدد الشركة السعودية قيمة المستخلصات لمخالفة شركة المقاوالت الكورية للمواصفات‪ ،‬فطلبت شركة‬

‫المقاوالت من رئيس اتحاد المقاولين تعيين محكم لحل النزاع‪ ،‬إال أنه لم يرد‪:‬‬

‫‪ .1‬كيف يتم تشكيل هيئة التحكيم؟ ولماذا؟‬

‫تطلب شركة المقاوالت من محكمة إستئناف القاهرة تعيين المحكم األوحد‬

‫حيث ان طبيعة هذا التحكيم هو تجارى دولى التحكيم المصرى‪ ،‬تتولى محكمة إستئناف القاهرة إختيار المحكم‬


‫‪ .2‬ما نوع هذا التحكيم؟ ولماذا؟‪:‬‬

‫أ‪ .‬مؤسسي ال ‪ ،‬حل المنازعات بالتحكيم وفقاً للقانون المصري‬

‫ب‪ .‬محلي ال ‪ ،‬الن المركز الرئيسي ألعمال كل من طرفي التحكيم يقع في دولتين مختلفتين‬

‫‪ .3‬ما القانون الواجب التطبيق على المطالبة بسداد قيمة المستخلصات؟ ولماذا؟ القانون المصرى ‪ ،‬طبقا‬

‫للمادة (‪ )2-39‬من القانون المصرى للتحكيم‪ ،‬إذا لم يتفق الطرفان على القواعد القانونية واجبة التطبيق‬

‫على موضوع النزاع‪ ،‬طبقت هيئة التحكيم القواعد الموضوعية في القانون الذي ترى أنه األكثر اتصاالً بالنزاع‪.‬‬

‫‪ .4‬لجأت الشركة الكورية لمحكمة التجمع الخامس طالبة اآلتي فما رأيك في كل طلب منهم؟ ولماذا؟‬

‫أ‪ .‬إيقاف أعمال البناء المخالفة للمواصفات؛ كان يجب على الشركة الكورية اللجوء إلى محكمة‬

‫إستئناف القاهرة‬

‫ب‪ .‬التصدي لحل النزاع لتعذر تنفيذ شرط التحكيم؛ يجب على محكمة التجمع الخامس التي رفع إليها‬

‫نزاع يوجد بشأنه إتفاق تحكيم أن تحكم بعدم قبول الدعوى‪.‬‬

‫ج‪ .‬عدد المحكمين يجب أن يكون ثالثة وفقاً للقانون المصري ال يجوز ذلك‪ ،‬حيث نص شرط العقد‬

‫الخاص بالتحكيم أن يتولى رئيس اتحاد المقاولين المصري اختيار محكم أوحد‪ ،‬وبالتالي ال يمكن‬

‫تغييره اال باتفاق األطراف‪.‬‬

‫‪ .5‬ما أثر رفع الدعوى على إجراءات التحكيم؟ ولماذا؟ ال يحول رفع الدعوى دون البدء في اجراءات التحكيم‬

‫أو اإلستمرار فيها أو إصدار حكم التحكيم ‪.‬‬

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