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The Protestant Reformation https://quizizz.


The Protestant Reformation
DATE  : 
10 Questions

1. What invention helped to spread the information of the Reformation?

A The Globe B The Paint Brush

C The Printing Press D The Mona Lisa

2. Who was Martin Luther?

A A Germen priest who rebelled B An NFL quarterback for the NY Jets

against the Catholic Church

C The priest who convinced Henry the D An African-American civil rights

8th to divorce his wife leader

3. What was the Protestant Reformation?

An attempt to reform the Catholic

A A call for Christian Europe to reclaim B practices that were considered
the Holy Land from the Arabs.

An argument over leadership of the

C An attempt to overthrow the Pope D Catholic Church that led to the
and replace him with a Frenchman.
election of 3 Popes

4. This was the Church practice of selling forgiveness for sin 

A Usury B Tithe

C Indulgences D Sin Tax

1 of 3 09/11/2022, 9:00 am
The Protestant Reformation

5. Martin Luther first announced his opposition to the Catholic Church in the city of 

A Geneva B Hamburg

C Newton D Wittenberg

6. What are the complaints called that Martin Luther wrote against Indulgences?
(watch the spelling)

A The 95 Theses B The 95 Theories

C The 95 Arguements D The 90 Thesis

7. Luther wanted the Bible translated into which language?

A German B English

C American D French

8. Who wanted to translate the Bible into English?

A Desiderius Erasmus B John Calvin

C William Tyndale D King Henry VIII

9. Which of the following movements happened in Europe that led to the


A Renaissance B River Valley Civilizations

C Mongol Empire D Fall of Rome

10. Who was NOT a major influence in the Reformation?

A John Calvin B Percales of Athens

C King Henry the VIII D Martin Luther

2 of 3 09/11/2022, 9:00 am
The Protestant Reformation

Answer Key

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.c

5.d 6.a 7.a 8.c

9.a 10.b

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