Pleading Drafting A A

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S.No. TITLE 7 | PAGE NO. a ae oo) | eesereen eel ae - 1-21 | 4. | Gremmal Budaceples of Drafting 2-4 o - z Faust tufouimadion Report &Prabl a FR [5 -S 3 Complaint & Proft af Complacat 9-13 4 Bath & Draft of Coil 44-417 B tirana Revistow & Proft af Cu’menal 18-22, Revistow 6. |eriminat Appat & Proft of Ciiminal 23-21 Appeal Unt 2 RB- 72 wi [Grewsal Pdnetples af Pleaolluy Cw Cel Suits | 29 ~ 3t . og | @ Plevint & Proft of Ploiint 2L- 30 4 Wrultew Statement & Draft of Writlew BT- AL L Statement to. |Taterrtocutorny Applicatrom & Draft a 42-45 — i Tolerbocwclury AppUteoctiow tf | Onigtnol Petttion & Pagl of Osuigenal 4o- 49 Petition 42 Fret Rito f Popl af Freeuktdou. | 50 - 5 Percttoa va | cit appeal & nate of cutl Appont EH FP _] S.No. TITLE : _ | PAGE NO. | [_$4-__| fuct_Revislow ome Prodt of CevtL Rovistiow, = 63 | 48: | Feb Wow WA 22.6 af Irohiaw Conclt tu low & Prapt | 64 — 6% [| aw Pelelvow WA 226 Of Thddin Conc litalvou, | Me | fetdtfom Wa 22_of, Yoel Coustetuction § Dmapt | 6q — 12 Le tu Petition WA 32 af Tholaw Constttu tion nt 3 - 13-37 417- | brome? Rules Relutiag 10 Dred tig bev connyomedn 4-16 ¢ ott L | 18 Abbictow Lome Probl oY Afbicave L W168 | [18 | Power ef Attonwiy (Grewrat) 4 Progt of Powen | 82 - Bo I ey Atloyem “b- RO Powen ef Attormuy (Spe edet ) Preoy BT- 6B RL WE omol Proft of WLW 84 - 92 | Ad. | Agraemewt omcl olmabl of Agree ment 42 = oir | Une 4 98-125 |_23 Sale Decl owncl Draft of Cale Desk 99 - toy ja Mortgage Pred 4 Prat uf Mortgage Dad | 105 - t10 | Te | ee | Lease Del & Dna t ey leon Card | tet - dys | ——— | 26 PAt Deed 4 Draft of bit(t Dead | ieee L : a | 21 Fart wescstp, Oreck & Prof | af _ Devo Fey Leere chi Unit { Liiméinal Frenctse f Oundites af Goo h ao Exenaise2 = Fiscal Tnfowma bow Report Evenetse % - Compact Exenacse4- Bail Arf bcohon Exenuse 5- Criminal Reyiscow Exenecse 6 Coun nel Appeal —— Brene’se £ Guonal Puineiples af Dna tng » Drufting i the Meer Stee ed writing A goer oa. tome” auteoure i geet obra t The ote of good ahrafiting oma good nly ee ee Hrotespective af the punpase one the same thrnygh dhe subctoltre J 4 wutles — olaffore Sa to the Alife neat purpose of monk Gunibles af Grocel Drafting 1+ Concise ness A goed dno t shouted if by a couetse form . The Concie form — teaus walersdal facts anol maesseoy and @atorols should” le» used and a gooet Anaft om wri ting sho owatel lwchusten af wnuicossari, ancl facta at wt whith & mw wou ts tw relation, fete suger t walter. “There fone ge clnatte shwuld be in covetic fone - Re Chait There stud alxoluds claruty tet wucting co that the meen — able te wncClenncl ils Contents wrtheak sbuss on shrole re Camguage used. shwuld be sucly so a tt seaclens “tO Unders bean crusily As far a2 possible, stomple wor sbould be usceh which with — owettoh oon coufuston tr the atid of ecole. A gocel enncling shuld, opctale various poruagvapie for expressing Vautous nO subject wollen Te wdlt avd nny ef olifjrent Sdeao amd auatler B Complet ness A wxiliag shail te fre frou all daficiencins tu oelon tv ensure the competes et tty mathe a wluch ce intended A good writing should contain all the esseuitia? Infowmmection God TL sto ao ck, wha wee leek tothe amino “ yradesr Tt means voli material — elated yt out A Heectce mess Dreciiton ts ameter —tavporclanl fpcton, af, po Te conlainel could be cecusitle anol there shoutal The — {pel by no ambiguly Mone Punt be perfection da tha wlideuveals nude The woncttag sbuoutel or peer Gyan gram: calical spetleng anol pene tucclton wustakes 5 Pleasant accent oorl of goo wanting to crwrte om Canprassion by usta, — courteptS ancl potile wonds . ctuadll mf lect atl the olustveck court sy, fat > whom Tt & addrused His an gu tly xeadens A qeet wot king ot Course, Hewing genie poltle ness plays a y vole ta wncting So tieut Feabinge “al geot cvagitng ane S- W Selection af Connect wonels - ef Mytrl wonels cat tan rept place Us “the The selec tion golclen seule cf goeel cwreting . The worels wee! shouted so Sto convey the eal anecume the be such curate, Wo the Heaclen Chatce of ruiguet words — mecesser in the ineaaning clan Ue of vagus avoucls anedee to me contents Ca the mined wilt exeale — confession — about the ef Neder To weil such sttuation . In str tag oF fectunical — oeworeuds, Lochateat merely that cow asppueprlite be usecl anay / Hi) Clean and fitom thinletag . a Gs iin portant aspect o got reo he that the cus lese shout fowe char thinking cdbvat the subject matter. that he i gating 2 wrile Ta absence af clear 3, The wwibn catt mel bye able to acpress Guia wrth clanity amol the documart ia quertion aill create con ust sMteectibay fo the wencler Therteforee cl tS esserlae hat the cbveapt nem should eauefove the ideas amd hougfits fore reecictug them to wrdiig. ee re rere et eee ee eea agg nea eee asa iid) courtesy conc Polétness Bt is am tmpontent amet siguifeom t ivgprechinat ef good vfttag The ay af due courtesy oma poltte mess tw wren goes withoul suing ry Uts dkividled the weacles t& clelightedk to neack amok ay Gives prowl respouse.. Thus by obsrevtng polite mass iw eat the meaclen achieves Cl objective. a M pala powt nee Wy) Logica aneamngew ements. A good cnagt should counters leq cal covrane pan onks ieee therefore the steclement [event should be qumangedl C2 ebnone- toqical once treet the seaden fs able 0 wndenstamd the subjed wratlen propelyy without bi There stuulcl be cons! sivlomey wea to creerle ou goocl. | Lwaped fuctO omy confusion ineprcl om ils meaclen © Local conangemout oboviccles the chance of, oniesion Om. rapetition In long daumenrts the umilese will fro tts comvemcent to be onalents ancl ciysteonatic tw He use af ruwbess ond Utlens por sub clauses and fanagraphs v) Shoxt Sevilences Simple conc chont seritences to be usecl which must be comple mat cxccunecte » Use do sentence should be owataled . “The t ee meck to be twliledle Tt & atwoys use ful bv construct cborct ancl simple sentences wage should aol i J 1 be changed unless EE olesinedd change the moaning Picco owl Gitcbsust propurded” the fotolia pucles + Pefone commen cur, otra, “enfin should shout conceive the whole olusiqa: ou «Notting ts to be omitlesl om on ot xomelowr e The onelen af the cbwft shoutol be shuicRy Looceal {mast be neoctily tatedligible to oyna Exenerse 2 | inst Jretcrsm atton Kepo ut Synopsis’ lypTntnodccttow Ly ceclfow, 154 lysechow 154) tyeection ISH) tysection 15412) Exenctse 2A Draft of FIR Fyeneise 2A Piyush St SIO Shad Mall Stag be House No 34 Tusdeolifa Kuthinagas, OM. Kuchinagere Mobile 0. 6388097163 To, “The SHO, Abinawli Thoma Police Statiou Kusthy nagase 2A Octobe , 2020 Sabject Request Rove lodging am FIR regards won Acctelent Recpectedk, Sise, T, Piyush Sighs , ageel 27 Geos, om pesitlewt Tunkdliha, Kushiuagae . LF would Uke tp 4 Villas . i ae youre atlerton, that om 237% Octolen 2020 while bre Ui qe fromm manket to home | meas Khottha Chowk ms negligent: can driven bumped woten bike so thane while Twas ersi He of giving Sndicocton. | ABtese Uitlin we fe didi oven typ 4p see but insted be escapect iw much SRed He was olay iy. a Texp Compass af Rec Coloun whose. suagistution a9 was | UP53 AU 2669 | Two mone Pesow wlio one susiclert ah my village asitnersed ts faCHlant 4 | took me. to Mecca Store theth name os Awol Stage, anch Monu Stoghe Ans tncHeat — took Pace at around 6 PM 2 tihy Wayel yee to lobe ae Fir egaroliteg) tude Wit ame sun case anol please prov J oblested Tam provicliing berewittr cle me tty the seth callesledl cop | ome Saas i Aecltheae { Wonks camel adress Pog fore youre veru fications, To shal be gretgull — fon om taken bi ond your team a Thamiing OH, Yours fit, Piyush Sin nd Phone 0 - 62809 T163 4 re Symopses Ly Tatoo duction « sectiou 200 af CH PC + Sechow tof of, Cx PC secttom 202 Cs PC serclvom 20 2 cxPe Section 204 a Coe PC Frenccse 34 Daakt af Complaint Exexcise 3 Sayinecluc Hows, Sections 2 al CxPC Complaint ot allegation mace te unciting te a tgistete wrth 2 vine te Als tektug actfon uncle the cole that some pasion, whrthen know on unlowune fxs comuiled — omy sfleace but does mot ficlude police nepont Sechiow 200 4 CHF Examination of complaint A Somes act tnkig oq eee ab am atfence aw tomgait chal examine pow bath the couplacnanit anct the witwess present a omy mel subatance af sucty deiemmmuation shall weduad +t word thag and shalt be sna by te coupled newt ond tee wituss ancl also by the wagituate Section 204 a cu Fe Deeedane by “Magistrate ancl competent to take Cop winamce wb the Case, of th complaiut fs mde to o Mogistredte wo wet competent tp take coguizonce. ob te offuce shalt oat the complodet tte walt pete ot for preseuiation , te Hu Count with an enoloncenrent the feet Le &) % tet complaat &B ml writing Aerect the complainant to te preps Count Sectiom 202 ay caPe Pact ponewnent al Sssue Any = oe mecept al a complaint of am offence ae GH RE Mee Bee ee cw 4 the tn PC. of he “dake fet te Postpontncent oy hee cary m{ prceess agatuct we teeused awl ether inquine fete the tose ioal{ ox dlisect semeore . Serbiom 208 af CPC Dimiscal of Complafat 44 after cousidene He Statement au oth af He complet , the Magistnete cs of opinion, that these cre 90 Sufpeent ground he shall obismiss cunch vecond uearow fon sé. Sechfon 204 af CuPt Fewe al process dw ease of Summon, a summon shall be the attendance 4 ths accutedl baa cae of warredt a wanneat way fscued Exeudce 3 A Tw the Court af Jucliedal Magistuale Frist Class Dehwaclun Cretmuinal Complaiit Wo. 134 (2020 Rabaul cabant sfo Mame} Sahami , Age 44 years. RO Prem Nagase Greamal wing owwe, ‘0 G4 ew tmluripun Hoadh P[s Prem Nagar, Dist Detraolum . Complainant v Avfawe Stagh slo Moon byes hae . ye 8 RID Prem Nagar Gremnall wig House 40 62 ow tHralaunpure Road. P[s Rum Negan. Dil Peachy Accused Criminal Conpladnk wis 200 Cw Pe agatas te above vention aecusech ty tte — alieuce of see 449 amd 500 rec, PIs Pew sha Stn, The Complainbert El mespectfully submits hn complodet grounds & ow of ie supated perso ard unemben of the be 2) The above complainant is wot only mepreled parson of soiely bh also ane af the cawcliclale fox erayon’s election = &S at in 4 oveming af 4% November. 2020 te 3) Ou an smvannige reception parby af the Atcha Stugh who & eomatilen of Deveaelna Slug The above meutiovwcl accasect Arcfuse Siagtr hack clefomect Ate complainant Rabut nevee cats by giving 0 epolony spc agaiagh the torphicact ia fuowl wf Oven ove ane a waecl abristve words wh ‘tre receptiow prety uno gall 4) The ne Wenn of oy cous plainout a cae Fateal Wem are wo of te eye wiltuss of this dacctont o)he areused ot only tel gan te cu sang spr as abow mantiowd but also Amid to Rasan tie repuletiou of te complaand by alitniincttog paplats wick ane ieee te As defowmlongy ia waliocn He is ditidtabig avy conn be eum be when ¢t sible fom fim to obo so and had alse patted a porters of cle eae tory nature . It ts wt oly hevumaiing Whe vuputabtou of, clenl but also projets the ban spions effpet on the comma elec Hines ae welt Ca whith 4th complainant te om of the cavoli‘clate «) fompiisant ore st ae Layal aablee by Ue ele fo ciecurd — bo op boc tze bul -the accused ig man of Qalal Cluvatlen ond @¢ wupcle end ako cltel aot apologize b “4 dagak mabe as weth Prcaye re Wis Therefore , most respect jubly proged to the Howrable Comet thal The accused — be prose cuted oak prwuiched occondtug (lo tad Place + Dehn clue owes feitepully Dule % 1211s 2020 . — counsel | Advocate a af tre complainant Rebut Sahat bal Symopses Evenctse 4 Ly Ind scoolue tou « Section 426 al, Cr PC ¢ Section 427 on PC o Secon 4BQ a Cx PC Even cise 4A Draft a Exercise 4 Tatrccluct ion The Gout in faainnee Lomaucge means c gunaatee OM assumemce — gious by % person caorleel 10 app ew before 6 compolomt — count at a specified placo The ef, fow wheels gover the Rel ane umclex chapter XXKT af OP ea Pr reforcrcecl Section 436 af CHPe Tn what ceses ball com accuse af Mow hailable «(fence witout wevent by on police station on appear be leaken where pareon olhen than pensou is arrested — ort" olelertuect afpceer a crane of o ce brscug tat before the count & prepeorsect tb ge twit at amy time while iw cous tly a sucky afficen ot ol omy stage of, te prioceacktiugs laefone ouch — couset soctiou 437 cf CuPe when omy parson fs commisstow — af omy ow detained — without potice etatton appears Sessfon Count, he | be cccusecl om suspectecl af the "won boalable’ offence os cenneited. of - vat Gy aw ofptcere = Cu oe x bxfone a count, ote tilenad Gh High court oy Baik coc ttow 438 af, Cr Pee whew “ poco cwested braille — affemce , Me may apply to -the clisac Wom unde Gas neasow to belive that be moy be ow om aceuston af ime commalecl — ow ston count for % Hig, Cowl om ses Hits section, ‘t count oe Wak grt, he shatk be neleasecl on bail Exenctse 44 the Count of Chief, Fudidah Maglite Kuching ae i . Bail Applicabiow No 212 [2020 ef Uttar Pradesh vi Ran tat Staghs Under sections 274 337 ,338 IPc Police Statiow : Abixowlt Tana. Destruct es (aime No.5 256]2020 Bail Applicection ls 4aG CwPe af the accused above Row tall 2) The involwed te Tnswruenee poling ome Sigh S10 Styawn tal Single , Age 42 yeans, Rio village Bhaluo Hose No. 25, Pls Abtvawté Thana , Dist. Kushung ar Sin, 1) The above applicant was vested by thu pole tw Tne above mentioned Ciline ond Cs in judieink custrly detaind in obit Waushiaagore Jail 2) The above mentionecl —accusect leant is fumcent amd — possess ue vabid Duiving Lisewce (He copy eatlachecl long with “His applica seasons anxt) accusesl “applicant te tne sive af the veluical ~ tee accent fs insunecl (4m copy of the reegisloa tom contificate & atlaclnd as an ant?) A) the oe usec applic amt has pas ww criminal wecona ond aces re crastere ote St to fad fow amy ah qe offen zs 9) Thal the afjence on above mentioned accuse opplicant anerted he chang eS owe CY bau (abl ta notune . bo purcan’s be the accused — applicamt ts req @) the to Ate seetisfactfon af the court for Vet ~ bowl fis cappocovamce Ruaygere theme gone , sacl respect pully, preyed befor the rt ts above naitiowecl ciceted cupplrccunt court thal the ama 4 luca My be teltasecl ow bath. bale) Z0locloben 12020 Yous, felt ty Place a sla ee clncricucpase a counsel | Acwocecte a aceuseck Rabat Stag hy — (uidmenol | Revistom Exencise 5 ly [ntwoduc low 2 sectlon 349 Co,PC «section 4OL CarPC Exencice BA = Put ot Weomonnlom of tonto Lat 4c Revision Vere S Set rodur blow Sm Cores where these “ea pus as heme has bem failure ice of fost the aes af Meview can be anaild, af Tw Mevicton, the legality ancl connectmess af He property ory ES dg, ae ok ek oe the raguterarl mi omy freaccaalences com tee questioned the Highs Count, cn tu 4 (suo anctto) on on the application umede to il ov tum urclen — soclicw 347 and 248 of the CuPe 1973 “A weview i by mo mecuns where om ennonenus — cle connected | bul Lies oody for patent cro whine witout amy elabenate exigument enn could paint + wee oy ony feu iw tulelaintial pot a, teu whith chanes on iw the face ancl Hume cout — weasonnbly be mo bec oplinion tatentedvect clout it, & clean —Case. chon —appamtnt ou the face sucond = would be made aut.” Section 24% af Cx Pe Session Tuckge"s Power af Hevigtom The session ‘Tuolge snag vende al ek ang ap te power —whhiel wae erenticed by Hu High Count ufs Hob) CrP muganciagy reviston. Where amy applica bien fon revision ke mach . “y a Judge, Hu clusion perso to He sess a to elation tb such pousow shall be” final wo fusctluan prseet es by woe Fl hevis cach pomsow shall be entertained by Hu Hig, court on amy atten Couscl . Tee Socom FOL af CPt. High Count’s poweses nevislow , High Cowl may in ie ohiccrtlow, exertive omy af the power Conbennecl on a count af Appeat on aw court af sessiowm ancl when tre Judges com pusing the comm of duvition one eqpatlly cliveclecl in opimiow. Behone passing aw cuden, the clifence shall be give epparstumity af being recoil ethene Pestioualty on by pleuder This section shall olemecl to outhowixe a High count to convent bivcking of acqpattal tats om af conviction Exercise 5A fw the Cousct of Sesstom Juage Dehnaoluar Criminal Revision No, 252] 2020 Raman Singh Slo Grautom Stagh , Age 22 yeans RIO 715 Gennall wing, ow Thakurpar Road , Fran Nagar, PLS Prem Nagar. , dick Dehsiqdyn . Revistontst v. Shiv Gupta slo Sui many om Sup ta » Ages4 gases RIO House No. 6, Shayoum Fa , Thakurpur Road, PIs Prem Nagas, Dist. Rlmackin Bo State of Uanakhancl. Respondent Respondent Criminal Revision uls 347 CxPC., agetnat the onder of summon deded 10 )11]2020 passed by the Cheol Tudeetad Magistrate ca Case No. 5672/2020, 4 - Shiv Gupta V. Ramon Stagh ta the affowe af 222,494, B00 IPC. PIS Pre agar, Delia dun Sin, ae The Revistowst : respect fully submits ou the faltowig grows Gmounds of Rewistom ‘ Si Dol 4. Because the Cmpug nd oxclen af summon us 204 cwre ts agaitins L st “dlefamation ancl aot maurtainable . 2 Because the prsceecliings taker ane Guiet Gutegutan owing to the fatiowtu Measons : a) No motice fon dlafeumection war ae ce seek by the Raman Singh mentioned above most His eviston most racpect fully complainant to the Hevistomis b) The count masse to heats the objections of the pevescomst befone Suinmoning . detyuict odes. against the Hewswons 3. Because the Stummonin: au 1 1 ase o is mot acconding En law Gnd tw wuongpel exer | jwusdiction also. 4. That the mevisionist fs funeceut ancl howe nevert bnecehect the olla nity ah the Hes poncl eat . < + 5. Because “He orden clawrives to be moolificd ty hes Honourable Count z Prager Tt ts there fone ost raspect{ uly prayed this Honvuble Count that “to attow the Heviston. The Honable Cou may be please to sel aside the summoning onder aagatast the Hevistomest aforesaiol and =the procerclings Gy the ceuse be quashed . Pate: 15] 1z020 Neuss fatigue Place; Dehwackua Slo Counsel | Advocate of Revisconist Rarmom Siog h. (timinal Appeal Symopscs . Exencnse © Ly nl ode How + Section 372 « Secthon 274 Evencese ©4 Memonancum af Appeal 24 Tulrwoductiow Noetie 6 Aw appesl. % & coined device’ tmt fakes 9. case to aa appellate comet from a suenctfuate Comt wile a view tv ascentade whether -the Telgemnont af sus Hable fy nature that iS given by Saborelivecle Count at & mol” a second {woul bat iv centinucnce af He same iw the Hy yo Cousct - The Court — af appeal exits for The purpue af olefin om caustog ty be clone thal ta towne Count should awe oct has aot able -to lo on = has failed to do ; The appellele count on cippea mony upbotel on Reverse “He jealgenseact af te Cowen count Hct here tie cppellecte —cousct othe aA my be soled thon the Highs Couet comot—anhance tu siitence te Chininal Procedune Code lays chow Section 312, Juckgemenct on oncles ef “that — av appeal es fron aH crimmal court except as provicleol fox byl tis Code eS ee bia be fous fu frat —coucluston om fineliag tual whene the RH iso aw expresse < of the cow a a whetten the — accasedl cotemenal ts 2d om Cumeceat question és got om onder ts the fouwat ceprsssion af a Cudetned count mot being Jedqesent of cequttet from cowletions amd earl Sectlon 374 cleats write appestt oe (lew on ctuail Cutcl by oa bugle court Onigiral Coduducl Susulcelle toe wey couvie lect Amy pensom t extreer Onclimeouy sto “Ine Supine Counct. ja ule oppest Any Person wounietecl ow Lualk tld by cession Telge on aw addittoratl sescdou Twlge om ow duct eretol by ony ment "fon mene than seven years fer ben pase cl others Court in whele a semtenice ef Tmpredsion agadnet fim —omel on otten person couvicteol ol the some (nail may cuppeal -to Higte Court , fame as otherwise provided te subsection @) ang pee @) Comrictel on inatl deld by aast.sesston Judge , Melnopolitan Mayo tnat on Magistredte a Finsl Class ob ef Second Class On; te) Seulenced uncles secftou 325 OM) CQ) To nespect ow onder has baw mace on a sewlenc by car qs taecle Sesstom . beew passe undes secttou 260 4 appeal to he Comt af Judge O&huadun Chimica Appeal No 386 {2020 Mombrox Kumar SO Soho Kumar Age 22 yeaus Rlo RG/i2 ex PIS Kotuak , Shaw Colows Lame No 2 Nean Clock Delscclus Accused | Aree Uant pordent ondeu af couvie tion | agaist He tzlulze20 passect by He Chadef, Ne, 674 |Z020, The Appeal ufs t dated Case Vo Mamtck Kanak fa ie apence Fotwalt . Dehwookun mest raspret pully He fallowiag grounds subeuts the euppeal Ow Gounds af Appeal L Because the cowiclfon ond the sentaye art cuggetiac oud cthe evidence | ow af tte leanskd Com Pelrseclyar ts op Goce Me ete id the facts o& hae against : the appeliant & Cunccent amc hac been comrictedt 2, Because He leaned eount clue to ance - ond sentenced by Interpretation o fow A. Becauce the conviction seclowed of tHe Hommble : & wt matutinable te the eye of oe 5. Brome He Harrable Court wilisocl to ge bone lt of Ponies oe ia the matlene of doult to the ees, fet of the evilouce on wecovd ba 6. Because the Onde deserves to bo amvolé fied by dnfc Howvable Court 4 Prayer Tt is thenefore , most nes pect fully preyed before athe Court dhat to allow the appeal Court am. be pleased to sail aside the, How ble The Hou’ ble couviclfon and — seutence pussect agotust the acertsecdl and the appellant be ccqpeittecl « 14ln [2020 Mouns fobefully, slab counsel | Adworsle Pate ® Place ¢ Rehnackiw uf execetseck appelant Manlor Mawiode Une - 2 i Civil Exenctse L Gremmal Rele s af Cee Oreaf ting, Exercise 2 Platwl Exexcico 3 Wratten Statement Exencése 41 Tacteretnceab ony Application Exenccse 5 Ope cuok Petition : © Execution Reithow brn T Mata of cel Appeal vronctco B Chueh Reeves Com Exenciso 3 Fett lion undere Asctrcle 226 Everntise 40 Rirtow unclen Aseticle 32 Gonral Rules of Crvil Drag t tg Synopses : + IWhrwoduclion = Owderw VI Rule f + Fumdamtok Rules of Pe cling w Exenetse £ The preset dag system ap pleacbings iw cure cousel sig is based =e the. provisions of Givik proceclare Cote, 1108 supplemental —Pyow time to time by sueles ie that — oahalf by Hig Cour: af the States, Thera axe — quales of the Suprome Court — amol sues 5 special emacturents a well For ane stone “pleudwt” omch ‘complaiut” ore ease syn mous In polly, the cxpuessiow al pulovemce is predowe - nant voulty , whew a surtow files a sluleumat guievemce fe the plattiffy amd te files e ‘complais’ cowtoing alegatfon omc cludins mecl wemecly As clays passed, we awe tukeey up the" word“ Placut” fon the Gut Court — amc the — won * complaiut” fom the clued count Oude VI Rule taf Club Froceolurce Cocle C-PC cleftnes “Peadi Tt means efter 9. plait on «a wattle statement With the pessomg, of tte wwyitleny Pleackiags — supplamleck anchaie — onal pleading s Whew weduced to Tandttug the scope of confuciow for obvious oeanous , wes mace sawn - wee To, H's we find “Ihe object af pleadl’ug whith alms at ascent csitag ree the patiets for — coutewttou of othe poole, Ao a cull The sues of peocling omc others amdtlamy —ruiles corte Cv te cocle of Wve prce dune home me mat obpelive ia view, TL ts to {iin dud andl wancume done Me elven elles Hie sil. he function af Pleadings is oto give foe notico af, the cane wiicty as be ww cy thal the fasta portly ag olGuel Is eddewe to the issue dhzctosal bay tiene, Buren nad fon) Ty Uatendded (0 faretbilate amd aid 40 oelyuacl tthe cowntse 4 auletantive furlice Fundamental Rules of Pleadings Tre fundamental wule of Pleadkiing s gq onden VW, Sle 2 af CFC which eyotins ¢ Pleacttags shat cowlatin omby a strtemont te w of the material fact an whi the wulis fom Mus Chol om clyfemte , ar We tout wot the ovidleute by wie they Ws A & aE ze Evemy plead shall, whew necessa: be divided into fae 4 ye aq7ablas mutrdoemed comsnetivaly , cack elagabion betes, ke Lm as & tomendewtly comtarind fe = seprote punagrabh, sums amd “uurloed chal le exprassed tw a pleocliing in wosecle. tw figunes a2 well as The wuts of pleaclings ord othese mci tle gucles wontatned iu the Coole of Civil proceolue ~ frawe one, Object iw view Tt i 0 fend out amcl mawwow woe doww contuovensy betwen the poocties 4p be coustdlened = as cone tele The pleackings ome et advocate, The aug ict AD a game af skith twee te me co panel a OE ely te RE ek pty le de chute ment «of bide ene out te court te ets favestiqgatiow of te tructhe behwa pe Weg ats The pleadiig shalt coutaint 1) facts pel, they again , wotoulat facts: Uj wot tow, tity wot wedute; ancl iy) Tnmateudad facts to be cliscarcled. Y) Debteemey fo plecting . Evexet’so 2 Plaint synopsis 5 ~ Tt woduction Onder VE, Rule 2 Onde VIN Rule 2 Orclen Vil Rule 3 Over Vil, Rule 4 Exesedse 2A Ore aft oo ie Exemetse 2 A placut Ga statement of gretevamce made too couset seciing weHaset . gt ene §6(Hike gn cue gat olmument to aetvou boreoug tat agora t baa Hawing, care mune amd othe facts. Rule 1 af onde VI - fantiutanc to be corh’nuedt se plait The Pladut shatl emated the fetloatey peocticulans !— @ wame af the count fn white te suit fe baught ® the name olescouiption amd place a pusidente af the Platestify © The tame | clescniption and. place af pesilence of the difendent 50 fan a> they cam be asseentendaacl @ whee tre pladeble on clefeuent & madam on persom af unsound wuincl a ctutemrent to that effect @ the fact covetthting he conse af action ancl whe ft ancse @ the fects showing Hat tne count — thas Junuoliction @ the well while tne plaatalY clades ® whee the placwtith hag allowed a cet fh ow reekinquished — a portion of Ws clade te orwumt so allaved om reebiiprent © a statement af the value af subject matlese a, the curl — fom the purcpase of fumteoktfou —ernok af courct fess, SO fae ao the cae adinitts Rule 2 of onclen Vil - Tn amy suite, Where the — pleuitt{{ — seaks the, a of er , the platat shall State Ate Punpute precio amount Rae But where tie Pasig, Hes fo omesne prog on fon am amount wie Le fetes = alae Lega sate oy “the clefeuclowt, om fom clebts af ude “the yaulute be commet after. tu exenerco ef Heaconable cebigence , estimate, the plait shalt state approximately tae amount oh value sued fom. Rule & af onclem Vil ~ Wheno -Hu subjecl smatler af cul Trunoveble preopatry, the platat chal contain a chesenipttow af the property suphicent te Cdewkiby te, ond bw case cul prroparcty com be iclewlifiect — by boundledes om mums — iin ob peecoreoh of eetllerment — oe sunvey the plait eal opetty eucly boundrwes ott Wumbe nts. Rule 4 ~ Wher plaiutif, sues a Hepracentative . whens the pladutt{, sues bw a seprtesertattve charnmclerr the plait shot show mol. only thot Ak has am actual extsling falesest dw the cubject mallee but that be has laken the slep Cif amy) mecessanay to erable bin to ductflete a cud coger el. Exencte 24 IN THE | CouRY N oH ovR Ge Gea bee oe eee ot DEHRADUN Sucl No: 98 af 2020 Naveew Kama [0 Dinesh Ramo Age 50 yeaus , RIO House No 42, Avfus Emclawe. Shayoampur, PIO Rusu Nagar Debina clays. Platt fy, VERSUS Satya Single S[o Argun Stag, Age 46 years Rilo House No. 22 Shyompure , Plo Pram Nagar Debora clus os Deferotamt Sut — fore comrcetlactton oy cule Deacl mde speitic perfow Ack mance the plan ATY4, arawvec — above — most veespect ally gubmits 09 unde ~ wife & suffestag frou camee te ancl. Hearbel wore Hospital The plentipy which — fe scheduled er fe that the — pleat tf" fe wndon — Loeeat ment — tw fired chug Men's marriage 21 of Teanwenna , 2orl a fon wel Qe Wat the — platiel’f, war be tie plot sGluated fw Vasamd Vikan for 10 he cole Hol Coplemby 4, 2020 takus & the clef end eur ow 4. that the chipeerctowd — gave 230 lay tw carly anol two 2 ln enc chutes of z 20 take cack, 4 That when the plowti(f approctuch he rank ancl applied he found that hose chegpat $ jot howmeed the cheque y Ww is 5. That +h plaints oS wo ete cerwed the —motite ‘te the —clifendlenl ow a , 2020 whixe copy & ctlaceed bunrelr raging sh Uadaect ea pap get el 6 that +h te — ef action osose eu 54 october, 2020 when the plasty, called te clufpnclamt and olufendant pafuse to give 4m uft — omoumt a ee T The voluatfow of te cult thas oem patel to tne mages eer af te count — omel furiccietion Ues before the Count . Paayon Gu the — groumel. shitedt above, tt ts thexefore bu prayed that poss the onden tb cancel the safe oltech anol to oncler for the expenditure af the cage . The how’ bie cousch ony fleet prowicle any tie seleeny that 4uic Houwralble Count one be pleased to atso le the count mo Awink — t and proper ia the tbest of justice Nouns forth f Nentfica Pom 2 T, Naveew Rana $1? Dinesh Rama, sid do hereby verify the contents af Naver Romer nos 1-6 ane true to sth Fano ot) persowal Kawwligage and contents Counsel | Adwocate ane tasecl Ow Roget Stag at ewmiining pane tgat advice fom whily 1 tol. 2 be true Adwocuke Place Delrveolbar Date — 101% octolan, 2020 Exoveiso Z Wretlen Slatement Synopses - & Intbrwoluction Osvolesa vil Rule f Orelese Vi Rule fA Orecloss Vill Rule 2 Onder VIL Rule 3 Once VIIT, Rute 4 D Exercise 3A Drtaft ) va Exemetse 3 Tutroducttow A wratthen stateritout ts the Pleooking of clafonclenrt whe weit he leas with, en watewial facts ales el by ee plasty, long wile away ro face tv ads fovoute oy that al obtigatious agaist the chat af tHe ples Yh Rule £ of oncer VIE = The difendaut shall with fu seins prom the late of Senvie of Sumumnons en ne Present a water Stutewmt with ar tie could perfec a Se days , he shalt te allowed © to file the Soume ar such othe t aie as may bee spectte del dhe, count Fou tearor to be seconded fa writing but which = shall mot be latex than 82 days from te ote of wewte of summon Rule LA ay once Vit - whene He clfeudant bases euis difence upow a olocument — ose gules uepou doumont ix ls possesstow om powers fe rapport of Wis dafence ox Clad fom set - aff om courctere claim , We shall enten suck clowmnt de best amok shall — procluce tte be count whey He wetler stateurenct, iG prsented 4 iim and shalt, at tue tine | olitevese the clocumemt ond copy Hheseal , te be fil woe dhe wile Stalewrenct Rule 2 of Once VI - “the clifendant uunt Halse by wos plead al matlens which stow tHe sult aot be mointarable , on that the ‘tnansacliou Cs ofthe at veuiol on vaidable fw petut af Caw cmol atl cuchy prounds af defence ar ff mot neatsed woul tp ah to take bi oppostte paw by Sun pie , OK Would mathe Crue of fact mot nol sug aut of plackt | as for Sas bemee , Maud , Limitetfar , seleare por mecudt Performance on facts Shawing, Tego ttey w to Rule 4 of Orden VET - gt sual wot be sugpccont how clijondewt fai water Stelemennl to oleny general the ground alleged ae pleut ee cea with eacte attention of fact a whith he les wot oduct the towel except dlewages Rule 4 af ondex Vill ~ Whene a alafenclont dentes am aultegpi bon, of pet tw the plat ne must mot clo so evaeively pul amcunse tie paint af substance Exercetse 2A Tu the count a Cut of civil Tudge Seaton Pivisiow ah Dorel Sutt No (We Cy 2020 Noweou Rama slo Dtvecly Roma Age Bo year R10 House mo 42 Arfun Euclore Shrasgomew ur, PLO Prom Negar Dehina clin, Plow fh, v Sosby s10 Anfum Sing Age 46 Rilo House “0 22 , Stra i pute , Plo PHow Nagas De brea ola Defendomt cuct — fox comer ation af, sale Peel under specegic Perforemomce Act wrdtlen Statement om lahol{ af obeforitoun L, gin, In this suit the otefenclout afonssetel rege to file Cus adlua: statement to tHe plodnt as fullows 4. That ths eovtents off Fah af, ue platat acute ol 2. That the contents of une 2 ane plodal is aolumitted 3. that the conlerls af Pon 2 af the plocut Ty acludtled 4. That he coments af fone 4 af the pleut needs Wo raphy 5. That the contents of fora s of He plaurt ts clued . The —clafencleat dich mol gel omy wolice — (yor plod tiffs stele: go. thal the contents af fora 6 of The placate possUby dave. The plaiati4{ had comversaliat clu te amd pont clafenclant om of camcella tio» ts lgat 6 geloben, 2or0 but {hare war with te mo wnetiow af sate cltoct a That the Ponce “T Additional Plea oo B. That Hu Prayer ame subi wll plait ff has made in Bis plodat mot ad uaitted Prayer. The defendant Irumlolay prays to Hu How’ ble Court fe SuLL bedi ndtseol with cosl amd meg onder that your fw ct inbust Hat ato te plamud & plead to Hawcun maa Airiak fit amd — proper of justice. Nestfica tiow Sfours foils ully TL, Stetyer Singh Slo Arofas Stag le sll obo hasuleg veuty Hu vonrtouts af Seatyou Seughe Fona mo IH 6 om tre to my slob personal kenowltralge md coulents Counsel | Advocate of, Kemaiwing Porte ont found to baad Sansyomsle Nagi ‘ow Lagat ccwice Grom omy ckuncahe which, T whtve tw be tyue Place - Oebrradan pate — iat october, 2020 Te Froese 4- ies le wo artoreg Applic a Wo YW Symopses: - by Introcke ction crrotare XxX IX Rule 4 Oseclose xu x/x Rule 6,7 Panpose G Fresco 4A Drea t Vrowrine 4 Tar tawolue bow Aw oppuca tou may be made al time after Cactitution a the curt The purpose a such am opplication fs to ot eute tulewmectiate onder — afore unk — eleatistow of tu cust Tarte fenton application com be made iy both place le bh amd — clefendomt . Uncen -the cocke af, eevee procedase the ve axe provistous fox lempres suy Junction ame lalosdoattomy ofunetfon Ta olfective af such ow onces cs obvious to prevent umdlese eecess boty committed a com party to tHe cuit Under Oncles XXKIK, Rule + A ores fom uw clischange om vaswed on set TafuncbYou ma Hae count — ow Hae applica lon mack asicle be by cles cubs fol poly Onde KAXIK Rule @ and TP olrabs with te provision of inten oratory andes, Purpose The punpore af Galen tocatomy applicwtion & to obloatn tatenimecttate — order fowal ols po sat af Cre, ot mo be fred ee time after the tnclitubion af, sul , the application ey be moueol by plete egy on cleferroteat Brenctse 4A tw the count af cfvit Tudge Serio Divislow ol Debaeclur Application No ~ 68 aL 2020 iw Sutt No - 9g a 2020 Noween Rance Slo Dines Rumor Age 50 yeas , Rlo House No 42. Angier Enclave Shaaycompurs, Delradae, Plo Preis Nagar Plait | Appiicawt Sealer Stag Slo Avfuw ia ia Age Ab, Rlo House No 22 Shossam Pu Plo Prawn Wage Dehra oun efencant | Res povel at Application for temprony infumctiow “to pruvet fre sole of plot iw aispule. Sis, The applicemt unost muspectpubly cles as tmdere — do That he placwtiths suit io pencling Cv Hee How’ ble count — fom cut fore comeollation af sate clted mole se cpectpcc — Poxforumomee Ack 2+ That the plaiiat’f sold Wis plot af lamol to clefenctomt aw 204 Coton, 2020 ot the wate 4 To late 5 That fhe clefemdlamt acl paywant ay & 30 lakh cash amd two cheque E20 lakh each = au of wheel ~tlyco_ cheques got bowmeed 4 That Wa plodaleyy sutl & pending te the How’ bu count for sul — fom came ella tions af Sate check 5. That tle clferrden{ es ie Wamp fal posse ss cou oy othe plot of bamal tu dispute amck has — dtatiLeet cous Lractdou they ow Iw pile of Plomtr poy sequct awt -to old ae ond tH that te applicant — has a prime poet come if fowou ome 6 batamce of | Whtniene tle (ee Gy es fu come Crfumctfou és mel fued , the applicant with seer ixneparable loss . Prayers thencfome , prayed that the temmpetio ny Tigumctiow, dia chifendant grows mas Cu pet +f fond Cn qyuctrow also Tt & to be essucel seestra cone quotes construction am He churscnsy the pendency din suit amd est may be euvomoled aqatust the — olafenclent Ce Ware of foneibole actiow « Ver picertion § Hours feuithpubly cur Roma S10 Pinesty Romer, ole su T, Nawe herelog, veri y, Hu contents of Wowerwr Romo Pon ng 1B on tee to bot of slob mal comtents comsel | Adlvocate. pessoal knowkdge pov om bared om wy Adwoeate. “4 ; ot puunouians Rajoct Stage al advice frou whic LT belive to be true. Debrry oly 2544 Octole , 202 Plan ~ Dale ~ Fremcato 5 Original Rlilion Syn pis — b&b Tntsoolu ction vection 1, cpe Schon 1 Cre by Frenrctse 5A Dnaft Evencise S Tartrrocluc tou Appication and petPbton on cuits ana some what — ¢clentrcal tesums which ane abimost ove rca by torte of civil procecune , 1208, except when core of etitnat fa nature thew ch & governed by tHe colt a Crt provectuee , (97S However ea patactie tha ewvorals “petitions” amc — sudls ara genre usd tp means foremal — cxpplica tow tee salons Ugel nemady , suc o, eek matinee os orecldinernily toded fe vib Count . Accoreling to sectiou 9, CPC, all ails of civil mature ane within ta fu oletlon af duck court eccept Ahwose of whieh Bo ee ante: es ecthese express ore implied banned » St ts selivant tS pune Ge duce content goa, oe Greco. odes, whi vatlates Prtnetples af — nectuscal furtice com be chattanged ee etek count, ihe curt aba or eéyvCL natuno . Zectfou 416, cPc deats utth the place af suing whuicle lays clown tal & 2 sutts +o be Lust tuclech whe see subject matter situate ~ subject to tw peewee on othen Uinitalion presert bed by kang 2 (ox) for Hecate oof tunmovable property . () fon — parti'bfon af Gamevable — prope rchy « fe) fox cletercuiua tou of amy othe x seigutte to ou culeresl tu tmmiovatte Prsperetey (a) for com poasartiou or er to Pumovable puspenty . Erewsite SA tw the count af He Diitucet Tudlge at Pehne clue 2 ay 2020 Muna Kapoor “10 DIO obese song » Age Grewrok Wing, Prem Megpase » PIS Prem Nagas Dero dan Vv Mukesh Keypoou S10 Ram Kapoor Age 34 yeas, RIC Hou No 115 Genval wing, Puem Nagar , PG Prem Mayas , Dehreolyn Respond mnt Petition fou Fudfelet Sepration vwncler Section te Hinclu Mamsaicige Act, (955 Stu, The petite mort ses pect! submets as undex — 4: That the wrnreringe between Petitiow anol Mespond ent took plan ow and dining, Oe ce to Hindu Vedic sdtes and cememoney at Bhrnclun 2 That tw beth portion on Hiclus, lepore ancl afte the smanniage oma aloo Dowie af Derradunr. & That He Goa Som af, Syouns Uday witty the petites Ao That the ruspondent ¢ Anencting tue petitonen with cevene coasaly ancl maltefousdy changed the febitonen af erence a alaixd he amd truatecl ber to such anes es WD cauloe A rearvnable apprdlunscour da the mdiaol pth thol et wil ie ronmpul om Cusiious fom the ptt to Use wotte tie seo porout. B. That “Hu petttown omcl Respondent have ber susie at Pebvodtar wlll ty sltyatecl with dn tre Onclimony Wocat Kuuit s af the courct 6 The the towel foes samp of firecl amount has ben affixed heron fom He puocpoe af jumidlichou amd tount Mec. * Prayer The pe Wtiomen | therefore , prays that the How ble couset imony be Pleand to fess ar eltcrete of fuckictat Sepration Cw fowouse othe Pettd fore amet agavasl tie wesponcleud along witty tals. The Hon’ ble court muy also be plssed -to the grant te mairtenane pendente at tu Male af F Lo,000 por monty Ca tu fowourn af the pobtttonere Nowifica tlom & Nouns foortieguly T, Meene Kappor Wlo Muleste Kapoore, olo slob hereby vanity dat the conlents of pase Mesna Kappos mo 1H oe truce to my personal slh Knowledge & belif . The content ef nomi Coumsel | Admocacle para onc bard oy Uugal advice [pou mmy Money Poet ccwocate » Slatiiveg har been concealed turin Pores Pela can Doles Decembe, 2020 in oO Feaswease 6 Execution Petiteo nN Spropsesé & Intro oluchion Orclest XX! Rule fO Ly Eresccso GA Dread t é pabbddaleildiddddddddd bbb, Lobos Frerceto © Tactyoclec ton Execation (5 the enforcement of “the lecrtee ond onde es, of He count by the process af the. om Poe he a ey tuto effect te ral fuclgement af He count” one trfbumal - The wt whith authorizes the affiere te canny such fu gemrant i alan executfon Im tts practical sense execution te the form at ancl duck presertlect by faw whereby the procty entitled two be boneGet af the Juclgemenct om af, owns obligation neqpetree meat to the Jucigement oman oblain that — bove fit The subject matlen af execution may be ecthese cuenee ow om ude gS count competoml —furisciéctfon . But every lecreas one onder les tw Gunt commct be the cubpet wmatle of execu tion Onder XXI af Rule Lo toge daoe that | whem tw holden af a olteree dase to etecute i he chat or to Ae count — whith passecl thw clec re20 has © beew sent unclese the proviscow benetw afore eon tava to auotttere count then +o such cowet on to prope ne afpicer these af Exeartfon Application is esseutid ty com fore Turels old c ttom Erescise GA Im the Count af Civil Tuclge Senton Diviston at Dehrncluw Petihon no. 85 oY 2020, bw suit No lor af 2020 Sunech Kuman $b Mahect Kumar Age 46 Yeo Ro V5 Gennat ata, Pre Nagase Dehradun, PIO Peow Nagon . Fetitonert | Plawtif, v. W s]o Rukesty Seah Age 26 ans RIO 715 Gonna Wg, Pro Mpa Perriaclun , P10 Paw Negare . 2 New Tholn Trsusante Comper Ud. Dehraclun Respondent Petition fom Exeeubion af cede sult mo, 102 of £820 Seu, The petitions. most Peeepect (uly submits 1 That He pelitvoner got olecran th WS fowoun, iw Hu cult mo for ef 20200 an gril September aS Uncles — ROL, R That thew & wo appeal against the olecocen eee ee acfuatuunt sulated to clecreee anwunt — given tw Ae UE nth, Ck Has bees, & anonth — passed 4 That em Porcking — pravlous apples bou cae, amd aloo He Peltor os da gqoock, tuck 4 aes 5. That -+the amount fF 2 lake wlth cort “f dlowm ayes and tutrect @ sy wa oO 6. That the amount of T 4 lakh a cost of domaages ar awenclecl fn olecnee , the — afomesctcl Res pouthewts 7 Thad the cast 1 40 be clodmeol cml gueeove neck against 1B. That fhe cost to be stecorenedl thug hy He atkiclinen “4 of Respovelents — propaety Preyer The Patitonee, thera gore is that the Hownable Sour may be fleased to grant the total omoumt of = 6 akh, tayearthen with tye cebuct @ 57 per annum upto tne dlede af, payment omol tu cost of tala of thle tthe" Reopouolent as per annexed Uist mol pel -to the Potllonese « Merit {icectfon & 4, Sunech Kumar So Matus h Karerse, obo une verity that the coutent af Pome no. 4-6 onc true to wy personal Kuwlidge & boleh The comtnt of sunday fora cee tanec ow Lagat acliice fromm ong ccworae Notting has bew concealed therein Place ¢ Pehriactan Dotes Lo December, 2020 Yours pltegutley sl Buresh Kameare Slob Coumseh | AoWwocate Memoy Powmoli 4 ee ee ere eee Exenca’se 7 7 Céevel Nep eat SymoPses 3 & Imirwocluctiou previed thet A ppeak agonist olac steg by Evenci’se TA Dread L = Vrometse 1 rltcertr'o, oo pouty to am esppellate count — cusketiy en ee Do os ee ‘| ¢ nsoo4 Se “t eeu crow a subvnolinate court cons bi tutes me pred! + eppe Aa appeal — means actively on careful grt evouce af the : cleci’ss ona by the Resti’uy to the fy : ‘ appellants Ca veeqerncol tt : ai © subon clivate towbuwah on gealtecgar’ The essential requ’ 0 mrent of om oppeal ec neaheae’ eu 4 6 grvomce. om wenits “The appeal ficcldedeat —exnuntinecbiow, the wreimunamilin of) appeal af am applica trow as oo. contains ground on whic “the fuckdecad examen - alton es iwited . eer appeal shall be prefereat ie ew for a & mamonowclun aiguect by the oppeleml om bike pleaclere ond — prereated to the cout on -to such afften as tt apatite ty tats nal ‘The anemo Chettt bee accompcstect by a “py 4, thy Judgerneatl Provided thal where tuo on wore sutts howe bee lye together amel common judgement has een cleaned thea omol bvo om mone ee whetlux by Hh covrmd = by that feageent ae ie sume opp riot om by ole] retual cuppetowet y othe aappeta le cowl — amay ols pence with the RUE eae 5 wan thom ous

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