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TIKTOK Algorithm:

How to get to VIRAL in 24 hours (0 - 100k Fans

Jose Ignacio B.
Copyright © 2020 Jose Ignacio B.

All rights reserved

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is
coincidental and not intended by the author.

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Cover design by: Jose Ignacio B.

Printed in the United States of America
Before starting! Hello, I am Jose Ignacio B. I am a specialist in Marketing and Digital
Trends, I have a series of ebooks that will help you earn money on TikTok and in many
other applications in this world crisis.

I have several ebook spublicacios talking about Marketing on TikTok that I know may interest you,
you just have to Search for “Jose Ignacio B.” And you will find the other ebooks, in this
particular we will talk about how the famous and secret TikTok algorithm works, you will discover
how it works, how you can enter it and how you can go viral in a very short time and with simple
steps, you will also find here with strategies tested to viralize your videos on TikTok.

Please read in detail all the information that I explain here, I know that it will really be useful for you
and you can put it into practice without problem, there are no strange tricks, hacks, or anything
appreciated, they are all 100% proven strategies. Please do not forget to post the review of this
ebook if you like it, it would help us a lot and support us to create more content similar to this one.

Greetings, Jose Ignacio B.

TikTok is available for download in more than 150 countries, has more
than a billion users and according to data, it has been downloaded more
than 123 million times in the United States alone until this April 2020.

Who Is The Public That Most Downloads TikTok?

The target audience includes anyone between the ages of 13
and 30, the majority of users between the ages of 13 to 19 are
now on TikTok. Is incredible!

TikTok 2020 Statistics

Currently, monthly active users of TikTok have around 800 million
monthly active users. In November 2018, TikTok reported that the
number was 680 million monthly active users. We estimate that it has
increased to 800 million as of now.

The TikTok application has been downloaded more than 1.5 billion
times worldwide, as reported by Sensor Tower on April 22, 2020.
466 million of the downloads come from India, 173 million from China and
123 million from the USA.

TikTok has tremendous growth that has occurred during 2019/2020,

we estimate that the current number of monthly active TikTok users
in the US is approximately 60 million.

In the rest of the world, the application is growing a lot. We can see that the
TikTok use in Europe and Latin America is the same and differs
slightly from the rest of the regions.

TikTok Penetration Rate Worldwide, By Region

TikTok users love the app. They spend an average of 52 minutes per day
on the platform and open the app about 8 times per day. This is a huge
number compared to other social networks, like Instagram or Twitter.

80% Of TikTok Users Are From Generation Z,

Is It Your Target Audience?
In January 2020 the company Hootsuite has published a ranking
with the most used social networks, currently TikTok is in position
7, much better positioned than Twitter and Snapchat.

The application aims to make its users monetize the created content.
For this reason, there is the TikTok Creator Marketplace, which is a
platform run by TikTok and which houses thousands of TikTok creator
profiles. Brands can search the marketplace for creators whose
audience is in line with the objective of the advertising campaign.
After analyzing all these data we can have a clearer idea of the growth
that TikTok has worldwide and how in a short time it has become the #
1 app in the world, but now to talk about what really interests you, how
did you go viral on TikTok ? And what strategies do the famous
Tiktokers use to have thousands and thousands of followers?

Let's talk about how the algorithm works and all the details they
have to know and most important of all, how can you do it to get
the most out of it and make all your videos go viral.

Let's Start By Talking About How The TikTok

Algorithm Works:

When you enter the tick tock application, the first thing that appears
on your screen is the most important TikTok section and it is the For
You Page, if you are a TikTok addict, at least you have downloaded
the App, obviously you know the For You Page, and it is the place
where we all want we want our video to appear.

A very frequent question by people like you is: How do I go out on

For You Page, and the reality is that all the videos absolutely all go
out on someone's For You Page rather what you have to try to
achieve is not going out on For You Page if they do not manage to
appear in all the For You Page of the people who use TikTok and for
that I am going to explain how the algorithm works.

I will indicate in detail what TikTok does when you upload a video to
the app and if you have very few followers or if just starting to upload
videos, lss will be shown on For You Page to 50 to 100 people.
our video to be shown to 50 people, the algorithm will analyze the result
that your video gets and will give it a score, so to speak, this is basically

Ywhat the algorithm will do in words understandable by any person.

Also the algorithm will take into account the following in your video:

- If they like it.

- If they comment.
- If they share it.
- If they do a duet.
- If they saw him several times.
All these interactions will generate a kind of points, for example: Your
video was seen by 100 people, if those 100 people nobody liked it, nobody
commented, nobody shared it, absolutely nobody interacts with your
video, unfortunately your video will stop coming out in the For You
Page because he cited that his algorithm qualifies it as a very bad
video and absolutely removes it from the For You Page and you will
no longer have any more visualization of that video.
Now what if of those 100 people who saw your video, for example, they
had 50 likes, had 10 comments, shared it with their friends, and watched
it several times? In this case, TikTok and its algorithm will qualify it as a
very good video since it had many interactions with that video.
Since the algorithm qualifies it as a very good video and it says OK this
is a quality video and we need more people to watch it then instead of
showing it to only 100 people it is going to show it to a thousand people
now and it is going to be the At the same rate, your video will rate based
on the likes, comments, shared duets and the number of times the video
was repeated, therefore if in these thousand people who showed you
your videos on the For You Page and come back to be successful
TicTok to say OK this is a very good video now instead of showing it to
100 and then a thousand now we are going to show it to 10,000 people
you can see it as a form of test by giving it a simple name.
Your video if it passes the first test of 100 people is now going to
pass the test of 1000 and if your video passes it now it is going to
appear in 10,000 people and the TikTok algorithm is going to
repeat this process is going to rate the likes, the comments , the
playing time, the shared ones, duets, etc. and if your life has a very
good result again, they qualify it as a very good video.

To understand the concept, this is a video that has to go super viral so

instead of putting it on 10,000 people now we are going to put it on 100,000
or a million people, and this is how the algorithm basically works you upload a
video to the TikTok and it passes it in a test of 100 people and if it passes that
test it will pass it to 10,000 people 100 thousand a million etc. the numbers
that you and are not exact, it is not known exactly how many people are
shown and how it is increasing It also depends on your followers and on
many factors that vary, such as the number of people your video is
shown to, since we know that the algorithm does this kind of as
testing a few people, then a little more, a little more. and a little more
until your video arrives that viral.
Since we understand how the TikTok rhythm works, I will explain
topics about the qualification process and how it is that a video must
be recorded for TikTok it can detect if you had a very good video or a
very bad video what TikTok does is that it gives you a certain score
for interactions with your video:

5th Place - LIKES:

The interaction that I will put in the fifth place is the LIKES, they have
a very good value but of all the other actions that someone can do in
your video, the likes are the least valuable.

4th Place - COMMENTS:

Luego la cuarta con mayor valor yo pondré a los comentarios que la
gente comente en tu vídeo va a darle una puntuación más alta a que
si la gente le da un like.
3rd Place - SHARE IT:
As another very important post are the shared ones, that so many
times your video was shared to someone, they sent it to them by
WhatsApp, copied the link, shared it on Facebook, etc. the shared
ones have greater value than the comments and the likes.

2nd Place - DUETS:

After the shared ones I would put the duets because this means that
people have become so interested in your video that they even want
to participate in the challenge 'or enter your video and recreate a part
of your video in their own way.


The most important of all the points to take into account is the playing time of
your video or the times that it was repeated because TikTok as it is a social
network obviously wants people to spend a lot of time on it, so if your video is
already They see it once and they scrolldown to you, TikTok and its algorithm
like this because you are retaining people within the application instead if
people watch your video 10 times, instead of spending a minute watching
your video are 10 minutes watching your video since they repeated it over
and over and over again, this action as I said the app likes a lot and this is
what will give your video the highest score.

Since I Explained How The TikTok

Algorithm Works And The Video Rating
Process, The Question You Have Now Is:
How do I do so that my videos have a higher rating and are shown to more
people? And the answer is this: to make you and video have a higher score
we have to get people to do one of the five interactions your video and I'm
going to teach you first the strategies to achieve these interactions.


The first strategy to achieve this is very simple when you watch your video
at the end of your video, you are going to tell your audience something as
simple as "If you liked this video, don't forget to like, follow, comment and
share with your friends, etc." the interaction that you want; You are going to
ask them to do this, it is very simple to do and I promise that if they simply
ask people to watch your video, like it, comment on it, share it, follow you,
etc., they will see that their results they start to improve a lot.
This simple change as simple as they can make in their videos will have
incredible results, so take it as a valuable tip, when they upload a video at the
end of the video, indicate to your followers that if they liked the video like,
share them comment , to follow it, what you want and if you can include in
your description very briefly it will also help you with this strategy.

A final tip for this strategy, you don't have to do it exactly like a
YouTuber, do it creatively, use words, signs made by you, texts on
screen, or some fun, creative and original way for your followers to
do one or more of these actions. Have fun doing this.

Strategy # 2 THE GLORIOUS 3SEG:

The second strategy so that your video is more likely to go viral is that
when someone watches a video on TikTok and gives it scroll down, that is,
it did not attract their attention and that they did not even take the time to
see it, the application qualifies it as a bad video because that means that
no one is interested in your video and that they are jumping it, TikTok
detects that people remove it from the screen many times to your video,
they will also remove it from the For You Page because it means that
people do not want See that, it does not interest you, it does not attract
your attention and therefore it is a very bad video BUT here I have one of
the strategies with the most results on TikTok the 3sec strategy.
It is vital that in the first three seconds of your video you do something that
catches people's attention, it is important to capture attention during the first
three seconds so that people are interested in your video and see it in full, so
it is very important to do something that catches people's attention and do not
scroll down because if people scroll down it will affect the rating of your video.
Later I will investigate you much more in this complete strategy.


And the third and last strategy that I am going to give you is linked to
increasing your virality in TikTok is that you take great care of the quality
of your videos, the TikTok algorithm even if you do not believe it can
detect if your video has low light or if it has a lot of background noise.

It is important that you record in a place where you have good natural light
preferably and if you do not have to have a very good artificial light for
TikTok to detect that they had good quality and therefore rate it with a very
good rating and it is important that you do not you have a lot of background
noise because if not, the algorithm also detects it and classifies it as a bad
good video. These details will make the difference in terms of positive
scores, following this strategy is simple and will give you excellent results,
so you have a much more fun and impactful video for people who see it
and discover it. All videos are candidates for new followers to go through
your videos and follow you if they like the content you generate.
Now I will give you some extremely useful tips so that you have
impressive videos and can have the attention of the person who
sees it instantly, these tips go hand in hand with strategy # 2 above.
The first initial tip that you need to understand is: What is the way
that TikTok pushes a video to go viral, so TikTok have two formats:
there is Video of 15 seconds and there are 60 seconds, so this will
depend on taste or of the content that each person wants to create,
but today I'm going to focus on the 15-second format because with
TikTok, it's where you focus the most and every second counts.
Fundamentally the time in seconds in TikTok basically evaluates if
your video is good saying how long people watch it, we discussed
that in strategy #2 of the 3sec. Now let's take a 15-second video for
example: we have a video that impacts 1.8 million views on TikTok.

Now let's see how this video reached 1.8 million views?: By digging a
lot and doing a lot of tests, you come to a conclusion very close to
reality that indicates that people on For You Page watch the first 3
seconds before deciding to stay viewing it or scroll down.
As indicated in the graph, the first 3 seconds are to decide what to do
with the video, the first 5 seconds is to perform the action taken (See it
or Scroll down) and then if you reach 10 seconds, your video is being
observed and reach 15 sec.
Most of the people for just 3 seconds is really important and if that
video has less quality and less impact, it is attracting a lesser viewer
therefore the score will drop.
But if your video exceeds 3 seconds, the algorithm marks it as good and
maybe it can go to the second part, which is the 5-second mark, which
you should aim at as a creator, since if you get there it is unlikely that
they will scroll down to your video, when you do that the algorithm will
see it as something very positive and TikTok will say "ok I'm going to
promote it to maybe a thousand people now", so in what your video
exceeded 10 on average of all the people who are showed, you will
reach the 3rd brand mark, if the average stayed until the end, that is, the
15 seconds, TikTok will say "WOW this has to be viral"
This video has a high observation time, which means that people stay on the
platform, now I'm going to promote it to a million more people. Basically it's
what can happen to that example video that has 1.8 million views.
This algorithm to put an analogy to it, is like an onion has layers, and each
layer is a test that you must pass to become viral and each test you
successfully pass with the help of your first 3 seconds and depends
on how attractive they are shocking. your first 3 seconds.
# 5 The Best Time To Post Your Video:
We will start with what time of day you are uploading your videos,
from Monday to Friday the best time to post your videos is between
6 and 9 pm since people are no longer busy at work in the studio
and can start watching your TikTok.

But during the weekends this changes, during the weekends you do not
have to worry about what time you upload your videos since on Saturdays
and Sundays people are very active on TikTok so anyone who posts your
videos can have a very good result however during this quarantine because
they already know which viruses they do not have to worry about for a
specific hour to upload their videos since during this quarantine people are
super involved in TikTok and the truth is that this is at any time Your video
may have a very good chance of doing very well, so while we continue in
this situation, don't worry about the time you upload your videos.
# 4 No Days Off:
The fourth factor is how consistent you are within TikTok, you cannot
afford free days in which you do not post anything, that is, you cannot
spend 23 days without uploading any single video since TikTok is not
going to push your videos towards For You Page of TikTok and constant
creators generating content all the time so they can place it is very
constant with your TikTok videos to push your videos to the For You Page
more often so it is important to be consistent within the application.

# 3 The Amount Of Videos:

The third factor is that so many videos you are uploading every day, for me it
is from the most important and that you must give it a lot of
importance to be successful on TikTok.

You must be uploading at least 3 to 6 videos every day and this because it is
much more likely that if you upload 6 videos any of those are viral, but that if
you upload a single video that video becomes viral, so the more videos the
higher the chances are that some of those videos or all those videos will go
viral. It is much better to have, for example, 10 videos a day with 2,000 views
each than to have only one video a day with 10,000 views, having many
videos and creating a lot of content is what will grow your account.

# 2 The Hashtags:
Talk about hashtags and it is a very important topic since many people do not
give it importance and they even say that hashtags are useless and their
argument is that I saw “Charli D Amelio” uploading videos without hashtags
and he had millions of videos, yes it had millions of views because it already
has 50 million followers you can upload anything without hashtags, without
description and those videos are going to have millions of views.
But if you are starting and you have a few followers you cannot do this, it
is essential that you put the correct description and the correct hashtags.
And what hashtags should we use? we will use 3 to 4 hashtags:

but you, you are going to use 3 to 4 the ones that I just indicated in the
previous image and you are going to put them in all your videos in addition to
putting 2 to 3 hashtags related to your content for example: the magic dragon
with letters and always In all my videos I put in addition to the ones I already
told them I put #magic #magia things related to my content then from the ones
I gave you choose between 3 and 4 in addition to putting between 2 and 3
hashtags of those that have to do with your content specifically.

# 1 The Content:
The number 1 factor and the most important for your videos to appear on the
For You Page and is what type of content are you creating, it is super
important that you focus on creating content that is already on the For You
Page, do not try to reinvent the wheel do not try to create new content when
you are starting. I have a lot of friends who do this and thousands of people
do it too and it's the number one reason why they fail on TikTok don't try to
create new content when you start and I'm not saying that your original
content is just bad than what we We believe that people want to see
99.9% of cases, it is not what people want to see. We should try to
focus on what is already giving results and try to create the same
thing, not try to create new things if they work or not. They work since
this will only delay us and prevent us from rapidly growing a tick tock
and it appears on the For You Page.

On the other hand, what we should do is start watching the videos on

the For You Page, watch various videos and realize what people are
doing to be able to appear on the For You Page, what type of content
they are doing, what music they are putting on their videos, what
hashtag they are using, what is the balance of the week, you have to
see the For You Page or see videos that are already viral and try to
replicate them, take ideas from those videos to create your own videos .
One of the best techniques is the replication technique, for example: if you
watch fitness videos you are going to put in the #fitness search engine, you
are going to click on the fitness hashtag you are going to go to the top and the
videos are going to come up with more reproductions then what you are going
to do is watch these videos that have millions of viruses and you are going to
copy them the ideal thing you are going to do the same thing that
that person does in that video, the same song description and you are
going to try to make the video as similar as possible, that has already
gone viral and thus increases their chances of going viral.

This is one of the techniques that I use and one that has worked best for
me, I promise that if you recreate a video that is already very viral, you
have a very good chance that your video will also become super viral,
another very important thing is Since you found a type of content that
goes viral and a type of content with which you are having very good
results, we will continue to do the same, we will not change anything if
you already created a video that had 10 million views, you are going to
create the same video or as similar as possible to that video that was
already very successful and you will see that you will get a very good
result again by replicating these videos that were already successful.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this book, I
appreciate it very much, please do not forget to do the review on and tell other readers about your experience with this
book, this step is very important for us authors.

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