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Controversial Topics || Qaswarah Barri

Kindly state your opinion about these matters;

1. Do you agree or disagree about allowing priests to marry?

- Personally, I disagree with the idea because the priest’s goal is to be Christ-like
in the sense of sacrificing a married life for the “sake of the Kingdom.” With the
exception of the priest already being married before being ordained, a priest who
is not married should not be allowed to. It is proof of their vocation as a priest.

2. What is your stand about legalization of divorce?

- Divorce should be considered legal if we are not considering the religious aspect.
In certain religions, a divorce is prohibited. However, not everyone has the same
beliefs, and some may not even believe in any religious text. In that case, divorce
should be legal so that it will better serve the community.

3. Allowing civilians to carry guns.

- It should be through the use of a license that civilians should be able to carry
firearms. Giving just any civilian might cause a lot of violence in the surrounding
areas. There should be a system that controls who and who can’t carry firearms.

Guide Questions;

1. Why is it important to express your stand on an issue that is important to you?

- It is important because it allows us to help people better understand our view on
important aspects that are happening in the real world. We help give these
movements better feedback by speaking our voice. And we make the world a
better place by helping the higher authority adjust to the likings of the community.

2. If you don’t have a stand or position on an important issue, does that make you less
- No, because that just means we don’t have an interest. We might have a view on
other aspects, it doesn’t have to be political. It can be on sports, games, driving,
or any other issues. Taking a view on an issue already makes you credible, it
doesn’t have to be a view on an issue that is more important than the other,
because each issue is just as important as all others.

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