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IT Part

SDLC – Software Development life cycle

There are 6 Phases in SDLC

1 – Requirement gathering or Planning – The Business Analyst will gather all

the req from Client, he will understand all the req of client and will pass the
Information to the IT Team, Then IT Team will do all the Research and Planning
to Build the Software ,A feasibility study will be made for the software

2 – Designing – In this Process the front web of the software will be designed
by front end developer or UX Designer

3 –Development – In this step the software developer will build the software
through coding, there are different kinds of developer like Android developer ,
Java Developer.

4- Testing – once software is built then testing team will come to the picture,
they will ensure that software is Built according to the req, these tester are
called Quality Analyst or Software Engineer

5 – Deployment – Making the software go live or launching it

6 – Maintenance- This is done by administrator, they make sure software is

running Smoothly, and they make sure there is no glitch or bug in the

Java – Java is an object Oriented Programing Language that Produces

Software for Multiple Platform, Java is also Commonly Used for desktop
Computing, Mobile and games Computing. Java 17 is the latest version of

JAVA Developer: It is an independent platform which is developed by Sun

Microsystem and now it has been acquired by Oracle. Java Developer is
responsible for Design, Development and Management of Java Based

Java Skills: JDBC, spring boot, Hibernate, Struts, J2EE, API

Java Framework - Java Framework is the body or platform of pre-written codes

used by Java developers to develop Java applications or web applications.

Some Framework of Java- Spring, Hibernate , Struts, Google web Toolkit

Front End Developer: Is the development of the graphical user interfaceof a

website, through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that users can view
and interact with that website.
 CSS
 JavaScript 
 jQuery
 ReactJS
 AngularJS 

Back End Developer: A back-end developer builds and maintains the

technology that powers those components which, together, enable the user-
facing side of the website to even exist in the first Place.It Contains Behind
the scene activities that occur when performing any Action on a website.

The user enters a request through the interface. It’s then verified and communicated to the
server, which pulls the necessary data from the database and sends it back to the user.

 Python
 Java
 PHP

 Git
 CSS
 JavaScript
 Communication 
 API

Database: A database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed

electronically from a computer system. Where databases are more complex
they are often developed using formal design and modellingtechniques.

Database Names -

 MySQL
 Oracle
 Mongo DB
 Amazon DB
 Teradata

Full Stack Developer: Full Stack Developer: It Includes Front end, Back End,
Database, Deployment. A full stack developer should have some skills in a
wide variety of coding from Database to Graphic design and UI/ UX

MEAN STACK DEVELOPER: A MEAN Stack Developer is someone who has knowledge in
particular areas
E – Express JS
– Back end
A – Angular JS
– Front end
N – Node JS –
Back end

MERN STACK DEVELOPER: is the Combination of Below Technology,

all based on Java Script used to build Advance web Application
M: Mongo DB
E: ExpressJS
R: React JS-
front end

N: NodeJS

Web server: A web server is computer software and underlying hardware that
accepts requests via HTTP, The basic objective of the web server is to store,
process and deliver web pages to the users. This intercommunication is done
using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
 Apache
 IIS From Microsoft
 Sun Java system web server
 Tom Cat
Programming language: A programming language is a formal
languagecomprising a set of stringsthat produce various kinds of
machinecode output.

 C
 C++
 C# or C Sharp

Cloud Computing Technologies: Cloud computing is a technology that
uses the internet for storing and managing data on remote servers and
then access data via the internet. ... One such example is Google cloud – It
is a suite of public cloud services offered by Google. All the application
development run on Google hardware.
cloud computing means having the ability to store and access data and
programs over the internet instead of on a hard drive.

 Hadoop/Bigdata
 SalesForce
 Amazon web service or AWS
 Microsoft Azure
 Google appEngine
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). With IaaS,
companies control their own computing, networking, and storing components without having to manage them on-
premises physically

Android Developer :An Android Developer is a software developer who specializes in
designing applications for android operating systems

 AndroidSDK
 RetroFit
 Git
 Github
 AndroidStudio
 Kotlin

IOS Developer : iOS developers design and build applications for mobile
devices running Apple's iOS operating software. They are responsible for
designing and coding the base application, ensuring the quality of the
application, fixing application bugs, maintaining the code, and
implementing application updates.
 Git
 Github
 Fabric
 Swift

DOT NET: .NET is a software developer who build the software using
Microsoft .net technologies, He is responsible for the Design and
development of the software product.

 C# or C sharp
 VB.Net
 ASP.Net
 ADO.Net
 WFC
 WPF
Business Analyst: Business analysts work with organisations to help them
improve their processes and systems. They conduct research and analysis in
order to come up with solutions to business problems and help to introduce
these systems to businesses and their clients, They make BRD, ( Business
Required Document), Some business analyst have the certification on PMP and
Skills of BA-
 Agile
 Waterfall Model
 Tableau
 Cognos
 Peoplesoft

Quality Analyst: A software quality assurance analyst, also referred to as a

software quality analyst or simply a quality assurance analyst, is an individual
who is responsible for applying the principles and practices of software
quality assurance throughout the software development life cycle.
There are two types of testing:
1. ManualTesting
2. AutomationTesting
Manual Testing:
 Black BoxTesting
 White BoxTesting
 Grey BoxTesting
 UnitTesting
Automation Testing:
 Selenium
 Cucumber
 Agile
 Eclipse

 UI(UserInterface)Vs.UX(UserExperience)
UI is the screen, Pages, and visual elements – like buttons and icons that enables a person
to interact with a product or service.

User Experience is the internal experience that a person has as he interacts with every
aspect of a company’s product and service

- Project Manager vs. ProgrammingManager

Project Manager Programming Manager
 Works on individual projectsand  Works on multiple projects.
meet program objectives.  It is for longterm.
 It is for short term.  Implement strategies andoverseas
Coordinate work andorganize collaboration.
projects.  Measured by success of program
 Measured by success of individual strategies.

 Developer vs.Administrator
Developer Administrator
 Developer work on the product  Administrator works primarily onthe
primarily before the developmentto product after it goes intoproduction.
product.  An Administrator is like abuilding
 A Developer is like a carpenter or manager in a furnishedbuilding.
electrician in the construction  An Administrator is the one who
industry. will be maintaining the software
 Developer is the one who once it is built.
develops the software
Business Analyst Vs. Business System Analyst

Business Analyst:
The Business Analyst’s main role is to understand the business processes and procedures
(how the business works) to identify the area of improvement (problem areas) and
finding suitable solutions. He gathers information, analyze it according to business
It is related with business and understands the business.

Business System Analyst:

The system analyst’s main role is to understand the business requirement (documented
by Business Analyst). The System Analyst also help solve problems and issues with
existing system by doing research.
It is related with technologies and understands IT.

 Front End vs. BackEnd

FrontEnd Back End
 Part of Website that user can seeand  User cannot see and interactwith.
interactwith.  Everything that happens in the
- GUI (Graphical UserInterface) background can be attributed tothe
- Text backend.
- Images
- Videos
- Design
 Visual aspect of the website that can
be seen and experienced by usersare
Role of Data Engineer – Data Engineers works in a Variety of setting to build system that collects, Manage
and convert Raw Data into Usable Information for Data Scientist and Business Analysts.

Skills – SQL, Data Warehousing, ETL Tools, and Knowledge of Algorithms.

Network Engineer – A Network Engineer is a Technology Professional Who has the skill to Plan and Implement the
Computer Network, As a network engineer, you'll have responsibility for setting up, developing and maintaining
computer networks within an organization

Certification of Network Engineer – CCNA, CCNP,

Hadoop or Big Data Engineer - Hadoop Developer is a programmer who is involved in the development of Big
Data applications. ... Hadoop developer job responsibilities include design and develop Hadoop system with strong
documentation skills. The job of a Hadoop developer is almost similar to the software developer but in the Big Data
Skills of Hadoop Developer –
 H- Base
 Hive
 Kafka
 Spark

Devops or Build and release Engineer - DevOps engineers build, test and maintain the infrastructure and
tools to allow for the speedy development and release of software. DevOps practices aim to simplify the
development process of software.

Skills of Devops Engineer -

- Git
- Git hub
- Chef
- Puppet
- Fabric

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