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International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

The impact of agricultural waste on river water quality of kreo

watershed in Semarang city

W Setyaningsih1,2, R S Sanjaya1*
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia


Abstract. Agricultural waste, especially from the use of fertilizers and pesticides, has become a serious
problem in several countries because it has caused a decrease in river water quality. The land use and
livelihoods of the people in the Kreo watershed are oriented towards agricultural activities. This study aims
to (1) analyze the pattern of agricultural land use in the Kreo watershed and (2) analyze the impact of
agricultural waste on river water quality in the Kreo watershed. The method used is descriptive quantitative.
Analysis of the impact of agricultural waste on river water quality was carried out by laboratory testing of
river water samples that referred to the criteria for water quality standards based on class according to
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2001 for class I river designation.
Laboratory tests of water samples used parameters TSS, TDS, Nitrate, BOD, and COD. While the analysis
of the status of water quality using the STORET method. The results showed that the pattern of use of rice
fields was clustered upstream and in the middle, farmland was clustered in the downstream and mixed
gardens were spread out in the upstream, middle, and downstream areas. The status of river water quality
in the upstream and middle parts of the Kreo watershed has been lightly polluted, while the downstream
still meets the quality standards. The river water will be harmful to human health if it is intended as a raw
source of drinking water.

1. Introduction
Indonesia is a country known as an agricultural country, but nowadays most of its agricultural land has
turned into critical land due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Agricultural
waste originating from the use of fertilizers and pesticides has polluted land, water and environmental
resources, even around 85% of the water that irrigates rice fields in Java Island contains 54 mg/L nitrate
or about 20% higher than the specified quality standard (Sutriadi and Sukristiyonubowo, 2013).
Improper management of agricultural activities will have an impact on decreasing the quality of river
waters (Berka et al., 2001).
Residues from agricultural activities will cause degradation of land and river waters (Lawniczak et
al., 2016). This is because residues from agricultural activities contain various kinds of pollutants such
as sediment, nitrogen, and pesticides which are carried along with surface runoff (Lenat, 1984). The
high intensity of agricultural activities in an area can be reflected by the high concentration of nutrients
in river waters (Heathwaite & Johnes, 1996). One way to identify the impact of intensive agricultural
activities is from the high concentration of nitrate in river waters (Howden et al., 2013). The high
concentration of nitrate comes from the excessive use of inorganic fertilizers or nitrogen fertilizers by
farmers (Hamilton et al., 1993).

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International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

The Kreo watershed has a hilly topography and has experienced a decline in the quality of land and
water resources caused by several triggering factors. The most dominant trigger factor is the influence
of agricultural activities, namely the way farmers cultivate the land, high rainfall, and the expansion of
agricultural land in protected areas (Setyaningsih et al., 2019). Land use and people's livelihoods in the
Kreo watershed are still oriented to agricultural activities, especially in the upstream and middle parts
(Muyassaroh and Juhadi, 2015).
Waste from agricultural activities from the use of fertilizers and pesticides is a non-point source of
pollutants and is one of the causes of pollution in river water (Taylor et al., 2016). In addition, solid
waste from agricultural activities such as plastic wrap for fruits, mulch, polybags and so on also affects
the quality of river waters. According to Central Java Governor Regulation Number 156 of 2010 the
allocation of river water use in the Kreo watershed is designated as a class I river, namely as a raw
source of drinking water.
In addition, for the long-term plan the use of Jatibarang Reservoir water in the Kreo Watershed will
be used as a source of clean water for Regional Drinking Water Company Semarang City (Hidayah et
al., 2016). Therefore, studies related to monitoring the quality of river water in the Kreo watershed are
very important to do. The purpose of this study was to (1) analyze the pattern of agricultural land use
in the Kreo watershed of Semarang City and (2) analyze the impact of waste from agricultural activities
on the condition of river water quality in the Kreo watershed in Semarang City.

2. Methodology
The location of the research was carried out in the Kreo watershed in the city of Semarang which is one
part of the sub-watershed of the Garang watershed system. The topography of the area is a hilly area.
Astronomically, the research location is located at 7o0'43" - 7o6'23" south latitude and 110o18'28" -
110o22'42" east longitude. While administratively the Kreo sub-watershed covers 3 sub-district
administration areas which include Gunungpati District, Mijen District, and Ngaliyan District. The
research location can be seen in Figure 1.
This research is descriptive quantitative research. Analysis of agricultural land use patterns using
digitization techniques from Google Earth images recorded in December 2020 using GIS software.
While the analysis of the impact of agricultural waste on river water quality is carried out by laboratory
testing of river water samples which refers to the criteria for water quality standards based on class
according to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2001 for class I rivers.
River water sampling technique refers to Indonesian National Standard 6989.57-2008 concerning
Surface Water Sampling Methods and is based on the results of consultations at the Health Laboratory
and Medical Device Testing Center of Central Java Province.

Figure 1. Research location and river water sampling

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

Data collection techniques through interviews with farmers, field observations, and documentation.
A sampling of river water quality tests was carried out at 8 observation stations and the day after
fertilization. Analysis of river water quality in this study used physical parameters (TSS and TDS) and
chemical parameters (Nitrate, BOD, and COD). The location of river water sampling in this study is
presented in Figure 1 and Table 1 above.

Table 1. Location of river water sampling

Sample Location
number Latitude Longitude Village
1 7°5'43.35"S 110°19'44.27"E Karangmalang
2 7°5'16.84"S 110°20'23.01"E Polaman
3 7°4'27.91"S 110°19'44.42"E Purwosari
4 7°5'20.51"S 110°21'26.93"E Gunungpati
5 7°4'40.52"S 110°21'1.10"E Cepoko
6 7°4'36.74"S 110°19'48.12"E Purwosari
7 7°3'7.55"S 110°20'57.48"E Kandri
8 7°1'32.44"S 110°21'56.35"E Sadeng

Determination of water quality status in this study used the STORET method (Sulthonuddin et al.,
2019). Based on the Decree of the Minister of the Environment Number 115 of 2003, the STORET
method is one of the most commonly used methods to determine the status of water quality (Rintaka et
al., 2019). In principle, the use of the STORET method is to compare water quality standards according
to their designation (Afriani et al., 2021).
Determination of river water quality status of the Kreo watershed in Semarang City using the
STORET method is carried out by assigning a score to each water quality parameter (physics, chemistry,
biology). If the measurement results meet the water quality standard (measurement result quality
standard) then it is given a score of 0. If the measurement result does not meet the water quality standard
(measurement result > quality standard) then it is given a score as in Table 2. below.

Table 2. Determination of the value system to determine the status of water quality
Number of Score Parameters
parameters Physics Chemical Biology
< 10 Maximum -1 -2 -3
Minimum -1 -2 -3
Average -3 -6 -9
𝟏𝟎 Maximum -2 -4 -6
Minimum -2 -4 -6
Average -2 -12 -18
Source: Decree of the Minister of Environment Number 115 of 2003

Then the negative number of all parameters is calculated, and the quality status is determined from
the number of scores obtained using the value system. Meanwhile, the classification of water quality
status based on the STORET method is divided into 4 classes which are presented in table 3. below.

Table 3. Classification of water quality using the STORET method

Class Score Information
A 0 Meet quality
B -1 s/d -10 Lightly polluted
C -11 s/d -30 Medium polluted
D -31 Heavily polluted
Source: Decree of the Minister of Environment Number 115 of 2003

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

3. Result and Discussion

3.1 Agricultural land use patterns

The total area of agricultural land in the Kreo Watershed in Semarang City is 2,577.79 hectares or 67.02%
of the total area of the Kreo watershed in Semarang City. In general, the use of agricultural land in the
Kreo watershed is classified into 2 forms of utilization, namely wetland agriculture in the form of rice
fields and dry land agriculture in the form of farmland and mixed gardens. The composition of
agricultural land use at the research site can be seen in table 4. below.

Table 4. Patterns of agricultural land use in the Kreo Watershed, Semarang City
No. Land Use Area (Ha) Percentage
1. Rice field 950,72 24,72
2. Farmland 537,64 13,98
3. Mixed 1089,43 28,32
Source: Google Earth Image analysis and data processing (2021)

The use of rice fields in the Kreo watershed of Semarang City has a clustered pattern in the upstream
and middle parts, but the area of rice fields is more dominant in the upstream. The proportion of rice
fields in the upstream area covers 71.48% of the total area of rice fields in the Kreo Sub-watershed of
Semarang City, and as much as 24.65% of rice fields in the middle and 3.8% in the downstream. The
land use of the farmland in the research location has a pattern that spreads in the upstream and middle
parts and tends to cluster in the downstream.
The proportion of farmland in the downstream area covers 63.38% of the total farmland area in the
Kreo Watershed of Semarang City, and as much as 25.15% of farmland is concentrated in the middle
and 11.48% in the upstream. Mixed gardens have a pattern that spreads in the upstream, middle, and
downstream areas, but the mixed gardens are more concentrated in the middle. The proportion of mixed
garden area in the middle part covers 45.80% of the total mixed garden area in the Kreo Sub-watershed
of Semarang City, and the middle reaches 32.71% while in the downstream reaches 21.48%.

3.2 Agricultural solid waste

Solid waste in this study is plastic waste that is difficult to decompose from the remnants of the use
of mulch, polybags, plastic wrappers, and plastic sacks of fertilizer packaging that can be seen with the
naked eye. Based on observations at several locations on agricultural land, it was found that there were
plastic remnants from the use of mulch and plastic bags of fertilizer packaging found on agricultural
land as shown in Figure 2. and Figure 3. below.

Figure 2. Plastic waste left over from mulch on agricultural land and remaining plastic sacks of
fertilizer packaging (Research documentation, 2021)

On agricultural land with an intercropping system between rice plants and fruit trees and in orchards,
farmers tend to use plastic wrap to maintain fruit quality when harvesting and avoid pests. When it is
harvest time, most of the farmers will save the plastic wrap which is still suitable for use in the next
planting period. Meanwhile, some farmers will immediately dispose of the plastic wrapping waste by
collecting it and then burning it or dumping it directly on agricultural land. The plastic wrap used at the
research location is presented in Figure 4. below.

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

Figure 3. Use of plastic wrap at the research site (Research documentation, 2021)

Solid waste from agricultural activities such as plastic wrap, residual use of mulch and polybags and
plastic sacks of fertilizer packaging tends to accumulate in river waters where the flow is calm and will
disrupt the flow of river water. At several locations of river conditions observation stations found solid
waste in the form of plastic waste around the river. The solid waste comes from agricultural activities
from the remnants of the use of mulch and polybags used by farmers.
This is indicated by the use of land around the river which is dominated by agricultural land in the
form of farmland and mixed gardens. In addition, the location of the river waters is quite far from
residential areas due to the sloping topography of the area and quite difficult to access. The
environmental conditions around the river are presented in Figure 5. below.

Figure 4. Remaining use of mulch and polybags at the research site (Research documentation, 2021)

Based on the real condition of agricultural land and river waters at the research site, it can be said
that solid waste (plastic) from agricultural activities has polluted river waters in the Kreo Watershed,
Semarang City. This can be seen from several points of observation of river conditions, there is plastic
waste from the rest of the use of fertilizers, mulch, and polybags in river bodies and the environment
around the river.

3.3 Agricultural liquid waste

Liquid waste from agricultural activities cannot be seen with the naked eye, therefore the
identification of contaminants in the form of liquid waste in this study is from the use of fertilizers and
pesticides used by farmers. As many as 71% of farmers choose to use chemical fertilizers, 6% of farmers
use manure, and 22% of farmers use a mixture of both chemical fertilizers and manure. The composition
of fertilizer use in the research location is presented in Table 5. below.

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

Table 5. Agricultural Liquid Waste

Types of fertilizer Frequency Location
(%) Karang Polaman PPurwosari Gunungpati Cepoko Kandri Sadeng
Dung 6 2 1 0 1 0 2 0
Chemical Urea 51 7 7 13 14 2 5 3
NPK 15 2 1 4 5 1 1 1
Pusri 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 0
TSP 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
Compost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mix (dung and chemical 22 4 2 7 1 3 4 1

The types of fertilizers that are mostly used by farmers in the Kreo sub-watershed of Semarang City
are urea (51%) and NPK (15%). Gunungpati and Purwosari villages are the areas with the highest use
of Urea and NPK fertilizers. In addition, some farmers also use Pusri (3%) and TSP (3%) fertilizers in
their farming activities. The amount of fertilization of agricultural land in the Kreo Sub-watershed of
Semarang City, especially in wetland agriculture (rice fields) is generally carried out 2 times per
planting period. As many as 18% of farmers in the research location only applied 1 time fertilization
with dung and 12% of farmers applied 2 times fertilization in one planting period.
Meanwhile, 82% of farmers do 2 times fertilization with chemical fertilizers in one planting period.
Then only 4% of farmers fertilize 3 times in one planting period, and 8% of farmers do 1 time
fertilization in one growing season. The composition of the amount of fertilization per planting period
is presented in Table 6. below.

Table 6. Amount of fertilization per planting period

Dung Chemical fertilizer
Location 2 3 2 3
1 time 1 time
times times times times
Karangmalang 4 1 0 1 13 0
Polaman 1 2 0 0 10 1
Purwosari 8 2 0 1 27 1
Gunungpati 1 1 0 1 18 0
Cepoko 1 2 0 0 5 1
Kandri 1 4 1 0 9 1
Sadeng 2 0 0 5 0 0
Frequency (%) 18 12 1 8 82 4
Source: Interview and data processing of researchers, 2021

Based on the results of interviews, around 92% of farmers in the research location used chemical
pesticides in overcoming and eradicating pests that often attack their agricultural land. For example, the
pesticides most often used by farmers are Dencis, Starban, Postin, Pastak, Regent, and so on. Around
7% of farmers do not eradicate pests on the agricultural land they cultivate due to financial constraints
and 1% of farmers choose to eradicate pests with natural ingredients using water from tobacco stew to
reduce expenses. The pest control system in the Kreo watershed is presented in Table 7. below.

Table 7. Pest eradication system at the reseach site

Pest Eradication
Location Natural Chemical Not
ingredient Pesticides etadicated
Karangmalang 0 14 1
Polaman 0 12 0
Purwosari 0 29 0
Gunungpati 1 20 0
Cepoko 0 6 0
Kandri 0 11 1
Sadeng 0 0 5
Frequency (%) 1 92 7
Source: Interview and data processing of researchers, 2021

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

3.4 Water Sample Laboratory Test

Sampling of river water was carried out the day after fertilization with the assumption that after
fertilization activities were the peak of residue accumulation in agricultural land, especially from
residues of nitrogen fertilizer use. The results of laboratory tests of river water samples at the research
location are presented in table 8. below

Table 8. Laboratory tests of river water samples

Parameters Unit Quality TS 1 TS 2 TS 3 TS 4 TS 5 TS 6 TS 7 TS 8
TDS mg/L 1000 97 143 122 99 101 120 69 98
TSS mg/L 50 3 1 12 3 6 5 23 11
BOD mg/L 2 2,9 0,9 3,8 4 1,6 6,8 4,6 1,6
COD mg/L 10 9 3 9 12,6 3 18 15 3
Nitrat (NO3) mg/L 10 0,58 2,64 2,84 0,92 1,48 1,06 4,8 1,4
sebagai N
Source: Laboratory Test, 2021

Based on the results of laboratory tests of river water samples in the Kreo Watershed, Semarang City,
from 8 observation stations, the results obtained varied on each parameter. The concentrations of BOD
and COD parameters at several locations have exceeded the class I river designation quality standards.
Meanwhile, the TDS, TSS, and Nitrate parameters still meet the specified quality standards. Comparison
of the concentrations of each parameter of river water quality test in the Kreo watershed, respectively,
is presented in the following graph.
a. TDS

Figure 5. Trends in TDS concentration at the study site (Laboratory tests and research data
processing, 2021)

The highest concentrations of TDS were found in TS2, TS3 and TS6. This is influenced by the
condition of the river current which is very calm so that it allows the accumulation of dissolved solids
in the water to remain stable and not affected by the flow of river currents. The high concentration of
TDS in TS3 and TS6 is thought to have come from the use of fertilizers because the water sampling
coincided with the farmer's fertilization schedule at that location. The lowest TDS value is found in TS7,
this is due to land use along the right and left of the river in the form of mixed gardens which are
unproductive agricultural land and are underutilized and managed by farmers.
The pattern of TDS concentration in river waters in the Kreo Watershed of Semarang City has a
decreasing trend from upstream to downstream. The highest concentration of TDS is located upstream.
This is influenced by differences in the level of slope from upstream to downstream. The upstream has
a more sloping terrain and the potential for erosion is higher, besides that the concentration of agriculture
is located in the upstream area of the Kreo watershed so that the utilization of agricultural land in the
upstream part is more intensive than the middle and downstream parts of the Kreo watershed.
b. TSS

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

Figure 6. Trends in TSS concentration at the study site (Laboratory tests and research data processing,
TSS is closely related to topographic conditions, rainfall and soil characteristics (Danz et al., 2013).
The highest concentration of TSS is located in TS7. This is influenced by the location around the river
water sampling which has a Mediterranean soil type with a moderate level of sensitivity to erosion
(erodibility). So that the soil particles from the surrounding agricultural land will be very easily carried
to the river body through irrigation channels and surface runoff. Meanwhile, the lowest TSS
concentration was in TS2-Polaman. This is influenced by soil characteristics that have low sensitivity
to erosion with reddish brown latosol soil types. In addition, around the river the condition of agricultural
land tends to be flat. So that the soil particles that are eroded and carried along to the river body tend to
be smaller.

Figure 7. Trends in BOD concentration at the study site (Laboratory tests and research data
processing, 2021)
c. BOD
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is generally used to measure the contamination of
biodegradable organic materials in water (Udeigwe and Wang, 2010). Several previous studies such as
the research of Dudley and Karr, (1979); Schreiber and Neumaier (1987); Bishop et al., (1999) show
that agricultural activities have contributed to organic waste which is indicated by the high concentration
of BOD in river waters.
Based on the results of laboratory tests, 5 of the 8 points of river water sampling locations showed
BOD values that exceeded the class I water quality standard because the BOD concentration was more
than 2 mg/L. The BOD value from upstream to downstream varies, however, the highest BOD value is
located upstream, namely at TS6 which reaches 6.8 mg/L. In addition, TS3 which is located close to
TS6 and is only 280 meters away also has a BOD value that exceeds the quality standard. The high BOD
value in TS3 and TS6 was caused by the use of manure used by farmers.
In addition, sampling on TS3 and TS6 was carried out on the day of fertilization by farmers. As many
as 25% of farmers in this location use livestock manure when fertilizing in addition to continuing to use
chemical fertilizers as the main fertilizer.

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

d. COD

Figure 8. Trends in COD concentration at the study site (Laboratory tests and research data
processing, 2021)

Chemical Oxygen Demand is the amount of chemical oxygen needed to oxidize organic materials
present in water through chemical reactions because it is difficult to destroy biologically (Singh et al.,
2011). The highest COD concentrations were in TS6, TS7, and TS4. The BOD value always follows
COD, if the BOD value is high, the COD value will also be high, and vice versa. According to
Tchobanoglous et al. in Nurjanah et al. (2017) suggested that BOD is part of COD.
Therefore, location points with high BOD values will also have higher COD values than other points
with lower BOD levels. The COD value will increase along with the increase in organic matter entering
the river body. The high demand for oxygen to oxidize pollutants will also affect the oxygen
requirements of organisms living in river waters. COD concentrations that exceed the quality standard
will disrupt the sustainability of river water ecosystems, especially in aquatic biota because the oxygen
demand in river waters is not fulfilled.

e. Nitrat

Figure 9. Trends in nitrate concentration at the study site (Laboratory tests and research data
processing, 2021)

The concentration of nitrate at the study site varies from upstream to downstream. In the upstream
and midstream, the nitrate value tends to be higher. This is influenced by differences in productivity
levels in managing and utilizing agricultural land from upstream to downstream. In the upstream and
midstream, agricultural activities in the Kreo watershed are more intense than in the upstream. Therefore,
the nitrate concentration in the upstream and middle of the Kreo watershed is higher.
Although the nitrate value at all sampling locations still showed numbers below the quality standard,
the nitrate value could be said to be high because in one area of agricultural land only 1 person was

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

fertilizing so that the accumulation of residue from the use of nitrogen fertilizers was not as much as if
fertilization was carried out simultaneously between one farmer to another.

Kreo River Water Quality Status

Waste from agricultural activities, both solid waste and liquid waste is one of the factors as a
contributor to pollutants in rivers in the Kreo Watershed, Semarang City. The results of laboratory tests
on river water samples showed that the concentrations of BOD and COD at several sample points had
exceeded the class I river water quality standards.
Meanwhile, the TDS, TSS, and Nitrate parameters still met the quality standards. This is influenced
by the agricultural system that takes place at the research site. The mechanism of agricultural activities
in the Kreo watershed of Semarang City is not agriculture which is carried out simultaneously. The
system of agricultural activities from the beginning of the planting period, fertilizing, spraying pesticides,
and harvesting in one area of agricultural land/rice fields is not carried out simultaneously
(simultaneously) between one farmer and another, but in these activities there are intervals or lags of
several days.
Central Java Governor Regulation Number 156 of 2010 concerning Water Designation and Water
Quality Management of the Garang River, stipulates that the rivers in the Kreo watershed are designated
as class I rivers, namely as drinking water raw water, but in facts the rivers in the Kreo watershed are
used to irrigate agricultural crops, fisheries, and tourism facilities for the Jatibarang Reservoir.
Therefore, the analysis of the STORET method to determine the status of water quality in each class
of water use designation such as class II, class III, and class IV is very necessary. Information on the
status of water quality in each designation class can be used as consideration in the watershed
management plan. The results of the analysis of river water quality status based on each designation
class are presented in Table 9. below.

Table 9. River water quality status of the Kreo Watershed in Semarang City
Score Class I Score Class II Score Class III Score Class IV
Lightly Meet quality Meet quality Meet quality
TS 1 -2 0 0 0
polluted standards standards standards
Meet quality Meet quality Meet quality
TS 2 0 quality 0 0 0
standards standards standards
Lightly Lightly Meet quality Meet quality
TS 3 -2 -2 0 0
polluted polluted standards standards
Lightly Lightly Meet quality Meet quality
TS 4 -4 -2 0 0
polluted polluted standards standards
Meet quality Meet quality Meet quality
TS 5 0 quality 0 0 0
standards standards standards
Lightly Lightly Lightly Meet quality
TS 6 -4 -2 -2 0
polluted polluted polluted standards
Lightly Lightly Meet quality Meet quality
TS 7 -4 -2 0 0
polluted polluted standards standards
Meet quality Meet quality Meet quality
TS 8 0 quality 0 0 0
standards standards standards
Source: Laboratory tests and data processing (2021)

Analysis of the status of class I river water quality shows that from 8 sampling locations, 5 samples
were lightly polluted, namely at observation stations TS1, TS3, TS4, TS6, and TS7. In the upstream part
of the Kreo watershed, the type of land use is dominated by wetland agriculture (rice fields), so that the
upstream part is the center of agricultural activities in the Kreo watershed. Analysis of the status of river

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

water quality from 6 samples taken upstream shown in TS1 to TS6 shows that as many as 4 samples of
class I river water have been lightly polluted. Therefore, river water in the upstream part of the Kreo
watershed will be dangerous if used as a source of drinking water. Contamination of pollutants in the
upstream river is influenced by intensive agricultural activities, especially from the use of fertilizers and
pesticides used by farmers.
The use of agricultural land in the middle part of the Kreo watershed is dominated by dry land
agriculture in the form of mixed gardens and farmland as well as wetland agriculture (rice fields). In the
middle of the river water sampling is done at the observation station TS7 which is one of the input
sources (inlet) to the Jatibarang Reservoir. In the future, Jatibarang Reservoir water will function as a
source of clean water for Regional Drinking Water Company Semarang City Semarang City (Hidayah
et al., 2016). Based on the analysis of the water quality status of class I river designation, it shows that
the condition of the river in TS7 has been lightly polluted. Thus the river water will be harmful to human
health if used as a source of drinking water.
Based on laboratory tests of water samples at the observation station TS8 which is located
downstream of the Kreo watershed which is the output of the Jatibarang Reservoir and various flows
from other tributaries downstream, it shows that the condition of the river water quality status still meets
the quality standards. This is influenced by the type of agricultural land use in the downstream which is
dominated by dry land agriculture in the form of farmland and mixed gardens. The productivity of
dryland agriculture in the Kreo watershed is lower than that of wetland agriculture. In addition, the use
of fertilizers and pesticides in dry land agriculture is not as intense as in wetland agriculture. Therefore,
the contamination of liquid waste from agricultural activities in the downstream is not as much as in the
upstream and middle parts.
The quality and status of river water quality in the upstream, middle, and downstream parts of the
Kreo watershed have different results. In the upstream and in the middle the water quality status of the
river has been lightly polluted, while in the downstream the water quality status still meets the quality
standard for class I rivers. This is inseparable from the way farmers manage their agricultural land.
Although the existing agricultural systems in the Kreo watershed from upstream, middle, and
downstream have homogeneous characteristics, the schedule when fertilizing and spraying pesticides in
one agricultural area or rice field is not carried out simultaneously between one farmer and another.
The laboratory test of nitrate parameters which is an indication of pollutants from the use of chemical
nitrogen fertilizers (Urea and NPK) in one plot of rice fields with one farmer who fertilizes turns out to
produce the highest nitrate of 4.8 mg/L a day after fertilization from the specified quality standard. by
10 mg/L in class I rivers. If all farmers in the area apply fertilization at the same time, there will be an
increase in nitrate accumulation in river waters near the agricultural land and the potential for pollution
from agricultural waste will be higher.
At this time the water quality status of the Kreo watershed, especially in the upstream and middle
parts, has been lightly polluted, if fertilization and pesticide spraying activities are carried out
simultaneously, the potential for river pollution in the Kreo watershed can increase to moderately to
heavily polluted. In addition to having a negative impact on human health if the water is used as a source
of drinking water, the entry of pollutants into river waters will also have a negative impact on the life of
biota and river aquatic ecosystems in the Kreo watershed.

4. Conclusion
The results of the study show that the pattern of rice field use tends to cluster in the upstream part and a
small portion in the middle. The pattern of land use in the farmland spreads in the upstream and middle
parts but tends to cluster in the downstream. While the pattern of mixed garden land use spreads in the
upstream and downstream parts, but in the middle it tends to cluster.
Agricultural waste, both solid and liquid waste, has polluted river waters in the Kreo Sub-watershed,
Semarang City. The results of laboratory tests of river water samples showed that the concentration of
BOD and COD parameters at several sample locations had exceeded the class I river quality standards,
while the TDS, TSS, and Nitrate parameters still met the quality standards. Analysis of the STORET

International Conference on Environmental, Energy and Earth Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1041 (2022) 012083 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1041/1/012083

method shows that the status of water quality in the upstream and middle parts of the Kreo Sub-
watershed of Semarang City has been lightly polluted, while the status of water quality in the
downstream still meets the quality standards.

The author expresses his gratitude to M. Lutfi Wirawan and Allesandro Aryo Setyaki who have helped
the author in sampling river water and the author expresses his deep gratitude to the Central Java
Province Health Laboratory and Medical Device Testing Center which has provided direction in taking
river water samples in this research.

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