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ICONCEES-2021 IOP Publishing

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1022 (2022) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1022/1/012074

The Application of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)

Approach in Water Quality Assessment for The Batu Pahat

MS Adnan1,2*, H Roslen2 and S Samsuri2

EcoHytech Research Center, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, Johor.
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
86400 Parit Raja, Johor.
*Corresponding author:

Abstract. An increased number of rivers categorized as polluted is alarming that their

repercussions are so severe that the rivers can no longer be rehabilitated. This pollution might
result from rapid urbanization and population growth, uncontrolled development, which
produces a high volume of water pollution that is discharged into the river. Rapid development
has led to a large discharge of point source (PS) and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution into the
water supply. As a result, the deterioration in water quality, a decline of safe water supply, and
the difficulties in accessing clean water have emerged as massive concerns for water authorities
attempting to fulfill the increasing supply of clean water resources. To resolve these issues,
several approaches were implemented to determine the best approach that could effectively
control water quality pollution in Malaysia. One of the best methods that could be used to manage
the water quality is Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). TMDL seeks to establish or restrict
the amounts of a pollutant allowed to enter the river and is assisted by identifying physical,
chemical, and organic qualities in the river water body. In this study, six parameters were
measured such as dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen
demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N), total suspended solids (TSS), and pH. QUAL2K
software was utilized to model the water quality and test several scenarios to reduce the pollutant
concentration. The analysis shows that the commercial sector poses the most contributor to the
pollution loading (kg/day) in Batu Pahat River, mainly from workshop, wet market and
restaurant. In addition, low tide flow produced a higher pollution load (kg/day) than high tide
flow due to larger discharge during high flow. In conclusion, the development TMDL plan could
improve water quality at the Batu Pahat River by analysing pollution loading reduction and
future management of watersheds area.

1. Introduction
Determining the water quality management for the river systems is essential to reduce river pollution.
River pollution has caused many severe problems. It became a concern to various parties because of the
importance of rivers that act as the water resources to supply safe and clean water to humans. The low
river conditions could be a dreadful task for the government, the authorities and the public to maintain
the quality standard of river water. The importance of having the river's good conditions become a
necessity attempt to maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem and aquatic life. Therefore, effective
water quality management was essential to monitor and control the water quality to prevent it from

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ICONCEES-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1022 (2022) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1022/1/012074

continuously being impaired because of the discharging the high pollutant loading into the river [1] and
The deterioration of the quality of river water was described as the state of water in a bad term, where
the composition in the water body has been changed to the level that it is unusable and causes various
diseases to human beings and harms the ecosystem. The rapid growth in industrialization and population
of people in the Batu Pahat area causes rivers to turn polluted, which was affected by the activity to
sustain the growing population and economy. Hence, the most effective approach in managing the river
water quality is needed to solve river pollution issues in the Batu Pahat River. An effective and efficient
water quality management was required because this was the best attempt to overcome the river
pollution problems. One of the proposed solutions that had been employed in water quality management
to deal with the problem of river water quality deterioration is Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
According to a study by Osmi et al [3] and Hossain et al [4], the TMDL is the total maximum amount
of pollutant concentration that can enter water bodies without violating water quality status.
Furthermore, this application can also define the water quality in terms of physical, chemical, and
organic aspects of water to comprehend the healthy river framework. The release of pollutants into the
river could cause the water quality to deteriorate, and the sustainability of the ecosystem was affected.
Naturally, the river is a complex water system completed with an intrinsic capacity that works to reduce
the impact of most pollutants with several processes such as dilution, degradation, and dispersion [5].
However, when high amounts of pollutant concentration were introduced into the river without sufficient
monitoring and controls, the river's assimilative capacity was surpassed, resulting in a drop in water
quality [3][5]. TMDL helped determine an allowable amount of pollutants that can be accepted in the
river water.
The QUAL2K is an updated version of QUAL2E, and there were some enhancements concerning
water quality simulation. QUAL2K model is a comprehensive water quality model. Its basic equation is
one-dimensional advection dispersion content transport and reaction equations, which consider water
quality components' responses such as water advection-dispersion dilution and external source import
or shift [6]. Houng et al [7], in their study, has integrated SWAT with QUAL2K to model the water
quality in the Vietnam River and found out that QUAL2K shows a promising result. Thus, QUAL2K
software was used to model the Batu Pahat River's water quality to understand better the state of water
properties in the presence of pollutants.

2. Methodology

2.1. Study Area

The study was carried out in the Batu Pahat River, which has a catchment area of around 210,000 ha
and a total length river of approximately 122 km. The Batu Pahat River was connected to Selat Melaka
from the estuary derived from the Simpang Kiri and Simpang Kanan Rivers. Based on the recorded
provided by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), the yearly rainfall in this catchment is the
ranges between 1600 mm to 2500 mm. This catchment's main land use types can be divided into three
major types: commercial, residential, and agricultural activities. Recently, the water quality conditions
of the Batu Pahat River were deteriorated due to the discharging of various pollutants from various
activities located along the river. According to the Department of Environment, the status of water
quality of Batu Pahat River was slightly polluted, by referring to the Water Quality Index (WQI), which
lies in class III [8].
The rapid population growth and uncontrolled urbanization development in this area have
deteriorated river quality. Along the Batu Pahat River, eleven sampling points were identified,
representing the sources that originated from points source (PS) and nonpoint sources (NPS) pollution.
Table 1 shows the location of eleven checkpoints. The selected checkpoint was based on the main
activity interest along this Batu Pahat River, which was identified based on the high concentration of
pollutants discharged into the river from these activities.

ICONCEES-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1022 (2022) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1022/1/012074

Table 1. Water quality sampling points

No. Sampling Coordinate Landuse Activity

Point interest
1 CP1 1.831082,102.921027 Fisheries (NPS) Commercial
2 CP2 1.838550,102.922677 Residential (NPS) Residential
3 CP3 1.846025,102.924662 Workshop (PS) Commercial
4 CP4 1.847866,102.924321 Wet Market (PS) Commercial
5 CP5 1.853761,102.924946 Restaurant (PS) Commercial
6 CP6 1.858676,102.924595 Workshop (PS) Commercial
7 CP7 1.860812,102.924466 Workshop (PS) Commercial
8 CP8 1.862264,102.923130 Residential (PS) Residential
9 CP9 1.866866,102.915432 Residential (PS) Residential
10 CP10 1.872753,102.915032 Agriculture (PS) Agriculture
11 CP11 1.884495,102.914150 Agriculture (PS) Agriculture

2.2. Water Quality Parameters

Water Quality Sampling was conducted for two weeks, from 1st May 2021 to 15th May 2021. Before
the water sampling was conducted, the suitable time for water sampling was set to differentiate between
the low and high flow. In this study, six (6) parameters, according to the Malaysia Water Quality Index
(WQI), were used, such as pH, DO, BOD, COD, NH3N, and TSS. All the parameters were analyzed by
referring to the AHPA standard method.

2.3. Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL)

The implementation of TMDL determined the allocation of pollutant load in the Batu Pahat River. There
are two types of pollution load allocations: waste load allocation (WLA) from point sources and load
allocation (LA) from nonpoint sources. Other components were identified in the calculation of TMDL,
which was the estimation of the margin of safety (MOS). The margin of safety (MOS) was crucial since
it served as a buffer between the calculated TMDL and the actual load, and the MOS value of 15% was
used in this study. Equation 1 was used to estimate the TMDL as follows;

= + + (1)

WLA = waste load allocation (kg/day);
LA = load allocation (kg/day);
MOS = the margin of safety.

Pollution loading (Point Sources) can be computed by using equation 2.

= ( )

ICONCEES-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1022 (2022) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1022/1/012074

While for the NPS was identified through several methods include categorization of land use, factors to
be considered during nonpoint sources sampling, nonpoint sources sampling method. Nonpoint sources
loading can be calculated by using equation 3 as recommended by MASMA 2nd Edition. The value for
EMC and CV were referred to a specific table in MASMA 2nd edition.

∗ ∗ ∗
= (3)
L = Annual Pollutant Load (kg/year)
R = Mean Annual Rainfall (mm/year)
EMC = Event Mean Concentration (mg/L)
A = Catchment Area (ha)
Cv = Area – weighted Volumetric Runoff Coefficient for The Whole Catchment

2.4. Water Quality Model

Water quality modeling software known as QUAL2K was used to model the water quality pollutant
concentration. The QUAL2K water modeling aids in a better understanding of the water quality status
in monitor and suggest appropriate management control of pollutant load that could be received by water
body per day. This software provides the calibration impact of simulations to simulate the river
conditions to achieve the set water quality target. The water quality simulation in the QUAL2K had been
compared with the water quality target to meet the standard of safe river water to use as the water
resources in the Batu Pahat area. Table 2 shows the samples of several scenario simulations developed
as the pollution reduction analysis to achieve the water quality target focused on the COD reduction.
Table 2. List of Reduction Configuration.
Scenario Description
Scenario 1 M9 and M12 50% Reduction of COD Loading
Scenario 2 C1 and P1 50% Reduction of COD Loading
Scenario 3 M9-M12 80% Reduction of COD Loading
Scenario 4 Scenario 3 + Cl, P1 30% Reduction of CODLoading

In this study, the water sample was collected at the eleven sampling points to determine river water
quality through the analysis of six water quality parameters. The river water sample took place at two
different water flow conditions: high tide and low tide flow. The flow of river water was influenced by
the concentration of the susceptibility of pollution loads and the limit in the river's assimilative capacity.
USEPA (2001) states that the river will become more susceptible to similar pollution loads during low
flow conditions. Thus, identifying the quality of river water in two different water flows was important
because the river was the complex system and accepted the pollutant load in various conditions.

3. Results and Discussion

Based on the sampled water quality, the samples were tested and analyzed at the laboratory. The result
of this water quality was further used to estimate the pollutant loading by using TMDL approach.

3.1. Water Quality Status

By referring to Table 3, the highest values of DO were recorded at CP6 while the lowest value was
recorded at CP4. This value is well correlated with the activity and condition at the site, where CP6 is
located at workshop area with the slow flowing of water. In contrast, CP4 is located in the wet market
area, and the water is stagnant, leading to decreasing DO value. CP4 also recorded the highest value of
COD, BOD, TSS, and NH3-N due to wastewater effluent originating from the wet market. The effluent

ICONCEES-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1022 (2022) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1022/1/012074

was directly discharged into the main drain without any proper treatment. In contrast, the lowest
concentration value of BOD, NH3-N, TSS and COD was recorded at CP1, where it was observed that
the effluent from fisheries activities was treated and later was discharged into the main drain. Comparing
the water quality values between high and low tide indicated that water quality status during low flow
has higher pollutant concentration compared to high flow.

Table 3. Water quality measurements of the Batu Pahat River and tributaries


Sampling Points
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
CP1 (High) 4.10 7.18 2.82 0.21 3 4
CP1 (Low) 3.42 7.67 2.11 0.37 7 5
CP2 (High) 3.64 5.38 3.11 0.51 6 4
CP2 (Low) 3.38 4.82 3.21 0.88 9 7
CP3 (High) 3.07 5.36 2.51 2.06 12 15
CP3 (Low) 2.46 4.44 2.71 2.53 19 22
CP4 (High) 7.32 3.81 15.80 19.41 325 94
CP4 (Low) 7.29 3.36 16.95 22.6 414 210
CP5 (High) 3.49 4.86 3.33 1.08 42 39
CP5 (Low) 4.18 3.77 4.87 2.06 51 50
CP6 (High) 3.62 7.95 2.84 1.10 23 28
CP6 (Low) 3.97 5.16 3.59 2.22 53 39
CP7 (High) 5.33 5.55 2.06 3.09 9 11
CP7 (Low) 5.27 3.77 3.41 3.50 19 23
CP8 (High) 7.10 6.12 0.78 0.51 14 6
CP8 (Low) 7.30 5.71 1.02 0.74 12 9
CP9 (High) 6.15 5.42 0.94 0.58 15 7
CP9 (Low) 6.83 4.60 1.45 0.82 11 9
CP10 (High) 4.98 4.05 3.54 1.33 4 34
CP10 (Low) 4.90 4.33 4.88 1.79 5 59
CP11 (High) 3.28 4.02 3.66 1.28 17 49
CP11 (Low) 3.70 4.98 4.11 1.59 21 65

3.2. Point Sources and Nonpoint Sources Pollution Loading

In this study, only two nonpoint sources of pollution locations were identified, which are CP1 Fisheries
and CP2 Residential. Based on the land use type in the catchment, CP1 is the major contributor of
nonpoint sources of pollution load compared to CP2. CP1 contributes a more significant pollutant load
compared to CP2, which producing, 314.22 kg/day of BOD, 318.30 kg/day of COD, 37.03 kg/day of
NH3-N, and 146.32 kg/day of TSS.
By using Eq. 1 and integrated with Eq.2 and Eq.3, the pollutant loading in kg/day for all six
parameters were analyzed. Table 4 and Table 5 shows the pollution loading for COD, BOD, NH3-N,
and TSS in the Sungai Batu Pahat catchment for low tide and high tide flow condition, respectively.

ICONCEES-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1022 (2022) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1022/1/012074

Table 4. Total load for COD, BOD, NH3-N, and TSS in Sungai Batu Pahat catchment during low tide
Loading (kg/day)
Sampling Points
CP1 Fisheries 314.22 318.30 37.03 146.32
CP2 Residential 471.31 253.97 19.22 370.18
CP3 Workshop 94.44 766.66 88.17 662.54
CP4 Wet market 3049.52 1300.73 1434.41 4563.52
CP5 Restaurant 281.92 2894.40 119.25 2952.29
CP6 Workshop 219.64 313.41 121.15 290.02
CP7 Workshop 263.84 430.56 265.52 355.68
CP8 Residential 202.61 266.40 46.62 364.82
CP9 Residential 162.52 171.33 34.84 356.78
CP10 Agriculture 517.11 453.46 234.69 829.70
CP11 Agriculture 448.18 349.50 231.17 741.58

Table 5. Total load for COD, BOD, NH3-N, and TSS in Sungai Batu Pahat catchment during high tide
Loading (kg/day)
Sampling Points

CP1 Fisheries 294.32 276.54 33.43 122.54

CP2 Residential 402.21 223.42 15.22 344.32
CP3 Workshop 87.93 689.32 67.27 603.45
CP4 Wet market 2893.02 1187.54 1269.89 3988.43
CP5 Restaurant 248.39 2434.66 96.43 2566.22
CP6 Workshop 294.32 289.54 85.33 258.21
CP7 Workshop 230.18 378.63 245.12 298.08
CP8 Residential 176.91 223.11 41.68 313.78
CP9 Residential 133.11 132.34 26.59 302.80
CP10 Agriculture 474.54 413.66 200.45 789.60
CP11 Agriculture 423.77 322.16 196.66 693.66

Based on the pollutant loading as shown in Table 2 and Table 3, CP4 contributed the largest
contributor to pollution loading of BOD, COD, NH3-N, TSS compared to other sampling points
monitored in this study. Moreover, the result was correlated between low tide and high tide flow
conditions where CP4 has the highest pollution loading (kg/day) contribute to the Batu Pahat River. It

ICONCEES-2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1022 (2022) 012074 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1022/1/012074

is also proved that the total load contributor from CP4 greatly exceeds all the other observed point
sources due to the high pollutant effluent concentration that was discharged.
In contrast, CP8 and CP9, which represent the residential land use recorded the lowest loading for
both sampling conditions, low and high. Based on these results, it is clear that low tide flow has resulted
in higher pollution loading than high tide flow. A study by Maketab [9] and Zainudin et al [10] have
mentioned the same finding. The water quality during high flow shows a better water quality status than
water quality status during low flow. During the low flow, the assimilation process was low due to the
low volume of water to dilute the high pollutant concentration that flows into the water body.

4. Conclusion
It can be concluded that the water quality status in the Batu Pahat River is still in good quality. However,
certain stretches in this river recorded a bad water quality status, especially areas close to industrial and
commercial areas. The effluent was directly discharged into the waterbody without any proper treatment,
which led to a deterioration of water quality. The TMDL assessment approach can be used to determine
the pollutant loading that the river can receive. This could be used to plan the best management practices
to find the best solution in reducing the pollution loading.

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This research was supported by Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF) International
Research Grant (W014).

Reproduced with permission of copyright owner. Further reproduction
prohibited without permission.

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