Project Report Writing Guidelines

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Guidelines for Writing Your Research Report

Following are few generic guidelines, based on the project submissions, for writing your research report.
You may use the same guidelines for writing your report. I did not specifically mention your names, just
to keep your privacy. It is encouraged that everyone reads the suggested comments for all the projects in
order to have a comprehensive understanding of how to write a research report.

Project 1 (SOC Strategy and Roadmap):

 What is the title of the project that best describes your report?
 It seems to have no story in the entire document. See how to make a story so that all sections are
presented in a cohesive manner and the reader of the document sees connectivity among various
sections. In its present form, it seems a lot of information without having any connection among
 Diagram with very less or no explanation, please explain in detail and describe the purpose of the
each diagram and see how it fits in the document story. If the diagrams are taken from a source
on the internet then please provide a reference.
 Use to find relevant references.
 There are many bullet points; so it is better to explain them in paragraphs with a good story line.
 There are many claims, however, there is no scientific references for majority of them; hence, it
shows lack of scientific evidence for all those claims. I have uploaded many papers, see how a
claim is reference and see how relevant papers are being cited in those paper. In addition, in all
those research papers, see the writing style for a scientific report. Write a similar document that
makes sense for the reader.
 There is no discussion at the end of any major sections.
 The system could not check your document for plagiarism, so please upload both the PDF and
Word documents without any password protections.
 There is no conclusion written at the end of the paper.

Project 2 (Enterprise Security Architecture):

 The entire text in the document is copied from the internet, which is obviously not acceptable for
a master level project writing. Please rewrite, see below some guidelines.
 You probably selected to propose an enterprise architecture for an organization, so see how to
make an effective collaborative enterprise architecture for any organization of your own choice. I
have uploaded a similar paper, which can be used as a reference and see how to write your
research report. The is full of such references.
 Provide guidelines for how IT can collaborate to achieve an organization’s short-term and long-
term goals.
 Use the same guidelines for Project 1.
 The system could not find an exact plagiarism report for your submission, however, I have
manually checked that it was simply copied from the internet.
Project 3 (Social Engineering and Protection Mechanisms):

 The Abstract usually contain the following four parts:

o Introduce the area of your consideration
o Explain the major problem that you are addressing in your research paper and an
overview of the current state
o Explain the criteria that you are evaluating the current works
o Write the conclusion, the gap in the current study, and the future directions that you
would suggest based on the evaluation of the current work
o The abstract us usually 12-15 pages with no line spacing and 11 font size
 Write a summary of the following sections at the end of Introduction section
 The section numbers are missing
 The title of each sections are two long, consider writing short section titles
 The caption of the figure, where you show the hierarchy of the attacks, is missing
 Find more references from 2015-2022
 Provide the classification of various works from 2015-2022
 Summaries the papers into a Table that shows the following columns, at least, i.e., Solution (a
particular paper that you found form 2015-2022), Working Mechanism, Mitigation technique
(e.g., Prevention, Detection, Reaction), Weakness, Strength. Furthermore, for this table, you
could select only few works.
 Try to rewrite the Conclusion section, similar to Abstract, but more emphasis on the future
research directions

Project 4 (Report On Cyber Security Attacks and Mitigations Strategies in Smart Cities):

 The Abstract is missing (please see guidelines above, Project 3, for how to write the Abstract)
 The Introduction section is too small. The Introduction section is an expansion of the Abstract,
see more guidelines above (as shortly discussed in Project 3, the guidelines for writing the
Abstract) for how to write the Introduction section
 Provide references for all figures if copied from internet
 Find more references from 2015-2022
 Provide the classification of various works from 2015-2022
 Summaries the papers into a Table that shows the following columns, at least, i.e., Solution (a
particular paper that you found form 2015-2022), Working Mechanism, Mitigation technique
(e.g., Prevention, Detection, Reaction), Weakness, Strength. Furthermore, for this table, you
could select only few works.
 Try to rewrite the Conclusion section, similar to Abstract, but more emphasis on the future
research directions

Project 5 (Blackhole attacks in wireless sensors networks):

 The abstract is missing. Please see guidelines for writing the Abstract as given in Project 3.
 The Introduction section is too small. The Introduction section is an expansion of the Abstract,
see more guidelines above (as shortly discussed in Project 3, the guidelines for writing the
Abstract) for how to write the Introduction section
 Reference citation is missing with the figures
 Recent references from 2015-2022 are missing
 Provide the classification of various works from 2015-2022
 Summaries the papers into a Table that shows the following columns, at least, i.e., Solution (a
particular paper that you found form 2015-2022), Working Mechanism, Mitigation technique
(e.g., Prevention, Detection, Reaction), Weakness, Strength. Furthermore, for this table, you
could select only few works.
 Try to rewrite the Conclusion section, similar to Abstract, but more emphasis on the future
research directions

Project 6 (Blockchain-based solutions for cybersecurity: vulnerabilities and countermeasures):

 The project mainly discusses the fundamentals of blockchain technology. There is no discussion
over vulnerabilities and countermeasures.
 This report does not conclude anything
 No abstract
 No discussion over the previous works that researchers have done
 And so on

Project 7 (Cybersecurity risks and mitigation strategies in e-governance of Saudi Arabia):

 The Abstract is somehow written well but you still need to address all those points that were
mentioned above in Project 3. Hence, what are the exact cybersecurity risks and their mitigation
strategies in the e-government? The abstract in its present form seems very generic. See all the
instruction for writing Abstract in Project 3.
 This research report does not discuss cybersecurity risks and mitigation strategies in e-
governance of Saudi Arabia, as you what the title shows or you claim in Abstract.
 The research methodology for a literature survey usually include the search keywords, the
mentioned database (like IEEE, ACM etc.), the paper selection criteria that you selected to
discuss their part in the literature survey, and the number of papers that you found from various
 Section 4 has made many claims, however, those claims are not supported with any scientific
study. The problems that exist with e-government in general may also exist in Saudi Arabia.
 Another serious issue is that you considered the country’s environment, which makes the study
even more limited. Do you have any study that evaluates all those claims?
 Section 4 also contradicts with the main theme of the paper and the problem evaluation, which is
to find the vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies.
 The conclusion does not conclude the vulnerabilities found in the country and the efforts taken to
mitigate all those issues
 See additional comments of Projects 3 and 4.
Project 8 (Enterprise security architecture for smart cities under 2030 vision):

 There is no report uploaded. You only uploaded the presentation, which I mentioned that there is
no need to upload your presentations, since there will be no presentations.

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