Shop Design

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Design for a Shop/store

The store opens at 8:00am and closes at 11:00pm. 11 Lights and 5 Fans are connected
including a security light which remains on duration 11:00pm - 8:00am (9h). Assume
utilization factor / use factor 70% and 25% margin.
Table I: Device rating for solar panel-based dc electrical power system
Sl. no. Items Power rating Voltage rating
1 Light 10 W 12 V
2 Security light 7W 12 V
3 Fan 25 W 12 V
4 Battery 12 V
5 Solar panel 12 V

Table II: Available solar panel and battery

Sl. no. Battery Voltage Solar Panel Voltage
rating rating
1 200 Ah 12 V 350 W 24 V
2 165 Ah 12 V 300 W 24 V
3 150 Ah 12 V 250 W 24 V
4 135 Ah 12 V 200 W 12 V / 24 V
5 100 Ah 12 V 150 W 12 V / 24 V
6 80 Ah 12 V 100 W 12 V / 24 V

Calculation of power rating, P:

11 Light = 11×10 W = 110 W
5 Fan = 5×25 W = 125 W
Total load = 110 W + 125 W = 235 W
1 Security Light = 1×7 W = 7 W
Calculation of energy, E:
Security Light is ON duration 11:00pm – 8:00am (9h). We know that 𝐸 = 𝑃𝑡
For security Light = 7 W × 9 h = 63 Wh
At 2:30 PM, all the storage battery are fully charged
8:00am –10:30am = 2.5 h
Therefore, 235 W × 2.5 h = 587.5 Wh
Again 2:30pm –11:00pm = 8.5 h
Therefore, 235 W × 8.5 h = 1997.5 Wh
Total energy dissipation (The battery supplies) = (63 + 587.5 + 1997.5) Wh
= 2648 Wh
Calculation of battery size: We know that battery stores energy which is calculated in Ah
𝑃 = 𝑉𝐼, 𝐸 = 𝑃𝑡 = 𝑉𝐼𝑡
𝐸 = 𝑉𝐼𝑡 → 𝑉𝐴ℎ (unit) or → 𝑊ℎ (unit)
Battery Size = 2648 Wh ÷ 12 V
= 2648 VAh ÷ 12V
= 220.67 Ah
Utilization factor = 70% = 0.7 (assume)
Required Size of the battery = 220.67 Ah ÷ 0.7 = 315.25 Ah
Safety margin = 25% = 0.25 (assume)
Therefore, 315.24 × 1.25 = 394.05 Ah
Battery size = 400 Ah = 200 Ah + 200 Ah
Calculation of solar panel (size):
Voltage rating of solar panel = 12 V
Max. charging time = 4h
Nominal charging current, Ic = 220.67 Ah ÷ 4h = 55.17 A
Pp= 12 × 55.17 = 662.04 W
Total power rating of the solar panel = 662.04 W + 235 W = 897.04 W
Panel size = 897.04 × 1.25 = 1121.3 W (25% safety margin)
Panel size = 1200 W

Total load current, IL = P ÷ V = {(10 × 11 + 25 × 5) ÷ 12} (VI÷V)

= 19.583 A

Block Diagram:

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