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Dear Mr. /Ms.

Lnst Name:
I'm "vriting to apply for your Corpora te an~•,~Vents Plannin g Director position at
Big Top
Bnsh, Inc_. I have spent the past six years work mg exclusively in the event planning industry
J bring v.,ith me both extensiv e experie nces as an event planner and an organize
d and detail-
oriented work ethic which I believe apply directly to your job requirements including:
Experi ence - With over six years of practical hands on experience as a Senior
Plannin g Directo r I have been respons ible for success fully organiz ing and coordin
hundred s of even~ ·
Attention to Detail - During my time, I' ve organiz ed and execute d events ranging
in size
from small intimate gatherin gs all the way up to politica l fundrais ing galas for
over 1000
guests. No matter the size or budget, I approacl1 each event with the same level of dedicati
Ability to Remain within Budget - I am comtort able working with both budgets and
lists to ensure client satisfac tion. I am also skilled at negotia ting with vendors. venues,
entertai nment, se_c urity, tran~po rtation al)d pro:not ers and am proud of my ability
to secure
ec~norn ical solutior is for my clients without sa~rificing quality.
Ability to Work Well under Pressu re - I am confide nt in my crisis manage ment
skills as
well as my ability to anticipa te potentia l problem s before they arise. I am creative
in my
approac h to problem solving and cool under pressur e.
i have enclose d my resume and will call withi~ the week to see if we can arrange
a time to
speak. Thank you for your time and con_siderati ·Jn.

Sincere ly.
Signatu re
First Name Last Name

/-\ssign ment: Assum e yourse lf a suitabl e candidate an<l <lraft a sample coyer letter
for the .iob
vacancy related to your branch giving all ne<_:cssary details.

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