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YourTrusled Padner in Business


Dear Mr Smrelary-Gencral,
I am plcascd to confim that z[r] coRPGLoB^L PrE. LrD. suppons fie Tei Principlcs ollhc
Unncd Narions Globrl Comp&t o. human riehls. labour, environmcnt and anli cotudtun.
wirn rhis connnunicalion. we our inlcnl to implement lhosc p nciples. wc m
comnincd to makins rhe UN Global Compacl md ns principlcs part of the strales-v. culluE
and dayro-doy operalions ol ou. conpany, and lo cngaging in collaborative pDjects which
adlancc rhc brcadcr developmenl Bods olthe UniEd NaLions. particularly thc Suianrablt
Developmcnr Go!h. zE[ coRP cLoB L rrE. LrD. will makc a clear sraremenl ol lhis
comnrinnenl ro oustdkeholders and th. scncralpublic.

We rosnize rhlr a kcy rcqutcmcnt lor panicipation in the UN.Clobal Compad is lhc annual
submission 61 , Communication on PrcgEs (COP) thll d*qibes oui company's ctlbns lo
inplement the I'cn Principlcs. Wc sppon public accounrabillly and tnnsparcncy. md
therefoe connil lo reporl on progrcss wilhin one rear oljoinins lhe UN Clobal Compact, lnd
annnally thcMfter according lo $e UN Global Compacl COI' policy. This includes:

> slatcmcDt signed by lhc chiefexecutivc c\pEssing conlinued supporl lor the UN
Global Compacl rnd rencwing our ongoing commitment to lhe initi tivc and i$
principles. Tlis is sparale ltun.ur initial ldrcrofcommitment to join lhe LN Clohal

> A descriplion o l' practical actions (i.c.. disclosure ol any rclevanl policies, proccduics.
aclivitios) thor rhc company has raken (or phns ro undcrtakc) to inrplem€nt lhe UN
Global Compacr principlcs in each ol the ibu issue aEas (huma ri8hh, labour.
environnen! anti coruplio.).
t A me$urmnt oloutomcs (i.c., lhc dcercc to which tarselvperbmance indicdloA
rved me! or otherqualitalirc or quntiialive mcasurcmenh ofresultr.

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