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Important topics in ACA

Computational Model

Types and levels of parallelism

Instruction Level Parallel (ILP) processors(in this you are going to clear your concept of
VLIW,Superscalar, Pipeline(ILP PROCESSOR) architecture)

Dependencies between instructions(its control dependency will get used in explaining Branch
Problem unit-3)

principle and general structure of pipelines, performance measures of pipeline.

VLIW architecture with code scheduling- basic block, loop scheduling

superscalar architecture. superscalar instruction issue, shelving, register renaming

comparison of VLIW & superscalar processors.

Branch problem( in this, control dependency should be discussed by using name of delayed slot),
delayed branching, Branch prediction schemes

Read models question according to que given in previous year que paper and all should know
why these interconnection are required and difference between static and dynamic network

static connection networks,

omega networks, butterfly.

Read cache coherence according to que given in previous year que paper

snoopy cache protocols, directory schemes, hierarchical cache coherence protocols.

Make sure to go through all the que papers once after completing your

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