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Marcia Xiomara Alexandra Brenda

M: Good morning teacher and classmates. Today we want to present our project on theme 2 that
we work together in this Basic 11, which are the Fairy Tales we know. We hope you enjoy it.

X: To start, we want you to guess this trivia with emoji about some fairy tales that exist in the world.
This is the first. Who wants to guess this one? Raise your hand. ……. (Someone guess) …….
Yes, this is The 3 little pigs. Claps for you.

A: And now we want you to guess this other fairy tale. Anyone who knows the answer, raise your
hand. ….. (Someone guess) ….. Yes, this is The Little Red Riding Hood. Claps for you.

B: And the last and most difficult riddle of this trivia is this. Raise your hand if you know the answer.
…. (Someone answer) ….. Yes, it’s the Puss in Boots.

X: Thank you everyone for participating. And now we will talk about the fairy tales. Why is it
important in our life?

M: Fairy tales are important in our life because it helps emotional resilience by helping children
connect the stories with real life.

A: Many fairy tales were spoken orally before being written down.

B: And girls, tell us. What are some traditional fairy tales around the world?

M: Well, when I was a child, my mom always told me the story of Hansel and Gretel.

X: Oh, that story sounds very interesting. When and where is it form?

M: The story was written by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in Germany. This story was
published in 1812 and has been told for many years.

A: And, what’s it about?

It’s about two siblings. Their names are Hansel Grimm and Gretel Grimm.

In the original story, they lived with their father and stepmother in a house inside a forest. They
were poor, so the father didn’t know how he was going to support our family. Also, the stepmother
was cruel and she convinces the father of Hansel and Gretel to leave his children in the middle of
the forest. So, one night, they did it. His children struggled to return home, but they couldn’t
because they were lost.

A: Oh, that’s incredible. How the father can leave his own children.

B: And, so then what happened?

M: Then, the children found a house full of sweets while they were walking through the forest. Inside
the house, there was an old woman who invited them in, but then the kids discover that the woman
was a witch who ate children.
The witch locked Hansel up and forced Gretel to feed him lots of sweets to make him fat. But, the
day the witch was going to eat him, she told Gretel to clean the oven that was on. Gretel thought
very quickly and told the witch that she didn't know how to clean the oven. As the witch leaned into
the oven, Gretel pushed her away and locked her in. Gretel overcome the witch and freed her

After that, they escaped of the house and took with them some very expensive jewelry that the
witch had kept.

Finally, they return home and live happily ever after with their father, as their stepmother had died.

A: Oh, and what is the moral of the story?

M: The moral is not to always trust a person's appearances, because they often deceive.

X: That’s an uplifting story. But, I have other story. This is Snow White.

M: Oh, Who are the characters?

B: What’s it about?

A: When and where is it from?

X: Wow girls, quiet. You asked me very quickly.

Well, I will answer the first question. The characters are Snow White, the evil queen, the seven
dwarfs, the huntsman, the mirror and the prince.

I’m going to tell you the story. The story begins with Snow white she's a princess who lives in a castle
with her stepmother, who is an evil queen she had an in enchanted mirror, and she always asked to
the mirror "mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all?" And it always said "You are the
fairest of all" but one day the mirror answered "it's Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the
Kingdom" so, evil queen was jealous and wanted to kill her so the Huntsman charged with the task
started looking for her, but when he found her, he took pity under and set her free, so she survive.
Later, snow white was running quickly when she found a little house where seven dwarfs lived and
made her home with them. After that the witch found her and gave her a poisoned Apple so is Snow
White fell down as if dead and the dwarfs put her in a glass coffin.

B: Really?

Yes. But, the next day the Prince was riding through in the forest saw Snow White in her coffin, so
suddenly the prince kissed her and she instantly woke up. Finally they got married and lived happily
ever after.

A: Oh, it’s a heartwarming story.

M: Yes. Also, it’s an easy story to follow, but a bit predictable.

B: So, what is the moral of the story?

X: With the sad ending of the Evil Queen we learn that envy is a negative feeling, which only makes
us feel angry, lonely and sad.
B: Ok girls. It’s my turn to tell you my story. This is the little 3 pigs.

X: Oh, that story has been told by my mom ever since I was a child.

M: Me too.

B: Yes, it’s a classic story.

A: And how does it start?

B: Well, Once upon a time in the heart of forest there were three little pigs. One pig built a house of
straw while the second pig built his house with sticks. They built their houses very quickly and then
sang and danced all day because they were lazy. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his
house with bricks.

B: A big bad wolf saw the two little pigs while they danced and played and thought, “What juicy
tender meals they will make!” Then He chased the two pigs and they ran and hid in their houses.
The big bad wolf went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in minutes.
The frightened little pig ran to the second pig’s house that was made of sticks. The big bad wolf now
came to this house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in hardly any time. Now, the
two little pigs were terrified and ran to the third pig’s house that was made of bricks.

M: And, So then what happened?

B: The big bad wolf tried to huff and puff and blow the house down, but he couldn’t. He kept trying
for hours but the house was very strong and the little pigs were safe inside. He tried to enter through
the chimney but the third little pig boiled a big pot of water and kept it below the chimney. The wolf
fell into it and died.

X: Yeah!

B: Finally, the two little pigs now felt guilty for having been so lazy. They too built their houses with
bricks and lived happily ever after.

A: Oh. I have heard a story very similar to this when I was a child. But, this story called The Wolf and
The Seven Little Goat.

M: Me too, I've heard that story.

B: Seriously? I never heard that story.

X: Neither do I.

M: Please Ale, tell them the story.

A: Ok girls. The story is about 7 little goats and their mother. And it starts this way.

A long time ago, seven goats and their mother goat lived in a cozy little house. They were all very
happy together and the little goats loved their mother very much.

So, one morning, mom had to go out to buy food, but before leaving she came up to the seven goats
who were very careful with a wolf that was prowling through the forest. The wolf is very cunning
and will try to trick you, it may even try to impersonate me. That's why it's very important that they
don't open the door to anyone until I get back home, insisted the mother goat. Shortly after she left,
the wolf approached the house and said "now that they're alone, surely I can trick them into open
the door for me" Who is it? I'm mom, replied the wolf. You are not our mother! She has a soft and
delicate voice and your voice is hoarse and deplorable. Go away, lying wolf! The wolf got very angry
for not having managed to deceive them and so he tried several times, until he managed to deceive
the kids and ate them. Until the mother arrived, she found everything destroyed and without any
trace of her seven children, the poor goat began to cry inconsolably, but then the youngest of the
little goats managed to hide and told everything that happened to her mother. .

X: Oh, this story is heartbreaking.

B: So, in the end, what happened?

In the end, the mother found the wolf lying under a tree and cut its belly so that the 7 little goats
could escape and then filled its belly with stones. The little goats learned that they should not trust
anyone. Although at first glance they appeared to be good and kind, they never listened to any
stranger again.

X: Wow! All the stories that we have heard are fantastic.

B: Yes, they make me remember my childhood.

M: Ok guys, to finish. We conclude that fairy tales mark a generation of people who, through these
tales, could imagine and learn about the advice or morals that the fairy tales teach us.

A: I was resting on my bed when my mom told me these stories.

X: Yes, fairy tales are fun.

B, X, A and M said: Thank you!!!! 

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