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224 NOVEMBER 29 1969 895

Ball Lightning But when the dimensions of the r eaction system become
greatly enlarged, for example on the geological scale,
THIS communication recor ds the observation of ball energy dissipation for even weak detonations ?eoomes
lightning in unusual circumstances. I was seated near relatively much less importantl. Weak detonatwns are
the front of the passenger cabin of an all-metal airliner thus a definite possibility for really large masses of
(Eastern Airlines Flight EA 539) on a late night flight reacting material. Tentative dimensional conditions for
from N ew York to vVashington. The aircraft encountered stability of d etonation can b e written down from general
an electrical storm during which it was enveloped in a similitude considerations', though direct proof that certain
sudden bright and loud electrical discharge (0005 h EST, Parthquakes origina t e from solid-solid phase trans-
March 19, 1963). Some seconds after this a glowing forma tions or other reactions in the condensed state
sphere a little more than 20 em in diameter emerged from proceeding at rates appropriate to weak d etona~i?n is
the pilot's cabin and passed down the aisle of the aircraft difficult to establish in normal conditions. VeloOltJCs of
approximately 50 em from me, maintaining the same propagation of weak detonations must in any case lie
height and course for the whole distance over which it close to velocities of propaga tion of elastic displacements;
could be observed. only integral evalua tion of the total energy libera ted in
The observation was remarkable for the following any normal earthquake might disprove or permit its
reasons. (i) The appearance of the phenomenon in an definite attribution to phase transformations on a geo-
almost totally screened environment; (ii) the r elative logical scale.
velocity of the ball to that of the containing aircraft was With the advent of seismic studies on underground
1·5±0·5 m s-1, typical of most ground observations; nuclear explosions•, ne\v possibilities of testing such
(iii) the object seemed perfectly symmetrical in all three attribution become feasible . "Secondary" earthquakes
dimensions and had no polar or torroidal structure; (iv) resulting from nuclear explosions can be envisaged
it was slightly limb darkened having an almost solid (i) through the triggering of transformations at detonative
appearance and indicating that it was optically thick; rates in thermodynamically unstable phases already
(v) the object did not seem to radiate heat; (vi) the optical present in large masses initially; (ii) less probably, by tho
output could be assessed as approximately 5 to 10 Wand action of the primary shock causing transformation of
its colour was blue-white; (vii) the diameter was 22 ± 2 fairly large masses into an unstable solid state, which
em, assessed by eye relative to the surroundings; (viii) relapses spontaneously as a secondary earthquake only
the height above the floor was approximately 75 em; after some lapse of time.
(ix) the course was straight down the whole central aisle Repeated underground nuclear explosions in the same
of the aircraft; (x) the object seemed to be in perfect area would eventually exhaust (i), whereas (ii) could
equilibrium; (xi) the symmetry of the object was such permit indefinite r ecurrence of secondary localized
that it was not possible to assess whether or not it was earthquakes wherever the geochemistry favoured the
spinning. necessary underlying physico-chemical changes due to
It is not easy to reconcile the symmetry of the ball tho primary shock wave. Evidence about secondary
and the lack of radiant heat with many of the theories earthquakes from nuclear explosions' does not yet extend
that have been proposed for ball Iightning 1- 5 , though to a sufficient diversity of geoohemistries to p ermit
these aspects of the observation are consistent with definite conclusions about the eventual exhaustion of
many other cases r eported by Singer•. seismic sensitivity, and thus to support (i). Nevertheless,
R. c. JENNISON the possibilities of weak detonations on a geological
Electronics Laboratories, scale may now be closer to practical realization and should
University of Kent, be kept in mind.
Canterbury, Kent.
Received August 25, 1969 . Department of Chemical Engineering
Bruce, C. E. R ., Nature, 202, 996 (1964). and Chemical Technolog~- .
' Kapltz, P. L., Dokl., USSR (1956). Imperial College,
• Lindberg, L., Wltalis, E., a nd Jacobson, C. T., Nattt", 185, 452 (1960). London SW7.
• Watson, W. K . R ., Nature, 185, 449 (1960).
' Wooding, E. R. , Nature,l99, 272 (1963). Received August 19, 1969.
• Singer, S., Natw·e, 198, 745 (1963). 1
Ubbelohde, A. R., Prnc. Roy. Soo., 204, A, 25 (1950); F ourth I11tern. Symp .
on Combustion, 464 (Williams a n d Wilkins, Baltimore, 1963).
• Boueher, G., R yall, A., and Jones, A. E., J. Geophys. Res ., 74, 3808 (1969).

Detonative Phase Transformations and

Earthquakes Polarization Characteristics of
IN detonation, the energy liberated supports a shook front Individual Elements in a Pc I
the impact of which on as yet unreacted material induces
further energy release progressively. Elementary hydro- Micropulsation Event
dynamic theory suggests that it should be possible for a PoLARIZATION characteristics of Po 1 mioropulsations of
wide variety of physico-chemical reactions to be pro- the Earth's magnetic field were examined in narrow
pagated in this way, at their characteristic detonation frequency bands. Wide-band observations were reported
rates. But in practice detonation has been observed only earlierl, The induction magnetometer data were recorded
for comparatively very few systems. The main reason for at College, Alaska, in FM mode on magnetic tape. The
the (fortunate ) rarity of detonations in physico-chemical data were played back t.hrough a bank of active band-pass
reactions is that unless its liberation is very rapid, most of filters into a dual-beam oscilloscope. Each filter had
the energy of reaction can be dissipated sideways, instead attenuation slope 24 dB/octave nominal value and ap-
of contributing to the hydrodynamic propagation of the proximately 12 dB/octave at a cut-off. Two filters were
shock front, the impact of which has in turn to trigger used in series for each magnetic field component. The
transformation in unreacted material ahead of it. Normally high-frequency and low-frequency cut-offs were set equal
as a result of lateral energy losses, only very intense to the desired mid-band frequency fm, then the filters were
reactions can establish a. detonation front with sufficient tuned to preserve the shape and sense of rotation for test
stability to be identifiable as such in the laboratory, or on patterns atj,.. There was considerable phase shift through
the ordinary technological scale. the filters, but this procedure preserved the ~hape·

© 1969 Nature Publishing Group

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