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Envac kitchen waste vacuum system

– profitable, hygienic and increased accessibility

Hygiene and environmental health and safety

The commercial preparation of food is a

rapidly growing and competitive industry and
wherever food is handled, waste is produced.

Changing habits...
As the pace of society quickens, it leaves less time to
spend on cooking for ourselves. In today’s modern
world we demand instant access to meals at all times
of the day and want locations nearby too. We also de-
mand high quality in both hygiene and service.
The variety of food is increasing, which means that we
now have to handle and process raw materials that
were not even thought of a generation ago.

... lead to new requirements

An ever increasing numbers of facilities for the com-
mercial preparation of meals and a very competitive

Problems with conventional handling include:

„„ waste bins and containers adjacent to food prepa-

ration lead to hygiene problems

„„ large air-conditioned waste storage rooms take

up valuable space and consume energy

„„ collection, separation and storage of waste are

causing logistical issues and occupational health
& safety hasard

„„ manual waste transportation paths in the kitchen

take up too much space and cause health and
safety issues in congested areas of the kitchen

„„ regular cleaning of bins and waste storage rooms

is time-consuming, expensive and unhygienic
– challenges for kitchen waste handling

One of the more central aspects of all commercial meal

preparation processes is the waste handling process.
Wherever food is handled, waste is produced. Kitchen
waste creates hygiene risks wherever it is transported
or stored. The internal handling of kitchen waste is a
time and cost consuming operation. On the other hand,
kitchen waste correctly handled and processed is an
important environmental resource.

… new insights
Planners, developers and architects need to consider
these growing demands in the location and design of
commercial kitchens. They also need to find solutions
which make the kitchen operation as efficient as pos-
sible, using both space and labour in the most produc-
tive way.

t Food waste is one of the most important renewable energy

resources in the world.

Because of stringent environmental

requirements we are expected to:

„„ minimise waste quantities and reduce bulk

„„ separate waste handling physically from other


„„ prevent any growth and spread of micro-

organisms to food, dish ware, glassware, utensils
and people

„„ treat organic waste as a biological resource

A solution should be sustainable both from an

Spotless waste handling

MaxiVac and MiniVac are two systems from Envac that
are based on the principle of hermetically sealed stor-
age and vacuum transportation of kitchen waste.

Manual waste handling is a distant memory –

we let the air do the hard work!
This unique technology does away with all manual han-
dling and transportation of kitchen waste. The waste
is disposed of in centrally and conveniently located
disposal inlets.
The inlets are connected to a pipe system through
which the waste is removed from the kitchen premises
by vacuum.
The pipe system ends in a collection station where
it is automatically transferred into tanks or containers,
which are easily collected or emptied by conventional
The process is monitored by computer, and efficien-
cy and performance of the system can be constantly

Unlimited applications
Kitchens require a work environment that is hygienic,
user friendly and with good accessibility. Our kitchen
waste systems can be applied in both small and large
professional kitchens. Applications for the technology
are practically unlimited, regardless of the design and
function of the kitchen premises.

u In total Emirates Flight Catering in Dubai, has more than

6,000 employees who produce an average of 95,000 meals per
day for passengers travelling on around 300 different flights.

environmental and an economical perspective

Hermetically sealed
and environmentally friendly
The systems are hermetically sealed, which improves
the hygiene in the kitchen and prevents the spread of
odours, and eliminates traditional problems associated
with insects or pests. They provide a safe and comfort-
able working environment for both the kitchen staff and
the waste collectors.
Both the organic component and the packaging part
of the waste can be separately stored, transported and
processed into new resources.

p Loose and bagged waste fractions are transported by

vacuum through hermetically sealed pipe systems.

t The inlets are ergonomically designed and facilitates the

daily operation.

Great improvements in hygiene, ergonomics,

Improved hygiene in food preparation, dish-

washing, waste transportation and storage
are just a few of the advantages of the Envac
system when compared to traditional waste

No cross-contamination
The system separates food preparation from the stor-
age of waste; which greatly reduces the risk of cross
contamination. No microorganisms nor bacteria are
spread through the waste. We offer different inlets and
solutions depending on the hygiene zones; the staff
can stay and work in their specific zone.

Improved ergonomics and accessibility

The waste inlets are placed close to where the waste
is created. The vacuum process takes the waste away
from the point of production to the chosen collection
location, usually in a basement or service yard.

Benefits – hygienic and ergonomic

Increased hygiene. There is no cross-contamination,

the waste is immediately removed from food preparation.

Sealed systems. No odour, no leakage, no bacteria.

Better ergonomics. Through the elimination of manual

handling and transportation of food waste.

Self sanitising. The system effectively cleans itself.

ISO 14001 certification of your kitchen.

HACCP-compliant – with the most stringent hygiene


p Buffer carousel (BF) designed for bagged waste for storage of six waste bags.
... economy, logistics and environment

Economically beneficial investment

The system releases valuable space in the kitchen.
The accessibility improves and the accident levels
decrease. It simplifies kitchen routines, and eliminates
the need for internal handling of waste and cleaning of
waste storage rooms. The system operates with high
air speeds so the pipe system is practically self clean-
ing. The system also helps achieving the ISO 14001
certification of your kitchen.

Food waste recycling

Our system leads to energy savings, since air-condi-
tioning of the storage room is unnecessary.
The purity of the collected organic waste is ideal for
biogas production. We offer optional processing of the
waste (grinding, de-watering, etc.) in order to achieve a
consistency suitable for further handling.

Benefits – Economic, logistical, environmental

Durability – a sustainable waste solution.

Profitability – increases efficiency of labour, eliminates

heavy, dirty and time-consuming manual handling.

Area efficiency – no traditional waste bins releases valu-

able space.

Logistic – our system enables efficient kitchen design.

Optimises system capacity – with regard to anticipated

waste quantities and collection frequencies.

Optional processing of the waste – in order to achieve a

consistency, suitable for further handling.

Sorting and recycling – the process can be planned to

improve sorting and recycling of waste.

MaxiVac – for large amounts of kitchen waste day and night

A MaxiVac waste system can

range from a basic tray-stripping
configuration up to an advanced
installation handling all categories
of waste in the kitchen. Typical
applications are flight catering
facilities, industrial food factories,
and large kitchens with a high

MaxiVac is designed for large catering

kitchens, which are in service 365/24/7.
MaxiVac has the capacity to rapidly
handle large amounts of waste.

p Integrated inlet for loose food waste.

u Buffer carousels with six inlets handles large

amounts of bagged waste and are emptied
automatically when full.

– from meal preparation and dishwashing areas

The system is used for the efficient

removal of all types of organic and
solid waste in meal preparation and
dishwashing areas. Employees can do
all their work in a single area, which
improves hygiene and saves time.
The system can easily be adapted and
combined in many different ways to suit
widely varying requirements.

p The cyclones for two parallel systems

mounted on a mezzanine floor located above
the compactors. The cyclones separate the
waste from the air.

z The Emirates Flight catering kitchen has

nine tray stripping lines, that together handles
over 115 000 trays a day.

tt Tray stripping line with a Tray Waste Inlet

at Addis International Catering in Ethiopia.

t Interior from Korean Air in Seoul, showing

Tray Stripper Hood, removing loose waste with

How MaxiVac works Typical inflight catering design

Dedicated inlets are placed in the differ- pipe system. The waste is transported
ent hygiene zones in the production area by a rapid air stream to the waste sepa-
for immediate disposal of loose food rator and transferred automatically into 2
waste and bagged mixed waste. the compactor. It can also be transport- 3
The dishwashing area can have partial ed directly into the waste container. The
or fully automatic disposal of waste from containers are emptied one at a time
trays and meal boxes. without interrupting the operation of the
The inlets are connected to the waste system.
room by means of a completely sealed

Different inlets 4. Tray Stripper Hood, TRS, for continuous

removal of waste from trays using vacuum.
1. Screw Feeder in Bench, SF, placed in
Direct removal on the tray conveyor saves
working areas designed for loose food
operators and time.
waste and used together with open bins
like in vegetable preparation areas. 5. Tray Waste Inlet, TWI, for the collection
of tray waste from returned trays which is
2. Buffer carousel, BF, for storage of six
dropped into a hopper for intermittent suc-
wastebags. These inlets are capable of
tion, several inlets can be connected to the
handling multiple bags in special dedicated
same suction system.
sub waste rooms strategically located,
designed for bagged waste. 6. Trash Chute in floor, TC, for bagged and Collection station
bulky waste which easily can be removed A Vacuum unit
3. Trash Chute in Bench, TCB, to be placed
by hand from the tray waste conveyor. 4
in pot wash areas where wet and loose B Filters
food waste is created. C
C Cyclones

D Waste diverter

E Containers


Food production area
Integrated and freestanding inlets
for food waste and bagged mixed waste

Food waste pipes (green) – 200 mm

Bagged waste pipes (orange) – 300 mm

Warewashing area
Integrated and freestanding inlets for bagged and loose waste

Bagged waste pipes (orange) – 300 mm

Loose waste pipes (blue) – 200 mm

MiniVac – removes food waste in large kitchens

The MiniVac system is designed for

manual in-feed of food waste from meal
production and dishwashing areas.
Typical applications are restaurants,
food courts, food markets, canteens in
hospitals, offices, universities, industrial
and larger kitchens.

Easy applicable
and improved hygiene
The system is ideal for both retrofitting
existing kitchens and for new construc-
Waste disposal inlets are conveniently
integrated in the workflow, improving the
use of valuable space and freeing it up
for profit-generating activities and at the
same time improving ergonomics.
Cross contamination can be avoided
as the system immediately separates
kitchen waste from food production.
The system can also turn your waste
problem into a valuable resource e.g.
through the production of biogas.

p A flexible food waste inlet module from

Envac in a kitchen operation.

u Special designed trash chutes in dish wash- 4

ing areas.

uu End product stored in tanks in fluid form

suitable for biogas production.

uuu The containers are collected by conven-

tional hooklift trucks.

How MiniVac works

A typical MiniVac installation The operators fill up the storage section.

A simple touch initiates the waste trans-
portation by intermittent vacuum.
The waste is transported to a tank
where it is stored. The tank is optimised
for biogas production or composting, a
suction vehicle will soak up the residue.
The waste can also be stored in a
mobile container.


1 3 5 Benefits with MiniVac

6 „„ Easy application

„„ No cross-contamination

„„ Increased hygiene.
„„ Hermetically sealed system.

„„ Better ergonomics.

„„ Gives higher DS (dry substance) and

Food production and dishwashing more food waste slurry per litre.

„„ Self cleansing.
1. Inlets 5. Cyclone
2. Pipes – 150 mm 6. Shredder
„„ ISO 14001 certification.

3. Vacuum unit 7. Storage tank „„ HACCP-compliant

4. Filter „„ Recovery of biogas/fertiliser possible

Kitchen waste handling applications

Kitchen waste is generated in many industrial

processes with different processing demands.

Common for all of these applications though are the hy-

gienic handling requirements. The complete separation
of the waste flow from all other handling processes is
the only sustainable way to minimize the risk of cross-
Envac offer automated kitchen waste systems for
large and small professional kitchens.
Envac’s systems are virtually unlimited in their appli-
cability, irrespective of the design of the food prepara-
tion facilities and their operation.

Envac – the optimal

waste handling solution for:

„„ Flight kitchens

„„ Restaurants

„„ Food malls and food markets

„„ Canteens in offices, hospitals, schools, etc.

„„ Industrial food factories

Envac´s commitments are based on 50 years of experience

Our experienced staff assists you in choosing

the optimal waste handling system for your

We take full responsibility for our installations, from the

initial design and function to installation. We can also
make sure that our installations run smoothly, year in and
year out through our operation & maintenance offerings.
Our competence is based on over 50 years of experi-
ence with the installation of systems for the pneumatic
transportation of waste and recyclable fractions.
We put special emphasis on the ethical behavior of our
staff through our code of conduct. Correct behaviour,
respect and tolerance are necessary ingredients in an
internationally expanding organisation such as ours.
We have our own offices in over 20 countries and spe-
cialists in kitchen waste handling in many of them.

Our Business Concept

We offer efficient and environmentally friendly systems
for waste collection. We provide strong support during
the planning, installation and operation of our sys-
tems. This will guarantee the systems to be designed
to the correct specification and also with the flexibility
required to meet the needs of our customers.
Our aim to be considered a reliable long-term partner
offering first class quality products and service.

... and our high customer quality demands

We offer the following services in connection

with the installation and use of our products

Feasibility studies for larger projects

We provide you with alternative cost assessments,
environmental assessments and where applicable also
financing advise.

Turnkey installations
We take the full responsibility for the entire installation
from the planning board to the actual installation and

Training of users and service staff

Correct training ensures the system is used to it’s
maximum potential, ensuring a satisfying result for our

Service and maintenance

We make sure that wear and tear doesn’t turn into a
major problem. With our service 365/24/7 we will make
your system last. That’s why we still have systems in
operation that were commissioned over 40 years ago –
and are still going strong.

Quality solutions:

„„ We supply according to ISO 9001.

„„ Our systems support the certification of ISO 14001 and

other environmental and hygienic standards.

„„ Our experience and work ethos ensure quality systems

are delivered and maintained.

„„ We are willing to share our experience from our vast

number of successful reference installations.

Some of our kitchen waste references
Liseberg amusement park, Gothenburg Staff canteen at Astra Zeneca, Sweden
Cara Airport Service, Toronto

The Envac kitchen waste systems have been installed

in 18 countries throughout the world.
We have delivered systems for flight catering, railway
catering, staff canteens, food markets and catering res-
taurants. Together our over 50 waste systems handle
nearly 600 of ton kitchen waste per day.
Torget Fish
The map shows some examples of our project at the market, Bergen
world largest airports and professional restaurants.

Cara Airport Service, Vancouver Gate Gourmet, London

Cara Airport Service, Montreal
Kg waste per day handled with a
kitchen waste system from Envac

Kg waste/day
600 000
600 000

500 000
500 000

400 000

300 000 British Petroleum, London

200 000

100 000


European Investment Bank,


16 Staff Canteen, Belgrade

Lufthansa Sky Chefs, Rome
Korean Air Catering, Seoul
Flight Kitchen, Tokyo

Asiana Catering, Seoul

KSC, Osaka

Östermalmshallen, Stockholm
Heron City, Stockholm
Ericsson Hause, Gothenburg

Kiev Flight Catering

China Oil & Gas, Beijing Fish market
Beijing railway catering Air Catering, Nagoya
Iran Air, Teheran

Oberoi Flight Service, Delhi

Qatar Airways Cathay Pacific Flight

Kitchen, HongKong
Sky-Orix, Qatar

Bangkok Air Catering

Thai Airways, Bangkok

Shanghai Eastern Air Catering,

Nanjing and Shanghai
China Southern Catering, Guangzhou

Oberoi Flight Service, Mauritius

Qantas Catering, Sydney

Malaysian Airlines, Penang

Addis International Catering, Addis Abeba

Emirates Flight Catering 1 & 2, Dubai Jubail Market, Sharjah, Dubai
We have offices in the following countries.
For detailed contact information, please visit



Bumling AB, 06 2011

ENVAC AB, Fleminggatan 7, SE-112 26 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)8 785 00 10,

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