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NĂM HỌC 2011 – 2012

Đề chính thức Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH - BẢNG A
(Đề thi có 06 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút


Bằng số: ….……………......…… Giám khảo 1: …………………...…………

Bằng chữ: ….……………......…. Giám khảo 2: …………………………......

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1 A. problem B. logical C. possible D. comfortable
2 A. islet B. consist C. service D. household
3 A. guilty B. bury C. busy D. building
4 A. documentary B. residential C. representative D. confident
5 A. southern B. northern C. thoroughly D. further
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others.
1 A. product B. prefer C. argue D. promise
2 A. electricity B. conservation C. university D. hospitable
3 A. industry B. consider C. develop D. guitarist
4 A. bamboo B. canoe C. rescue D. compete
5 A. authority B. separate C. decorate D. paragraph
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
1. Nam: "Let's go to Cua Lo on the weekend." - Ba:"_______ ."
A. That's a fine day B. Yes, let's C. Yes, please D. That's a good trip
2. Linda: "Why don't you take a short break?" - Jane: "_______."
A. Because I'm tired B. I don't agree C. Sure, go ahead D. I guess I should do
3. I worked all summer but I didn't _______ enough to save any money.
A. gain B. win C. earn D. pay
4. His brother is doing a science _______ at the University of Edinburgh.
A. degree B. certificate C. career D. title
5. You are late again, please try to be _______in future.
A. accurate B. punctual C. efficient D. reliable
6. Do you know who _______the fact that sound travels in waves?- I don't think I know.
A. found B. developed C. invented D. discovered
7. Could you go down to the baker's and get me a ________ of bread and a couple of jam doughnuts? –
A. bouquet B. bunch C. loaf D. bar

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8. Hai has _________ a lot of progress in his study recently.
A. made B. achieved C. carried out D. prepared
9. The life expectancy of the average American male is 71 years _____ that of the female is 78 years.
A. because B. otherwise C. while D. not only
10. We still haven't _________ a solution to that problem.
A. come up with B. pace up with C. jump to D. come up to

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Complete the paragraph by using the correct form of the words in brackets.
The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlisted in the World
Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. With a history of more than 2,000 years, some of sections of the Great
Wall are now in ruin or even (1. ENTIRE) ______disappeared. However, it is still one of the most (2.
APPEAL) ______ attractions all around the world owing to its (3. ARCHITECTURE) _____ grandeur
and historical significance.
The Great Wall was (4. ORIGIN) ______ built as a defensive fortification by the three states: Yan,
Zhao and Qin. It went through constant extensions and repairs in later dynasties. In fact, it began as (5.
DEPEND) ______ walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the "Great" wall
until the Qin dynasty. Emperor Qin Shihuang (6. SUCCESS) ______ in his effort to have the walls
joined together to defend off the invasions from the Huns in the north after the unification of China.
Since then, the Great Wall has served as a monument of the Chinese nation. A (7. VISITING) ______ to
the Great Wall is like a tour through the history backwards; it brings tourists great (8. EXCITE) ______
in each step of the wall.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
III. Read the text below and look carefully at each numbered line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick ( ) by the number. If a
line has a word which should not be there, write the word by the number. Two examples have been
done for you.

You seem surprised to hear I am teaching all my pupils how to sing. I am 0 .…………………….
convinced about that anyone who can hear, can sing. And everyone can sing better 00. ……. about…….
than they think they can. Singing can have a very good effect on our lives and 1. …….…………………..
singing from a very early age is the best way to develop the ear. It is more 2. ………….……………..
important to learn to sing than to play per an instrument. What we need to do is 3. ………….……………..
how to help children discover the joys of singing. However, many people are 4. ………….……………..
discouraged from the singing early in life. It is common to hear adults say they 5. ………….……………..
felt terrible when they were not selected for of the school choir. Unfortunately, 6. ………….……………..
adults who have been suffered that kind of treatment, do not burst into song 7. ………….……………..
spontaneously or sing invented songs to their children. But research shows it that 8. ………………………..
the children who sing happily when they are five, are those whose mothers have 9. ………………………..

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sung to them at an early age. Maybe now you will can be able to understand why I 10. ……………………..
am determined that my young pupils should sing. And, by the way, singing keeps
your vocal cords youthful as well.

I. Read the passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.
Find out all about why volunteers are important for making wishes come true in our interview with
Sophia Giorgi.
When 19- year-old Sophia Giorgi said she was thinking of volunteering to help the Make-A- Wish
Foundation, nobody understood what she was talking about. But Sophia Giorgi knew just how important
Make-A- Wish could be because this special organization had helped to make a dream come true for one
of her best friends. We were interested in finding out more, so we went along to meet Sophia and listen
to what she had to say.
Sophia said that the previous year Make-A- Wish had helped her best friend, Andreas, who was
seventeen years old and had been ill for a long time. "Andreas had always wanted to be a pilot, but he
knew it probably wasn't possible because of his illness," explained Sophia. "But, thanks to the Make-A-
Wish Foundation in Greece, Andreas had a brilliant day at the Air Base in Araxo. He flew in a helicopter
and learnt all war planes. "Sophia said one of the pilots had spent a lot of time with Andreas, answering
his questions and explaining things to him. Andreas certainly had a day to remember, and Make-A- Wish
has helped nearly 90 other children in Greece to "live" their dreams.
But what exactly is Make-A- Wish? Sophia told us that Make-A- Wish is a worldwide organisation
which started in the United States in 1980. "It's a charity which helps children who have got very
serious, life- threatening illnesses. Make-A- Wish helps the children to feel happy even though they are
ill, by making their wishes and dreams come true." Sophia explained.
We asked Sophia how Make-A- Wish had first started. She said it had begun with a very sick young
boy called Chris, who had been dreaming for a long time of becoming a policeman. Sophia said lots of
people had wanted to find the way to make Chris's dream come true so, with everybody's help, Chris,
only seven years old at the time, had been a "policeman" for one day. "When people saw how delighted
Chris was when his dream came true, they decided to try and help other sick children too, and that was
the beginning of Make-A- Wish" explained Sophia.
When we asked Sophia if she could explain how Make-A- Wish worked, she told us: “The Foundation
tries to give children and their families a special, happy time. Sometimes it's hard for families with
children who are really ill to enjoy themselves and laugh together. They often feel sad a lot of the time."
Sophia said "Make-A- Wish volunteers visit the families and ask the children what they would wish for if
they could have anything in the world." She said the volunteers were important because they were the
ones who helped to make the wishes come true. They do this either by providing things that are
necessary, like plane tickets or equipment or by raising money or helping out in whatever way they can.
We wondered what things the children wished for. Did a lot of them want to meet somebody famous?
Sophia agreed that a lot of children did ask this. But she said other children wanted to own something
special or go somewhere, and some children, like Chris wanted to be a different person or do a different
job for one day." Whatever the child's wish is, Make-A- Wish tries to make it real for them," she said.
So, how did Sophia become a volunteer? She told us she'd had to ring the Make-A- Wish office in
Athens to get some more information. She said she'd become a volunteer the following week and that
she was glad to be doing something to help make children's wishes come true. Sophia suggested that
other young people could also volunteer.
Make-A- Wish says that without the help of volunteers like Sophia, they would not be able to perform
these "miracles" for children. Why not see if there's something you can do to help?

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1. How did Sophia find out about Make-A- Wish?
A. Her friend had volunteered to help. B. Make-A- Wish had helped one of her best her friends.
C. It is a national organisation. D. Her friend had a dream about Make-A- Wish.
2. What did the pilot do when he was with Andreas?
A. He gave him lots of information he wanted. B. He flew with him in a warplane.
C. He asked him a lot of questions. D. He reminded Andreas about his day.
3. The Make-A- Wish Foundation_____
A. doesn't exist in Greece. B. is only in America.
C. isn't a charity. D. is an international organization.
4. A boy called Chris_____
A. had an idea that began Make-A- Wish.
B. was the only child Make-A- Wish has ever helped so far.
C. gave people the idea of starting Make-A- Wish.
D. wanted people to help him to make his dream come true.
5. Make-A- Wish volunteers visit children and their families to _____
A. find out what the child's wish is. B. make the child happy.
C. make the family feel hard. D. see if the child is feeling sad.
6. Volunteers are important for Make-A- Wish because _____
A. they decide what the wish is. B. they help in lots of ways.
C. they provide all the plane tickets. D. they know how to make people laugh.
7. Which of these statements about the children's wishes is TRUE?
A. All the children want to meet famous people.
B. Most of the wishes involved owning something.
C. Lots of the children wonder what to wish for.
D. So many children want to meet someone special.
8. When did Sophia telephone the Make-A- Wish office?
A. She rang on the day of the interview. B. She rang the week after the interview.
C. She rang before the interview. D. She rang when she had got some information.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

II. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Getting good results in your studies comes from (1) ______ good study habits. The best place to study
is a comfortable room with good (2) ______ . The best chair for studying should be one which you
would be comfortable in, (3) ______ so comfortable that you may fall asleep in it after a
while! Before you study, look for a (4) ______ environment with no distractions. If your home is
too noisy for studying, try the library or community center (5) ______.
When you study, set (6) ______ targets for yourself to achieve. (7) ______ example, do not aim to
study five chapters of Geography in one sitting when you know that it takes you more than one
hour to read one chapter. (8) ______, remember not to push yourself too (9) ______. When you have
studied for a period of time, (10) ______ yourself by taking a short break. You could perhaps take a short
walk or listen to some music for a while.
1 A. creating B. developing C. getting D. making
2 A. lighting B. light C. brightness D. shining
3 A. rather than B. without C. unless D. but not
4 A. silent B. still C. quiet D. mute
5 A. then B. or else C. just so D. instead
6 A. really B. realistic C. true D. life- like

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7 A. For B. From C. With D. Of
8 A. However B. Although C. Furthermore D. Surprisingly
9 A. strongly B. hardly C. powerfully D. hard
10 A. award B. reward C. compliment D. congratulate

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word.


Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for
educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life.
In some modern countries, it has for some time (1) ______ fashionable to think that by free education
for all- whether rich or (2) ______, clever or stupid- one can solve all problems of society and build a
perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough. We find in such countries
a large (3) ______ of people with university degrees refuse to do (4) ______ they think "low" work. In
fact work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But we only have to think a
moment to understand that the work of a completely educated farmer is much more important than (5)
______ of a professor. We can live without education but we die if we have (6) ______ food. If no one
cleaned our streets or collected the rubbish from our house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns.
In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to be fitted for life, it (7) ______ that we must be
educated in such a way each of us can do whatever work suited to our brains and ability and we can
realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is bad to be ashamed (8) ______ one's work.
Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.

1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
1. I had to do that work on my own .
 No one lifted ............................................................................................................................................
2. It's not our habit to get up late.
 We aren't .................................................................................................................................................
3. I could realize how important my parents to me are only after I left home.
 Not until ...................................................................................................................................................
4. " You shouldn't spend too much time playing computer games" my teacher said.
 My teacher advised .................................................................................................................................
5. No one has tidied this room for ages.
 This room .................................................................................................................................................
6. Practice speaking English more and your English will be more fluent.
 The more ..................................................................................................................................................

II. Write a composition (about 120 - 140 words) on the following topic:
"What should students do to keep fit and stay healthy? "



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NĂM HỌC 2011 – 2012



Tổng điểm: 20.0 (Mỗi ý đúng hs được 1 điểm = 70 + 10 điểm bài luận = 80 /4 = 20)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced... (5 pts)
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C

II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different... (5 pts)

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A


I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Complete the paragraph by using the correct form... (8 pts)

1. entirely 2. appealing 3. architectural 4. originally
5. independent 6. succeeded 7.visit 8. excitement

III. Read the text below and look carefully .... (10 pts)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  per how the of been it  can

section c : reading
I. Read the passage and choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. (8 pts)
1. B 2.A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C

II. Decide which answer ( A, B, C or D) best fits each space. (10 pts)
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B

III. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. (8 pts)
1. been 2. poor 3. number 4. what/ whatever
5. that 6. no 7. means 8. of

Section D: writing
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning (6 pts)
1. No one lifted a finger/ a hand to help me (to) do/ with that work.
2. We aren't used to / accustomed to getting up late. / We aren’t in the habit of getting up late.
3. Not until I left home could I realize how important my parents to me are.
4. My teacher advised me not to spend too much time playing computer games.
5. This room hasn't been tidied for ages./ This room has been tidied by no one for ages.
6. The more you practice speaking English, the more fluent your English will be.
II. Write about 120 - 140 words on the following topic. (10 pts)
Organization & presentation: 25 % Coherence & clarity: 50 % Expression: 25%

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The end.

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