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Word Translation Example sentence

dishonest (adj)  deshonesto  Ecuadorian politics is very dishonest
funny (adj)  Gracioso  cartoons are very funny
generous (adj)  generoso  Pedro was very generous in giving away that blender
hard-working (adj)  trabajador  country people are very hardworking
honest (adj)  honesto  I am very honest with you
impatient (adj)  impaciente  my cousin juan is very impatient
lazy (adj)  peresozo  I've been lazy lately
mean (adj)  Medio I'm the middle brother
nice (adj)  bonito  nice to see the stars at night
patient (adj)  paciente I'm very patient
polite (adj)  educado  college kids are polite
rude (adj)  brusco  I am very rough when it comes to fighting
selfish (adj)  egoista  I dislike selfish people
serious (adj)  Serio  I have a serious behavior
shy (adj)  timido  he is a shy boy
sociable (adj)  sociable  I am not a very sociable person
bake a cake (v. phr.)  Hormear el pastel  baking a cake is relaxing
bake bread (v. phr.) hornear pan  baking bread is very simple
bake cupcakes (v. phr.) Hornear cupcakes  I learned to bake cupcakes with my grandmother
blog about your opinions (v. phr.) blog sobre tus opiniones  I opened a blog where I can upload my opinions about some hotels
collect coins (v. phr.) recoje monedas  they pick up coins from the ground
collect records (v. phr.) recopilar registros  in the tia records of each person are collected
collect stamps (v. phr.) coleccionar sellos  I collect old stamps
do Pilates (v. phr.) hacer pilates  I do pilates to look good
download apps (v. phr.) descargar aplicaciones  Pepito downloads applications to play on his phone
download movies (v. phr.) descargar películas  she download movies to watch on the plane
download music (v. phr.) descargar musica  I download music from legal page
get together with friends (v. phr.) Reunirse con amigos  On Sunday I will meet with my friends
go on social media (v. phr.) ir a las redes sociales  I go to social networks to have fun

go out at night (v. phr.) salir por la noche  I go out at night to run
go running (v. phr.)  ir a correr  I go running in the mornings
go swimming (v. phr.) ir a nadar   Juan swims at dawn to train his body
go to a concert (v. phr.)  ir a un concierto  i went to the eminem concert with my friends
go to the gym (v. phr.)  ir al gimnasio Monday I go to the gimnasio early
go to the movies (v. phr.)  ir al cine i go to the movies to see thor
go to the swimming pool (v. phr.) Ve a la piscina  tomorrow I'm going to the pool to swim for a while
join a club (v. phr.)  Unete al Club  Yesterday I was offered to join a fight club.
learn a language (v. phr.)  Aprende un idioma  my nephew is in a language academy to learn a languag
learn an instrument (v. phr.)  Aprende un instrumento  Alberto learned to play the guitar on his own
meet new people (v. phr.)  Conocer gente nueva  I'm going to a party tomorrow I hope to meet new people
play chess (v. phr.)  jugar ajedrez  I'm bad at playing chess
play soccer (v. phr.)  Jugar futbol  I'm going to play soccer with my friends
play video games (v. phr.)  Jugar video juegos  playing video games makes me forget the bad of the day
relax at home (v. phr.)  descansa en casa  the doctor told me to relax at home
shop online (v. phr.)  Tienda en linea  I bought these shoes in an online store
spend time with the family (v. phr.)  pasar tiempo con la familia  On weekends I prefer to spend time with my family
stay in shape (v. phr.)  mantenerse en forma  I go running to stay in shape
carry (v)  Llevar  looks like they're going to bring some food
come back (v)  Regresar  I don't know how to come back to my house
earn (v)  Ganar  I may be able to earn the lottery
expect (v)  Suponer  presumably i'm going to pass the subject
give (v)  dar  I'm going to give a prize
go back (v)  Regresa  he told me to go back home
hope (v)  Esperar  I just hope I'm not my only friend
look (v)  Mira  Look how I become a hero
look forward to (v)  esperar  I have to wait for my wish to come true
look like (v)  parece  this looks like a horror mo
lose (v)  Perder  ecuador lost against chile yesterday
miss (v)  Señorita  miss ecuador won the crown this year
remember (v)  Recuerda  remember peter a great power, comes with a great responsibility.
remind (v)  Recordar  remember what I ate last week is impossible
say (v)  Decir  I don't know how to say hello in Russian

take (v)  Tomar  drinking two glasses of water helps digestion
tell (v)  Decir  to say that yesterday was a crazy day is an understatement
wait (v)  Espere  Yesterday I waited in the rain
wear (v)  Tener puesto  Yesterday I had on an original t-shirt
win (v)  Victoria  the victory went to the argentina team in yesterday's game

Word Translation Example sentence
amazed (adj)  Asombrado  amazed at the marks you got on the exam
amazing (adj)  Asombroso  amazing that you can shoot so accurately
annoyed (adj)  Molesto  you are very annoying when you do those actions
annoying (adj)  Molesto  I get annoyed when they make a lot of noise
bored (adj)  Aburrido  minecraft game is very boring
boring (adj) Aburrido  I am boring in the class
confused (adj)  Confundido  Schacknyheter shall not be confused with a previous site,
confusing (adj)  Confundido  This can be confusing if you don't know your geography!
disappointed (adj)  Decepcionado  I am disappointed in my uncle
disappointing (adj)  Decepcionado  Things are a little confusing for you right now
embarrassed (adj)  Avergonzado  I've never been more embarrassed in all my life.
embarrassing (adj)  Avergonzado  This can be very embarrassing and uncomfortable for the sufferer
excited (adj)  Emocionado  And maybe you should be more excited about this interview.
exciting (adj)  Emocionado  Can't wait to share the exciting news of our engagement with my family.
interested (adj)  Interesado  But Andrus was more interested in a life of service.
interesting (adj)  Interesado  An interesting combination of pineapple gives with grapes and peach
relaxed (adj)  Relajante  The apartment is well located and has a relaxed atmosphere.
relaxing (adj)  Relajante  it is very relaxing to listen to music
surprised (adj)  Sorprendido  surprised by the stunts you did
surprising (adj)  Sorprendente  It is surprising that it can give a half moon
terrified (adj)  Aterrorizado  yesterday you looked terrified by the movie
terrifying (adj)  Espantonso  it is appalling to work in inadequate conditions
tired (adj)  Cansado  I'm tired from a long day at work
tiring (adj)  Agotador  doing a cardio routine is very tiring
be born (v)  Nacer  being born is the opposite of the epithet of life

die (v)  Morir  dying is a literary action
fall in love (v. phr.)  Enamorarse  falling in love is bad
finish school (v. phr.)  Terminar la escuela  I finished school at the age of 12
get a divorce (v. phr.)  divorciarse  my aunt divorced my uncle
get engaged (v. phr.)  comprometerse  I agree to pass the chemistry subject
get married (v. phr.)  Casarse  On Tuesday I will marry my wife
get your driver’s license (v. phr.)  obtener su licencia de conducir  in the summer holidays I took a course to get my driver's license
go to elementary school (v. phr.)  Ir a la escuela primaria  My son is already in primary school.
go to high school (v. phr.)  Ir a la secundaria  I have to go to high school tomorrow morning
graduate from college (v. phr.)  Graduado de la universidad  I graduated from the University of Guayaquil
grow up (v)  Crecer  humans grow after a certain age
have children (v.phr)  Tener hijos  having children at an early age is bad
retire (v)  retirarse  it's important to know when to retreat in a fight
start a career (v. phr.)  Empezar una Carrera  tomorrow I start my university career

Word Translation Example sentence
ancient (adj)  Antiguo  the objects in a museum are very old
busy (adj)  Ocupado  the president of ecuador is a very busy person
crowded (adj)  Atestado  the shelf is full of cleaning products
famous (adj)  Famoso  messi is a famous player
lively (adj)  Dinámico  ice skating is a sport with a lot of dynamic movement
messy (adj)  desordenado  my brother's room is very messy
modern (adj)  Moderno  the iphone 13 is a modern high-end cell phone
polluted (adj)  Contaminado  the city has high percentages of environmental pollution
quiet (adj)  Tranquilo  today's weather seems calm
ugly (adj)  feo  Juan called my friend ugly
uncomfortable (adj)  Incómodo  Yesterday I noticed something uncomfortable at the party
unusual (adj)  Inusual  I notice something unusual in your clothes
book a flight (v. phr.)  reservar un vuelo  yesterday i booked a flight to ireland
buy souvenirs (v. phr.)  comprar recuerdos  when I went to the city of Colombia I bought some souvenirs
eat out (v)  comer fuera  eating out is relaxing and delicious
go abroad (v. phr.)  ir al extranjero  I'm going abroad to study

go camping (v. phr.)  ir de camping  I went with my classmates from the country schoo
go on a guided tour (v. phr.)  hacer una visita guiada  i went to alcatraz prison, but it was a guided tour
go sightseeing (v. phr.)  Hacer turismo  I told my brother that I am going to do tourism in Quito
have a barbecue (v. phr.)  tener una barbacoa  I'm going to have a barbecue for my birthday
pack a suitcase (v. phr.)  Empacar una maleta  I will pack my bags for the trip tomorrow
rent a car (v. phr.)  Alquilar un coche  my uncle juan rented a car for the trip
reserve a double room (v. phr.)  reservar una habitación doble  a married couple decided to book a double room
reserve a seat on a train (v. phr.)  reservar un asiento en un tren  I reserved my seat on the train online
stay at a hotel (v. phr.)  Quedate en el hotel  the guard said to stay at the hotel
stay at a resort (v. phr.)  Estancia en un centro turistico  Staying at a resort was wonderful
sunbathe (v)  Tomar el sol  sunbathing increases vitamin d
visit a museum (v. phr.)  visitar un museo  it was great to visit the museum
visit local attractions (v. phr.)  visitar atracciones locales  Yesterday I went to visit local attractions with my family

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