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MS Project

Internal Training Academy - ITA

About MSP

• Microsoft Project is a Project Management Software.

• It is designed to assist a project manager in developing a schedule, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress,
managing the budget, and analyzing workloads.

Internal Training Academy - ITA


• Project creates budgets based on assignment work and resource rates.

• As resources are assigned to tasks and assignment work estimated, the program calculates the cost, equal
to the work times the rate, which rolls up to the task level and then to any summary tasks and finally to
the project level.
• Resource definitions (people, equipment and materials) can be shared between projects using a shared
resource pool.
• Each resource can have its own calendar, which defines what days and shifts a resource is available.
• Resource rates are used to calculate resource assignment costs which are rolled up and summarized at the
resource level.
• Each resource can be assigned to multiple tasks in multiple plans and each task can be assigned multiple
resources, and the application schedules task work based on the resource availability as defined in the
resource calendars.

Internal Training Academy - ITA


Types of Calendar (Base Calendar)

1. Standard Calendar
2. 24 Hrs. Calendar
3. Night Shift Calendar

Types of Calendar (Based on Assignment)

1. Project Calendar
2. Activity Calendar
3. Resource Calendar

Internal Training Academy - ITA

Task & Relationship

• Task:
• The day by day Activities are called as Task.

• Relationships
• Sequential
• Finish to Start
• Start to Finish

• Overlapping
• Start to Start
• Finish to Finish

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• Various ways to entering Dependencies:
• Predecessors & Successors Colum
• Show Split
• Task Information

Internal Training Academy - ITA

CPM- Critical Path Method
Free Float
Total Float
Formula for CPM
Early Start(ES)=EF(P)+1
Early Finish(EF)=ES(C)+D-1
Late Finish(LF)=LS(S)-1 P – Predecessor
Late Start(LS)=LF(C)–D+1 S - Successor
Free Float:
The amount of time the activity can be delay without affecting the immediate start of successor
activity. FF = ES of successor-EF(C)-1
Total Float:
The amount of time the activity can be delay without affecting the project end date.

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Critical Path Method:

Activity Name Duration Predecessor

A 5 -
B 6 A
C 4 B
D 3 B
E 2 C,D
F 1 E

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Early Start(ES)=EF(P)+1

Early Finish(EF)=ES(C)+D-1

Late Finish(LF)=LS(S)-1

Late Start(LS)=LF(C)–D+1
P – Predecessor
S – Successor
C= Current Activity

Total float= Sum of Free Float

Over all duration – 18 days
Free Float – 1 day
Free float= Es of Successor-EF(C)-1
Total Float – 1 day
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D Activity – Non Critical Activity

Except Activities – Critical Activity

Critical Path/Flow(CP/CF):


Non Critical Path / Flow(NCP/NCF):


Internal Training Academy - ITA

Work Break Down Structure

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As Soon As Possible
As Late As Possible
Finish No earlier then
Start No Earlier than
Must Start On
Must Finish On
Finish No Later then
Start No Later than

Internal Training Academy - ITA


• Resources refer to the people involved in the project, the equipment and
materials used, and the costs associated with the project.
• Resources are required to perform project tasks.

• Types:

• Work ( Labor)
• Material ( Non- Labor)
• Machinery

Internal Training Academy - ITA

Resource Leveling
• Leveling works by delaying tasks or splitting them so the resources that are assigned to those tasks are no
longer overloaded.

• When it is leveling, Project does not change who is assigned to each task. Project levels only the work
resources, generic resources, and committed resources. It does not level the material resources, cost resources,
or proposed resources.

Internal Training Academy - ITA


Once your project plan is ready in MS Project, it becomes essential for a project
manager to measure the actuals (in terms of work completed, resources used and costs
incurred) and to revise and change information about tasks and resources due to any changes
to the plans.

Internal Training Academy - ITA

Earned Value Analysis

• Earned Value Analysis (EVA) is a method that allows the project manager to measure the amount of work actually performed
on a project beyond the basic review of cost and schedule reports.

• EVA provides a method that permits the project to be measured by progress achieved.

Internal Training Academy - ITA


Types Of Report:

Graphical Report

Textual Report

Internal Training Academy - ITA

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