Unit 1 - Basic Adjectives - Extra Exercises

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A. Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives.

1. I cannot reach the top shelf because I am too _______________ (short / tall).

2. He is so _______________ (weak / strong) that he is able to carry the bag of potatoes.

3. Please put all your _______________ (dirty / clean) clothes into the washing machine.

4. The cook cannot use the _______________ (sharp / blunt) knives.

5. She does not have enough money for that _______________ (cheap / expensive) ring.

6. I am afraid of the headmaster because he is too _______________ (strict / kind).

7. The _______________ (rude / friendly) nurse smiled kindly at the sick boy.

8. The _______________ (hardworking / lazy) boy did not do his homework.

9. It is very _______________ (quiet / noisy) in the library. You can do your revision there.

10. She always finishes her work on time because she is _______________ (smart / slow).

11. That _______________ (friendly / rich) man always help the poor.

12. That _______________ (fierce / greedy) boy ate two plates of rice.

13. He ran so _______________ (fast / slow) that he beat the others easily.

B. Complete the following sentences with the opposites of the words in brackets.

1. I need to clean my room because it is very _______________ (clean).

2. I like studying in the library because it is very _______________ (noisy).

3. My neighbours are from Japan. They are very _______________ (unfriendly).

4. We should not walk alone at night because it is _______________ (safe).

5. The buildings in the town are very _______________ (old).

6. I think these dresses are _______________ (pretty).

7. The town is _______________ (noisy) at night as the shops close at 5.00 p.m.

8. The dress is very _______________ (ugly), but the price is too _______________ (cheap).

Circle the adjectives in the word search.

hardworking friendly cheap

noisy slow dangerous
strong smart short
safe expensive clean
quiet weak dirty
rude tall lazy

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