Educ 5410 Unit 3 Discussion Forum

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There are eight/nine different types of intelligence (Gardner, 1978), and many of us teach the

way we learn but now we must begin to adjust our teaching methods to match our learners'
strengths. But how do you know which intelligence our learners use? No one uses just one type
of intelligence; we all use several in our daily lives. Some are stronger than others for each
person. Thus it's helpful to determine our top intelligences and that of our learners and tailor
our methods to best meet our learners’ particular combination of strengths. Find out in which
way you are smart by taking the MI assessment and then analyzing the results.

After completing the MI assessment, share your results and how you agree or disagree with
them. Then reply to three peers’ postings comparing and contrasting the results. 

Multiple Intelligences Scores

















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My Top 3 Types of Intelligence


Interpersonal (Score of 88)
You're able to recognize and understand the motivations and feelings of other people. Teachers, psychologists, and
salespeople have this intelligence.

Verbal/Linguistic (Score of 84)
You make sense of the world through language. You use words effectively when you are speaking and writing.
Writers and editors have this intelligence.

Bodily/Kinesthetic (Score of 78)
You use all or part of your body to create products or solve problems. Athletes, surgeons, dancers, and craftspeople
have this intelligence.

Intrapersonal (Score of 78)
You're able to distinguish among your feelings, build accurate mental models of yourself and draw on these models
to make decisions about your life. People with strength in this intelligence are found in all walks of life.

How I agree with the test results.

As a teacher of the English language, I find that I agree with the test result. Judging

from the characteristics associated with each of the intelligences as per the test, I find traces of
these in my daily practice both as a teacher and a student. Studies about the use of multiple

intelligence in education have been conducted, and one study by Shore indicates that most

teachers use logical, linguistic, and interpersonal intelligence more than other intelligence

(Yidana, et al., 2022). In trying to link English teachers’ multiple intelligences with teaching

strategies, Luo and Huang found that teachers use interpersonal, linguistic, and intrapersonal

teaching strategies often when teaching the English language (Yidana, et al., 2022).

Firstly, interpersonal intelligence is applicable in the process of language teaching and

learning. It deals with the ability to understand the moods, feelings, and motivations of others

and working cooperatively and communicating effectively with people. Interpersonal

intelligence helps one to harmonize with others and be able to understand their opinions, and

viewpoints (Moussaid, 2014). The social constructivists view of education look at the

significance of the interaction of the learners in language learning, which can be achieved by

fostering interpersonal intelligence through pair work and group work in the classroom

Furthermore, verbal/linguistic intelligence deals with the ability to effectively use words

both in writing and orally. It involves sensitivity to the meanings, sounds, and functions of

language. Using this intelligence in language learning helps learners to concentrate and connect

with their inner self, eliminate distracting sounds from in and outside the classroom, stimulate

creative processes, and promote a relaxed yet productive and motivating classroom environment

(Moussaid, 2014) 

The third is kinaesthetic intelligence. This deals with the capacity to use the body to

solve problems, express oneself, or form products using part of one’s body or the whole body

(Moussaid, 2014). The use of games, role-plays, project work, drama, and shadow puppets,

among other activities directly tackles bodily/kinaesthetic intelligence in the language classroom.
Lastly, intrapersonal intelligence deals with the capability to understand oneself,

evaluate one’s weaknesses, strengths, and emotional states, and effectively act using this

knowledge. Language learning assignments like tasking learners to reflect on their attitudes,

beliefs, opinions, and feelings about particular issues is a typical example of working on

intrapersonal intelligence in the language classroom (Moussaid, 2014).


Moussaid, s. (March 31, 2014). Multiple Intelligences in Language Learning and Teaching

Multiple intelligences. (2021). Career


Yidana, M. B., Arthur, F., & Ababio, B. T. (2022) Teachers’ Application of Multiple

Intelligences Approach in Teaching Economics; Education Research International, vol. 2022,

Article ID 2875555, 16 pages.
Zhou, M., & Brown, D. (2015). Educational learning theories. Educational Psychology



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