Deccan Provinail

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The regional style of the Deccan started when this territory was first
occupied by the Delji sultans in the last years of the thirteenth century
and continued until it was incorporated into the Moghul empire in the
seventeenth century, a period of more than three hundred and fifty

In the other regional styles there was a fusion of the local indigenous
style of the temple and building styles of Islam.

Unlike this , the rulers of the Deccan have seemed to have ignored the
local style of the country it occupied . In spite of the Dravisian and
Chalukyan styles of temples the rulers have seem to have taken no clue
from these structures.

Rather there was a fusion of two different styles of Architecture in the

Islamic Architecture of Deccan. One was the Architectureal style got
from the sultans of Delhi and the next was from distant Persia.
The Delhi contribution was brought when Sultan Mohamad Tuglaq
forced migration in 1340 of the inhabitants of the capital of Jamuna
to the new found city of Daulatabad.So the craftsmen also moved ,
and laid the foundations of the Architectural style of Deccan.

The other Architectural current from distant Persia came from

different sources .As the Islamic people immigrants were
Persians,Mongols and Turks it was natural for them to look at their
home country for inspiration and knowledge in buildings. Also the
Persians came through Arab ships to the western India which gave
access to the Bahmani kingdom , so even in early days there was
strong influence of Persian at the Deccan capital.

The first ruler was a Persian adventurer from the court of Delhi
who proceeded t o establish the BAahmani dynasty at Gulbaraga
in 1347.

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