Warlock! Kingdom Traitor's Edition

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Written by Greg Saunders with Andy Scott, Justin Wyatt, Lee
Rimmer, Mustafa Bekir, Paul 'Geist' Gallagher, Sean Wills and
The Guvnor
Cover art by Justin Wyatt, design Paul Bourne
Internal art Justin Wyatt and Yuri Perkowski Domingos
Fesselmark 3 The Undertunnels 76
The Kingdom 4 Kellebrik 79
Culture of Fesselmark 7 Fishmen 80
The Royal Family 10 Organisations 82
The Traitor 12 The Little Council 82
The college of doors 84
The Evening Lands 13 The Red King's men 85
Black Spine Mountains 16 The Guard 87
Cragtop Mountains 19 Noted Citizenry 90
Fair Marenesse 20 The Wizard Dolkepper 90
Fesselburg 21 The Lady Alice 92
Forest of Helmsby 22 Meageller 93
Golden Cave 24 So, You're a Local? 96
Grim Biskerstaff 25 Docker 96
Lake Gossenham 25 Fish Warden 97
Pomperburg 26 Mudlark 98
Rebeck 29 Night watchman 99
Royal Forest 30 Publican 101
Ruined Honheim 31 Servant 102
Tainted folk of Honheim 32 Hirelings 103
Tresselback 35
Westerboss 36 Adventures 105
Westerlan 38 The Double 105
Eye Spy 106
Grim Biskerstaf 40 Pitman's Model 106
The Blight 41 Revolution Calling 108
City on the River 41 Golden Gut 108
The City 44 Half a World Away 109
Vessen River 46 Inflation! 110
The walls 48 The Priest 110
Fortress Strumdorf 50 How Odd 111
The Docks 53
The Manky Mermaid 55
Fire brew 56
Lord's Hill 58
Hemlock Holt 61
Artisan's quarter 64
The Great Market 68
The Cathedral 71

The Kingdom
Fesselmark, usually just the east to the peninsular
called ‘the Kingdom’ by called the Evening Lands in
those who dwell there, the west. Within the realm
covers a large landmass there are great forests,
surrounded by wide wide grassy plains, tall
oceans. It occupies an dark mountains, great
area rich with history - the meandering rivers, deep
Kingdom is just the last of cold lakes and broad,
a great line of empires that rolling hills. Ruins are
have called the area home, a common sight, relics
and the ruins that dot the from past empires and
land are a testament to civilisations, but these are
many previous rulers. The avoided - most sensible
elves had the most recent folk in the Kingdom stick
and enduring empire, but to the thriving cities
eventually it collapsed like and towns, or the well-
others before it, and from defended villages. The
the ashes the Kingdom wilderness remains very
was born. Humans much wild. The land is
dominate Fesselmark, but magical, and the essence
other communities such of the arcane permeates
as dwarves, elves and everything. It is said by
halflings are common, as the superstitious that the
well as less welcoming deep mountains and dark
folk such as goblins and forests are doorways,
unmen. places where the traveller
passes from this world
The Kingdom is large, to other lands, other
stretching from the so- places. They believe that
called Lands of Morning in although a forest may only

take a few weeks to walk is a multicultural realm,
around, it is possible to where other creatures
wander within for years, and cultures are allowed
eventually journeying to flourish as long as they
under alien stars and respect the rule of law.
into other realms where Other communities outside
elves still maintain their of the King's rule also
mighty empires. Believers exist, such as the goblin
say that therefore, the realms of the mountains,
wilderness of Fesselmark and the Kingdom is always
cannot be tamed - it links on guard for threats from
to other spheres and other other less friendly peoples.
wildernesses, a great Most of the population live
patchwork of places that in the larger cities and
run into each other like towns, or work the fields
a labyrinth. To stray too in the tamed lands that
far into the wild is to risk surround them. Further
losing yourself completely. from the cities, the land
Better to stick to the well- gets wilder, even as the
known roads and paths, relics of ancient empires
and the light of the cities. and lost realms become
Others laugh at such more apparent. Within the
foolishness. confines of Fesselmark
elven and dwarven realms
The people of the Kingdom exist, hidden in the wild
are many and varied. geography that stretches
Humans dominate - the outside of this world and
Kingdom is considered into other places under
to be a human realm - other skies.
but elves, dwarves and
halflings are relatively
common and respected
members of society, for
the most part. Fesselmark


The people of the Kingdom like any excuse to celebrate,

or at least to shout and cause a ruckus. See what
cultural event is causing all the noise by rolling 1d20.

1. A troupe of slapstick halfling acrobats 'The Brothers

Rassum' has arrived, giving a free performance
before they attend the outrageously decadent
wedding of young Polbeck.
2. The elven bard Nioas is about to recite his new piece
'the ballad of bad Roger', about the misdemeanours
of the old Count of Rebeck. The critical crowd have
mouldy tomatoes at the ready.
3. Crowds cheer and place bets as the riders for the
annual cross-Kingdom Chalice race into town.
Tomorrow they head out on the next heat, but tonight
they party!
4. Today is the festival of Grunnig, saint of the
Heartstone dedicated to drinking. All drink
themselves to stupefaction in honour of this beloved
martyr (gout finished what goblins couldn't).
5. It's the seasonal Guild Feast Day where the local
artisans, scribes and other members parade around
displaying their wares and banners in the morning
before sitting down with their families for a hearty
lunch (a picnic if weather permits), speeches and a
6. The day after the night before. The long night is when
the spirits of the dead come out and good folk hide
in their homes. The next day is the day of celebration
for making it through the night!
7. Priestess Jannessa of the Thrice Blessed and
her retinue have arrived to administer the yearly
test to determine if any local youths are worthy
of being trained by the military orders, clergy and

spellcasters of the faith. Eager parents attempt

to impress and influence the priests during the
accompanying celebrations.
8. Smoke pours out from under the stone archway.
Standing outside, you see flashing lights coming
from within the cloud of smoke. Three men are
inside, drinking a bottle of exquisite fire whisky
brewed by ancient elves. If drunk by the pure of
heart, the fire whisky is said to impart beautiful
wisdom. If not, the fire whisky burns you from the
inside, thick black smoke pours out of your mouth
and lightning bursts from your eyes. So they say.
9. A funeral procession moves along the road. Six men
carry the coffin, and on top are numerous bottles
of spirit. On lookers are encouraged to drink to the
dead, and the more they drink, the greater they
honour the departed's family.
10. You arrive in town to see a procession of bedraggled
and filthy pilgrims whipping themselves while
chanting incoherently. Some members of the
procession are carrying relics and portable shrines.
It is the Day of Atonement, when all sins are forgiven
if enough contrition is shown. If you are suitably (or
convincingly) contrite, you may receive the blessings
and absolutions of one of the pilgrim priests
marching alongside those seeking forgiveness. If
anyone believes that you are lying though, things
could get ugly...
11. Men in wicker hats prance around the town square,
the bells on their legs jingling in time with their
dance. The festival of Harvest Thanks is in full
swing! Fair maidens dance around the pole, ribbons
in hand, while onlookers get progressives more
drunk on mead. You have the chance to stock up on
supplies for a reasonable price as well find out all
the local gossip: mead and merriment has a way of
loosening even the most secretive of lips.

12. Trial of Champions. Participants from all the realm

gather for the annual trial of champions to choose

the strongest and most athletic to represent the
county at the King's Cup the following year. While
pride is an all-important motivation, money is close
second. Wagers on the various contests present a
chance for profit!
13. The royal hunt passes through, bearing a magnificent
stag apparently caught by the King. He is, however,
nowhere to be seen. Lord Fersem proclaims a feast
in the King's honour, venison for all!
14. Whooping and laughter draws you to a lean-to shack
surrounded by a heaving crowd of sweaty beggars
dancing like maniacs to the thumping of drums. A
roar goes up from the revelers as the proud father
steps from the shack holding his newborn daughter
aloft. The baby's face has several scales and a tail
curls around the father's wrist. Something here is
very wrong.
15. The Goblin King attacks! Children dressed as King
Grazzil of the Black Spine Mountains scatter about,
laughing and singing. Wait, where's your money?
16. High with anticipation, the baying mob want blood.
They boo and hurl abuse as the Bandit King's
daughter is led before the local Lord in the market
place. The militia look around nervously as the
charges are read out. Surely her father is close by?
17. There is a scuffle in front of you - militia from the
town and the King's Halberdiers throwing punches at
each other, obviously drunk. They are wrecking the
place, but who is going to step in and break up the
18. A huge chained bear dances in a circle, while a
motley collection of sweating musicians play poor
folk tunes. The bear looks hot and angry, and the
'tamer' looks bored. What could go wrong?

19. 'Pie and peas, pie and peas!' Poppa Proussi, halfling
piemaster, is in town and everyone is tucking in,
gorging themselves for one penny per helping.
Proussi has stumbled on a secret ingredient that
makes the pies incredibly moreish. Best not think
what is in the pies...
20. Gerarix Stonecast, the dwarven showman has a new
exhibit. It is an abomination from the great forest of
Helmsby. A mutated unman. Only a penny a view! For
two pennies, you can feed him. He's very docile! He's
almost never bitten anyone...

The Royal Family

The King is his Royal shunned public life. It is
Highness Gustav Pelleron his wife, Queen Isalodora,
IV, a proud and mostly who has become the most
beneficent man who visible member of the
is loved by his people, royal household. She is
especially in the wake of often seen in the Royal
the war against the Traitor, capital of Fesselburg
where the King himself accompanied by Viscount
led many of his troops in Rubrix, her husband's
battle. In his mid-forties chief advisor and now her
before the war, the King confidant. Rumours spread
was an energetic man throughout the city and
who hunted frequently in indeed across the Kingdom
the Royal forest, but times that the King is ill, and that
change, and since the it is in reality the Queen
Traitor's fall the King has and Viscount who rule the


land. Ruberix is respected flung areas of Fesselmark,

but feared - armies at his where the rule of law is
command committed the weaker and bandits and
atrocities of the battle of worse prey on honest folk.
Rebeck. This combination Whatever the reason, the
of the disappearance of the Queen has nothing to say
King and the prominence on her husband's recent
of Ruberix has led to some behaviour.
uprisings in the further-

The Traitor
The recent history of the and the battle in the Hills
Kingdom is dominated by of Strife. Eventually the
the war against Traitor, Traitor was defeated but
Nelkus. The one-time disappeared before he
King's chamberlain and could be captured. Now the
favourite who eventually Kingdom is at an uneasy
betrayed his master peace, but with the Traitor
and unleashed a tide of still at large the peace
darkness and war across is restless and fraught.
Fesselmark. When the The disappearance of the
betrayal of the Traitor king from coincided with
was revealed and the plot the fall of the Traitor, and
with the demonic forces even as refugees stream
of Delock uncovered, it from those places most
led to many years of war damaged by war, the inns
that decimated the land and pubs of Fesselmark
in a number of pitched are awash with speculation
battles including the bitter on what this could mean.
battle of Pomperburg

The Evening

The western part of lies. It was also the seat
Fesselmark is known as the of the last great elven
Evening Lands, the place empire to encompass the
where the sun can be seen Kingdom within its bounds,
to set beyond the scarlet the Golethen empire, and
sea. This is an old part of many ruins of this once
the Kingdom and where great realm can be found
the capital, Fesselburg, scattered about the land.

Black Spine

To the north east of the up in a land of endless

Evening Lands, the Black peaks where dwarves
Spine Mountains are and goblins fight never-
tall, rugged and largely ending battles under
unexplored. Their peaks a red sun. Bordering
soar far above the plains on the Kingdom the
that surround them, most noted goblin
perpetually coated in a realm is called Blazzak,
layer of ice and snow that home to the clans
catches the rays of the sun under the leadership
in a dazzling glow. Within of King Grazzil that
the mountains, goblin and have menaced the city
dwarves have their realms of Rebeck on many
- explorers say that if you occasions. Currently
wander the wrong paths in the goblins are in an
the mountains you'll wind uneasy truce with the


Kingdom, which invariably Queen Darrum, also in the

is a result of them Black Spine Mountains.
directing their antagonism The dwarves are friendly
towards the dwarves, to Fesselmark but keep
such that the tunnels of themselves to themselves,
the mountains ring with having the typical stoic
their battles. The dwarven demeanour of the less
realm they fight with is travelled of their kind.
called Fireheart, led by

Which goblin tribe hunts you? (roll 1d6)

1. The Peelers: Experts at flaying, they take their

enemies skin and fashion banners from it.
2. The Long Claws: This tribe has been underground
so long that they have evolved mole like claws for
burrowing. They also work well as lethal close
combat weapons too.
3. The Pus Guzzlers: They harvest the pus from the
huge burrowing grubs that live in their caves as it
deadens the nerves and allows them to fight, despite
the most horrific injuries.
4. The Storm Fangs: Mounted on giant wolves, they
launch lightning fast raids against unsuspecting
5. The Clankers: Notorious scavengers and cowards,
they take to the battlefield in a mix of bolted together
broken armour they've 'claimed' from the bodies of
the fallen.
6. The Bloody Maw: Never wanting to let anything go
to waste, this tribe feasts on their prisoners while
they re still alive. They were once members of The
Peelers, but were expelled from the tribe for their
culinary habits.

Cragtop Mountains

Far to the south east those that do not belong

of the Evening Lands, to the elves. When their
the jagged and broken kingdom fell, the magical
Cragtop Mountains bear cataclysm destroyed
the ruins of the realm many of the mountains,
of Livenscar, an ancient leaving them broken and
human kingdom ruled by shattered. Now the ruins of
wizards. Stories say that Livenscar are renowned as
this realm was destroyed a home of necromancers,
when the magicians demonologists and other
delved too deeply into terrors. Ruined Honheim is
forbidden knowledge, and testament to the dangers of
made pacts with entities the Cragtop Mountains, and
from beyond this world. this pestilence also infects
Some say that many of some of the nearby towns
the spells known today and villages.
come from Livenscar,

Fair Marenesse

A great port on the Scarlet city, within a great arena
Sea, the city is called 'fair' carved into the rock by
due to the beautiful white unknown people millennia
limestone that was used in ago. The city is ruled by the
building much of the city. King's cousin, Count Tesse,
The port trades with Far a resourceful man adept at
Hissain, the Purple Empire maintaining peace between
and the Flaxen lands to the many factions and
the far west. All manner interests in the city. Sadly,
of goods are traded within the impact of the Traitor
the city, those flowing from was strong within Fair
the Kingdom overseas Marenesse, and much of
and exotic wares from the populace welcomed the
far-flung places, as well Red Knights, the Traitor's
as more mundane goods allies, who made landfall in
such as wood and stone. the city's port. The city was
Marenesse is a melting pot sacked toward the end of
of cultures and peoples, the war, and the fires that
and is the gateway many burned lit the sky red for
different ideologies take three nights. Many fled, and
into Fesselmark. The it is said that some 'things'
great market is one of the have entered the city under
wonders of the Kingdom, a cover of the fires, which
huge sprawling mercantile the city could well do
district in the heart of the without...


The centre of Fesselmark, importance. The central

often just referred to as tower of the Grand Palace,
'the capital'. Here the called the White Spire, is
King and royal household the tallest - in fact, Lord
dwell, in the magnificent Raveness just had his
and sprawling castle tower knocked down for
called the Grand Palace. daring to overtake the
The city is a trading city, height of the White Spire.
maintaining links with Therefore, the current
several other cities in the game is to approach
Evening Lands, and sitting the height of the White
astride the great way Spire without overtaking
leading to Fair Marenesse it, although some of the
and the sea. Fesselburg nobles and wizards prefer
is also sometimes called to wait until the Spire is
the city of towers, for undoubtable heightened
here both the nobility and before expanding their
ranking wizards in the own dwellings. Because of
grand school build towers, all of towers, locals also
the height of which are call Fesselburg 'the white
a measure of relative city', on account of all the

guano that the pigeons home was in the city,

leave behind. Although and his agents are said
the Traitor's betrayal was to be everywhere, so an
revealed in Fesselburg, air of unease rests over
very little actual fighting Fesselburg, especially
took place here, so the since the King withdrew
city escaped unscathed. from public life.
However, the Traitor's

Forest of Helmsby

The more southerly of the even say that the elven

two great forests of the realm lies beyond this
Evening Lands, the great world, in a land of endless
forest of Helmsby is a forest, with Helmsby
veritable sea of leaves. forming a gateway.
Thick, dark and in many Others scoff at this idea.
places near impenetrable, The elves occasionally
Helmsby is a place of fields armies, and it was
myths and legends. Stories a surprise attack by
tell of the elven realm Finastray warriors that
of Finastrey deep within routed the Traitor's forces
the wood, where the at the battle of the dragon
Lady leads her people in during a critical stage in
splendid isolation - some the war. Also scattered

about the forest are druidic many forms, and the vast

sites, where the Wild treemen stride through the

Wood is worshipped in her wood.

Golden Cave

Much mystery surrounds her life-blood flowed, she
the Golden Cave. Some say begged the Thrice Blessed
it leads to the underworld, for the courage to forgive
whatever that is. Some those who had wronged
say that goblins infest her, and such was her
the lower halls, or that piety that the cave turned
dwarves carved the cave golden in response. Recent
from the living stone visitors report things
millennia ago. Whatever somewhat differently -
it is, the Golden Cave there is a suspicion that
has become a sight of the gold is paint, and that
pilgrimage for adherents the 'donations' given to
to the Thrice Blessed. the priests are spent in
The walls of the cave are a somewhat different
coated with a fine layer way than advertised...
of pure gold, which the The current high priest
priests that tend the site is Zelpha, a fat, balding
say is born from the very man given to excess and
stone in response to indulgence. The church
the martyrdom of Saint of the Thrice Blessed
Agarix, which happened has turned a blind eye
here three hundred years to the Golden Cave for
ago. According to them, many years as the money
Agarix was injured badly rolled in, but now they are
in a nearby battle, and increasingly finding Zelpha
staggered to the Golden difficult to ignore.
Cave, mortally wounded. As


Grim Biskerstaff

A city at the mouth of Biskerstaf is detailed in full

the Vessen river, Grim later in this book.

Lake Gossenham

This huge lake feeds many Talk of fish-men is

a mighty river, and is a obviously inaccurate, and
source of water and food to the occasional sinking of
many communities nearby. boats and partial eating
So large that in places of their crew is just the
it is not possible to view result of bad weather and
the far shore, Gossenham over-large eels. There are
is in some ways more also rumours of a large
like a sea than a lake. creature inhabiting the
The area is ruled by Lord lake, and of some of the
Rokas, whose impressive islands dotted around the
castle, the Gillburg, rests eastern shore becoming
on a rocky island some homes to water bandits,
distance from the shore. dark wizards and worse.
Fishing villages built on Lord Rokas ignores
stilts dot the shoreline, these rumours, as he has
and boats carry goods neither the people nor the
across the lake, so the inclination to police the
lake is rich in commerce. waters thoroughly.


The name of Pomperburg of the battles against the

is famous throughout Traitor took place. Many a
Fesselmark. Here one of soldier on both sides lost
the largest and bloodiest their lives at Pomperburg,


and the battlefield remains of course. The wizards of

a place of horror even to Pomperburg were severely
this day. The city itself is depleted during the battle,
small but very beautiful, and they say that many of
known as a home for the the great wizard's towers
arts and sciences, as well that dot the city stand
as the heart of the system empty. Who knows what
of magical colleges that treasures they may hold, to
teach the theoretical those brave enough to visit
aspects of magic to them!
aspiring wizards, for a fee

Unusual items to be found on the battlefield at

Pomperburg. Roll 1d6.

1. A trumpet of horn with brass fittings and exquisite

metalwork, used to command the regiments.
Skeletal hand still attached.
2. Blood-spattered leather scroll-case containing
letters outlining terms of surrender, signed by both
3. A bag of gold teeth collected by a previous looter and
dropped by accident.
4. Corpse fungus. A mushroom that grows on the
bodies of the deceased. Eating any of it imparts the
imbiber with a glimpses of the memories from the
corpse that the fungus grew in.
5. Small broken wooden case. Still contains 1d6 wooden
warriors, armed with swords and shields. If planted
in the ground they grow to man-sized and ask 'Whom
shall we slay?'. They obey the first command they
hear and become inert forever once their mission is
accomplished or they are destroyed.
6. A vial of black liquid, when smashed releases a
cloud of thick smoke full of the sounds of battle and
the cries of the dying.


An old city to the north of the often-warlike goblin

the Evening Lands, Rebeck realms means that the
is carved from a rocky city boasts some of the
outcrop that stands tall strongest walls in the
amid a vast plain. Legends Kingdom, at least this
say that the rock was was the case until the
hurled here from the stars, southern section was
and that dwarves who demolished by the Traitor's
revered the stone for its magic. Yestre hurries to
lustre and shine carved the defend and rebuild the
city from the living rock. walls, but money is tight
Now the city has grown as the economy collapsed
such that the carved rock during the long siege
forms the centre and the the city suffered, and the
palace of Countess Yestre, walls are still in a poor
the ruler of the city, while state. Rumours of wolf
the buildings that have rider scouts from Blazzak
grown up around the rock eyeing the city have made
are of a more mundane everyone nervous, and
nature in keeping with the Countess has taken
the rest of Fesselburg. to conscripting the able-
The proximity of the Black bodied into her standing
Spine Mountains and army. There is a large

dwarven contingent in Many of the descendent of

Rebeck, the legacy of a these refugees now think
dwarven hold in the Black it is time to go back to the
Spine Mountains that was mountains and claim what
overrun by goblins during is rightfully theirs.
the eighth 'hold wars'.

Royal Forest

The Royal Forest is the with his retinue, moving

traditional hunting ground from hunting lodge to
of the noble classes, hunting lodge across the
where deer, boar and other vast woodland. Since the
wilder, magical creatures King has disappeared
are prey. It was once an from public life, a dark
elvish realm, long ago, shadow has reached out
but now there are none of across this once verdant
the fair folk living in the woodland. Rumour has
forest, only the scattered it that a necromancer of
ruins of their realm dot the some repute has taken
landscape. In his younger up residence in one of
days before the Traitor the abandoned towers.
the King often came here Talk of the walking dead

fill nearby towns, and the flying over the forest, and

Royal Forest has become some say that a nest now

a place to avoid. Dragons resides in caves hidden
have also been sighted deep within the woods.

Ruined Honheim

Sadly, built too close to in Grim Biskerstaf were

the Cragtop Mountains, aware of the danger.
Honheim was once a great The populace were put
trading-city, with links to the sword and Sevein
to the Morning Lands to declared his own realm
the east. Unfortunately, centred on Honheim, a
nothing good dwells realm dedicated to his lord
in the Cragtops, and Pazaali. In the end, it was
the doom that came to the glee in destruction
Honheim over two hundred that marks the demon lord
years ago took the form that was Sevein's undoing,
of the demonologist and the forces that had so
Sevein and his horde of successfully claimed the
unmen and corrupted city fell to infighting and
warriors. Spilling from the rebellion. By the time the
mountains like a plague, Royal Army arrived six
Sevein's forces surrounded months later, Honheim was
and destroyed Honheim ruined. Some thought to
before the army stationed rebuild the city, but many

believed it was stained city, and some say that
with corruption and death, the treasury still holds
and nothing good could the riches of the city as
ever grow here. In the end Sevein had no need for
the city was not deserted gold, and the magician's
- the desperate and the towers are full of secrets.
needy make their homes As of yet however, no
here, risking the taint. treasure hunters who went
Sometimes travellers lost to Honheim to seek their
on the road or seeking fortunes have returned.
their fortunes arrive in the


Those who pass too near the Cragtops, or spend time in
the ruins of Livenscar, often sadly pay a bitter price for
their mistake. Roll 1d6 to see who you've encountered.

1. Gundel Froth, once an explorer: Lank black hair

frames a dark goat-face, with bright yellow eyes.
Crooked of back, he drags a rusting mace in his
pox-scarred hand and gestures toward you with
his other. Mute, he appears to be miming the act of
eating. His filthy, thin frame does indeed look half-
2. Crowdus, once a pedlar: a stooped frame covered
in thick black feathers, clawed feet and a beaked
face - only this filthy creature's eyes show you that a
malign intelligence rests within. Armed with a long,
serrated blade and brandishing a buckler bearing a
leering face, it hobbles toward you, keening.


3. Hortensia Von Trottsburg, once a noblewoman: a
bloated pig-faced woman with greasy and matted
red locks, dressed in a tattered ballgown, splattered
with mud and excrement. She hums an operatic tune
as her shambling gait awkwardly mimics a courtly
dance. Her small squinting eyes momentarily flicker
with lucidity, as if to recognise your features, before
she begins to sob uncontrollably.
4. Suptima Gush, once a fisherwoman: a scaly blue
fish-headed woman with a flexible elongated neck.
Carried on a wooden palanquin by servile humans,
she is clothed in woven kelp, and carries a short,
barbed spear. Her thin wheezing voice speaks of a
debt owed to the great waters. A debt she has come
to collect.
5. White Geffen, once a bandit: This man's skin is white
and glistening, like a fungus, with whorls of black
slowly sliding across it. His hands are fused into
claw-like bony protrusions, and his legs seem longer
than they should be. The ragged remains of his
clothes would seem to indicate that he was once a
member of a lord's retinue - the sign of House Fellat
is still visible on his rusted breastplate. He moves
in a jerky fashion, as if he's about to fall over, but
somehow never does.
6. Manfred Pavian, once a showman or his exhibit: He
has the face of a mandrill and the body of a man.
He wears wine-stained doublet and hose and saws
atonal dirges from a battered fiddle. Chain and collar
connect neck and wrist - he cannot recall if he was
the master who was cursed or the beast who was
liberated. He hates what he is and will kill any who
remind him of it. If given alcohol he will disclose 1d6
secrets before mauling and eating his benefactor.


Fortified with stone from company's wily dwarf

the Cragtop Mountains, quartermaster Outhwaite
the formerly failing market has taken charge of the
town of Tresselback has day-to-day administration.
developed into an imposing He has strengthened the
and austere walled city trade links with Grim
under the stewardship Biskerstaf and along
of seasoned mercenary the road to the East,
captain Tobias Kedge, who an alternative route for
has housed his forces here caravans of shady goods
over the last ten years. To eager to avoid the Kings
the annoyance of many of men on The Great Way.
the Fesselmark's nobility, Unfortunately, the city's
Kedge was recently made Guards, drawn from
Lord of Tresselback for Kedge's cutthroats, have
acts of valour against the become increasingly
Traitor, or possibly as a restless and prone to
strategy to blunt the edge violence, lacking the stern
of his roving company, leadership of their lord.
depending on who you Punishment for crimes
believe. With Kedge injured against the city or even
and bedbound from an insolence towards the
ill-judged expedition into Guards is usually swift and
Ruined Honheim, the bloody. Unwilling to expend

more lives exploring instead looking to engage
Honheim, as Kedge has outsiders to search the

commanded, Outhwaite is ruins.


Within Fesselmark, both above and below

Westerboss is known as board exists in the city, and
the city of justice. Here if corruption is a crime,
are the grand courts of there is more criminal
the realm, removed from activity in Westerboss even
Fesselburg to show a than Fesselburg. Currently,
separation between the two great judges hold the
judiciary and the King. The most influence in the city.
courts themselves are Judge Avaren, an elf, heads
numerous and dominate the Court of Flowers, whilst
the city, each being her bitter enemy Judge
essentially a separate legal Hoch, a human, leads the
jurisdiction, who can bid Purple Court. At night,
for cases brought by the bravos representing each
Kingdom's guard and also court swagger through the
sell their services to those streets, effectively immune
seeking justice. Needless from the law. Westerboss
to say, a thriving market is a dangerous place if


you are not connected. and now faces calls of

The Court of Sunset won corruption as one noble
the bids to try many of after another is freed.
the Traitor's followers,


The last point of civilization influence over various

before one comes to smuggler and wrecker
the miserable Wreckers gangs scattered along the
Coast; in contrast to coast. Adventurers and
Westerboss Westerlan is a freelancers unburdened by
city of poverty, crime and morality can make a fistful
corruption. It is a blend of of coin working for one
crumbling buildings and of these corrupt families
pothole scarred streets; as they try to sabotage
and gaudy mansions and the other's efforts. The
raucous taverns. Two Kingdom may also look to
feuding noble houses, hire more lawful sorts to
the De Broekers and the investigate the corruption
Van Kleefs, control the that pervades the city -
city through bands of especially smuggling and
brigands and mercenaries, tax evasion. Rumours tell
as well as through of a secret 'Undermarket'


that takes place beneath and objects of an arcane

the streets of Westerlan. nature can be acquired for
Here illicit goods, slaves steep prices.

Grim Biskerstaf

City on the River

To the south of the base of operations for
Kingdom, on the road to adventurers exploring the
Fesselburg, lies the city of Evening Lands.
Grim Biskerstaf. A trade
port of note served by the
mighty Vessen river, the THE BLIGHT
city has sadly decayed to
a fragment of its former The disease that stalks the
glory. The city has been streets of Grim Biskerstaf
run down by the ineffective is known as the blight. It
leadership of Lord manifests as sickness that
Kelberond, the squabbling turns skin a sickly green,
of the Fish Speakers and induces vomiting and
the Dockers, the laziness of worse and eventually in
the Guard and the growing bad cases sets off a raft of
power of the sinister Red open sores. No one knows
King's Men. More than this the source of the blight
though, it is the recent - the wizard Dolkepper
appearance of 'the blight', blames the church for
a horrible disease, which upsetting some god or
has led to the town fully other, the church blame
deserving its name - Grim the Dockers for bringing
Biskerstaf. in a poison-bearing insect
on one of the ships, the
Here we outline the city, Dockers blame the Fish
inhabitants, notables and Wardens for poisoning
organisations, and gives the catch, and the Fish
an insight into the hidden Wardens blame Dolkepper
places and the source of for magical experiments
the blight that stalks Grim gone awry. In reality, the
Biskerstaf's streets. The blight is the doing of the
city makes an excellent Lord's daughter Meageller,

caused by magical waste has become befouled and

Grim Biskerstaf
from her experiments for sluggish. So far, the blight
her demon master, dumped only really affects the poor,
into the sewers and then so it is mainly ignored as
spread by ratmen and an irritation. But things are
unmen and spilling out getting worse...
to poison the river, which

The City
The city of Grim Biskerstaf destroyed the temple, so
sits on a hill rising from the the town always sprung
banks of the brown Vessen up anew. Just before the
river. It was once just Golethen empire fell, great
called Biskerstaf, but after walls were built around the
the 'autumn uprising' and town - these still stand,
the carnage that ensured, although the empire itself
it has always been reffered and the temple on the
to as Grim Biskerstaf, hill are long gone. At the
something the city folk same time, the fortress
are rather proud of. It was now known as Strumdorf
founded at the height of was built, a huge edifice of
the Golethen elven empire, red stone that rises above
when Misselda the founder the port of the city. Unlike
dedicated a temple here to the rest of the walls, the
the lost elven god called fortress is in much better
the Keeper. The temple condition - successive
was built on the top of Lords considered it
what is now the Lord's Hill, prudent to maintain their
and around that sprung a stronghold, as the opinion
town and a thriving port. of the populace to their
Goblins from the Cragtop rulers has waxed and
mountains razed the town waned, so the elegant
several times, but never decay of the original

elven construction has come down the road,
Grim Biskerstaf

been patched with clumsy fleeing from the battle of

repairs. Pomperburg, displaced by
the war against the Traitor,
Within the city, many of and amongst the many
the buildings are wattle refugees are deserters
and daub, the poorest little from both armies. Now
more than huts. The higher it seems that someone
class buildings on Lord's arriving at the city brought
Hill are stone, some dating with them a dreadful
from the Golethen empire. magical disease called the
Despite its relatively small blight, which consumes the
size, Grim Biskerstaf poor and needy, but even
has an excellent sewer with this threat it is easier
system, a relic of elven to find food within the
architects. However, for walls than without, so the
many reasons, no one talks city remains packed. Now
about the sewers... rumours come that unmen
have been seen in the
Despite its name, Grim forests nearby, gathering...
Biskerstaf is vibrant and
thrums with life. The city The following locations
is as full of workers, around and about the city
soldiers, guildsmen, are well-known to anyone
lords, the poor and the who has spent a little time
desperate, just as it ever within the walls.
was. Now even more souls


Grim Biskerstaf
The great Vessen river of heraldic emblems, flags
is the heart's blood of and tarpaulin, fluttering in
the Kingdom, and upon the breeze.
its murky waters goods,
people and rumours flow The river carries other,
down from Fesselburg, darker things as well.
the capital. Here the Fish After a recent battle near
Wardens collect their Fesselburg, corpses
catch, which feeds many floated down river for a
of the populace every day whole day, and Guard were
after being unloaded and employed to push beached
carried to the markets by bodies back into the
the Dockers . The river waters. Sometimes things
is wide at this point, half swim in the river, strange
a mile across, and the things, and the city sewers
waters churn brown from exit straight into the flow,
the confluence of the leaving many to wonder if
Corine just upriver. Many these things swim beneath
vessels ply the waters, the city streets as well, in
and sails and oars are a the wide sewer runs of the
common sight from the city old elven empire. When
walls, a dazzling display the river runs low towers

poke from the water of still caught on the Vessen,
Grim Biskerstaf

the far bank, the remains but now the rich shun the
of the town of Kellebrik, foodstuff as unhealthy
destroyed by fire and flood and pestilential, and it is
and some say much worse the poor who dine on the
when the elven empire fell. catch. Many Fish Wardens
in the Inns and taverns
Since the blight, the river comment that the fish
has become thick and is strange, twisted and
sluggish, moving as if unwholesome. Those who
swollen with something can afford to eat little else
other than water. Fish are shrug and move on.

Who's boat is on the river? Roll 1d6.

1. The 'Crystal Dragon' from Far Hissain, beautifully

carved and bearing sails of blue silk, carrying fabrics
and spices to Fesselburg.
2. The Black Baron, a rumrunner from the
brewmaster's guild notorious for sinking competition
with explosive barrels of corn liquor.
3. The Pike, belonging to a band of river pirates who
hide in the long reeds on the riverbank and sneak
aboard slow-moving boats with large knives
clenched between their teeth. Rumours say they
answer to Isobel 'Izzy' the Fox, petty crime boss of
Westerlan and, some say, former noble woman of
4. The sacrificial barge of the goblin Pyrestarters. This
twisted death cult of old bow-legged goblins are
about to set their boat, and themselves, alight in the
belief that the ceremony will awaken the Dragon
who will set the world aflame.
5. An elegant sailing ship from Fair Marenesse,
carrying a family of nobles to Grim Biskerstaf and a
grand party on top of Lord's Hill. Mercenaries in their
employ eye nearby vessels suspiciously.

6. The river patrol skiff crewed by guardsmen Schtup

Grim Biskerstaf
and Gallup, who'll want to search any boats in the
vicinity for contraband. They'll make sure they find
something, but will offer to overlook the evidence for
a price, being sympathetic chaps.


The red stone walls of Grim many towers, the walkway

Biskerstaf were built over a is now narrow and loose in
thousand years ago, during places and several of the
the reign of the elven queen towers have fallen. Such
Misselda. Sadly, despite the is the state of disrepair
great workmanship that that the Guard refuse to
went into them, little repair walk some stretches, and
work has been done since rumour has it that they
their construction, so the have abandoned several
walls have lost much of of the towers that have
their grandeur. Once nearly since acquired new shady
forty feet high and topped owners. Lord Kelberond
with a broad walkway and promises to pay for repair

Grim Biskerstaf

of the walls, but the little a waste of resources (his

council do not allow it - tower is in little better
Dolkepper considers this repair, but he doesn't care).

Who’s in that tower? Roll 1d6.

1. Asperlad, a dwarven inventor creating metal golems

for the Dockers. He wants metal for his work, and
the Dockers have recently taken a delivery, which
is stored in one of the large warehouses behind the
Manky Mermaid. They won't miss it...
2. An elven wizard called Melkoth, now dabbling in
necromancy. Tunnels from the tower lead down
to catacombs that he fills with his experiments.
Melkoth is always on the lookout for fresh corpses.
Say, here's a spade, be a good fellow and...
3. Ratmen, brought into the town by Meageller, who
are eager to escape the undertunnels. They've found
a way into the tower and are making a nest. They'll
soon need something to eat...
4. The convict Eustace, who is wanted for murder. He
says he didn't do it, but that's what everyone says.
The Peacock Guard seem especially interested in
this fellow, which is strange. Perhaps they would pay
for his location?
5. The assassin's guild, who value rooftop access.
They also seem very interested in the house of Lord
Dollard, just across the way.
6. Black Alice, the mistress of thieves. She's looking for
new members after the last lot, err, didn't make it.
Apparently, the home of Lord Dollard is awash with
treasures from his journeys in Far Hissain. He won't
miss a few.


Grim Biskerstaf
The red stone of the and once looked quite
fortress glows in the impressive, but age has
evening twilight, as swifts softened the edges. Still,
dart through the air to and the elven construction is
from their nests in the evident.
walls. The structure may
be in better repair than The fortress is home of
the walls, but it is still Lord Winsome Kelberond,
riddled with holes, some ineffectual lord of the city,
of which lead to deeper master of the little council
tunnels and passageways and commander of the
that honeycomb the Peacock Guard. A small,
rotten stone. Some say birdlike man in his fifties,
it is possible to get lost Kelberond has an air of
in the winding passages perpetual well-meaning
of Strumdorf, but since confusion, as if he has just
the Peacock guard of heard a very funny joke but
Lord Kelberond keep the doesn't understand what
fortress clear of any who it means. He is never seen
aren't invited, it is hard to without his Peacock Guard,
say. The fortress was built who walk around the city
as a military structure as if they own the place,

Grim Biskerstaf

much to the annoyance of is a Demonologist, a

Grim Biskerstaf
the regular Guard. servant of the demon
Delock of the Depths and
Kelberond's only relative a disciple of the Traitor.
is his daughter, Meageller, She has used tunnels in
who apparently is a much the bedrock beneath the
sharper individual. But fortress to bring unmen
she's rarely seen out of the and other dark servants
east tower, where she lives into the city, and the blight
with a legion of cats, her is one of her creations, a
babies. In reality, Meageller gift of her dark master.

Rumours about the fortress. Roll 1d6.

1. Unmen have been seen leaving some of the tunnels

that open beneath the fortress. Well, so they say, if
you believe that you'll believe anything!
2. Lord Kelberond is secretly a master magician, you've
seen the miasmas that sometimes float over the
castle walls, yes?
3. The Peacock Guard are all thugs that deserted from
the King's army on the way to Fesselburg. They are
the ones really in charge in the fortress, Kelberond
is basically a prisoner.
4. Apparently the Lord's daughter is a witch, or some
kind of magician. Although the wizard Dolkepper
doesn't like her, but then again, he doesn't like
5. My cousin's best friend is an second under footman,
and he says that inside the fortress the place is a
mess - Kelberond is a slob and a madman, and
his daughter is no better. I wouldn't be surprised if
there were ratmen in there too!
6. Kelberond has a pile of money the height of a man in
there, all the gold he's supposed to spend on upkeep
of the walls. He's going to run away with the lot
someday, if Dolkepper doesn't kill him first.

Grim Biskerstaf

Stretching alongside the and in part from a desire

river, the busy docks are to be the most important
where goods brought to trade in the city. The two
the city on the river Vessen groups often come to
are unloaded and stored, blows in the dock pubs like
with huge warehouses the Manky Mermaid, and
sitting behind the river the Guard tend to leave
frontage. The Dockers who them to it - easier that way.
work the area are a tough The leader of the Dockers
crowd, rowdy and insular, is Margy Goodlaff, a dwarf
but they represent the woman of imposing build
real mercantile wealth of and short temper, who
the city so the burghers prowls the docks like
and merchants put up a general amongst her
with their ways for the troops.
sake of the flow of coin.
The Dockers hate the The Fish Wardens also
fishermen (known as Fish call the docks their home.
Wardens), who they call Fishermen and women,
the 'Deadfish'. This dispute they catch what they can
comes in part from a in the river, estuary and
shared interest in the river, out to sea, and sell it in

the city. They are a proud too. In reality, the water is

Grim Biskerstaf
bunch, and consider poisoned by the alchemical
the success (and full waste from Meageller's
bellies) of the city as their demonic experiments,
responsibility. Led by Dolo dumped into the river via
Thrimble, a male Halfling, the sewers by ratmen. It is
they have always been at drinking this unholy water
odds with the Dockers who and eating tainted fish that
they consider little more has caused the blight. The
than ruffians. Recently Dockers in return blame
things have gotten worse, the Fish Wardens for the
the catch has been going increased sightings of 'fish
bad, and the Fish Wardens heads', increasing tensions
now blame this on Dockers even further.

Strange Cargo. Roll 1d6.

In the warehouse/barge/wagon/ship's hold, you find:

1. A coffin with the lid nailed down. It is filled with

money and the note 'kill the wizard or else'.
2. In a box is a human-sized body, which has been
stuffed with sand. Investigations show that it has
been stitched together from a number of different
bodies and species, to create some kind of
amalgamated creature. With it is a scroll with a spell
scrawled on it. Who left the patchwork creature here,
and what does the spell do?
3. Hidden at the back is a small crate. Within are
beautiful dried purple flowers. These are everglow
blooms from the shores of Lake Gossenham. If
smoked, they produce euphoric dreams. However,
they also make you very, very visible to demons.
Certain wizards use them when they are trying to
make new friends...

4. Inside a large crate is the terrified and exhausted
Grim Biskerstaf

lieutenant of the Bandit King, recently escaped from

Fesselburg. Apparently, he has been moved here to
await passage out to sea to escape justice. However,
agents of the Court of Flowers in Westerboss are
crawling through the city looking to recapture him.
Do you help him escape, or hand him over?
5. Wedged between two crates is a rolled up dusty
elven tapestry, faded and riddled with mildew,
depicting an epic battle between the King's
Halberdiers and a demon to the east of Rebeck. A
character who succeeds at a History roll would know
that such a battle has never happened. Furthermore,
certain wounded peasants embroiled in the melee
bear a striking resemblance to the characters.
6. A small box adorned with tarnished silver intricately
worked to depict small birds. The box is locked but
is easy to pry open with a sturdy dagger. Inside are
nine slender fingers, some of which have rings. They
have been cleanly removed and cauterised. On the
inside of the lid are the words: 'To my beloved...'


Besides its stench of is the dwarf ex-sailor

Grim Biskerstaf
rotting timbers and spicy Barthros. If asked, locals
(rat) pie, this badly lit whisper he was the sole
dockside drinking den is survivor when a giant
renowned for its vicious seagull attacked his ship.
'fire brew' - every third Squawking gives him the
pint you drink is free. shivers.
The owner/bartender

Very alcoholic. After two until you sleep it off. At
pints you're in trouble. Test any time of day there are
your endurance for each 1d6 Dockers down the
additional pint after that Mermaid, slurring into their
and suffer a -3 penalty pints.
to all tests for every fail

For every round of drinks that the characters consume

roll upon the following table to see who else enters
the pub. Roll 1d6 during the day, 2d6 at night. Derras, a
weary night-watchman, drinks to forget the fish-headed
men he glimpsed within a fogbank after dark. He'll tell
all, for a pie and a pint.

1. Biddick of Westerboss, a shrewd broker and

fence, wanting to offload some fake trade permits
supposedly sanctioned by the Gilvenburg trade guild.
2. The Fergan sisters, four fisherwomen who try to
goad strangers into a brawl with other patrons.
3. Rouss, a hot-tempered ex-docker and agitator,
sacked and looking for revenge, seeks assistance for
some light arson.
4. 1d6+2 sailors, who will try to kidnap any drunks to
add to their crew.
5. Pagric, a wizened ex-priest of the Red King, now a

Grim Biskerstaf

desperate fugitive seeking safe passage out of town.

He carries a Foulness spell scroll.
6. Brogo, a jovial halfling, runs the nightly bingo game,
will tell you everyone's secrets but not his. He
carries a vial of poison and a list of grudges. Roll 2d6
on this table for his latest target.
7. Yoleen, a rustic kitchen maid to Lord Kelberond, has
ventured dockside to plead with her blackmailer,
8. 1d6 rowdy students from the capital, will challenge
characters to a drinking contest.
9. Gauch, a brooding elven wastrel, gambler and poet,
looking for suckers to pay his debts. He carries
loaded dice and love letters signed 'K'.
10. 1d6+3 priests of the Red King, they will harass
everyone in their search for Pagric the heretic.

11. Tarquil of Fair Marenesse, newly arrived, with more

Grim Biskerstaf
money than sense, will quiz patrons on where he can
learn magic, doesn't mention he means necromancy.
He carries the skull of his tragic lover in his bag.
12. Fishmen in the cellar, looking for grog and fresh


All of the rich and Guard police the area and

powerful of Grim eject 'undesirables', that is
Biskerstaf's court live to say anyone who doesn't
in the walled confines live here, isn't accompanied
of Lord's Hill, where the by a liveried servant or
ancient elven temple was doesn't have a written
situated. The palaces that invitation. Much of what
fill the district are fine goes on within Lord's Hill
buildings and in good is a mystery to the rest of
repair, as the nobility the city, but the parties are
have the money to spend legendary and the source
on keeping their grounds of much resentment. The
immaculate. The Peacock head of the lords on the

Grim Biskerstaf

Little Council is Lord Telk, Kelberond has the facing

who does as much as he windows of the fortress
can to say little and pay boarded so he doesn't have
even less. He has the to see Telk's residence. The
largest palace on the top Little Council also have
of the hill, so grand that their chambers here.

Grim Biskerstaf
Who's out and about on the Hill? Roll 1d6.

1. Lord Jesper Frume, a tall foppish man in an

exceptional hat, with long, drooping moustaches. If
approached by anyone who doesn't look like they fit
on the Hill, he'll ring a little hand-bell to summon the
Peacock Guard and demand their removal.
2. Footmen of Lady Agathe Deus, looking for
a handkerchief the lady dropped on her
perambulations. One of them gets it into their head
that a player character has it...
3. Lord Kelberond, who addresses the player
characters as if they were long lost friends, much
to the bemused disgust of his attendant Peacock
4. Lord Kelberond's daughter Meageller, on a rare
outing. She eyes the player characters with a
calculating glance - maybe she has an errand for
them to do. Nothing bad...
5. The halfling gong farmer Terny, as even lords need
their privy serviced. It's a big job, and Terny could
do with some help. He's 'seen but not seen' by most
folks, so he has all manner of gossip to tell, only to
friends of course...
6. Dolkepper the wizard is striding about, searching for
Kelbebrond. Assuming no one does anything to upset
him, he may have an errand for discreet people...

Grim Biskerstaf


In the middle of the city, his tower and in subtle

Hemlock Holt is the area of reverence to the mystical
woodland that surrounds power of the old wood. In
Dolkepper's tower. It is addition, Dolkepper dumps
an old patch of wood, his experiments in the
much like the wizard's wood, so things within the
tower dating from the forest are not always what
eleven empire, and it is they seem... the Guard do
steeped in the essence come here, and some folk
of the Wild Wood. Despite visit the woods, especially
being prime land in the elves, but most avoid the
city, no one has built here, area, certainly at night.
both in fearful respect of
the irritable wizard and

Grim Biskerstaf
What's in the woods? Roll 1d6.

1. A fox, walking on its hind legs and wearing smart

clothes. It nods good day to you.
2. Iridescent mushrooms, that bring spectacular
dreams and prophecies to those that eat them.
3. A man made of sticks, who copies the actions of
anyone who sees it.
4. Delenna, an elven Druid, who reveres the Wild
Wood and can offer help to those who also pay their
respects to the god.
5. The Stag, a man with the horns of a stag. He doesn't
give off the aura of wrongness that accompanies
6. Dolkepper, talking to a tree. It is unclear if the tree is

Grim Biskerstaf


Grim Biskerstaf
The folk who call the throng with workers going
Artisan's Quarter home are about their business,
neither rich nor poor - they hawking their wares and
are the middle classes otherwise carrying on an
that keep the kingdom honest day's labour. By
running. Here can be found night however thieves and
tanners, metalworkers, bravos are common - the
scribes, masons, and all former making away with
manner of other skilled an artisan's hard earned
workers. The streets here pay, the latter typically
are relatively clean and minor nobles kicked out of
are regularly patrolled Lord's Hill for the evening,
by the Guard, and so are and making trouble. Still,
reasonably safe, especially for the majority of the
compared to Dredge. The Kingdom's population, it is
buildings are large half- places like the Artisan's
timbered constructions, Quarter that are the best
leaning far out across they can hope for in life.
roadways to give the area The blight is not such a
a clustered and congested threat here, but cases are
feel, but it never feels growing, and in the pubs of
oppressive like Dredge. an evening the worsening
Most of the day the streets situation is a hot topic

General workplaces of the Artisan's Quarter. Roll 1d6.
Grim Biskerstaf

1. Blacksmith's workshop - here a skilled

metalworker beats metal in a clanging crescendo,
while apprentices and scribes collect orders and
deliver goods. Some of the metal isn't of the best
quality, but you get what you pay for.
2. Bakers - here the fine breads and artisan loaves
with the peacock motif famous in Grim Biskerstaf
are made, the smells wafting down the streets to
draw customers in. In the back a little sawdust is
added to the flour - everyone has to earn a living,
3. Scribe - here a learned lady scribes documents
and copies wills and deeds as needed. She is not
averse to making the odd minor alteration where
it is needed, just for enhanced clarity of course.
4. Trader - bringing in fresh goods from the
warehouses on the docks, this merchant
sells direct to the public, as well as supplying
surrounding businesses. Rats are commonplace,
as well as less savoury travellers from far-off
5. Inn - all of these workers have to stay
somewhere, and the 'Unicorn's Lament' is a noted
inn. The food is good and the beer isn't watered,
which is about as good as you can expect in a city
of the Kingdom.
6. Gong farmer - this halfling does his best to keep
the streets free of excrement. It is not a nice
job, but it needs doing. Even so, the rich smell of
manure, human and otherwise, mixes with the
aromas of food, beer and sweating bodies.

As well as workshops, there are also many shops in

the Artisan's Quarter, especially the nearer you get to
the higher parts of town.

Grim Biskerstaf
Quirky shops of the Artisan's Quarter. Roll 1d6.

1. Dewinter's Fire-Stones. Here the elf Dewinter sells

small gemstones that glow with light and warmth,
and make handy hand warmers. For a price, he
will sell 'the good stuff', stones that explode when
2. The Golden Grape, wine merchants. Run by Rolbo
the halfling, this shop sells all manner of wines from
around the Kingdom. The cheaper ones are watered,
but Rolbo does have some dwarven rock wine that is
worth a small fortune to a connoisseur.
3. Tymperley's Thread & Thimble, owned by a large
halfling family who scurry around rustling up much-
admired bespoke clothing before delivering the final
outfit to one's home. The majority of their clientele
are nobles but scurrilous rumours persist that they
are often engaged by thieves and fugitives to provide
disguises in a hurry with utmost discretion.
4. Apparently one of the few people that Dolkepper
actually likes, Raisio is an elf that sells rare books
and papers from his shop, the Learned Sage. Some
say he sells spell scrolls as well, but if he does, it is
not to just anybody. Attempts to steal scrolls from
him have nearly always ended in rather horrific
miscasts, so he is left in peace despite the value of
5. Ezzar's Oils and Elixirs offers gentle herbal
relaxants and poultices for minor ailments for 1d6
silver, served in a soothing fragrant atmosphere
by the amiable widow Ezzar. Her remedies are
ineffectual but the herbalist's quiet presence has an
uncanny effect on polite customers who purchase
them. They regain 1d6 Luck, but incur a penalty of -3
to any violence actions for the rest of the day.

Grim Biskerstaf

6. The Gallery, an artists' exhibit. Within are paintings

and sculptures from the artists of the city, and
imported art from far-afield. The proprietor, a human
called Felway, has a good eye for what sells, so
the shop is popular with the nobility. Recently, local
art shows a disturbing tendency to show human
forms with fish-like heads and strange worm-like

Grim Biskerstaf

The market in the middle of lives. Traders come in on

the city is a sight to behold, the roads or via the docks
a swirl of sounds, smells and at the start of the day
and colours. Traders from a long line of waggons
around the Kingdom and lines the roads, seeking
beyond set up stalls and permission to enter the
hawk their wares, and the city. On the docks, the
cries of the merchants Guards take a step back,
ring through the air. In and it is the Dockers that
the shadows and alleys, control who gets to the
thieves and cutpurses lurk, market with their goods.
always happy to relieve the A few coins do much to
foolhardy of their money grease the wheels.
or indeed sometimes their

Grim Biskerstaf

Strange goods on the stalls in the market. Roll 1d6.

1. At the back of the penny dreadfuls stall, a discarded

chapbook, bound in tanned blue leather... with a shut
eye on the front cover.
2. Pickled ratman kidneys in a jar of formaldehyde.
3. Three stones that have a rune carved into each, the
runes are (roll 1d6 three times): 1. Fire 2. Sun 3. Life
4. Sight 5. Death 6. Infinit.
4. A miniature of a very attractive person, gender,
kindred and class unclear. Now and then the owner
is sure it winks at the holder.
5. A glass tube of 'White Rub', a 'Powder that
6. A lapsed membership card for the VIP Circle at the
Grim Biskerstaf gambling house the Bloody Goat.

The market is also a place to get all manner of foods,

mundane and exotic. If you don't mind what you're eating
it can be a liberating experience...

Food on the stalls. Roll 1d6.

1. Very fine meat jerky, origin undisclosed.

2. A punnet of bilberries from Up North... it has been a
good year.
3. A very nice bunny rabbit (alive), 'best boiled directly
for ninety minutes in a stock pot'.
4. A basket of live venomous snakes, 'best boiled
directly for ninety minutes in a stock pot'.
5. Sausages of meat and...sawdust?
6. Best not to ask...

Grim Biskerstaf
Grim Biskerstaf


Standing tall in the midst thin, emaciated man in

of the city, the cathedral his late seventies. He is
of the Thrice Blessed is dedicated to the Thrice
a monumental structure, Blessed, so much so
easily dwarfing the temples that the care of his flock
of the other religions found is of little interest. He
in the city. Built almost like is hated by the priests
a fortress, the cathedral of the Red King, as he
hosts a large number of refuses to acknowledge
priests, military orders that other religions
and lay members, and has have any worth, and
extensive libraries, crypts constantly shouts this
and dormitories. The head from the pulpit.
priest is Sallow Defrese, a

Grim Biskerstaf
Nailed to a tree outside the Cathedral. Roll 1d6 twice and

First die roll.

1. Manticore stuck up my tower, exterminators

required. See Dolkepper at the Scalded Duck Inn on
Tuesday nights - no time wasters.
2. How low can you go? Lost my wife somewhere
beneath the fortress, fear she may be a ratman
hostage. Apply to Ser Kummerband de Closure at the
Gilded Pigeon Gentleman's Club on Scurvy Street.
3. Seven goblins for seven bridegrooms. My brothers
have all been seduced by evil goblin sorceresses and
taken to the Iron Tooth Hills. Please kill the monsters
and free my kin of their enchantments. Call at 22 on
Cobblers Street and ask for Matilda.
4. They're lying to us! There are evil ratman cultists
living in the sewers, and they've taken over the city!
No-one will believe me. Brave adventurers with
modest expectations should leave a contact note
under the third rock from the left past the big pig
statue in Victory Square.
5. Grim Biskerstaf Guard seeks new recruits. Light
ambulatory duties, minor custodial tasks, excellent
opportunities for advancement [strike through the
last bit will you Gribbins?]. Apply at the Guard house,
and ask for Sergeant Greta Turnik.
6. Couriers needed to deliver packages around town.
Penny a package.

Grim Biskerstaf

Second die roll.

1. Great opportunities in a mercantile trade. Guards

wanted for the Grim Biskerstaf Caravanserai.
Light ambulatory duties, minor custodial tasks,
excellent opportunities for advancement [strike
through the last bit will you Smithers?] Apply at the
2. Villagers need magnificent four*! We have been
turfed out of our village by bullying, wicked claim
jumping dwarves, come aid us take back what is
rightfully ours. *We might be able to afford five...
3. Emissaries of Love and Peace seek escorts. We, the
blessed of the Transcendental Goblin Friendship
Society urgently require escorts to bolster our love
and missionary work in the City of Bikserstaf. Apply
to Snazzleback at the Red Fang hovel and hostelry.
4. Melkoth the necromancer requires fresh meat
to clear out catacombs inadvertently filled with
previous experiments. Just leave your door open
at night and a black flame candle burning in the
5. All loyal, valiant, and well-armed, subjects are called
to rescue the hound Albus of Grim Biskerstaf, stolen
from the fortress grounds by a roc this past week. A
large reward for his safe return.
6. Where are you? I have the things you asked for, only
one has bitten me and I'm not feeling that well. Shall
we meet at the usual place, tomorrow night?

Grim Biskerstaf

The worst of the worst in is rife in Dredge, and many

Grim Biskerstaff live in of the poorer members of
Dredge, the warren of old the population are riddled
buildings, open sewers with illnesses. Dredge
and small courtyards that is a dangerous place - if
makes up the poor quarter, you want to 'lose' a body,
slowly sinking into the Dredge is the place to do
river. Every day mudlarks it. Recently, there have
leave the rotten streets been rumours of strange,
and make their way out hunched and cloaked men
onto the exposed mud flats, going about Dredge by
searching for clams, eels, night, and some say they
and treasures occasionally have been murdering folk
washed up from the ruins and dragging corpses to
of Kellebrik. And bodies, the river. Most ignore such
most days. Dredge is a talk as gossip - there is
winding, twisting maze of enough to worry about
partially sunken palaces, without talk of fish-headed
derelict buildings and other killers on the loose.
ancient structures. Disease

Grim Biskerstaf

What's happening in Dredge? Roll 1d6.

1. In an alleyway, a robbery in progress - a fat artisan

who got lost is being held up by two children armed
with rusty kitchen knives. They demand his coin and
poke him with the blades while be blubbers and
keens. Best to move on.
2. Behind a ruined palace, shady deals take place -
someone is buying something they shouldn't, from
someone they shouldn't. It looks like a woman, and
when she moves and her cloak opens slightly, a rich
one from the cut of her gown. Who is she, and what
could she be doing in Dredge?
3. In an alley, a corpse is looted - there's a corpse
down that alley, propped awkwardly against an old
barrel. A child is carefully going through its pockets.
Maybe time to step in and see if the finds are worth
4. Around you beggars congregate - a family of
beggars hold out battered bowls with mournful eyes.
Can you spare them a coin? If you do, others will see
the flash of money and you'll be marked, which is not
a good thing...
5. The Guard pay a visit - a rare visit from the Guard,
trying to flush out the murderer Eustace Gelk. They
are trying to look intimidating, but the mud and
rotten vegetables flying their way are not helping.
Soon Captain Gellern Foss beats an undignified
retreat, cursing all the while.
6. Someone is hiring for a job - an unpleasant looking
man is paying five pennies for 'volunteers' to work
up town. The money is tempting, but the last lot who
went have yet to come back...

Grim Biskerstaf
Beneath the city sewers streets of Grim Biskerstaf
and other, older tunnels in a mockery of the city
worm through rock and above, but whatever its
soil, dank with moisture origin it is now the home of
and ripe with a rich stench the ratmen. Their king and
of hundreds of years of queen rule an entire court,
use. The sewers are well and their subjects believe
known, but the older that theirs is the true city,
tunnels are a mystery, and the one above is the
although some scholars imitation. However, their
believe that in the end the claim to the territory is no
elven empire retreated longer undisputed - unmen
underground as they were have also started to move
beset on all sides, and in to the tunnels, fighting
rumours persist around skirmishes with the
the town that there's a ratmen, and the clamour
whole city down there, and noise of their fighting
hidden in the dark. Gong sometimes drifts to the
farmers used to work the surface, mostly in Dredge.
sewers, but since a few of Of course the Guard won't
them died in the ripe black go in, and the Peacock
depths no one goes in there Guard definitely don't care.
now. In reality, there is a
huge undercity beneath the

Grim Biskerstaf

What crawled out of the sewers? Roll 1d6.

Grim Biskerstaf
1. Ratmen, eager to capture slaves, either to work
the undermines or to attend the king Rat's grand
banquet, either as food or as the service.
2. Ghouls, recently moved from the undercrypts of the
Cathedral where they have been dining on illustrious
past priests of the Thrice Blessed.
3. Thieves, using the sewers as their headquarters. It
smells, but the Guard never go there. Don't blame
them really. Lady Alice hates the place.
4. Beggars, serving the Gutter Queen. She controls
most of the streets, no matter what the guards say.
Nothing happens without her say-so. Some say she's
the Lady Alice, but no one knows for sure.
5. Goblins, using tunnels to get from the hills to the city.
They plan a raid to steal Lord Kelberond's daughter
Meageller for ransom. They don't realise what she's
capable of...Unmen hiding in the tunnels. Brought in
by the dark mistress of Grim Biskerstaf, they kidnap
people, spread fear by night and now have launched
their plans to spread disease in the city, the origin of
the blight...
6. Worms! Great big black buggers!

Grim Biskerstaf


The elven town of Kelebrik and have kept themselves

was ruined and flooded hidden throughout the
hundreds of years ago, and centuries. Recently, things
for the most part remains have changed however, as
submerged, only the tops the alchemical residues
of the towers poking discarded from the dark
through the water when research now taking place
the level is low. However, in the city have befouled
the town is not deserted. the waters around the
The ancient elven halls sunken town, causing a
are home to a clan of decline in fish stocks, and
fishmen, who have called forcing the fishmen to
the ruins home almost become more aggressive
since they were flooded. in their search for fresh
They were drawn here by meat. Now they have
the dreaming spires of become very daring,
the lost town, the ready and even enter Dredge
supply of fish in the river, by night where corpses
with the occasional corpse are unfortunately fairly
from Grim Biskerstaf as common. Rumours persist
an added bonus. These that relics of the ancient
creatures are both elven empire rest in
intelligent and civilised, Kellebrik, for those brave
but they are secretive, enough to get them.

Grim Biskerstaf

Type Civilised
Actions/round 1
Weapon/skill/damage Weapons/6/-
Armour Armour
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 16
Notes Swimming, Intelligent

Description - Fishmen look make clothes, armour

like scaled humans with and weapons, and hunt
fish-like heads. They are fish. They are however
able to breathe in and out voracious predators, and
of water and can swim very will eat anything they can
well. They are intelligent, catch. They are also not
although their minds have adverse to eating carrion,
been shaped by the cold which they can scent in the
dark of the depths and water for many hundreds
they appear quite alien of feet.
to surface dwellers. They

Grim Biskerstaf

Grim Biskerstaf
The following organisations their head. These factions
are all to be found within are often at odds, which
the city limits, and most makes for interesting
have noted individuals at times in Grim Biskerstaf.


Apparently in control of petty squabbles and mud-

the city and with Lord slinging. Most of the other
Kelberond at its head, lords make it their job to
the Little Council is an do as little on the council
exercise in futility and as possible, so Kelberond
mismanagement. Most often finds he has an
of the senior nobility impossible task keeping
and other noted figures the Dockers and Fish
of the city are on the Wardens in line, let alone
council, and many of the likes of Dolkepper.
the larger organisations So, he opts for a policy
have representation. But of smiling and nodding at
Kelberond is so ineffectual everyone while agreeing
at keeping order than nine to nothing and saying even
times out of ten council less.
meetings devolve into

What are the little Council doing? Roll 1d6.
Grim Biskerstaf

1. Scrutinizing the plans from competing Guilds for

the Vessan New Bridge. That is to say, accepting the
biggest bribe then shelving the project. Next - to
plan the annual Fish Queen Beauty Pageant.
2. Loudly debating Lord Frume's recommendation that
the best way to end poverty in Grim Bickerstaf is to
exile the poor, whilst partaking of a four-course hog
roast 'snack'.
3. Reviewing applications for the role of town crier.
From the street outside the booming resonant voice
of erstwhile two-fisted priest Bryon of the Thrice
Blessed roars 'Well, do I have the job yet?'
4. Shocked and dismayed, they are reporting to the
Peacock Guard that certain musty ledgers (that hint,
well, scream of financial irregularities) have been
stolen the week before the Kingdom's Inquisitor of
Taxes arrives.
5. They are riding in horse-drawn carriages to the
main gates to greet the elf arch-druid Tamaris, who
has journeyed afar to investigate the blight. 1d6
assassins lurk on the rooftops.
6. Voting on how to deal with the distressing plight
of the Pomperburg refugees. That is, deciding how
much to charge new arrivals to enter the city.

Grim Biskerstaf

There is a magical college Artisan's Quarter, another

in the city, of sorts at week it might be a non-
least, run by a small descript servant's door in
group of wizards. They call the palace. Only the correct
themselves the College of knock will open the door
Doors, and they proclaim to the college, otherwise it
that they accept new functions just as normal.
wizards and apprentices When this rumour was put
and teach them the to Dolkepper, he merely
mystical arts. They are so rolled his eyes, stating that
named because, so they perhaps the doors change
say, the actual college because the 'college' is
buildings are hidden in a nothing but a collection
magical dimension that of charlatans who meet
can only be accessed by at different inns across
one door in the city, which the city. Who can know
changes on a regular for sure? The head of the
basis. For example, one college is a wizard called
week the door might be Festus, who Dolkepper
within a bakers in the daubs a 'dabbler'.

Where are the College of Doors? Roll 1d6.

1. Sweat room at Madam Bulch's dockside bath house.

2. Potting shed of the municipal gardener Ennis.
3. Cellar of The Scalded Duck inn.
4. Confessional box at the Cathedral.
5. Privy of gambling house The Bloody Goat.
6. Back alley just off Scurvy Street.

Grim Biskerstaf


The Red King has a seem to have worship of

strong presence in their lord at heart. Still,
Grim Biskerstaf, and a many are fearful of them,
cathedral has recently and when they move as a
been completed to his group, others move out of
worship funded by the their way. The cathedral of
church, bringing followers the Thrice Blessed holds
from Fesselburg where daily sermons against the
they were cast out in Red King, and tensions are
a popular but perhaps growing between religions
foolish display of power by factions, something that
the Queen. Now based at usually does not end well.
the cathedral they move The acknowledged leader
about the city, a small of the faction is the red
army of priests dressed priest Tallow, a fat, angry
in red robes and bearing but sly man. Rumour has it
their ceremonial knives. he deserted from the King's
Some are little more than army long ago.
thugs, while others do

Grim Biskerstaf
What are the Red King's men doing? Roll 1d6.
Grim Biskerstaf

1. Lounging around the market, upsetting folk and just

looking dangerous.
2. Parading through the city streets, flagellating
themselves and decrying all who do not submit to
the glorious rule of the Red King.
3. On the docks, pointing out of the error of the Dockers
ways in spittle inflected ranting and raving.
4. Standing about the Cathedral, annoying the priests
of the Thrice Blessed and drawing the Guard in
numbers in an uncomfortable stand-off.
5. Nowhere to be seen, which is a little worrying.
6. Trying to get into Lord's Hill, where the Peacock
Guard are robustly refusing their entrance.


Responsible for justice thugs, ex-criminals and

and order across the city, rare souls who want to
the Guard are a rag-tag make a difference. They are
collection of ex-soldiers, based in the guardhouse,

Grim Biskerstaf
a dilapidated palace in the either. The Peacock Guard
Artisan's Quarter of the are better equipped and
city. They patrol regularly, funded, but they rarely
especially the market, but stray from the fortress
they tread lightly in the and the Lord's Hill district.
docks and are hardly ever Kelberond seems happy to
seen in Dredge. In truth let the Guard subsist on a
they try to do what they shoestring budget, much to
can, but the city is bursting the anger and resignation
with people displaced by of Commander Gellern
the battle at Pomperburg, Foss, who takes the
and stories of ratmen state of the Guard to be a
and unmen don't help personal slight against her.

Who are the guards searching for? Roll 1d6.

1. Shesta, stablegirl at the Fortress, having stolen a

box of 'personal knick-knacks and trinkets of purely
sentimental value' from Meagellor. Actually, one item
is a unique eldritch bracelet that allows the wearer
to feign death for 1d6 hours. There is a reward for
their return. The Guard want to find Shesta before
the Peacock Guard do.
2. Billius Ruh, highly-strung Elf artist. Lives down
Dredge and feverishly paints the poor and blighted.
There is a large company of elves camped outside
the walls wanting to escort him home. Something
about an inheritance. The Guard are volunteering the
characters to deliver him to his kin.
3. Lang Jimothy, the infamous noose-marked traitor
who survived the gallows at Pomperburg. Now a
fugitive, he was overheard sowing dissent against
the Little Council at the docks. The Guard want to
know his plans, looking favourably on those who

Grim Biskerstaf

help to stamp out any conspiracy.

4. A Goblin named Spelk daubs city buildings after dark
with graffiti of unmen carousing and cavorting with
nobility. Someone up high wants him caught, now.
The Guard are now out 'encouraging' able-looking
citizens such as the characters to trap him tonight.
5. Lady Telk's pug 'Wootle', just seen following the
characters. Apparently, it is quite attracted to
magic, sneezing in the vicinity of spellcasting. One
of the Red King's men is lurking about, attempting
to eavesdrop, and will tail the characters once the
Guard leave.
6. Hodgelaw of the Guard went missing shortly after
a fruitless search on a warehouse belonging to
Gulpepper and Sons (after a tip-off from a dwarven
cheesemonger, also missing). They found a sketch of
one of the characters in Hodgelaw's room. Until the
guard turns up, that character is forbidden to leave
the city and the guards will take an interest in their

Noted Citizenry

Grim Biskerstaf
The following noted known to all, or have a very
individuals are either big say in what goes on in
prominent in the city and Grim Biskerstaf.


Wizened, crabby and dirty, empire. Within Dolkepper

with a tattered wizard's ponders on the nature
rode covered in stars, of the universe, studying
Dolkepper looks as much the sky from his tower-
like a tramp as he does top, and ruminates on all
a wizard. Perhaps the those in the city that have
most bad-tempered and done him wrong. Luckily,
downright unpleasant he is generally unlikely to
person in Grim Biskerstaf, see through his planned
his tower stands in revenge on the slights he
the middle of the town, perceives against him, as
surrounded by wild and he is always quick to tell
overgrown Hemlock Holt, anyone who will listen (and
and is said to be an elven a lot who would rather
relic from the long-dead not) about the current

focus of his ire, giving his is looking for them find a
Grim Biskerstaf

opponents a good warning, quick excuse to get out the

and his mood changes town. Dolkepper is on the
like the wind. However, it Little Council, but rarely
does not pay to upset a shows up. Which is good,
wizard, so most people as Kelberond is terrified of
who hear that Dolkepper him.

Who's upset Dolkepper? Roll 1d6.

1. Lord Kelberond, again. Apparently, on his last visit

to the market he mentioned that Dolkepper's tower
was one of the tallest building in the city. Obviously,
he hates it and wants it pulled down. Kelberond has
retired to his summer retreat.
2. The high priest Defrese, for purchasing all of the
magical herbs that came in from Fesselburg, leaving
none for 'real practitioners'. The High priest is now
on sabbatical in the capital.
3. The Fish Wardens. The last pike Dolkepper had for
his supper had a taint - obviously caught near the
sewer outlets. Pubs in the docks are unusually quiet.
4. The Guard, one of whom (presumably new) was
seen relieving himself against the base of the tower
last night. Apparently, he has now been conscripted
to the king's army and is on his way to join his
newfound comrades.
5. The Red King's priests, as they are charlatans and
imposters according to the wizard. They laugh off
this slight, but also now seem to avoid the centre
of town...
6. One of the player characters, for some reason or
other that they will no doubt never fathom. Perhaps
it is time to check out those ruins a day's ride from
the city...


Grim Biskerstaf
The head of the thieves in fact she is, being Elsa
of Grim Biskerstaf is Threddle of the merchant
known as the Lady Alice, house Gullpepper and Sons.
also known as the Gutter As such she is intimately
Queen. No one knows knowledgeable on the
exactly what she looks workings of the docks, the
like, where she lives or most important area of the
indeed if she really is a city, and also with the Fish
lady - people asking such Wardens, the Dockers hated
questions usually end up foes. Some in the Guard are
floating down the river. suspicious that Lady Alice
Her word is law though has some connections with
when it comes to crime in the Dockers, but no one is
the city, and she runs her asking too many questions,
operation like a well-oiled as that's a good way to end
machine with the precision up dead, and after all she
of an accountant. Which bribes well.

Who's upset Alice? Roll 1d6.

1. Someone took a hit out on the merchant Malvio, who

in truth deserved it, but Alice didn't sanction the act,
so there are words to be said. It seems the assassin
looked a bit like one of the player characters...
2. Dolkepper turned the noted thief Velvon into a toad.
Lady Alice had sent the burgler on his mission, so
now she's offended. Someone had better patch the
rift between them or things might get nasty.
3. Someone has been dumping bodies into the sewer,
which has annoyed the Lady Alice - that's her
dumping ground. She'll pay good money to find out
who and 'educate' them.
4. High priest Defrese has spent the last three sermons
denouncing thieves and murders, which is all a bit
bad for business. Alice is looking for someone who

could persuade the priest to change subjects for his
Grim Biskerstaf

next sermon, and she doesn't mind how.

5. The Peacock Guard have raided the docks, looking
for someone. Alice is worried that the Guards
are getting close, so someone needs to persuade
Kelberond to call off his hounds.
6. The portly thief Nathaniel had a plot kidnap
Meageller, the lord's daughter, but now he's gone
missing. She'd like him found, and has had a tip off
that the sewers are the place to start looking...


The daughter of Lord has few friends. As far

Kelberond is a thin, willowy as anyone is concerned,
girl with long dark hair and she is a typical useless
large luminous eyes. She and somewhat pointless
has a slightly unearthly air, noblewoman who spends
which some folk find mildly her time in her tower
disturbing, and coupled embroidering. The reality
with her somewhat vacant is far different however.
expression means she Despite her appearance,

Meageller is a keen Dolkepper is slowly

Grim Biskerstaf
magician and follower beginning to realise as he
of the Traitor, who has notices his collection of
recently made a pact with arcana pilfered. Meageller
Delock, the demon lord. took to demonology when
She learnt her magical she encountered a nest
craft from Dolkepper - her of unmen beneath the
father sent her along to fortress on one of her
the wizard's tower via a wanderings. She learnt
secret tunnel from the a lot from their leader,
fortress so that she could who saw something of
learn something useful, the dark in her; this group
or more likely to keep the now follow her lead. Now
girl out of his way. She she spends her time
picked up a lot from the experimenting and sowing
irascible wizard, and stole seeds of chaos within the
more, so that she became city, to the delight of her
quite an accomplished master.
spell caster, something

What does Meageller want? Roll 1d6.

1. Bodies, in any state. Those demonic entities have to

eat too.
2. A book called the 'Magister of the Dark'. She
knows where it is, which makes the job easy. It's in
Dolkepper's tower, which makes the job hard.
3. To catch one of the fishmen spotted in Dredge -
they'll make interesting experimental subjects.
4. Her father dead. No small task, but she can help with
access to the fortress. Once you're in, you are on
your own.
5. Eustace, the murderer. She tried a spell on him,
which turns him into a monster when the moon is
full - this is when he committed his crime. If he is
discovered before she can silence him, the magic

will be revealed and Dolkepper is bound to get
Grim Biskerstaf

6. A chalice from the elven ruins of Kellebrik. It was
last in one of the topmost towers according to
her research, and should be accessible when the
water level is low. However, it's now in the hoard
of the fishmen, and retrieving it is a different task

So, You're a Local?

Grim Biskerstaf
To create characters from rolling an additional 1d6 for
the city, introduce these career choice. Of course,
careers as an option in these careers could be
character creation by used elsewhere.

You’re a worker on the group of friends too, who’ll
docks. It’s hard work, and help you through thick and
pays poorly, but it feeds the thin.
family. You’ve got a good

Equipment: work clothes, a dagger, a sack for your

lunch and hobnail boots.

Skills and maximum level: Brawling 10, Intimidate 10,

Bargain 12, Streetwise 12, Swimming 12

What have you seen?

! Lord Kelberond, once. Posh git.
@ Fish-heads under the wharfs.
# Three bodies floating down the river.
$ The Guard working someone over. Nasty.
% Fish Wardens burn down a warehouse.
^ I'm paid not to see things.

Where were you raised?

! Dredge. Not nice, but there you go.
@ Under the wharfs.
# Fesselburg, the great city.
$ On the river.
% In the farmlands outside the city.
^ Everywhere. Never had a home.

Grim Biskerstaf

You uphold a proud been a good way of life for
tradition of fishing the you, at least it was. Now
waters of the mighty someone is poisoning the
river and going out on the river, and the fish are...
estuary. It’s you and your strange. You blame the
kind that feed the city, at Dockers, but you’ve seen
least the poor anyway. It’s the fish-heads too.

Equipment: All-weather clothes, a waterproof hat, a

fishing line or net, a gutting knife, a cudgel to stun the
fish, a map of the waterways.

Skills and maximum level: Repair 10, Thrown 10,

Endurance 12, Navigation 12, Swimming 12

Where do you work?

! The fishing boat 'The Merry Lord'.
@ The docks, when you can.
# Out in the estuary, on the mud.
$ On the sea vessel 'Tassenhorst'.
% Kellebrik, least you did!
^ In the gutting house, preparing fish.

What have you caught?

! A pike the length of a man.
@ An eel with a woman's face.
# A fish-headed man - he wasn't happy.
$ A Mirrorfish, worth a small fortune.
% A corpse, a Guard's man.
^ Nothing but a cold and bad luck.

Grim Biskerstaf
There is treasure in the all given half the chance,
mud and sand of the if you don't starve in the
estuary, be that shellfish, meantime. When you live in
lost goods from ships Dredge, there's not many
or trinkets from ancient other ways to make an
elven empires. You'll find it honest living.

Equipment: a dredging hook, a sack, waders and a book

of common prayer to the river god.

Skills and maximum level: Spot 10, Survival 10,

Appraise 12, Endurance 12, Swimming 12

What have you found?

! A necklace from the elven empire, sold.
@ A barrel of rum, drunk.
# A noble's corpse, looted.
$ A dead fish-head, avoided.
% A pirate lair, fled.
^ Nothing but despair.

What have you seen?

! Pirates drown a merchant.
@ A giant eel sink a ship.
# A priest walk on the water.
$ Unmen coming out of the sewers.
% The King's soldiers looting a village
^ Nothing I'm telling you.

Grim Biskerstaf

You keep the peace at of course, but you do get
night. Well, so you say. told to go there. But that
In reality, you try to keep would seriously impact
yourself alive though the on the 'staying alive' thing
night. You get posted all you've been working on.
around the city, even to
Dredge. You don't go there
Equipment: A mail shirt with the city emblem on (light
armour), a cudgel, a lantern on a pole, a bell to summon
your colleagues.

Skills and maximum level: Blunt 10, Lie 10,

Intimidate 12, Stealth 12, Streetwise 12

Where have you worked?

! Dredge. No chance!
@ The Artisan's Quarter. Nice.
# The docks, rough at night.
$ The gates, keeping folk out.
% The great market, thieves everywhere!
^ Lord's Hill. Very posh.

What have you seen?

! Nobles beat a beggar.
@ Fish-heads in the streets.
# A wizard set fire to a rival.
$ Assassins on the rooftops.
% Goblins attack the gates.
^ Nothing, you hide in alleys.

Grim Biskerstaf
Grim Biskerstaf

Working an inn, that's the else. True, it's not easy, and
life. Always someone to there are always folks who
chat to, songs and laughter, seem to want a fight, but a
and the ale flowing. You've quick tickle with the club
never wanted anything and all's well again.

Equipment: An apron, a beer mug and a small cask

(somehow always full), a cudgel and a smile.

Skills and maximum level: Bargain 10, History 10,

Appraise 12, Blunt 12, Persuasion 12

Who's been in?

! Lord Kelebrond, honest!
@ Eustace, before he was a killer.
# Dockers. Rough crowd.
$ Dolkepper. A scary man.
% The Guard, they love the place.
^ Who hasn't? All welcome!

Who's been barred?

! Lord Kelberond, fool.
@ Dolkepper. But don't tell him.
# The Guard - bad for business.
$ Elves. Never liked 'em.
% Anyone who isn't local.
^ No one, all are welcome!

Grim Biskerstaf
You serve a master or without them recalling you
mistress on Lord's Hill, exist. You spot what needs
and your job is to go doing and get it done
unnoticed and unrequired, quickly, fading into the
going about the business background as you do.
of serving your betters
Equipment: a fine uniform, if a little old-fashioned. A
silver candlestick a, err, gift. A book of etiquette and a
cudgel to keep out salesmen.

Skills and maximum level: Endurance 10, History 10,

Diplomacy 12, Spot 12, Stealth 12

Who have you worked for?

! Lord Kelberond, mad as a hatstand.
@ Lady Fessely, a famous drunk.
# Count Ortessa, wily and dangerous.
$ Lord Telk, wily diplomat.
% Margrave de Loon, a frothing maniac.
^ None of your business, sir.

What have you seen?

! A body, out through the back door.
@ A shady wizard selling 'dreams'.
# Indiscretion between rival priests.
$ The butler make off with the silver.
% Your new master murdered your old.
^ Nothing sir!

Grim Biskerstaf

Roll 1d20 to see who'll work for a few pennies a day.

1. Tomak - curious street urchin, pious and good with a

2. Fidge - scarred axeman, whip-thin, eloquent and
highly strung.
3. 'Leafy' Lyzandir - doe-eyed elven speargirl, breaker
of horses and men.
4. Big Sutley - burly mounted archer, nostalgic army
5. Garrow - sullen crossbowman with eyepatch, tells
ghost stories.
6. Rizzle - sarcastic dwarf swordswoman, lonely and
with serious debts.
7. Fat George - looks imposing, high pitched squeaky
voice means he doesn't speak. Good with a club.
8. Tobias - slouching bravo, sneering and ready for a
9. Dozzo - halfling thief, great with a dagger and a
locked door, runs at the first sign of a fight
10. Sister Abigail- stocky, foul-mouthed, two-fisted nun
making a bit of coin for her convent through pit-
fighting and henchman work.
11. Arno van Kleef - outcast heir, trained fencer,
handsome and bitter with nothing to lose
12. Pious Tomli - devout worshipper of the Thrice
Blessed, scholar and map maker. Occasional burglar.
13. Polly the Prestidigitator - magus for hire. Young,
enthusiastic, recently exiled from the Arcane
Collegium for one fire too many.
14. Godri Black - scout and outdoorsman, never washes,
smells worse than his horse.

15. Gustav- broad of shoulder, sullen of face, dour of

Grim Biskerstaf
nature. Former gravedigger; comes with his own
shovel and encyclopedic knowledge of the undead.
16. Lonnen - failed apprentice to the wizard Kemp,
daydreamer and aspiring playwright, low on funds
and high as the clouds.
17. Hadri Redheart - elven pickpocket and card sharp,
happy go lucky and easy going.
18. Weldo the Unmentionable - ill-favoured , surly ex-
guardsman who got caught thieving, handy with
pole-arms and knows all the wrong people.
19. Gunnar the Mad Bastard. Shield-biting dwarven
outcast. Paints himself in blue woad and yells "póg
mo thóin" in battle.
20. Juthan Quickstep - Flamboyant halfling, wields short
sword and knife, trained with elves, currently on the
run from his vengeful mistresses.

Grim Biskerstaf

Rats and gulls. Cats and through the effluence, and

dogs. Men, women, and who knows where that
horses. All can be found might lead? Have a look
floating alongside Bikerstaf at the adventure outlines
docks. Adventurers, being below... After all, all good
doomed to live interesting adventures start with a
lives, may find something body in the water...
noteworthy when rooting


A rag-swaddled corpse stranger whose

that suffered prolonged resemblance offended
abuse prior to death. Not our indolent ruler? Or
unusual in Biskerstaf, worse yet, Lord Kelebrond
except this one appears himself? And if so, who
to be the twin of Lord or what sits on the Grim
Kelebrond. Was this poor Biskerstaf throne issuing
soul some undisclosed increasingly strange
filial relation? A hapless proclamations?

A child-sized body that and insular net-casters of
appears as much gull Immund Wharf. Could this
as human, with dirty, be connected to persistent
feathered skin, talons for rumours of a sinister gull
feet and an irate avian cult nesting somewhere
face. Stranger yet, the near the docks? And what
fishbone jewellery it links them with the gang of
wears appears identical killers, the terrible Beaky
to those of the clannish Blinders?


Grim Biskerstaf
The body of a handsome postscript: 'Now all is lost!'
and well-dressed man - Deciphering the document
or at least he was until will require the services
his eyes were gouged of the Esoteric - and some
out, manhood torn say murderously secretive
off, and the eels had a - Guild of Cartographers,
go. Closer inspection Steersmen and most
reveals something Excellent Cryptographers.
shoved down his throat, What salty service will
a tubular, wax-sealed they exact for their
scroll case containing translation? And will it
a single page of dense be worth the apocalyptic
code. The sole readable secret revealed?
line is exclamatory

A naked and perfectly snuffed out. If it could be
proportioned adult compelled to speak, what
corpse without sign of inquiries and desires
injury or decay. Further would this eternally fresh
investigation reveals a and pliable corpse claim to
total lack of rigor, with have endured? And what
the body flexibly retaining brotherhoods, sects, and
whatever anatomically madmen would wish to
feasible position it can be reclaim it as their own?
arranged in. Attempts at Failing that, enterprising
harming the body prove souls could make a killing
futile - blades are turned, renting it out as an artist's
hammers foiled, flames model.

Grim Biskerstaf

Grim Biskerstaf
The corpse of the most a sprawling network
notorious and wanted of agitators, spies, and
revolutionary Josef Koln. ideologically obsessed
Former dockmaster- killers, all of whom would
general, his campaign dearly love to revenge their
of assassination and leader. More worryingly,
sabotage are as legendary whoever had the means to
as the unjust execution penetrate Koln's complex
of his wife that hurled and lethal security is still
him down his revenge- out there. And what will
strewn path. The reward they do to some random
for his capture or death gang of fools that claims
is significant, but who will credit for his death?
be brave enough to collect
it? Koln masterminded

Finding a dead dwarf in grieved by his kin. Yet grief
the docks is odd enough. will give way to something
More so a dwarf of status, far worse should the body
with ceremonial mohawk be inspected too closely.
and triple-plaited beard. Discolouration to the lips
Discreet inquiries reveal reveals that the inner
it to be Grom Ironthumb, mouth, throat and stomach
chieftain-in-exile of the have been transformed
Blackaxe clan and pillar into solid gold. How did
of the urban dwarven this happen? Alchemical
community. With foundries transmutation is the stuff
and smithies across the of legend, as believable
city, Grom will be much as a clan of dwarfish

Grim Biskerstaf

assassins who ritually Grim Biskerstaf Office

murder to protect their of Revenues. Perhaps
secrets. Regardless, word it might be better if the
of this could unravel the problem simply vanished.
city in days as alchemists, But butchering a dwarven
wizards, and other arcane dignitary and smelting his
chancers fight to possess gold oesophagus may not
the ultimate secret, be as easy as it sounds.
to say nothing of the
dwarves or the dreaded


With the latest river dredge body without gloves will
comes the body of Mungo develop similar marks on
Berry, renowned halfling their fingertips, slowly
explorer and cook. Berry's spreading until they die
recipes were required horribly in 3d6 days. It's
reading, with his crowning a race against time - find
opus, 'Fiftye Furthere Uses the cause of Mungo's death
for An Onione' considered and extract an antidote.
a definitive work. The body But navigating the gourmet
is rake thin - Berry, despite underground will not
his passions, ate only be easy - cannibal pie
sparingly. Strange purple- sellers, a coven of undead
green streaks cover his eel merchants and the
hands and arms, trailing dreaded halfling spice lord
upwards to his throat. Any Hallaram O'Peenoh all have
character handling the their secrets to protect.


Grim Biskerstaf
A bloated corpse is one Ignatius as an advertisers'
thing. One blown up hoarding. Ingenious souls
to the size of a cart in may even rig the corpse
another entirely. Meet up as an aerial conveyance
Ignatius Schreiber, former that will support one
accountant, and all-round passenger. Investigating
financial acrobat to some Schreiber's death will
very secretive people. uncover a paper trail
If lifted from the water exposing sinister collusion
his body will remain between unscrupulous
buoyant, slowly floating alchemists, the mercantile
away if left untethered. A guilds, and the esteemed
fragrant odour wafts from Temple Bank. Could this
Ignatius's rear end as the mighty financial institution
strange gas that inflates be no more than a front for
him slowly escapes - if some eldritch evil, perhaps
siphoned it would serve even the Dragon itself?
as a potent levitation aid. And if so, what economic
Alternatively, there are chaos would follow
several very unscrupulous exposure, and who would
merchants who would benefit?
pay good coin to use

After much negotiation, high nobility are invited to
High priest Tessek of partake of a sip of special
the Thrice Blessed of holy wine blessed by the
Fesselburg has agreed to Tessek himself. Which
come to Grim Biskterstaf all sounds great, except
cathedral to oversee the that you have just seen
mass blessing of the his fat and bloated corpse
city. In the ceremony, all go floating passed, holy
citizens starting with the vestments punctured by

Grim Biskerstaf

black feathered arrows. has it that they've lost

So who is coming to Grim something, something
Biskerstaf, and why? And valuable. Could there be a
what's got the assassins connection?
guild all aflutter? Rumour

You have just passed Dolkepper is bad enough,
Dolkepper the wizard three would be... wait,
in the grand market, who’s that watching you?
muttering to himself and Did they see what you
apparently searching found? Oh dear, you have a
for Kelberond. Nothing feeling this might be bad...
unusual in that, except that
his corpse just floated by,
bloated and fat like it had
been in the water for a few
days. Come to think of it,
that drunk Fish Warden you
saw in the Manky Mermaid
yesterday said that he's
seen the wizard's body
two weeks ago, all cut up
and caught on rocks in the
estuary, only you ignored
him, as did everyone else.
So that's three wizards,
and only one alive. One

With Thanks
A huge thank you to this project. Without you all
the awesome Warlock it would not be as rich and
discord community, vibrant as it is, so I owe
who provided amazing you a debt of thanks! You
content, ideas and art to know who you are!

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