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Details title: the threat of affront genre : friendship, school, action,crime, dark theme song: Time, shinku, thank

you (of HSJ) author: amel~chan


"Injecting dead to Ryosuke Yamada??!!!!" Doctor Tony Wood seemed surprised by what he heard. His eyes widened. He and some of the doctors and team meeting room scientis gathered Newtherland mental hospital. They sit around the table who deliberately designed the round. Scholars can look at each other's faces.

"The brain and the motion system has been totally paralyzed. It's nothing we can observe from the child. Drugs we do not react like a test. These last three weeks we did not get useful data. "More senior doctor shows the data obtained during one year. Age 59 years old doctor, 2 4 years older than the doctor Tony Wood.

"By give he injecting dead, we will help eliminate suffering. Because even though we let him live there is no family who will take care bout him. And he would not be able to lead normal lives with a condition like that. "The doctor said the head.

"But-" Wood did not want to discuss humanitarian issues here. Because the research that he and other experts do violate a sense of humanity. But at least. Give Ryo time.

"And we're just going to spend the money the State is still disburse funds for the boy. The funds will be exhausted only in vain. "Cut the head doctor.

"What the hell is this? The child has the right to live! " "Look doctor Wood! We do not kill him. But, we helped him apart from suffering. Understand? "

"Help? It was not helpful, but to kill! "

"Yes! You are right. We will kill him. That's the best solution for all. " BRAKK! Wood hit the table and stood up from his seat, "That's the best way for you guys! Not for the boy! "Emotion ascending.

"Do not be so naive doctors Wood. In a country where they do this. Do you want to be a hero to the little trash? "

"Wait, what if I made an offer?"

"offering?" The doctor reached for a glass head that contains water and sip tea until he left. War words made her thirsty, "What's that?"

"My uncle, Alexyus Ballard. The owner of a private elementary school in Rome, Italy. Having a son, Keito Ballard. He and his wife are looking for foster children. His son had long wanted a brother. I'll call him now if you agree.

"Fresh Wood with caution.

Doctors and existing scientis looked at each other. The atmosphere became noisy. They express their opinions with the next. Wood hoping the noise would get a deal.

"Well doctor Wood. You can call Alex Ballard now. But on one condition. You can not tell anything about this project to Alexyus Ballard. If he asks about the condition Ryosuke Yamada, I'm sure you know what you are saying. But what do you believe he will receive child crippled and crazy? "


To be continue to chapter 3......

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