Pak-China Relations

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● When Pakistan was created in 1947, China was locked in a civil war between nationalist
and communist rivals.

● The war ended in 1949 with a victory of communist bloc led by Mao Zedong.

● At this time Pakistan was little interested in China because of its own problems.

● India took ahead and recognized China and the government in Beijing and supported
China's request for a seat in the United Nation Security Council.

● The nationalist government was defeated in China but they were able to set themself in
Taiwan and claimed themself to be a rightful government in China. Therefore, it also
claimed the United Nation seat as the official Chinese government.

● 1950: Pakistan officially recognized the Chinese regime.

● 1960: Relations between two countries improved because of the Indo-China war 1962
on border dispute.

● The Chinese quickly took the positions where they considered their borders to be. India
failed to prevent them ( this created a failure in relations between China and India).

● The USA supported India in 1962 that enabled China and Pakistan to come close to
each other.

● 1n 1962 China and Pakistan began talks to settle their border dispute which they
concluded peacefully in 1963( China gave more concessions to Pakistanis as they were
keen to get Pakistan's support against India).

● 1963: China announce a series of trade agreements

○ China granted Pakistan 60 millions interest free loan.
○ China imported a large amount of Pakistan's cotton(became the largest exporter
of Pakistan's cotton).
○ Supported Pakistan in case of war.
○ In August 1963 PIA began regular flights to China (increasing trade and
movement of citizens).
○ PIA became the 1st international airline to operate in certain Chinese cities.

● 1964:
○ China issued a statement supporting Pakistan's policy in kashmir.
○ In return Pakistan supported China's entry to the UN( USA oppressed China's
entry in UN and claimed nationalists government as legitimate government).
● 1965:
○ China supplied military aid to Pakistan and applied diplomatic pressure on India
during the war.
○ It also helped Pakistan to obtain better terms in cease fire( Tashkent agreement).

● 1971:
○ China did not support Pakistan because of USSR'S pressure( chance of USSR-
CHINA war on it).

● 1972:
○ In February Bhutto visited China and got privileges
i. China declared the previous loan as an aid.
ii. China also agreed to supply military weapons and tanks.

● 1978:
○ Zia ul Haq received warm reception when he selected China as his 1st foreign
○ Sino-Pak signed a nuclear cooperation treaty.

● 1988:
○ China-Pakistan trade reached nearly 5 million due to good relations.

a. JF-17 Project.
b. Establishment of Gwadar port.
c. Chashma Nuclear Plant.
d. Sea pact.
e. Preposition of railway link between Islamabad and Chinese province.
f. Establishment of institutes of China in Pakistan universities.
eg: karachi university.

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