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22 accounting today | August 2017 accountingtoday.

com technology

Building up your stack actly right for me.’ The best example of this is
the Apple or Google app stores that provide
add-on apps for smartphones.”

Leveraging a curated selection of apps can boost your practice, which works with such account-
ing solutions as QuickBooks Online, Xero,
NetSuite and Intacct, is a digital business
payments company that serves small and
Small-business accounting firm Synergeant was founded in 2015 by a new generation of midsized businesses.
accounting professionals with one core objective: to leverage technology and transform the “Software add-ons are focused pieces of
software on a given task or need. They be-
relationship between the business owner and their accountant. come a specialized tool necessary in the eco-
Today, The Woodlands, Texas-based firm and powerful platform for small businesses.” counting and CPA partnerships at Expensify. system of everything that accounting, tax and
serves roughly 50 clients across the country Synergeant is among a growing number “This growing ecosystem allows end users to bookkeeping professionals have to do. There
and has tapped into cloud-based software of accounting firms leveraging such apps customize their workflow by choosing the are generalized software that are wonderful
and the burgeoning ecosystem of software and software solutions to transform into an ‘modules’ that fit best with their company’s tools and specialized add-ons that allow us
add-ons to offer clients an array of solutions accounting and technology advisory hybrid. needs.” to select technology for unique needs clients
including outsourced accounting and virtual Fueled by the robust development of cloud- Expensify is a travel and expense applica- have,” said Don Emery, director of client
CFO services. “What I saw was the opportuni- based software and the greater demand for tion that integrates with accounting solutions solutions for Doc.It, a provider of document
ty to take something like QuickBooks Online automation, vendors are fostering an “eco- like QuickBooks Online, Xero and NetSuite, management, workflow and document stor-
and integrate it with Receipt Bank, integrate system” of developers to create add-ons that giving administrators the ability to quickly age solutions. The vendor recently launched
it with, integrate it with Deputy, or integrate with their core packages. These approve, export and reimburse employees. Doc.It Go, the Doc.It Suite mobile app that
TSheets, and Gusto, and Avalara and basi- integrated suites of best-of-breed products Said Mark Gervase, director of product is engineered to work in conjunction with
cally — for a small investment, far less than are increasingly changing how accounting marketing for the accountant channel for Doc.It Suite.
the millions that corporates are spending — professionals serve their clients., “It’s nearly impossible for a software
small businesses can have incredibly pow- “All-in-one softwares typically include company to be all things to all customers. The DOES YOUR FIRM ‘STACK’ UP?
erful software ecosystems to run their busi- modules that provide basic functionality, most successful software companies in the These add-ons are changing how many pro-
nesses on. It is just a matter of putting them all but they rarely meet the needs of compa- world understand this, and focus their core fessionals serve their clients. One significant
together and integrating them properly,” said nies that value efficiency or lack necessary competencies and resources to meet specific trend playing out within a growing number of
Synergeant founder and CEO Tom Woolley. features beyond a basic configuration. Most customer needs. For everything else that a firms is the building out of a “stack” of tools.
Added Woolley, “We have a software suite major softwares today understand this and customer needs, it makes sense to partner or “When selecting a stack, it’s usually best
that varies a little bit depending on what in- have developed their own marketplaces in create an ecosystem where other companies to start with the core [accounting] system.
dustry someone is in that really takes charge hopes that add-ons like Expensify will fill that can easily add value with their own special- Don’t look for a solution that does it all for the
of their entire accounting workflow and auto- void and provide a more robust solution for ized software add-ons. That way, customers small business; instead, look for a solution
mates it. … It all comes together in an elegant their users,” said Matt Donaldson, head of ac- can customize their solution so that it is ‘ex- See STACK on 26

Payroll He also likes that Payroll Relief is cloud-

based and accessible anywhere. It has en-
present ourselves is not very different from
the ADPs or larger companies out there,” he
which she finds very helpful. “And if you are
stumped, all you have to do is call the 1-800
FROM PAGE 20 abled him to keep his payroll manager on the concluded. “Payroll Relief has made us com- number,” she added. “It’s some of the best
line for another option, found Payroll Relief, clock, working from home even while she was parable to any other big firm, and that helps a customer support I have used. You can speak
and liked the presentation they made for him. on maternity leave. lot because we have an instrument that allows with a person. Then they can remote in to
Implementation: “The person who pre- “They really developed the software with us to look very good, and when clients see show you how to fix the problem.”
sented the software to me was an accoun- the end user in mind,” Castro added. “I can that, they feel comfortable coming with us. Advantages: The main highlight, for Pas-
tant himself, not a salesman,” Castro recalled, hire someone who has never done payroll [The software] has helped me compete in a bach, is “definitely the tax reporting software.
“So he was able to really explain it to us and before, and within a week, they’re doing very competitive environment.” It is so easy.” She also noted that users can
answer all our questions, such as questions payroll.” easily run reports for annual workers’ com-
about IRS rules. That made us very comfort-
Challenges/suggestions: Since Castro
runs a tax accounting firm, not a CPA firm,
Time is money pensation audits, even when employers ask
for unusual date ranges.
Castro said that he was prepared for a more his staff tend to need education on payroll Product: CenterPoint Payroll (Red Wing Challenges: One challenge that Pasbach
difficult transition, but it was easy. Accoun- rules and regulations. He would love to see Software) pointed out was that CenterPoint Payroll
tantsWorld gave a one-hour training session AccountantsWorld offer more webinars and Firm: J & J Business Services doesn’t allow users to print two checks for
to his staff, which at the time was only one specific training on those subjects. “I think On record: Frances Pasbach one person in a single pay run — for instance,
person. Within a week she was doing payroll they would sell more software if they [provid- Start date: 2016 if an employee is due a regular paycheck plus
with no problems. ed educational training],” he said. He added Users: 1 a bonus check. A user has to perform two pay
Importing data from the firm’s previous that he would gladly pay for such an offering. Price: Contact vendor runs in order to print two checks.
software was “not complicated.” Castro Practice growth: Originally from Brazil, Objective: The owner of J & J Business ser- Suggestions: Pasbach also said that she
stressed that no one should avoid switching Castro serves many Portuguese-speaking vices, Melissa Hernandez, EA, selected Cen- would like the client set-up process to be
to Payroll Relief because of data import. clients. Income Tax Plus has three offices in terPoint Payroll mainly for its direct deposit streamlined a little more.
Advantages: The main advantage Castro Massachusetts, and is planning to expand feature. The software also offers tax reporting Practice growth: “The direct deposit fea-
noted was the labor savings. While Payroll to other Lusophone neighborhoods in the at quarter and year end, which the firm liked. ture has brought us new clients,” Pasbach
Relief costs about $20,000 per year, he is Northeast region. “Every day, we get more Implementation: Pasbach was not at the said. “And the biggest factor is time. We save
saving at least $50,000 on a salary he might and more calls from clients who want us to firm when the software was implemented, so much time on processing quarter- and
otherwise have had to pay an additional staff do payroll,” Castro said. but she notes that the software offers a fea- year-end reports … the fact we save so much
member. “The flow of our service and the way we ture called the “Create new client wizard,” time can only help us grow as a company.” AT

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26 accounting today | August 2017 technology

Stack a trial balance, Hubdoc and payroll, and then

everybody else we would interchange apps
Growth: Choosing a tool that scales with
your company will reduce the number of
to Susie Spears, a small-business services as-
sociate, and Ike Orwick, a partner at the firm.
FROM PAGE 22 depending on who the client is and what they headaches for accountants, admins and em- A reduction in the reliance on paper docu-
that handles the accounting piece extraor- need. Now, these app stores are crazy and ployees, and also maintains data integrity that ments, increased accuracy in accounting re-
dinarily well and supports a great ecosystem you could go into the depths of specialization might otherwise be lost in a transition. cords due to a reduction of data entry errors,
of add-ons through fantastic APIs,” said Don- … but, for the majority of small businesses, People: Look for a tool backed by a com- and real-time reporting of financial data are
aldson. “From there, we suggest looking for those three [solutions] will work,” Padar said. pany that is filled with people who will contin- some of the benefits realized by both the firm
two more add-ons that would be required by As Padar noted, the apps marketplace con- ue to drive the product and industry forward. and its clients. In terms of time and cost sav-
every client you bring on board. For instance, tinues to grow at a rapid pace. For example, Establish a relationship with these people as ings, the firm is able to process transactions
every business has expenses, but not every the Intuit QuickBooks apps store launched a partner, instead of just as a vendor. much more efficiently, which has increased
business has revenue. Expensify is a tool that in November 2013 and, according to Intuit, “Add-ons can make or break an accounting staff productivity — all with no need for filing
every client needs in order to provide their more than 1,200 apps are integrated on the professional’s stack, so carefully evaluate as and storing paper documents. The savings in
accountant/bookkeeper with information QuickBooks platform, of which about 400 are many as possible,” said Donaldson. “Make paper and storage alone more than pays for
relative to their business. The second add-on published in the app store and about 800 are sure you trial first to understand the core the applications, they stated.
might depend on a vertical or niche that the private integrations. functions of the product.” Furthermore, the firm recently launched a
accountant specializes in, but another great A recent Intuit study that focused on small new cloud-based accounting service, dubbed
add-on to service every client is” businesses in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and REAPING THE BENEFITS “Anywhere, Anytime Accounting,” to give its
Jody Padar, CEO and principal of Mount Australia found that 68 percent of small busi- Atlanta-based accounting and financial ser- clients greater access to their financial data.
Prospect, Ill.-based accounting firm New Vi- nesses are currently using mobile or Web- vices company Acuity was founded in 2004, Spears, a QuickBooks Advanced ProAdvisor,
sion CPA Group, agreed, and said, “I think based apps to help run their operations and and today helps small businesses and entre- is leading the new automated service and
there’s some core ones that you are going to eliminate administrative tasks. Of those small preneurs build up their internal accounting said, “My ProAdvisor affiliation has provid-
use in your stack and then, depending on the businesses that use apps, 82 percent reported system by providing bookkeeping, bill pay, ed a network of end users to collaborate with
niche that you serve, there will be additional using between one and six apps. payroll, invoicing, GAAP reporting and CFO on the multitude of applications that are
ones that come in or out.” Jackie Meyer, an Intuit user and president services. This year, the 80-person firm is pro- currently available. Additionally, we are af-
Padar said that her firm’s typical stack starts and founder of Southlake, Texas-based Meyer jected to serve more than 700 small busi- filiated with several consulting groups, which
with either QuickBooks Online or Xero, and Tax Consulting, said of the growing market- nesses. “Once we saw that there was some vet many of the applications available and
includes payroll (Intuit Online Payroll for Ac- place, “I think it is very overwhelming for momentum in the cloud space, we started provide useful feedback to their members. We
countants) and Hubdoc, a cloud application clients to try and find these solutions them- looking at different solutions and I think what have selected apps that we felt best integrated
that automates financial document collection selves. It is overwhelming to me. It is over- I was surprised about was how many differ- with QuickBooks in order expedite account-
and processing. Depending on the client and whelming to even an expert in this field be- ent solutions were out there,” said CEO and ing procedures with a seamless process. Our
their needs, additional solutions could in- cause of all of the different options out there. founder Kenji Kuramoto. “We didn’t feel like clients appreciate the speed and accuracy
clude or Expensify. “Everyone gets … Just taking that burden off the clientele and we could be successful or could be a good of their financial data processing as well as
the ease of mind that goes along with it [is partner to our clients if we just came in and access 24/7.”

Tax software beneficial for the client relationship]. Trust-

ing us as their expert to find a connection with
offered every single one of those solutions.
We had to try to help them identify what
Said Damien Greathead, vice president
of business development for North America
FROM PAGE 25 the app and help them with training on it.” would work best. Typically, we endorse may- at Receipt Bank, which extracts information
client to sign, not just the 8879. Nick Houldsworth, general manager of be a handful [of solutions]. In some cases, one from invoices and receipts and publishes
Intuit (ProSeries and ProConnect ecosystem for Xero, said that the cloud ac- or two systems or maybe three, but we don’t it directly into such software as Xero and
Tax Online): Enhancements for ProSeries counting provider’s ecosystem has grown go too much deeper than that.” QuickBooks Online, “I think more and more
include the auto-attach form capability for to more than 500 app partners since 2011. The core of the firm’s stack is Xero, said Ku- of the accounting process has an opportunity
e-file compliance for 1040s; and the ability “We’ve got a very vibrant ecosystem, and ramoto. As far as add-ons, the firm works with to be automated. By that, I mean the debits
to lock returns to prevent them from being when you think what that means for accoun- for bill pay, Expensify for expense and credits. Receipt Bank can take all of that
changed once filed. Enhancements for Pro- tants, there’s really two areas of strength that reporting, Harvest for timekeeping and Stripe data off the source document and put it in
Connect Tax Online include enhanced data we are seeing,” he said. “One is just in terms for payment processing. the right place in the accounting software.
import capabilities; expanded tax content of their ability to be more productive with the For Acuity, the advent of add-ons has re- If the accounting firm allows the software
capabilities; a new split-view feature; batch clients and add value. The second area, which sulted in two key benefits: greater efficien- to do that, what that means is it frees up an
processing capabilities; and more granular is what we are starting to see more of now, cies through automation and greater access enormous amount of the professional’s time
access control features. especially as firms reach enough scale of 50 to to more robust data. “There’s a greater op- to actually concentrate themselves to that
TaxACT! Enhancements for 2017 will in- 100 clients, where they can really look at how portunity to capture that data and more of trusted advisor.”
clude continued improvements to product they can start to generate new revenue lines that data in a meaningful way for clients. … Jay Kimelman, a specialist Xero accountant
navigation and workflow efficiencies, and from within their own customer base but also When you can take that data and integrate and founder and chief accounting technolo-
improved client reporting. from specializing in new customer types.” it back into some of the accounting systems gist of the Digital CPA in Orlando, Fla., said
Thomson Reuters (GoSystem Tax RS There’s no doubt that the vast number of and other systems, you are going to just get a that, for the most part, his business clients
and UltraTax CS): For GoSystem Tax RS, software add-ons can be daunting but, ac- more robust and meaningful picture, a more “love the apps and the ability to make their
enhancements include the ability to process cording to Donaldson of Expensify, there are real-time picture of how their business is op- job easier.”
all tax return types within their Web brows- a few tips to keep in mind: erating,” Kuramoto said. “Gone are the days of collecting receipts,
ers; enhanced print options; a new e-file Functionality: Find a tool that supports Rodefer Moss & Co., which has eight of- getting them into an envelope, and saving
quality control capability; and a streamlined 90 percent of your clients, and worry about fices throughout Indiana, Kentucky and them until the end of the year. That is the
extension creation process. For UltraTax CS, the exceptions when they matter. Tennessee, has been using Receipt Bank greatest thing that we hear from our clients,
enhancements include expanded 1040NR Partner programs: Make sure the add- for approximately nine months to facilitate is they can get their receipts, upload their
e-file capabilities, and an estimated 18 newly ons you select have a program that supports collaboration with its clients and reduce the picture [of the receipts], and upload to the
supported filings across a number of state you as an accountant, with offerings like a reliance on paper documents. Since then, it app immediately and get rid of them. It saves
jurisdictions, with more expected later in free personal account, discounts, expedited has experienced a significant increase in the them space, time and the energy of trying to
the year. AT support and specialized training. productivity of its accounting staff, according keep up,” said Kimelman. AT

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