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a wwwerthestructuralengineer-org Technical ThestructralEngineer a Tecistcusaes Nate | | Designing aconcrete pad foundation Icon ‘The purpose of a pad oundationis to spread a concentrated force into soi. LEGEND ‘They are one of the most simple and cost effective types of footings for Structures Provided the founcng wots cfeuilent tengthandie not oo f ~--- deep to reach, pad foundations are the preferred solution for foundations due tothestaight rvordnatureot th delgnand constuction. "Thi Tocnicl GaanceNote covers the dest of concrete pad tnt foundations, both mass and reinforced concrete forms. It will not, however, discuss how the bearing capacity of the soil is determined, as thats BT iceinccins ‘explainediin Technical Guidance Note 19 (Level) Soil bearing capacity. It issuggested that youread that textin conjunction with this, in orderto gaina ‘more comprehensive understanding of the topic. a 2 Concentrated force spread into Ustributed area Unfactored ground & Pressurec (KN/m') | caoyas | c26/30| ¢30ys7 | c35/45 Pad foundations are designed to sprea ‘concentrated force thats tobe appiied to a bearing stratum. They therefore need to be sufficiently sti to spread the force into the 200 12 it tt 10 ‘sail such that the founding pressure does not exceed its permissible bearing stress 300 ws | « | wo | v2 ‘This can be done by ether making the pid r sufficiently deep so thatthe force spreads out 400 a ee by a predetined angle or wth reinforcement ‘The angles determined based on the {ats tho projection from the face ofthe column strength of the concrete and the bearing ‘ithe dopthof the footing capacity of the soll For uneinforced conere ‘Tha version pied October 20%, 42 ‘Table 1 (taken from the Mana forthe, design of concrete structures to Eurocode 2. where further guidance on this topic can ‘be obtained) should be referred to, when etermining the spread of force within a pad footing ‘The love at which the pad foundation is tobe ‘laced is also important, as tohave i to deep an resutin dificult and even dangerous conditions during construction Asa rle-of- thurb tie avieabe tei the overall dept cof pad foundation, tone more than tm from ground level, for typical lowe bulkings ‘The primary driver behind the size ofa pad footings the need to prevent tension within the concrete, which could cause the ped Figure 0 For reinforced concrete pads, one ofthe ‘governing criteria that determines the desth, ofthe footing i its abt to resist punching (Figure 2). Thisis a shear force that is developed around the perimeter of the vertical element the padis supporting, be ita column, wall or masonry per. The other ‘equally important element ists resistance tobending which occurs as the footing spreads the force onto the sol by virtue ofits stiffness, Resistance tobending moments When bending moments are apie to a ‘pad footing its good practice to size the foundation so thatthe resuttant force es (Figure 3) ‘Assuming the resultant force is within the ‘mide thid, the istrbution of compression 6 isthe applied axial load, including the B L ls the eccentricity ofthe applied axial load taken atthe centre of the Bearing When the resultant force kes cutee the ‘midele third, the effective contact area ‘between the pad footing and the oil is teduced. This is becauee the length of the padie reduced as one side ofthe pad

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