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Jerland Ocster O.


Bs in Forestry


Forester Janny Sumilla


1. Discuss the continuum of forest characteristics


Continuum exists from primary forests. Continuum of forest characteristics is a type of woody area or
forest that have preserved its ecosystem with or no evidence of human intervention, some may call this
as virgin forest, this areas are more likely covered with one species of trees. It is expected that in these
areas wild diversity. These types of forest is very seldom to meet today, for human consumption
andintervention have already slayed our precious environment.

2. Discuss the scope of statistics in a singular sense?


Statistic Singular sense means science of statistics or statistical methods. This points to some

particular techniques or ways relating to classification, presentation, collection, analysis and

interpretation of quantitative data. These are just but the stages through which every and each

statistical enquiry has to pass through. In some point it is the means or collecting and

summarization of a particular data.

3. Where can we use forest statistics as an applied tool in the area of forestry science?

elaborate your answers.


We can use the forest statics as an applied tool in the area of forestry science, specifically in a

forest land that is never been interven with any human or forest rangers. We use the forest

statistics in conducting a collection of data of the tree species that is present on the area and

by collecting of data that we identify or conclude in the particular area that has the amount of

tree species. The diameter and height of each tree species and the marks and point of tree

species in the area. There are a lot of statistical methods that being used by the foresters when

Conducting a survey and the collection of information about the area. Forestry data are crucial
for sector outlooks and sector analysis, they are useful for capital budgeting, demand and

supply forecasts, production scheduling. resource allocation, optimal control, input-output

analysis, dynamic analysis and a host of others.

4. What are the kinds of statistics and Discuss your answers.


There are two types of statistics, the descriptive and inferential. Descriptive statistics describes, shows,
and summarizes particular features of a data that can be found in a given study, presented in set of
summary, descriptive data helps analysts to understand the data better. In the way, Inferential is
statistics that can be use in measurements from the sample of subjects in the experiment to compare
the treatment groups and make generalizations about the larger population of subjects, inferential
usually helps analyst in estimating population ether the human numbers or other species

5.What are the measures of central tendencies and how do we get them?


There are 3 measures of central tendencies, namely the Mode, Median, and Mean or also called3Ms.
Mode is basically easy because you are just going to arrange the given number from lowest to highest,
then you may then identify the numbers that have appears many times. The Median is the second step
that we can apply, because from the set of numbers we just can simply identify the median by encircling
the number in the most center part. For the Mean all we got to do is to add all of the given value then,
divide the sum by the number of the values from the data given.

6. What are the measures of variability and how do we get them?


The measures of variability are the range, the interquantile range, variance, and standard deviation. To
gate the range you must identify the smallest and highest numbers in a list or set. Then first put all the
numbers in order, after is to subtract the lowest number from the highest, this way we can then identify
the range. To get the IQR, we have to order the given data from the lowest to greatest then find the
median, and calculate the median of both the lower and upper half of the data, lastly the IOR is the
difference between the upper and lower medians. To get the standard deviation is first to find the mean,
and for each data point we got to point out the square of its distance to the mean, then add the values
from the previous step before dividing by the number of data points, that way we can point out the
standard deviation.
7.Solve the measures of central tendencies and the measures of variability for this data set.

a.7,8,8,2,7,5,4.6,2,5,8,3,6,9,5.4(SEPARATE PAPER)
b.9,6,3,8,5,2,7,4,1,11,18,14,16,12,4(SEPARATE PAPER)
8.How to measure the tree diameters, explain your answer and give examples.


8. How to measure the tree diameters, explain your answer and give examples.

Usually the tree diameter is measured at 4.5 feet above ground level. The measurement at this height
is referred to as diameter at breast height. DBH can be measured with a specially calibrated tape
measure called a diameter tape available from most arborist or forestry supply dealers. For a tree with a
clear gradually tapering trunk, measuring DBH is straightforward, but there are several circumstances in
which questions arise about how to measure DBH.

9. How to measure tree heights, elaborate your answers.


Method of measuring tree height can be done with a yardstick. Now the question is how to do this? To
do this you temporarily mark a spot 4 feet up from the base of the tree to serve as a sighting point for
measuring tree height. A ribbon around the tree or masking tape may work well or call a friend to hold
his/her hand at a point 4 feet up on the tree’s trunk. Then next, back away from the tree with the
yardstick held straight up and down as if you were sighting straight up and down the tree. It is very
important that your stick be held straight for an accurate measurement. Keep backing up about 100 feet
until the 4 foot section you marked on the tree occupies exactly one inch on your yardstick. Now,
without moving your stick, you site to the base of the tree and then to the top of the tree noting the
number of inches the tree height occupies. Remembering that one inch on your yardstick equals four
actual feet, multiply the measured tree height time four to determine the total tree height.

10. Differentiate accuracy from precision give examples.


Accuracy reflects how close a measurement is to a known or accepted value, while precision reflects
how reproducible measurements are, even if they are far from the accepted value. You can think of
accuracy and precision in terms of a basketball player. For example if the player always makes a basket,
even though he strikes different portions of the rim, he has a high degree of accuracy. If he doesn't
make many baskets but always strikes the same portion of the rim, he has a high degree of precision. A
player whose free throws always make the basket the exact same way has a high degree of both
accuracy and precision.

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