Aradial Billing Manual

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Aradial Billing Manual Version 7.x


Administration Guide
 Aradial Technologies Ltd.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise
noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without
a prior express written permission from Aradial Technologies Ltd.

All other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Table of Contents

TIERED ADMIN ACCESS .......................................... 132

INTRODUCING ARADIAL ..................................... 6
VOUCHERS ........................................................... 133
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ................................................... 6
CONVENTIONS ............................................................ 7 VOUCHER TYPES .................................................... 134
BASIC TERMINOLOGY ................................................. 8 VOUCHER TEMPLATES ........................................... 135
THE NETWORK ENVIRONMENT ................................... 9 GENERATE VOUCHERS ........................................... 137
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .......................................... 10 MANAGE VOUCHERS .............................................. 140
LICENSING OPTIONS ................................................. 10 GENERATE SINGLE VOUCHER ................................. 141
GENERAL FEATURES ................................................ 11 REPORTS ................................................................ 143
ACTIVATION REPORT ............................................. 147
PRICE PLANS & OFFERS .................................... 14 SESSIONS SUMMARY .............................................. 149
PRICE PLAN DEFINITION ........................................... 14 IMPORT VOUCHERS ................................................. 152
PRICE PLAN LIST ...................................................... 28
INVOICING ........................................................... 154
PRICE PLAN LOOKUP ................................................ 28
CUSTOM RATE TYPE ................................................ 29 INVOICING OVERVIEW ............................................ 154
PERIOD SETS ............................................................ 32 INVOICING LIFE CYCLE .......................................... 155
DESTINATION TABLES .............................................. 36 CYCLE CODES ........................................................ 155
RELOAD DATA ......................................................... 40 CHARGE TYPES....................................................... 156
OFFERS .................................................................... 41 TAX TYPES ............................................................. 157
OFFER RELATIONS ................................................... 47 INVOICES LOOKUP.................................................. 158
OFFER CATEGORY .................................................... 49 READY CYCLES ...................................................... 161
DISCOUNTS .............................................................. 50 RUNNING CYCLES ................................................... 163
BUNDLES ................................................................. 54 VIEW CYCLES ........................................................ 163
BUNDLE RELATIONS................................................. 56 BILL CYCLE REPORT .............................................. 164
STATEMENT REPORT ............................................... 166
ACCOUNTS & USERS ........................................... 58 SUMMARY REPORT ................................................. 168
ADDING NEW ACCOUNT ........................................... 58 REVENUE REPORT .................................................. 169
ACCOUNT AND USER LIFE CYCLE ............................. 63
ARADIAL POLICY CONTROL .......................... 171
ACCOUNT LOOKUP ................................................... 65
ACCOUNT NAVIGATION TREE ................................... 67 POLICY .................................................................. 171
INVOICE LAYOUT ..................................................... 98 POLICY RULES ....................................................... 172
IMPORT / EXPORT ACCOUNT ................................... 106 POLICY ACTION ..................................................... 175
USER ATTRIBUTES ................................................. 177
PARTNER MANAGEMENT................................ 108 EVENT TYPE .......................................................... 178
BUSINESS ENTITY................................................... 109 BATCH ................................................................... 180
PARTNER CONTRACT .............................................. 113
RECEIVABLES ..................................................... 182
COMMISSIONING .................................................... 116
USER SIGNUP ASSOCIATION TO A BUSINESS ENTITY117 VIEW PAYMENTS ................................................... 182
CHARGING THE BE FOR PURCHASE OPERATIONS .... 117 PAYMENT............................................................... 185
RETAIL PARTNER ACCOUNT ................................... 117 ADJUSTMENT ......................................................... 187
WHOLESALE PARTNER ACCOUNT ........................... 119 COLLECTION .......................................................... 188
BE ADMIN ............................................................. 119 PAYMENT REPORT ................................................. 188
BALANCE TRANSFER BETWEEN BES ....................... 122 PAYMENT AGING REPORT ...................................... 189
SALES REPORT ....................................................... 191
SETTINGS .............................................................. 124 BALANCE TRANSFER DETAILED REPORT ................ 191
ACCOUNT TYPE...................................................... 124 BALANCE TRANSFER SUMMARY REPORT................ 192
BALANCE TYPES .................................................... 127 BULK PAYMENT CONTROL ..................................... 194
SERVICE TYPE ........................................................ 128 SETTINGS ............................................................... 198
RESOURCE TYPES ................................................... 130
RESOURCE CATEGORIES ......................................... 212
RESOURCE INVENTORY .......................................... 214
MANAGE RESOURCES ............................................. 217
BATCH MANAGEMENT ........................................... 218
REPORTS ................................................................ 219
TROUBLE TICKETS ............................................ 221
TICKET CATEGORY ................................................ 221
ADDING NEW TICKETS ........................................... 222
EDIT / VIEW TICKETS ............................................. 223
TICKET REPORTS .................................................... 225
SCHEDULER CONFIGURATION...................... 227
SCHEDULER COMMANDS ........................................ 227
SCHEDULER RECURRING JOBS ................................ 228
SCHEDULER JOBS ................................................... 229
VIEWING THE REJECTED CDRS .............................. 232
VIEWING THE REJECTION LOGS .............................. 233
NOTIFICATION POLICIES ................................ 236
WEB SELF CARE ................................................. 238
USER SUMMARY .................................................... 241
UPDATE USER ........................................................ 242
CHANGE PASSWORD ............................................... 243
CREATE TICKET ..................................................... 243
VIEW TICKET ......................................................... 244
VIEW SESSIONS ...................................................... 244
TOP UP .................................................................. 246
VOUCHER TOP UP .................................................. 246
VOUCHER REPORT ................................................. 246
CHANGE PLAN ....................................................... 247
FUTURE ACTIVITIES ............................................... 247
VIEW PAYMENTS.................................................... 248
BALANCE TRANSFER .............................................. 249
WIFI / HOTSPOT PORTAL................................. 252
CUSTOMIZING ARADIAL PORTAL ............................ 252
CONFIGURATION ............................................... 257
A R A D I A L R A D I U S A N D B I L L I N G S E R V E R V 7 . 0

Introducing Aradial
Welcome to the All-In-One Remote Access and Billing enforcement Solution, Aradial!

Aradial is an All-In-One Remote Access solution, allowing you to maintain a common, centralized interface
for all your Remote Access needs including: Management, Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and

If you are an Internet Service Provider (ISP), Wimax, Mobile and VOIP, Aradial will prove an essential tool
for all your Remote Access (RA) needs, providing extensive RADIUS and billing management features,
allowing you to save time and resources when managing your business.

As a Corporate IT professional who maintains the corporate remote access facilities, Aradial aids in
maintaining a common, centralized administration kit which brings together all RADIUS, management, and
analysis tools you will ever require.

This manual will set you on the right track, whether you are a system administrator for an ISP or an IT
professional in a corporation, to unleash the awesome power of Aradial and tailor it for your specific needs.

Before You Begin

This manual is intended for both first time and experienced Aradial users.

If you are a first time user, please take time to read this manual from its beginning to its end, before actually
putting into practice the procedures it describes. This will aid you in understanding the logic of Aradial and
using Aradial to its full potential. Not doing so might cause undoing and redoing some procedures just
because you might find in each chapter better and faster ways of putting your thoughts and needs into

If you are an experienced Aradial user, you may use this manual as a reference guide when configuring your

Please notice that a lot of work has been put into Aradial and this manual, yet in some cases the manual might
prove outdated, just because it was printed or added to the distribution CD before some new features have
been added to Aradial. If you encounter new features or changes in Aradial which are missing from this
manual, please refer to Aradial Internet web site at which will always include all latest
information regarding Aradial, whether it is new features, updates to the software, or new information
regarding vendors supporting RADIUS (hence supported by Aradial).

A R A D I A L R A D I U S A N D B I L L I N G S E R V E R V 7 . 0

If you still have questions after reading this manual, and you are not able to find the information in our
Internet web site. Please contact us by:



The conventions on the left are used throughout this manual to emphasize
 Valuable information
You should keep this essential information. These conventions will help you understand how the
information in mind
when performing the information is valuable to you.
related procedure.
 Required step
Make sure you have
done this when
performing the related
Paying attention to these conventions will save you precious time by pointing out
Type Type in the essential information, without which, your setup might not work properly.
You should type in the
information as
described in the
Italic Placeholder
Indicates a placeholder
for information
parameters you must
provide. For example, if
the procedure requires
you to type NAS, you
need to enter the actual
name of the NAS.

A R A D I A L R A D I U S A N D B I L L I N G S E R V E R V 7 . 0

Basic Terminology
Throughout this manual, you will encounter the following terminology. Make sure you understand what this
terminology means, as this is the first step in understanding Aradial.

The following are widely used terms:

Account – The Aradial postpaid billing entity which represents the financial aspects of the customer, An
Account can include one or more users. Invoices, payments and other financial transactions are managed at
the account level.

Offer – The saleable entity in the system. An offer binds together a network service definition and the related
pricing policy for it.

Price Plan – The Aradial entity for defining pricing policies. A price plan can define the pricing for one time
charges, recurring charges and usage charges.

A R A D I A L R A D I U S A N D B I L L I N G S E R V E R V 7 . 0

The Network Environment

The environment in which Aradial operates is composed of several components, some built-in within
Aradial and some are external components on which Aradial relies on in order to function as required:

Aradial Service is the core component of the network environment. This component takes care of the
communicating with your NAS (via RADIUS), and performing the authentication, authorization,
accounting and billing tasks.

ODBC, or Open Database Connectivity, is the interface used to connect between Aradial and ODBC
compliant databases such as Microsoft’s SQL Server, Oracle and alike. Aradial uses the database to store
accounting information such as Users, Groups, and management information such as NAS
configuration, IP pools, etc. By default, Aradial will install and use a Microsoft Access database to store
the above mentioned information, but you may use almost any database which supports ODBC,
provided you have the proper tables in it. Currently Aradial ships with a script to create the required
database structure under Microsoft’s SQL Server, My SQL server, Oracle and MS Access (mdb file).
Please see our Internet web site for information regarding other databases.

The Web Server, or HTTP Server, is the component used to deliver the content of Aradial to your
(and your users) desktop. Aradial uses this method, as opposed to a proprietary graphical user interface
(GUI), to allow an easy and portable administration. You can actually manage your system from
wherever you choose, as long as you have access to your Web Server and have the proper Web Client.

The Mail Agent, or SMTP Client, in an optional component used in conjunction with Aradial to
deliver effortlessly e-mail any user in Aradial database. To use this feature you will need a properly
configured SMTP Server.

A NAS, or Network Access Server, is the

hardware/software component used as a “door” to
your network.

The Web Browser, or HTTP Client, is the

component used by you as the administrator, to manage
your Aradial system, and by your users to access their
personal information such as session reports, invoices
and account information. Aradial, by using the Web
Server, described above, delivers such content to your
Web Browser. Figure 1.1: The Network Environment

A R A D I A L R A D I U S A N D B I L L I N G S E R V E R V 7 . 0

System Requirements
Aradial requires a minimal system configuration in order to function properly. Unavailability of this
minimal configuration might cause unexpected results. The following is the list of minimal
requirements, in both hardware and software aspects:

1 CPU - Xeon® X5670 or similar
8GB memory
250GB disk

OS: Windows server 2008/12
DB: MS SQL 2008 R2 or MS SQL 2012 (Express or Standard)

 Please notice that this is the minimal configuration.

Licensing Options
Although this manual covers all aspects of Aradial, including all Aradial options and service, the availability
of some options and services depends on the type of license you have purchased with Aradial. Your license
may or may not include the following:

Prepaid – If purchased, will allow you to perform prepaid rating and balance management.

Postpaid – If purchased, will allow you to perform manage postpaid users, which includes rating, balance
management, automatic invoicing, account receivables, resource inventory management and trouble ticketing.

VoIP – If purchased, will allow you to perform voice over IP rating.

Backup – If purchased, will allow you to run a backup Aradial server on the same IP subnet as your primary
Aradial server, thus ensuring fail-safe operation.

EAP – If purchased, will allow authenticating EAP supplicants.

Wimax – If purchased, will allow using the Wimax Forum compliancy.

Policy Engine – If purchased, will allow to use the Policy Engine for policy control functionality (PCRF).

Diameter – If purchased, enables Diameter protocol support.

Periodic QoS - If purchased, will allow changing QoS for all online sessions based on period definitions.

Partner Management – If purchased, will allow managing reseller commissions.

Automatic Payment – If purchased, will allow you to set up an automatic CC payment for the monthly

A R A D I A L R A D I U S A N D B I L L I N G S E R V E R V 7 . 0

PMS – If purchased, will allow hotel property management system integration.

General Features
Entity History

Each entity in the system (e.g. Users, Accounts, Groups, etc), allows tracking the changes made to it,
including what fields were modified at each change. The history button is available at the entity edit
screen header:

Click the button to view the changes:

Use the plus sign to expand the details, use the minus sign to collapse.

Search the page

The search text button enables filtering the content of the page by the entered text. Click the Search
button to activate the search text input:

The filtering is done as you type:

Report Output

There are four different options available to generate reports. Those may be selected by the radio buttons at
the bottom of the lookup screen:

 To Screen: generates a report with clickable values where appropriate.

 Export To File: prints the report to the CSV file.

 Printable Report: generates a print-friendly report with a Print button.

 Graph: builds a statistical chart for the selected subject filtered by the defined criteria. The subject is
different for each entity.

Sample graph of the Invoice payment status distribution (built from the Invoice Lookup screen):

The graph may be printed or saved in the selected format. The Bar Chart button builds the respective


Price Plans & Offers

Price Plan Definition
Aradial price plans enable creating specific price packages with a set of pre-defined properties. You may
define unlimited number of price plans, each with its own properties (i.e. setup fee, recurring charge, usage
rate, etc).

Following is the Add price plan page:

General section:

Name: free text field for the price plan name. The name will be used in the drop down for selection when
attaching price plan to an offer.

Description: free text field for the price plan description. Used to describe the price plan content.

Service Type: attach a price plan to a specific service type.

Currency: select the currency for the price plan charges.

Setup fee section:

Amount: one time setup fee amount to be charged once activating the price plan for the user.

Charge type: represents a special object for invoice aggregation. Selecting a value in the drop down means
that all setup fee charges of the price plan will be identified by specific charge type and will be aggregated on
the invoice to a consolidated row.

Recurring charge section:

Recurring charge (RC) period: defines the recurring charge period. Possible values are:

- None – No periodic recurring charge

- Bill cycle – Bill cycle recurring charge. Meaning if the user bill cycle is each 5th of the month, then
each month on the 5th, a new recurring charge will be created for the user. Price plans with Bill cycle
RC can be assigned only to cycle-based users.

- Daily – Daily recurring charge. Each day a new charge will be created.

- Weekly – Weekly recurring charge. Each week a new charge will be created.

- Monthly – Monthly recurring charge. Each month a new charge will be created. Monthly is different
from Bill cycle period, since in monthly the charge will be created on the day the price plan was
assigned to the user (vs. the bill cycle day in case of Bill cycle period).

Rate: defines the money value to be charged every RC period.

RC Type: defines the recurring charge type.

- In Advance – The charges will be generated on purchase date till the end of the charged RC period.

- In Arrear – The charges will be generated at the end of the charged RC period.

Proration type: Defines the proration type for the RC charge. Possible values are:

- None – No proration. Full amount will be deducted from user balance for every RC period.

- First RC Proration – For the first period of price plan usage the RC amount will be prorated from
price plan assign date to the end of the first RC period.

Note: This value is relevant only for Bill Cycle RC period.

For example:
RC Rate = 30.
Period = Bill Cycle (1st day of month).
Price plan assigned 15/06/2010.

On 01/07/2010 RC is applied:
Charge = 30 if Proration type = None,
Charge = 15 if Proration type = First RC Proration.

- Full RC Proration – For the first period of price plan usage the RC amount will be prorated from
price plan assign date to the end of the first RC period. In case of offer termination, the remaining
proportional RC amount will be credited to the user.

Note: This value is relevant only for Bill Cycle RC period.

For example:
RC Rate = 30.
Period = Bill Cycle (1st day of month).
Price plan assigned 15/06/2010.
RC is applied:
Charge = 15.
On 20/06/2010 the offer is changed.
If Proration type = None or Proration type = First RC Proration, No charge.
If Proration type = Full RC Proration, RC is applied: Charge = -11.

Period Multiplier: defines a value to multiply the predefined RC period.

Charge type: represents a special object for invoice aggregation. Selecting a value in the drop down means
that all RC charges for the price plan will be identified by a specific charge type and will be aggregated on the
invoice to a consolidated row.

Usage Rate section:

Usage rate type: represents the way that usage charges will be created. Possible values are:

- Flat rate – Fixed rate for usage charges. The rate and the unit are specified in the "rate unit" and "flat
rate" fields below.

- Time of day – Per period rate which will be determined based on pre-defined period sets. In case of
using this option, you will be requested to populate the period fields below. The price plan supports
up to 3 different periods (different rates). Time of day rating supports a tier method – a single rate
for the session based on the period at the start of the session, and a step method – the rate is prorated
over the different periods which the session covers.

- Destination based – The rate is determined based on pre-defined destination reference tables. The
table name will need to be selected in the "destination rate table ID" field. This type of rating is
usually used for voice calls.

- Step – A step rate defines different rates for various levels of usage, where the rate decreases as the
user uses the service more. The price plan supports up to 3 different levels (different rates)

- Custom – Support for custom rating algorithms, scripted in a TCL script.

Extensions: select a custom rate that extends the usage rate type. Extensions are used to maintain custom
balances, which are assigned to the selected Service Type (in General section). Once selected, they activate
the co-named section that allows setting initial values and recurrence of the custom balances (if enabled in
the relevant custom rate).

Usage debit balance: describes the way usage charges will be deducted (using free Allowances and main
currency balance). Possible values are:

- Money – Deduct the usage charge from the user main currency balance only.

- Allowance then money – Deduct the usage charge from the free allowance first and only then deduct
the rest from the user main currency balance.

- Allowance – Deduct the usage charge from the user free Allowance only.

Charge type: represents a special object for invoice aggregation. Selecting a value in the drop down means
that all usage charges associated with the price plan will be identified by specific charge type and will be
aggregated on the invoice to a consolidated row.

Below sections depend on the selected usage rate type:

Flat Rate: Money.

Rate unit: defines whether to rate by time or volume.

Flat rate: defines the flat rate per minute or per MB depending on the Rate Unit.

Flat Rate: Regular Allowance then Money.

Rate unit: defines whether to rate by time or volume.

Flat rate: defines the flat rate per minute or per MB depending on the Rate Unit.

Allowance Type: defines the allowance balances. Possible values for Allowance rate type are: Time, Volume,
Time + Volume. For Allowance then Money rate type the value is automatically set the same as selected for
money rate unit.

Rate Type: selects between Regular and Time of Day. When Regular rate type is selected, the allowance
balance will be deducted by the originally used time / volume.

Initial Time: applicable if Time or Time + Volume allowance type is selected. Defines the time balance
initial value (minutes).

Initial Volume: applicable if Volume or Time + Volume allowance type is selected. Defines the volume
balance initial value (MB).

Allowance Cycle: defines the period when allowance balance will be refilled.

Rolling: allowance that keeps its unconsumed value on each allowance renewal.

Proration: for the first period or the last period of price plan usage, the allowance amount will be prorated
from price plan assign date to the end of the first allowance period. Similar to RC proration. This option is
available for Bill Cycle allowance period only.

Flat Rate: Time of Day Allowance then Money.

When you select Time of Day allowance rate type, the Rate section is extended with:

Period Set: period set selection. The list contains all defined period sets. The period names appear in the
Periods section.

Period Rate Type: selects between Step and Tier rating for the sessions that cover several periods. Step –
session is rated for each period separately according to the period’s rate; Tier – rating only by the period
when the session started.

Note: Step Period Rate Type is applicable for time based rating only.

Rate unit: defines whether to rate by time or volume.

Flat rate: defines the flat rate per minute or per MB depending on the Rate Unit.

Allowance Rate Type: When Time of Day is selected, a Period Set should be defined in the Rate section,
so the allowance balance can be deducted by the rules defined by the selected period set. For example, if the
time rate as defined in the period set is 2, then each consumed minute will be deducted as two minutes from
the time allowance. If the time rate is defined as 0 in the period set, then the time allowance will not be
deducted at all.

Period 1-3 (Peak – Off Peak – Night): these fields are used to define different rates for different periods
(depends on the period set definition). The rates allow to divide the usage rate into 3 levels. In this example
you can define different rates for the Allowance (Time Rate) usage.

Flat Rate: Time of Day Allowance.

Same as above, but there’s no money rate as Allowance only is selected.

Time of Day Rate: Money.

Period 1-3 (Peak – Off Peak – Night): For Time of Day money rate defines different rates for each period.
Each period can be assigned with a different charge type.

Time of Day Rate: Allowance then Money.

Period 1-3 (Peak – Off Peak – Night): This example demonstrates a combination of Money rate per
period and Allowance rate per period.

Destination Based Rate: Money.

Destination Rate Table ID: destination table selection. The list contains all defined destination tables.

Rate Unit: For Destination Based rate only Time is available.

Destination Based Rate: Money with Period Set.

Period Set: period set selection. The list contains all defined period sets. Selecting period name enables
Periods section where charge types can be defined for every period. Since the money rate is defined in the
selected Destination table, only Charge Type should be selected for the periods.

Step Rate: Money.

Up to 3 step elements can be defined: perform Add/Delete Action to Add/Delete step.

Step accumulation: defines the period of accumulation over multiple sessions, from the beginning of a
specified period. The period can be daily, weekly, monthly and bill cycle. Another option: Per session – the
accumulation is restarted for each new session from the beginning of the session.

Step Definitions:

Duration/Volume: defines levels of usage. Set upper limit for each step. The step is based on either Volume
or Time, defined by selected Rate Unit.

Rate: defines the flat rate per minute or per MB depending on the Rate Unit. Each step can have a different

Charge type: represents a special object for invoice aggregation. Selecting a value in the drop down means
that usage charges for the price plan will be identified by a specific charge type and will be aggregated on the
invoice to a consolidated row. Each step can have a different charge type.

Action: Add button – for adding additional steps, limited to a total of 3 steps. Delete button – for deleting
extra steps.

Custom Rate: Upload/Download Allowance Extension:

Service Type: select the service type to enable Usage Rate Extensions list.

Extensions: shows available extensions according to the selected service type.

UploadDownload Allowance: set initial values for custom balances. These balances will be consumed first.
These particular balances are associated with selected extension. Once another extension is chosen, the
balances will be changed as well.

Custom Rate: Booster Extension:

Booster allowance is defined in the related offer details. It will be credited to the user on offer purchase.

It is usually used with a suitable balance policy that increases the QoS of the user during the usage of the

Call Setup section:

Call setup cost: the field enables to charge sessions with a fixed charge for each call. Example: no matter
what is the call duration, you will charge the user with 0.01 $ per call.

First round: enables to set a minimum quota (in seconds) for charging. For example: each call will charge
the customer for minimum 30 seconds regardless the call duration.

Second round: used for the second quota (in seconds) for charging. Meaning, after the first round, the call
is charged x seconds quotas. For example, if first round is 30 and second round is 60 and the call is 95
seconds, then the call will be charged as 150 seconds.

Price Plan List
List of all created Price Plans is available from main Price Plan menu:

Name: price plan name. Clicking the name will open the Price plan details screen the selected price plan can
be viewed or edited.

Description: price plan description.

Usage rate type: the way that usage charges are created.

Rate unit: the rate unit is either time or volume.

RC Rate: money value to be charged every RC period.

Setup fee: one time setup fee amount to be charged once activating the price plan for the user.

Action: option to delete price plan.

Price Plan Lookup

The following is the Look Up screen that allows filtering the price plan list:

Name: filter by price plan name.

Recurring charge period: filter by recurring charge period.

Usage rate type: filter by the usage rate type.

Usage debit balance: filter by the way usage charges will be deducted.

Rate unit: filter by the rate unit.

Currency: filter by the currency.

Output: select the output for the result - to screen, printable view, to csv file or build a graph. Graph type
can be modified; graph subjects are predefined for each report.

Custom Rate Type

Custom rate types are used for implementing the rating for the custom balances and custom rate
calculations that are not provided by the system out of the box. Aradial provides support for custom rate
types, scripted in TCL:

Name: name of the custom rate type.

Description: free description of the rate type.

Script file name: name of the file that contains the rating scripts.

Rate Script Name: name of the script for the rating.

Reverse Rate Script Name: name of the script for the reverse rating.

Rate Type: used for implementing the rating for the custom balances. Two types of custom rate types are

 Standalone – Custom rate type implements all the rating functionality on its own.

 Extension – The custom rate scripts extend that of core price plan functionality. The custom rate
scripts are run before the core rater.

Enable Usage Rate View: whether to show the custom rate section on the Price Plan screen.

Usage Rate View: there are two modes for presenting custom rate types on the Price Plan screen:

 Automatic – The price plan UI generically displays the relevant fields for the custom rate, based on
definitions at the custom rate type (leave empty).

 Manual – Custom html code (.hts) is developed per custom rate type and is used to tailor the UI
for the custom rate type (define custom hts). Input field needs to be populated with the html
template file implementing the custom rate view. This file should reside in a spefic directory:
<Aradial root>\Hts\Admin\<security profile number>\Include\CustomRateTypes.

Balance Types Selection: select the balance types that would be used in the custom rate. A maximal
number of 3 balances can be selected here.

Below screen represents custom rate types list:

Name: click the name to open rate details for edit.

Action: allows deleting a custom rate type.

Period Sets

Period sets enable to apply different rates depending on the time of call. Each period set supports up to three
periods. A period set supports the definition of special days, which are specific dates, on which the period
used for the rating will override the regular period set definitions. Each period set can have its own definition
of special days.

Adding a period set:

Period Set Name: free text, defining the name of the period set, which will be used in various drop-downs.

Period 1 Name: free text field to define the name of the first period.

Period 2 Name: free text field to define the name of the second period.

Period 3 Name: free text field to define the name of the third period.

Below is the list of defined Period Sets:

Possible Actions are:

 Show Periods – Presents the Period definitions by date/time range for a selected period set.

 Add Period – Allows adding new period definition, setting desirable date/time range for a selected
period set.

 Import Periods – Import period set details from a CSV file.

 Export Periods – Export period set details to a CSV file.

 Show Special Days – Presents the available special days for the period set and enables to add / edit
or delete a special day.

 Add Special Day – Allows to add or edit a special day for a selected period set.

 Import Special Days – Import special days details from a CSV file.

 Export Special Days – Export special days details to a CSV file.

 Delete – Allows deleting selected Period Set permanently.

Show Periods page:

Days Range: defines the weekdays of the period.

Time Range: defines the time range of the period.

Period ID: the period name, selected from period set definition.

Action: allows deleting the selected range permanently.

Clicking a date range will open Period definition for Edit:

From Day: the weekday when the period begins.

To Day: the weekday when the period ends.

From Time: the start time of the period in “hhmm” format (for example 0100 is 1AM, 1430 is 2:30PM).

To Time: the end time of the period in “hhmm” format.

Period ID: Select the period name from the available periods in this period set.

It is possible to save a Period Set to a CSV file for backup or import to another Aradial environment:

Fill the Output file name and press Export.

The exported (or new) Period set can be imported from a CSV file using Period Set Import option:

Fill the full path to the source file and press Import.

The source file format:



Body Example: 1,7,0,600,3

Show Special Days page:

Special Day: the date of the special day.

Time Range: the time period of the special day. Usually the entire day is used for the special day, but it can
be setup for a specific time range within the day.

Period ID: the period that will be used for special date rating.

Clicking a date will open Special day definition for Edit:

Special Day: use the calendar to set the date.

From Time: the start time of the special day period in “hhmm” format (for example 0100 is 1AM, 1430 is

To Time: the end time of the special day period in “hhmm” format.

Period ID: Select the period name from the available periods in this period set.

It is possible to save a Special Days to a CSV file for backup or import to another Aradial environment:

Fill the Output file name and press Export.

The exported (or new) Special Days can be imported from a CSV file using Special Days Import option:

Fill the full path to the source file and press Import.

The source file format:



Body Example: 01/01/11,0,2400,3

Destination Tables
Destination tables allow to rate calls by their dialed numbers. Destination table enable to override the first
round and second round definitions of the price plan.

Add Destination Rate table screen:

Name: the Destination Rate Table name which will be used in the Price Plan definition.

Description: free text field to describe the Destination Rate Table.

Below is the list of defined Destination Rate Tables, which can be accessed from Price Plan menu:

Possible Actions are:

 Show Rates – Shows lookup screen for selecting defined rates.

 Add Rate – Allows adding new rate as described below.

 Import – Import destination table rates from a CSV file.

 Export – Export destination table rates to a CSV file.

 Delete – Allows to delete the selected destination rate table permanently.

Clicking the Show Rates action, the Rate lookup page appears:

It is possible to search rates by Prefix, by Access Code or Both. Put relevant values in the search fields and
press Search. For example, in order to search for all the prefixes in the US, put 1% in the Prefix field.

The result will appear on the following page:

Prefix: the dialed number prefix.

Access Code: the access code.

Destination Name: free text field to describe the name of the destination.

Rate: flat rate for the call to the selected destination.

Call First Round: first quota (in seconds) for charging. Overrides the price plan definition.

Call Second Round: the subsequent quota’s (in seconds) for charging. Overrides the price plan definition.

Period Set: selected period set.

TOD 1 Rate: rate for the first period in the period set.

TOD 2 Rate: rate for the second period in the period set.

TOD 3 Rate: rate for the third period in the period set.

Action: option to delete the selected rate permanently.

Clicking on the Prefix or choosing action “Add Rate” from Destination Tables list will open a page for
Adding / Editing a rate:

Access Code: access code.

Prefix: the dialed number prefix.

Destination Name: free text field to describe the name of the destination.

Rate: flat rate for the call to the selected destination.

Call First Round: first quota's (in seconds) for charging.

Call Second Round: the subsequent quota’s (in seconds) for charging.

Period Set: selected period set if the call is to be rated by time or day. If no period set is defined, the call will
be rated according to the Rate value above.

TOD 1 Rate: rate for the first period in the selected period set.

TOD 2 Rate: rate for the second period in the selected period set.

TOD 3 Rate: rate for the third period in the selected period set.

It is possible to save Destination Rate Table to a CSV file for backup or for importing to another Aradial

Fill Output file name and press Export.

An Exported (or new) Destination Table can be imported from a CSV file using Destination Table Import

Fill the full path to a source file and press Import.

The source file format:



Body Example: 1809204,,Dominican Republic,Cellular-tricom,0.0800,30,60,0,0.0100,0.0300,0.0500

Reload Data
A change of Price Plan definition / Destination Table / Period Set / Cycle Code / Offer / Discount or
Policy Engine does not immediately take effect. For the change to be taken by the Rater, there’s a special
option: Reload Data. This feature allows changing rating rules “on the fly” without downtime. On the
other hand – it is not done automatically and requires manual intervention to prevent accidental changes.

Aradial scans the above entities for the changes done and if there were any – red Reload icon appears in
the title and remains there till a reload is performed.

This indicates that Rating or Policy Engine rules were changed and for those changes to take effect, data
needs to be reloaded. To verify the change made – refer to the Action Log in Data Management

subsystem. When the change is verified and confirmed – press :

Offer is the saleable entity in the system.

When a service is purchased in every part of the system (CSR Admin, Self Service or Anonymous POS), a
list of eligible offers is presented.

The following types of offers are supported:

- Service Offer: An offer that describes a service (e.g. Internet, Voice, etc.). The service is modeled as
a User that is created or updated as a result of purchasing the offer. A service offer key elements

o Service Type – The type of service.

o Price Plan – Describes the pricing for the service.

o Group – The network definition of the service.

- Service Add-On: Describes an enhancement to an existing service. It includes a price and can
include any of the following elements:

o Time quota – To be added to the time balance.

o Volume quota – To be added to the volume balance.

o Custom Balance quota – To be added to the custom balance, that is associated with
selected service type.

o Refill amount – To be added to the money balance (only relevant for prepaid users).

o Quota Action – Whether to replace or to add to the existing quota.

o Expiration Action – Whether to reset or to extend the expiration date.

o Expiration time – Time to be added to the service expiration date.

- One Time: A one-time purchase that can describe some physical item. It has an associated price
and once purchased will generate a one-time charge

The following page enables to add / define new offers:

Name: the offer name. The offer name will be used in the various drop downs.

Description: free description of the offer.

Offer type: three values are available in the drop down list:

- Service Offer: An offer that describes a service (e.g. Internet, Voice, etc.). The service is modeled as
a User that is created or updated as a result of purchasing the offer.

- Service Add-On: Describes an enhancement to an existing service.

- One Time: A one-time purchase that can describe some physical item. It has an associated price
and once purchased will generate a one-time charge.

Service type: the type of the service. The drop down presents all available service types in the system.

Currency: the currency of the offer. A user can only buy offers that have the same currency as the user’s

Price plan: the price plan associated with the offer. The drop down presents all eligible price plans in the
system. Eligible price plans have the same (or null) business entity and currency.

Group ID: represent the associated group ID of the offer. The drop down presents all available groups in
the system.

Discount Plan: defines the discount plan that is assigned to the offer.

Balance Policy: select a predefined balance policy (see relevant chapter).

Business Entity: assign the offer to a specific partner. The users, created with this offer, will be
automatically assigned to the selected partner.

Charge type: Reference to a charge type. This charge type will be assigned to the charge generated when
purchasing the offer.

Price: Price to charge for the offer purchase in case of a service add-on or one-time offers.

Payment Method: select a predefined payment method eligible for the offer.

Quota action: the action to perform on the quota. The possible options are: none (no action), replace
(replace the quota), add (add additional volume / time), add if not expired (it will perform an Add
operation if the user is not expired and replace if the user is expired).

Quota: Time (minutes) / Volume (megabytes) or Custom Balance quota in case of a service offer and add-

Money Refill Amount: Money value to be added to the user money balance.

Expiration action: the action to perform on the expiration date. The possible values are: None, Set to
Null, Add to Current Time, Add to Current Expiration or Set on First Connection. Add to current
expiration would extend the current expiration date if it is in the future or add to current date otherwise.
Set on First Connection will set the expiration time on first user connection.

Expiration time: Time to add to the user expiration date in case of a service offer and add-on. Time units
can be selected from Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, and Years.

Credit Unused Expiration: enable to support crediting of unused expiration time when switching
between expiration based plans or canceling such a plan. If enabled, the prorated purchase amount based
on the unused expiration time will be credited to the user.

Next Offer: Applicable for designing a promotional offer. A promotional offer is an offer that is assigned
to the user for a fixed period, after which it is being replaced with a different offer. After the promotional
period is over, the selected offer will be applied to the user. Selected offer can also be promotional.

Period: represents the time period the promotional offer will be assigned to the user before Next Offer is
applied. Period can be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Bill Cycle.

Multiplier: defines a value to multiply the predefined promotional period.

Category: The category the offer is associated with. The category can be used to partition the offer catalog
to multiple segments and offer different offer sets to different type of accounts or to different locations for
the point of sale.

Catalog position: Position of the offer when displayed as part of a catalog.

Sale effective date: The date from which the offer can be sold.

Sale expiration date: The date from which the offer is no longer available for sale.

The following is the Look Up screen that allows filtering the offers list:

Name: filter by offer name.

Offer type: filter by offer type.

Service type: filter by the type of the service.

Price plan: filter by the associated price plan of the offer.

Business Entity: filter by the associated business entity.

Balance Policy: filter by the associated balance policy of the offer.

Currency: filter by the currency the offer is associated with.

Bundles: filter by the bundle the offer is associated with: the offers associated with bundles or
independent offers.

Additional filters may be found on Advanced Search tab.

The following is the result page to view selected / all available offers in the system:

For the fields description please refer to the above section.

Clicking the offer name will open the offer details screen where the selected offer can be viewed / edited.

Action: option to delete offer.

Offer Relations
Offer relations define eligibility and charging rules for purchasing offers using relations between pairs of

The following is the offer relation page:

Offer1: reference to the 1st offer in the relation. This can only be a service offer.

Offer2: reference to the 2nd offer in the relation. Offer2 has the same currency as Offer1 or no currency.
Same is applied to the offer’s business entity. Ineligible offers are filtered out from Offer2 list.

Relation Type: AddOn and One Time offer relations are created with Addon relation type automatically.
Choose between Upgrade and Addon for service offers:

- Upgrade relation type enables changing user’s service offer to a new one (Offer2)

- Addon relation type enables using a service offer for refill only, ignoring the assigned Group and
Price Plan.

Upgrade Price the upgrade price for the Change Plan operation (see relevant section in Account chapter).
The upgrade price can be set for Upgrade Service – Service offer relations. It is not available for Addon
offer relations.

Add: click Add button to create a new relation with defined upgrade price if applicable.

Existing relations: Select Offer 1 and press Show button to see all offers that can be purchased by a user
that has this offer.

The Delete Action allows deletion of selected offer relations.

To change the upgrade price, click Offer2 name in Existing relations:

Offer Category
Offer categories enable to partition the available offers into different sets and offer different offer sets to
different type of accounts or to different locations for the point of sale.

The following is the Add page for defining a new offer category:

Name: the offer category name which will be used later on in order to associate with accounts.

Description: free text field to describe the offer category.

The following page presents the available offer categories in the system:

For fields description please refer to the above section.

Aradial Discount Engine enables to associate a discount plan with a User. A discount plan can include one
or more discount rules. The discount rules are applied during invoicing, after the charges have been

Example: if usage charges are:

o Below 50 MB, then apply no discount.
o Between 50 MB and 1 GB, then apply 10% discount on the usage charges.
o Above 1GB, then apply 20% discount on the usage charges.

Add Discount screen is available at the Offers menu:

Name: the discount plan name which will be used later on in order to associate with offers.

Description: free text field to describe the discount plan.

Currency: select the currency for the discount.

Following is the list of defined discounts:

Show Rules: open the list of discount plan rules.

Add Rules: add a discount rule.

Action: delete a discount plan.

To create a discount rule, click Add:

A discount rule consists of the following elements:


Name: the discount rule name.

Description: free text field to describe the discount rule.


The condition determines whether the discount rule will be applied or not, based on the charges of the user
for the invoice.

Condition Type: defines the eligibility condition, based on which it will be determined if the
discount rule will be applied or not. It contains the following options: Always, Accumulation,
Accumulation Tier.

Accumulation Type: defines the accumulation for the discount condition: All Charges, Revenue
Type, Charge Type.

Accumulation Attribute: defines for which attribute to perform the accumulation: Amount,
Number of sessions, Duration, Volume.

Accumulation Amount: defines the amount that is matched against the accumulation (in case of
Accumulation condition).

Accumulation Tier Amount: defines up to 3 segments that are matched against the accumulation
(in case of Accumulation Tier condition).


Eligible Charges: defines the type of charges getting the discount: All Charges, Revenue Type, and
Charge Type.

Eligible Revenue Type: defines a specific revenue type to get the discount. The available revenue
types are: UC – Usage Charges, RC – Recurring Charges, OC – One time Charges.

Eligible Charge Type: defines a specific charge type to get the discount. The available charge types
are selected from those defined in Aradial (see Invoicing chapter).


Itemized Discount Charge: defines whether the discount will be applied to each charge or to the
total amount of the eligible charges.

Discount Charge Type: defines the charge type to assign to the discount.

Discount Amount: defines the discount amount, which can be Absolute, Relative or Expression.

Expression: free text field to define an expression that calculates the discount. An expression can
be used to define a discount amount using a formula on the discounted amount:

Add to expression: select predefined balances or operators to add to the expression.

Check: verify if the expression is valid.


The expression condition is expanded to support multiple clauses, separated by AND or OR. The not
operator is also supported as well as parentheses around sub-expressions. Operands include discount
balances, using Balances drop down: select Discounted Amount, Tier or Accumulated amount:

 Accumulated Amount: The amount that is defined in the Condition part of the discount

 Tier: The serial number of the tier.

 Discounted Amount: The amount of the charges that is going to be discounted.

If user exceeded required accumulated amount by 100, give discount of 10%, otherwise 5%:
(AccumulatedAmount – DiscountedAmount) > 100 ? DiscountedAmount * 0.1 : DiscountedAmount * 0.05

Apply a coefficient to a Discounted amount:

( DiscountedAmount - DiscountedAmount / 2 ) * 0.75

List of Discount Rules is below:

Click Discount Rule name to open rule for Edit.

Click Delete to permanently delete a Discount Rule.

A bundle is a set of offers that is sold as a whole in return for a discounted price of the offers in comparison
to the standalone prices of the respective offers. To ensure the discounted prices of the bundles, the following
restrictions are applied:

 An Offer that is part of a Bundle cannot be sold directly to a User.

 A User that is part of a bundle instance cannot be canceled directly (in certain cases explained
 A User that is part of a bundle instance cannot change offer directly.
This section describes how to define and manage bundles. Bundle instances are created and managed under
an account. Please refer to chapter 3, account & users, for details on how bundles are used.

Create a bundle:

Bundle details are split into three sections:


Name: the bundle name. The bundle name will be used in the various drop downs.

Description: free description of the bundle.

Business Entity: assign the bundle to a specific reseller.

Currency: the currency of the bundle.

Sales Information

Same as for a regular offer.

Bundle Items

Provides the list of bundle offers and their attributes. To add an offer to the bundle, press Add

The list of bundle items:

Bundle: The name of the bundle that will hold the selected offer. The value is set

Offer: Select an offer to add to the bundle. The offers in the list are filtered by the bundle
currency (or have no currency) and bundle business entity (if defined).

Minimum Quantity: The minimal number of users that must be created using this
bundle item. A value of 0 means that the bundle item is optional.

Maximum Quantity: The maximal number of users that can be created using this bundle
item. A value of 0 means that there is no maximal limit.

Default Quantity: The default number of users to create for the bundle item when it is

Bundle items may be deleted by clicking Delete.

Bundle lookup screen allows filtering bundles:

Filter bundles by Name, Category, Currency, Business Entity, Sales effective date period and Sales
expiration date period.

Bundle Relations
Bundle relations define eligibility and charging rules for changing bundles. A relation is only possible
between two bundles with the same currency.

The following is the bundle relations page:

Bundle1: reference to the 1st bundle in the relation.

Bundle2: reference to the 2nd bundle in the relation. Bundle2 has the same currency as Bundle1 or no
currency. Same is applied to the bundle’s business entity. Ineligible bundles are filtered out from Bundle2 list.

Add: click Add button to create a new relation.

Existing relations: Select Bundle1 and press Show button to see all bundles that can be exchanged by an
account that has this bundle.

The Delete Action allows deletion of selected bundle relations.


Accounts & Users

Account is the financial entity representing the customer. It can include one or more Users. The Account
produces a monthly invoice reflecting price plans of the users attached to it.

Users are divided into two types, postpaid users and prepaid users. Postpaid users belong to an Account
while prepaid users can either belong to an account or be independent from an account.

Adding New Account

"Add new account" page allows the CSR to define new accounts in Aradial and populate the relevant account

The page is divided to 4 main parts:

- account contact and identification

- account information

- account details

- Credit Card details

Following is the account definition page:

Contact first name: allows defining the account contact first name

Last name: allows defining the account contact last name

External ID: allows defining the account external ID (for account identification)

Account type: selects the account type (drop down) from the available list. The account types are created as
part of the reference definitions and set several definitions for the account (please refer to below sub-chapter).

Balance Currency: presents the account balance currency, as determined by the account type selected for
this account. It may be different from account payment currency (if multi-currency is enabled), which is also
determined at the account type. In this case account payments will be converted to the account balance
currency using currency exchange rate. Note: the account balance currency is the currency by which the
account’s balance is defined and which the account’s users inherit.

Payment Currency: in case of multi-currency, presents the account payment currency, as determined by
the account type selected for this account.

Cycle code: selects the account cycle code from the available list. The cycle codes are created as part of the
reference definitions. The cycle code defines the account cycle period (invoice start date, end date).

Account status: defines the account status. By default the account will be created as Active, however the
CSR may define the account as Prospective.

Credit Limit: when an account-admin user tries to perform purchase operations, the account credit limit is
enforced according to the current account balance + any pending charges that were not invoiced yet. Any
purchase, which exceeds the calculated amount, will not be allowed.

Collection status: defines the account collection status. It may be Under Collection or None.

Business entity: allows associating account under a specific business entity. The drop down will present the
available business entities in the system for selection. Account can only use Account Type and Cycle Code
with same business entity or none.

Offer Category: the offer category. Only offers from selected category (and offers without any category)
will be available for purchase by account users.

Email: the account email address.

Company name: the account company name.

Address1-2: the account address.

State: the account state.

City: the account city.

Country: the account country.

Zip: the account zip code.

Mobile / home/office phone: the account home/office/mobile phone.

Fax: the account fax number.

Comments: free text field for account comments.

CC Details section describes the account’s Credit card. For enabling automatic payment by Credit Card,
fields marked with (*) must be filled:

Automatic Payment: if checked – on a payment due date the account will be automatically charged by the
total invoice amount and “Account Details” relevant fields will be copied to the “cc Details”. For more
Automatic payment details please refer to Receivables chapter.

Payment Method: the payment method that will be used for automatic payment.

CC Type: Credit Card type.

CC Number: CC number. This information will be shown to Financial Admin only.

CC CCV: CC CCV. This information will be shown to Financial Admin only.

CC Expiration: CC expiration date.

CC Holder First Name: CC holder first name.

CC Holder Last Name: CC holder last name.

CC Holder Address1-2: CC holder address.

CC Holder State: CC holder state.

CC Holder City: CC holder city.

CC Holder Country: CC holder country.

CC Holder Zip: CC holder zip code.

CC Holder Phone: CC holder zip code.

CC Holder Fax: CC holder fax number.

Account list page:

Account number: the account number is given automatically by Aradial at the account creation and is
presented in the lookup page. Clicking the account number will open the selected account details for Edit.

Last bill: presents the last month and year where the invoicing process was running for the account. The
format of the field is YYYY-MM. Clicking the Last Bill will open the last Invoice of the account for preview.

Balance: the account current balance.

Account and User Life Cycle
Account and User may have the following statuses:

Active – The account/user normal working status.

Suspended – The account/user is temporarily suspended.
Prospective – The account is in an initial non active state.
Cancelled – Represents a cancelled account/user. The cancelled status is a final state.

Status change rules are presented on the diagram below:


Prospective Activate Active Suspend Suspended Cancel Canceled

Created Unsuspend
Account and user may be created with either Prospective or Active status by the choice of CSR. While Active
status is a normal working status, Prospective defines just created entity. Prospective account may add only
prospective users. No service is available, no RC is generated.

Suspended user cannot use the service and cannot add new users. RC is not generated for suspended users.
In case of full proration RC, suspended user is credited with RC amount from suspension date to the end of
the current bill cycle. Once the user is unsuspended, RC is charged again from unsuspension date till the end
of the current bill cycle.

Cancelled is the final User/Account state. Service is not available, new users cannot be added, RC and
allowance are not applied. However for the cancelled account on the bill cycle date, following the cancellation
date, the last invoice is generated. This invoice contains all transactions, generated from last cycle date till the
cancellation date. This final invoice can be paid, but cannot be adjusted.

Account status change affects it’s users statuses respectively, however user status still follows above rules.
For example, Active account with prospective, active and cancelled users become Suspended. Associated
active users will also become suspended, while prospective and cancelled users will keep their status.

You can define Special Groups (refer to Aradial AAA manual), handling sets of users in accordance
with their life cycle state. This feature can be used to provide limited connection to different types of
limited users. For example, allow an expired user access only to the operator’s web site to enable refill.
Groups can be created with below predefined names:

$ExpiredUsers – Handling expired users;

$ExpiredPassword – Handling users with expired passwords;

$SuspendedUsers – Handling suspended users;

$ProspectiveUsers – Handling prospective users;

$CanceledUsers – Handling cancelled users;

$NonActiveUsers – Handling non-active users (any one of suspended/prospective/cancelled), if the

respective group does not exist.

Account Lookup
The account lookup page allows you to search for an existing account based on various criteria.

The lookup page is as follows:

Account number: Allows searching the account based on the account number. The account number is
created automatically by the system when creating an account and is a unique number.

User ID: allows searching for an account based on the related user ID. An account may have more than
one user and hence the same account can be found by several user IDs.

First name: the account first name.

Last name: the account last name.

Account type: the account type.

Collection Status: enables filtering accounts that are under collection.

Cycle code: the related account cycle code.

Business entity: the associated business entity.

Status: allows searching accounts with specific status.

An advanced search for account with additional search criteria is available. By clicking the “Advanced Search”
tab, the following page will be displayed:

Each of the fields above can be used for the account search:

External ID: the account external Id.

Invoice number: allows searching account by an invoice number for one of the account’s invoices.

Last Bill Date: filter last bill date range.

Personal details: filter by personal account information, which includes Company name, address, phone
numbers, fax and email.

Balance: filter by current account balance range.

CC Expiration: filter by CC expiration status. Possible values are: All, Not Expired, Pending Expiration
(CC will expire in the next month), Expired.

Account Navigation Tree
Each link in the navigation pane is relevant for specific information and displays the account relevant data.

Following is the account navigation pane:

Account ID

Clicking the Account ID link will open the account details page.

Account 360

Clicking the Account 360 link will open the account overview page, where all major Account properties will
be displayed. The page provides one-click access to every relevant entity:

On the top of screen there are account contact details: Full name, Company, Address, Home / Office phone
and Email. Clicking Account Name will bring you to the account details screen, described above in this

The following sections contain summary information about account attributes that will be described
thoroughly later in this chapter:

Users section: Contains account users summary – User ID, User Creation date, User Time / Volume /
Money bank values and User bundle name. Clicking Users will show the account users list, while clicking
one of the User ID will show selected user’s details.

Balances section: Contains account balances summary – current amount for each balance type. Account
unbilled balances are renewed on a Bill Cycle date. Clicking Balances will show the account balances list.

Payments section: Contains account payments summary – Transaction Type, Effective Date, Amount and
Reason. Clicking Payments will show the statement report, while clicking one of the transaction types will
show the selected transaction details.

Invoices section: Contains account invoices summary – Invoice number, Invoice creation date, Invoice
Total, Invoice Due and Paid Amount. Clicking Invoices will show the account invoices list, while clicking
one of the Invoice numbers will show the selected invoice.

Tickets section: Contains account tickets summary – Ticket Id, Ticket Creation Date, Ticket Update Date,
Creator User, Assigned CSR, Ticket Category, Status, Priority, Subject and ticket description. Clicking Tickets
will show the account tickets list, while clicking one of the Ticket ID’s will show the selected ticket’s details.

Add users

By clicking on the add user link, you will be able to add new users under the selected account. Users can be
added to Prospective and Active accounts, but not to Suspended or Cancelled.

There is no need to select the account the user will be created under as may be seen in the user title.

Payment details: an option to generate payment transaction and receipt when adding a user. Available
payment methods: Credit Card, Cash and Check. If None is selected, the user will be generated without

Service type: selects the type of service. The drop down presents all available service types in the system.

Offer: selects the offer to be used. The drop down presents all the available service offers in the system in
accordance with the selected service type, account currency, account category and account business entity.

Account Currency: account users inherit the account’s currency automatically.

Status: selects the user status. For the prospective account only prospective users can be added, while for
active account both prospective and active users can be added.

Cycle Code: Ability to assign a cycle code to a prepaid user (without an account), with all the capabilities
that come along with a cycle code (mainly: Offers with an RC based on cycle, Allowance based on cycle,
Delayed change offer).

Price Plan: presents the price plan associated with the selected offer.

Prepaid: Indicates if the created user will be Prepaid or Postpaid user. A user created under an account is
postpaid by default while a user created independent of an account is prepaid by default.

Credit limit: The credit limit for the user’s balance. For prepaid users, there is a default credit limit of 0. For
postpaid users, there is no credit limit, unless the Credit Limit is populated with a positive value.

Meter Bank: Allows providing the user an initial time balance / volume balance credit in addition to the
time/volume allowance as may be defined in the associated price plan.

Password Security Information: The section contains the set of security questions and answers that will
be used for user password recovery in portal or WSC.

Edit users

By clicking the edit users link on the account navigation pane, a user list page will be displayed and will present
all existing users belonging to the account.

The following is the page opened by clicking on the edit user tab:

When clicking the user ID link, the related user page will be opened and present the account information as
well as allow you to edit/change the user data:

By clicking on the account ID link, you may go back to the previous page and navigate the account again.

When selecting one of the users on the user list page, the following menu will be presented on the left side
of the screen:


The View Transaction link shows Transaction Lookup screen:

It allows searching the user’s transactions by date range, by balance affected (duration balance, volume
balance, custom balance or money balance), by transaction type (Non usage, credit, charge, usage) or by

The User transactions screen presents transaction date, activity description and transaction amount, applied
on the relevant user bank – duration, volume or money. In the header the current banks values are presented.

The link on the transaction date opens the relevant transaction details: session summary for the Usage or
Payment receipt for the user payments.

The Post Transaction link allows posting manual transactions for the user:

Select the relevant bank in the Balance Type drop down, choose Credit or Debit transaction type, set amount
and reason.

To register a cash payment to the user, select Payment transaction type (available for Money balance type).
The payment receipt will be presented after the payment is registered. This receipt may be printed
immediately or later from User Transactions or User Payments.

Note: this cash payment is relevant only for prepaid users. For postpaid, the payment is done at the account

The Delete Transaction link opens the list of user transactions which can be permanently deleted:

Show Also Usage Transactions: when enabled, displays also eligible usage transactions.

Eligible transactions are:

- Unbilled Non-Usage transactions;

- Unbilled Usage transactions, which impacted monetary balance only.

After a delete transaction operation is confirmed, the transaction is removed permanently from the system
and the relevant balance is updated accordingly.


The Resources menu is available for users that are assigned to a service type, defined as Multi Resource
(please refer to the Settings chapter).

The purpose of multi-resource is to allow identifying of a user by several resources and accumulate all relevant
charges under one user.

To assign a new resource to the user, click the Add resource link. In case the service is not marked as
“Managed Resources”, the following page is presented:

Input a free value as resource value and press Add.

If the service type is configured for Managed Resource, resources can be taken only from Resource Inventory
(please refer to relevant chapter for resource generation details). Adding a new resource page is as follows:

To add a resource, click Resource Value link. A pop up screen for resource selection will appear:

You can filter resources by Category and Sub Category and also can look for a specific Resource Value.
Search result will present all available (not assigned to any user) resources, belonging to the resource type,
specified in the service type definition:

To pick a resource, just click the radio button in the desired line. Resource value will be set in the input field,
which is disabled for editing:

To assign the selected resource to the user, click Add button. In Resource Inventory the resource will be
changed to “Assigned” and it will not be available for any other user.

To see resources that are assigned to the user, go to View Resources link:

Here are the resource values assigned to the user. Clicking the value will open Edit Resource page, similar to
the Add resource page.

You can also Delete a user resource. If the resource was taken from the Resource Inventory, it will change
its status to “Released” and will be available for assignment to other (or the same) users.

Top Up.

The Top Up menu allows applying Add On offers to the user. Following are the conditions for the add on
offers to appear on this page:

1. There must be a relation defined between user’s offer and add on offer. (Please refer to the Price
Plans chapter).

2. The Add On offer must either belong to the offer category, defined for this particular account, or to
no category at all.

3. Add On offer must have the same business entity as the user (account users inherit business entity
from account) or no business entity and the same currency.

If those conditions are met, a list of available offers for purchase appears:

It shows offer description, offer price and available payment options:

- Credit Card payment. Requires CC details input:

And the receipt is shown for the successful payment:

Once applied, relevant transaction will be registered in user’s transactions.

From Balance – immediate purchase. The Offer price will be deducted from the user balance.

BE Admin user view offers additional purchase option:

From BE Balance – available for Business entity (BE) admin user. If BE Admin has
enough funds to make a purchase for the associated user, he may do so by pressing this button. The partner
price is shown next to the button and the partner account will be charged with this amount. The cost is
defined by the partner contract, described in the relevant chapter. The user will get the receipt for the full
offer amount.

Change Plan.

The Change Plan operation enables changing the user’s offer. Available offers should fit the same conditions
as described above:

BE Admin user view also allows purchase from partner balance:

The price of the offer change is defined in the Offer Relations section (Please refer to the Price Plans chapter).

For the cases when credit of unused expiration time is enabled, the offer change price would be calculated
as the sum of the old offer price credit amount and new offer price debit amount.


o Offer 1: 1 Mbit internet with 30 days expiration for $10.

o Offer 2: 2 Mbit internet with 30 days expiration for $20.
o User purchased Offer 1 at 1/3 – expiration is set to 31/3.
o User switches to Offer 2 at 16/3:
 Assuming Offer Expiration Action is set to “Keep the expiration date”.
 $5 credit for the unused period.
 $10 debit for the new offer – for the unused portion of the old offer.
 Expiration remains at 31/3.
 Offer change price presented to the user is $5.

In addition to the described payment option there’s also:

Apply at Cycle End – Which enables scheduling a postponed offer change that will be performed at the
end of the Bill Cycle. This option is available for Service – Service offer change and only for those users that
are assigned with a Bill Cycle.

For postpaid users or prepaid users with a cycle code, there is a choice to change the offer Now or At Cycle
End. When At Cycle End option is chosen, a future activity is registered for the user and the offer will be
changed automatically at the end of cycle. The option is not available if there’s already one scheduled activity
for the user.

Buy One Time

This option allows selling one time offers to the user:

For BE Admin user:

The same rules for eligible offers as above are applicable here.

View Sessions

This option allows viewing the user sessions. The functionality is the same as for view sessions at the account
level, but only the selected user’s sessions are shown. For detailed description please refer to the Account
session report below.

Balance Transfer

This option allows transferring balance between users and browsing transfer history.

Target - UserId that will get the transferred amount.

Amount – The amount to be sent. Transferred amount and transfer fee (if defined) may not exceed the
available credit limit.

Reason (optional) – description of the operation.

Before the transfer is committed, user should approve the balance transfer fee charge, which is defined in
the Billing configuration.

Balance transfer lookup allows browsing sent and received amounts separately:


This option allows adding/editing tickets on the user level. Tickets are described in details in the separate

View Payments

This option is available for prepaid users. The report has the same functionality as View Payment report in
Receivables module, but filtered by one selected user by default. For report details refer to Chapter 7.

Attach to Account

In case the user does not belong to an account, the option “Attach to Account” will be available on the left

Clicking the Attach to Account link will open a page for selecting the account to be attached. Account should
have the same business entity and currency as the user. The rest of the accounts are filtered out.

Future Activities

A delayed offer change is the “Extend Plan” operation that is executed at the end of the current billing
cycle instance. The screen displays the list of future activities for the user.

Scheduled Date: the date when the offer will be changed.

Status: Current status of the scheduled activity. May be Pending or Finished.

Activity Type: type of activity to be executed.

New Offer: The offer that will be assigned to the user on scheduled date.

Two operations are possible for such a future activities:

 Cancel – Cancel the scheduled activity. Only pending activity can be cancelled.
 Change New Offer – Change the next offer in the scheduled activity to a different
service offer:

Cancel User

Enables cancelling the user after confirmation. For the user with Full RC proration plan or offer with credit
unused expiration time, the credit charges are generated as the refund for the unused period.

Suspend(/Unsuspend) User

Enables suspending/unsuspending user after a pop-up confirmation.

Delete User

Enables deleting a user permanently. Eligible users: users without usage transactions and on their first cycle
(no billed transactions).

This operation is useful in case of an error when setting up a new user, for example, a new user was setup
with an incorrect offer, and allows rolling back that user creation along with all its transactions. Please note
that this operation is only possible for users without an invoice or usage transactions.

Return to List

Clicking this link returns to the user list page


Clicking the bundles link in the account navigation pane opens the bundle management panel:

It shows the account bundles hierarchy.

At the top level (click “Bundles”) there’s a link to the list of available bundles. The eligible bundles have the
matching Category, Currency and Business Entity:

Click bundle name to review the bundle offers:

Click Add button to purchase a bundle. When the bundle is purchased, its name appears on the bundle
navigation panel on the second level:

Second level (click “Adsl”) opens purchased bundle properties:

Bundle information is the bundle property and it is read only. When the bundle is purchased, it creates the
defined amount of users in accordance with Default bundle item cardinality. The created users are postpaid
and prospective; they inherit the account’s business entity and cycle code. Bundle users may not be activated
apart from their bundle. The purchased bundle is always Prospective and should be activated manually.

To activate a bundle, first fill the User Id for each created user and then Click “Activate Bundle” button. It
will attempt to activate he bundle with all its users. If activation of any user fails, the bundle will remain
prospective and may be activated later.

Bundle user can be cancelled at any time by pressing “Cancel User” button. However the minimal bundle
item cardinality may not be violated.

Once the bundle is successfully activated, two new buttons appear:

Suspend(/Unsuspend) Bundle: change bundle status to Suspended. Bundle users inherit bundle status
once it changes. The bundle itself inherits account status once it changes.

Change Bundle: for migrating the bundle to a new bundle. The new bundle should be in a relation with the
current bundle. If a new user was created during the change, new bundle status will be prospective. Otherwise
it would be Active.

The process goes over all existing bundle users making matches to the new bundle users. The match is based
on service type and there are several cases:

1. Same service type exists in both bundles (e.g. there’s an Internet user in a bundle and there’s an
Internet offer in a new bundle): old bundle user remains at the account. Offer change is
performed for this user.
2. New service type in target bundle (e.g. there are Internet users in an old bundle and there are
only VoIP offers in a new bundle): old users are cancelled and new users are created.
3. If more than one matching may be done (e.g. there is one Internet user in an old bundle and
there are two Internet offers in a new bundle, so the old bundle user has more than one choices
for offer change), the operation fails.

Third level (click <Offer Name>) allows operating bundle instances:

Add User to Bundle Offer: adds a new prospective user to the bundle. The remaining allowed amount of
users is shown in the Bundle Item Information section. The Users Remaining value is calculated based on
the maximum quantity.

Cancelled account bundles may be shown on demand by activating the relevant checkbox on the top of the
bundle navigation pane.


Clicking the balances link in the account navigation pane, allows viewing the account related balances.

The following page will be displayed:

Type: the account balance type (currently only the Account Balance type is supported).

Amount: the account balance for the relevant balance type. The account balance is built from the account
invoices debit/credit and account payments/adjustments. A negative number means debt while positive
number means credit.

Expiration date: the expiration date for the relevant balance type (if any)


By clicking on the statement link in the account navigation pane, the transaction lookup page will be opened.
The statement page displays the existing invoices for the account with the related payments / adjustments
and correlates between them.

Following is the lookup page:

Date: allows filtering the transactions between dates.

Transaction type: allows filtering specific transaction types. The available values in the drop down are:
Invoice, Payment, Credit, Debit and Adjustment.

Export to File: enabling this flag means that the report will be exported into a CSV file.

Printable report: displays the results in a printable report.

After populating the search criteria the following page will be displayed:

Date: the effective date of the transaction.

Activity: the activity (whether it’s an adjustment, payment, invoice, etc) is a link to the relevant details:

 Invoice: opens selected invoice for preview.

 Adjustment: opens adjustment details:

 Payment: opens printable payment receipt:

Credit Amount/Tax: the transaction credit amount (for credit transactions) and tax.

Debit Amount/Tax: the transaction debit amount (for debit transactions) and tax.

Balance: the balance AFTER the relevant activity. The starting balance is usually zero (except when the
transaction date range skips some transactions).

Pay / Adjust: the pay / adjust buttons will move you to the pay or adjust invoices which will be described


The session page enables to search existing sessions for the related account only. The following lookup page
will be opened:

The lookup page is the same page as displayed for regular users; however, here you may search sessions for
the specific account only.

The result page output depends on the selected Data Type, which allows reviewing the sessions with all
relevant details:

If you want to view Data sessions, pick Data type:

For VoIP:

View invoices

Account invoices may be filtered by invoice date and presented in ascending or descending order:

This page displays the filtered account invoices.

The following is the page:

Invoice number: the invoice number. A unique invoice number is generated for each invoice created by
the invoicing process. The invoice number is a link to the invoice itself (please see below Invoice layout sub-

Account ID: the account first and last name and the account ID.

Cycle code: the account cycle code as given to the account in the account creation.

Bill cycle: the bill cycle – the month and year the billing process was running.

Invoice date: the actual date the billing process was running on. Although the cycle date is on specific date,
the billing may be run later.

Initial Balance: Account’s debt that will be included in the invoice (this amount includes taxes).

Financial Transactions: total amount of financial transactions (such as adjustments and payments),
generated in the current cycle (this amount includes taxes).

Invoice amount: the total invoice amount excluding calculated tax or inclusive tax (if any). This is the net
amount before tax for all invoice charges.

Tax amount: the total tax only for the generated invoice. The tax is calculated according to the definitions
in the account type (reference definitions).

Due Tax amount: the sum of invoice taxes and taxes from adjustments that are collected in this invoice.

Invoice total amount: the total amount (invoice amount + tax amount)

Invoice due amount: the invoice due amount (in case of open item, the amount will be identical to the
invoice total amount however, in case of balance forward the amount might be different and carry also debts
from previous months).

Invoice due date: the last day for payment (invoice due date) based on the reference data specified in the
account type.

Invoice status: the invoice status (confirmed or unconfirmed).

Payment status: the payment status for the selected invoice (e.g. not paid, partial paid, paid).

Paid amount: the paid amount for the selected invoice (including tax).

Mail Status: Indicates whether the invoice was sent to the customer by Email. For the invoice to be sent, a
valid Email address should be defined in Account details. In case there was an error in sending, or the
customer requested to resend the invoice – change the mail status to “Not Sent”, using the “Change” link:

The invoice will be automatically resent at a predefined time as is set in the Scheduler. In order to manually
trigger the sending of the invoice and any other invoice marked as ‘Not Sent’, you can go to Data &
Logs/Scheduler/Recurring Jobs/Send Invoices by Mail and press “Execute Now”.

Operations: Enables managing intermediate invoices. The choice of operations depends on the invoice

 Unconfirmed invoice can be: Confirmed, Undone, Produced (see Invoicing for details).

 Confirmed invoices can be Produced, Sent by email.

 All invoices can be printed to a PDF file.

Print: Allows printing the presented invoices in a PDF file. After clicking the Print button, the PDF,
containing all listed invoices, will be generated. You may choose to open it immediately or save for later use.

Pay invoices

This is a manual payment page which allows you to insert payment for existing unpaid (or partially paid)

Note that only confirmed invoices can be paid.

The following page is presented:

Invoice number: drop down field that displays the available invoices waiting for payments. Each invoice
which wasn’t paid or partially paid will be available for selection.

Amount: the unpaid amount for the selected invoice. You will be able insert payments up to the unpaid
invoice amount.

Payment Currency: select payment currency. Choose one of account balance currency and account
payment currency.

Conversion Rate: if account payment currency is different from account balance currency, the conversion
rate appears. It is taken automatically from the current exchange rate.

Payment Method: select Cash, Check or CC payment method to display the fields for the relevant data

Reason text: free text field for the reason text.

Effective date: effective date for the payment.

Adjust invoices

This is a manual adjustment page that allows to adjust invoices.

Note that only confirmed invoices of non-cancelled accounts can be adjusted.

The following page is presented:

Invoice number: a drop down field that displays the available invoices that can be adjusted.

Inclusive Tax: a drop down allows choosing taxation type: inclusive or exclusive. In case of inclusive tax,
the adjustment amount entered already includes the tax, while in the case of exclusive tax, the adjustment
amount does not include taxes. In the latter case pressing Simulate Tax will present the tax amount for the

Amount: a field allowing inserting the adjustment amount. The adjustment currency is always account
balance currency.

Simulate Tax: Press the button to preview the adjustment tax and total amount.

Reason Code: numeric value for reason code.

Details: free text field for the reason text.

Effective date: effective date for the adjustment.

Charge Type: specify the charge type for the adjustment. The charge type enables to define the adjustment
for a specific line in the invoice. It is mainly relevant for cases that the invoice tax includes a tax that is specific
to a charge type.

Intermediate invoice

Intermediate invoice can be issued manually on any date if the account has unbilled charges. Intermediate
invoice has the same functionality as a regular invoice, which is issued on the cycle date: it can be paid
(manually or automatically), adjusted, sent by mail, etc.

There are two options to generate the invoice: Manual and Auto-Confirm:

Manual: select this option to enable invoice preview before confirmation.

Auto-Confirm: select this option to generate a confirmed invoice. A pop-up screen will request confirmation
for generating a confirmed invoice:

Include Usage Charges: indicate whether to include usage charges, generated from the beginning of the
bill cycle till now (or from the latest intermediate invoice on the current bill cycle, if exists), to the intermediate
invoice. If not included, all usage charges for the current bill cycle will be aggregated in the regular invoice,
issued on bill cycle date.

Delete Transactions

Allows deleting unbilled non-usage monetary transactions from all the users of the account:

After the confirmation, the transaction is permanently deleted and user’s balance is updated accordingly.

This operation is useful in case of an transaction was incorrectly made for the user, for example, purchasing
an incorrect one time offer, and allows rolling back that transaction. Please note that this operation is only
possible for unbilled transactions.

Add ticket

The add ticket page allows you to define new ticket for the selected account:

Status: by default each ticket is created in the New status, however you may create tickets in other statuses
as well.

Priority: set the priority of the issue: Low, Medium, High.

Category: the available ticket categories (please refer to the trouble ticket chapter for category definitions).
You may select one of the available categories when creating a new ticket.

Severity: set the priority of the issue: Minor, Major, Critical.

Assign To: the list of CSRs which the ticket can be assigned to.

Subject: a free text field for the ticket headline.

Description: a free text field for the ticket description. This is a high level description as each ticket may
have related activities (please refer to the next sub-chapter).

Resolution: a free text field for the ticket resolution.

Edit tickets

This page presents the existing account tickets (for trouble ticket detailed description please refer to the
trouble ticket chapter).

The following page is displayed:

Ticket Id: the ticket Id, created automatically. Click the Id and you’ll get to the ticket details screen.

Creation date: the ticket creation date. The system is saving the timestamp for the ticket creation time.

Update date: the last date/time the ticket was updated.

Creator user: the ticket original creator.

Assigned To: the assigned CSR. When creating a ticket you have to assign it to a CSR for handling.

Category: the ticket category.

Status: the ticket status (e.g. open, in process, close).

Priority: the priority of the issue: Low, Medium, High.

Subject: the ticket headline.

Description: the ticket description.

Click the Ticket Id to edit ticket details. Expand Activities link to see/add related activities:

The user may be able to update or delete the ticket activity (for ticket and activity creation please refer to the
next sub-chapter).

Once creating a ticket, activities for it can be created as well.

Cancel Account

By clicking on the Cancel Account tab in the account navigation pane, you may cancel the account.

Once clicking, the following warning / confirmation massage will be displayed:


The users link displays a list of users created / existing under the account. By clicking each user in the account
navigation tree, you will be redirected to the user page.

Invoice Layout
When viewing the invoices from the account navigation pane, each invoice has a related invoice number
assigned by the billing process.

When clicking the invoice number, the invoice is presented using a preconfigured XSL file (see Settings
Chapter) and the following is the Demo invoice layout:

Operator Info: Should be customized once by the service provider, contains the Operator contact details.

Account information: account information is presented at the top level of the invoice.

Summary: invoice summary details:

Amount before tax: taxed amount.

Tax: sum of the taxes applied.

Previous balance: displays the account previous balance (will be displayed differently in open item
and balance forward).

Financial Transactions: total amount of financial transactions (such as adjustments), generated in

the current cycle.

Total amount: sum of all the above.

Due Date: the due date for invoice payment.

Invoice charges: display the invoice charges the bill is built from. The charges are aggregated per charge
type (please refer to the invoicing reference definitions) and the following information is displayed:

Charges are aggregated by predefined charge types.

User: the user the charges belongs to. As an account may have more than one user, the charges are
aggregated by user.

Charge type: charge type is an object used for charges aggregation.

Date: the effective date of the charge.

Amount: the charge amount.

Effective Date: the effective date of the charge.

Transaction Type: the type of financial transaction. May be Adjustment or Payment.

Reason: the description of the transaction.

Amount: the charge amount.

User: the user the charges belongs to.

Charge type: charge type is an object used for charges aggregation.

Date: the effective date of the charge.

Sessions: the number of sessions the charges are built from.

Charged Duration: the aggregated duration for the charge.

Charged Volume: the aggregated volume for the charge.

Amount: the charge amount.

The taxes section displays the created taxes for the invoice. The tax is created based on the reference
definitions and as specified in the account type. For more information please refer to the reference definitions
in Settings chapter.

Aradial comes with two demo invoice layouts. One, described above, aggregates charges by charge type.
Another template allows aggregating charges and call details by User:

Prepaid Statement
When the Prepaid invoice generation is enabled (see References), prepaid users’ charges are included in the
invoice. However, they do not affect Invoice Total and Due amount:

Import / Export Account
Aradial supports export of the accounts and associated users to an external CSV file.

Export Account operation is available via the Data & Logs tab -> Account Export menu:

The screen enables filtering accounts for export. Filter fields are the same as for the regular Account
Local File Name to Export: set path and file name for export.

Export the Account Users: enables export of associated users together with selected accounts.

Export the Account Bundles: enables export of associated bundles together with selected accounts.

Accounts and Users can be imported with a batch operation, available in the same menu. Detailed Batch
Management description can be found in the Aradial AAA manual.

Set the local path and file name with accounts/users for import. Sample file format can be found In
Aradial root directory: \Samples\BatchImportAccounts.dat.
Once the import is complete, the report is generated on the screen:

In case there were errors, failed records are listed at the end.


Partner Management
The partner management module enables Retail and Wholesale partners’ management, including partner
hierarchy and commissioning together with configurable partner access to Aradial.

The main entity is a Business Entity (BE). It links between the affiliated accounts, users and vouchers and
the partner (for retail partners). As well, it marks the catalog entities that are eligible for the partner and its
accounts / users / vouchers and also it might be used without a partner at all.

Business entity has one or more management users that are used by the partner representatives to manage
the partner’s affiliated accounts, users and vouchers and also manage the partner’s own account.

Business Entity Type

The Business Entity User permissions are defined by the business entity type:

Name: free text for the business entity type name.

Description: free text for the business entity type description.

Allow Create Vouchers: whether the BE User can create vouchers for the BE.

Account Rights: Select access rights for affiliated accounts: Allow creating Active accounts, Allow creating
Prospective accounts, None.

User Rights: Select access rights for affiliated users: Allow creating Active users, Allow creating Prospective
users, None.

Registered BE Types can be viewed on below screen:

Business Entity
Once there is a BE Type defined, a new BE may be created:

Business Entity Name: free text for the business entity name. This name will be used in the various filters
and references across the system.

Type: set the access permissions for the BE admin users by selecting the appropriate BE type.

Account: reference to the related partner account. Read only. The partner account represents the partner’s
balance at the operator and is used for the financial management of the partner at the operator (commissions,
charges, invoices, payments, etc.).

Parent BE: select the parent BE in the BE hierarchy if applicable. A BE hierarchy may be set up later with
a dedicated tool (described below).

BE contact details: general contact information.

BE Lookup screen allows filtering the list of BE with below criterias:

And the result is below:

Name: BE name. It is clickable and it opens BE details screen and also BE context menu.

Account: Related account. It is clickable and it opens partner account details screen and also partner account
context menu.

BE Hierarchy: Opens BE Hierarchy management screen with the selected BE as the root.

BE Hierarchy
BE hierarchy view can also be accessed from BE context menu:

A hierarchy is designed as a tree and can be easily managed with the right-click on the selected BE name,
which opens the context menu:

Edit: open BE details for update.

Detach: detach the BE from the hierarchy together with it’s descendants.

Attach: add new BE to the hierarcy under the selected BE.

Create: create new BE under the selected BE.

Balance Transfer: transfer money to any BE Partner within the hierarchy:

BE Admin Users: manage the administrator users of the BE:

Create: create new BE admin user. Administrative rights for the user may be either BE Manager or
BE Reviewer.

View: show all BE admin users.

Lookup: Filter BE admin users.

Edit Account: opens the BE associated account details:

Partner Contract
A partner account is associated with a Contract, which defines the commissions for each of the different
transactions that are related to the BE Partner:

Name: free text for the partner contract name.

Description: free text for the partner contract description.

Contract Commissions: the section represents the business terms of the partner. It includes the following
main attributes:

 Signup: the relative amount the Partner receives when a signing up a new user which paid the Set
Up fee.

 Voucher: the relative amount of a voucher list price that the Partner receives as commission. The
Partner will get this commission as a discount on the voucher price.

 Refill: the relative amount of a refill that the Partner receives as commission. This commission is
applicable when the user refills via credit card or cash or any other payment method that is not a
voucher, which is subject to the voucher commission.

 OC: commission for OC charges given as a relative amount of the OC charge posted to the postpaid
user under an account that is associated with the Partner.

 RC: same as OC but for RC.

 UC: same as OC but for UC.

Each commission attribute can be assigned to a different charge type.

Charge BE For Purchase Operations: creating users and purchasing offers for existing users is charged
against the partner balance with a discount off the list price according to the commission. If the balance is
not sufficient, the operation will be denied.

Balance Transaction Options: determine which balance transactions a BE Admin can post to child BE.
Available options: None, Credit, Debit, All. When ‘All’ is selected, BE Admin can also post adjustments to
the child BE.

Specialized commissions

Ability to define different commissions based on the service purchased.

If such a commission is defined, it is used for the commission calculation. Otherwise, the default
commission defined at the contract level is used.

Add a specialized commission to a charge type:

The specialized commission can include the following commission types:

 Signup Commission
 Voucher Commission
 Refill Commission

View specialized commissions per contract:

Commission is relevant for retail partners. The calculation takes into account the business entity hierarchy,
as follows:

 Payment commission is given to a partner as a result of a payment event of a related user or

account. It is applied to the direct partner account and all its parent accounts – each commission
is calculated independently out of the transaction amount according to the related contract.
 Voucher commission:
o Discount for the direct partner account performing the voucher operation according to
the partner contract.
o Commission on the total vouchers price for the parent accounts according to the related
partner contract.
Note: voucher commission is applied at the moment the voucher status changes to Ready. When the
voucher changes from Ready to any other status (except Used), the commission is refunded.

Sample structure:
 Operator
o Reseller
 End Customer
 A postpaid account pays an invoice with an RC of $100. The reseller contract defines a 10% commission on RC,
the ISP contract is 5% on RC. The reseller will be credited with $10, while the ISP with $5 commission.

 The reseller generates prepaid cards with a total price of $1000. The reseller’s contract defines a voucher commission
of 20%, while the ISP’s contract is 5% for voucher. The reseller will be charged with $800 for the prepaid cards,
while the ISP will be credited with a $50 commission.

User Signup Association to a Business Entity

Aradial supports automatic association of a user to a business entity:

 An offer is assigned to the business entity.

 When a user is created, either from the portal, self service or Admin, and the user’s offer has the
above BE then it is automatically associated with the and the BE will then receive commissions
over the user’s operation according to its contract.

Charging the BE for Purchase Operations

This option enables a BE admin to perform purchase operations (create user, refill / topup users) and pay
from the BE balance.

The cost of the operation is deducted from the BE balance and the operation will be declined if the BE
balance is not sufficient.

If the BE is defined as postpaid, then it is not limited, unless a credit limit is defined for it. The credit limit
includes the sum of the BE account balance and the yet unbilled transactions, represented by the BE user

BE Admin user can see the remaining available credit amount at the top menu:

Retail Partner Account

Retail partner account is a special account that reflects the financial settlements between the operator and
the partner. It is created and maintained from a business entity context menu:

The retail partner account has extra fields in addition to the regular account:

Partner Type: Retail or Wholesale partner.

Partner Contract: Defines the commissions for the different events for which the partner is entitled.

Payment Mode: Selects the payment mode for the partner:

 Prepaid – The Partner has a prepaid balance that pays for all his purchases. The partner cannot
make purchases beyond the current value of his prepaid balance.
 Postpaid – The Partner is issued a monthly invoice. A Partner in postpaid mode can have a credit
limit that will disallow him to exceed a pre-configured monthly spending limit.
Credit Limit: the credit limit for postpaid payment mode. The credit limit is applied on both the billed
(account balance) and unbilled charges.

Retail partner menu: all the operations of a regular account are available, except for the Add / Edit Users /
Bundles and the Users list at the bottom.

In addition, the following options are available:

 Post Transaction – Post a debit or credit transaction to the partner. The transaction will be
collected on the next bill run and be included in the next invoice.
 View Transactions – View the unbilled transactions of the partner.

Retail Partner Account list:

Lookup Retail partner account screen allows filtering retail partners using the below filters:

Wholesale Partner Account
A wholesale partner account represents the wholesale partner financial entity. Its user is a regular user that
receives the network events for the wholesale partner users and maintains the prepaid balance or postpaid
usage balance in case of postpaid. The user should have a service type according to the services provided
by the wholesale partner and have a user-name that can identify the relevant network events:
 Data – The user-name should be the realm name of the wholesale partner.
 VoIP – The user-name should be the tech prefix of the partner or the IP of the soft switch.
The context menu of a wholesale partner account is exactly the same as a regular account.
The wholesale partner list and lookup are exactly the same as a retail partner account screens above.

BE Admin
There’s a separate application called BEAdmin, which is used for BE admin user self-service.

It enables BE users to:

 Create, view and manage associated accounts. All new accounts will be assigned to
the BE of the BE user that created these accounts.
 Create, view and manage associated users. All new users will be assigned to the BE
of the BE user that created these users.
 Generate, view and manage vouchers. All new vouchers will be assigned to the BE
of the BE user that generated these vouchers.
 View reports that relate to the accounts and users associated with the BE (and it’s
 Manage the account of the BE – similar to what is provided by the self service
application to a regular Account Admin.
 Change BE Admin password.

The ability to perform the above actions is determined based on the definitions in the BE type associated
with the BE of the BE user.

Note: in each lookup and report page, a Business Entity selection box is presented, which allows to select
one of the BEs under the BE of the BE user, if the current BE is part of a BE hierarchy and has child BEs.
The resulting report will only include entities from the selected child BE. By default, only account and users
of the direct BE of the BE user will be presented:

BE Purchase operations, such as Voucher management (Create, Change status), Create prepaid users and
make purchase on behalf of the associated users, which create charges for the BE, provide colorful hints,
showing the total cost and indicating whether the BE has enough credit for the operation.

Green indicates there is enough credit:

Red indicates the operation will be denied:

Change password action requires old password verification:

Balance Transfer between BEs

An operation for performing balance transfer between BE and sub-BE’s is available from the BE hierarchy
page and the BE My-Account page:

The target BE may be any BE from the current BE hierarchy.

The Balance Transfer operation creates two transactions:

 Credit for the target BE account user;

 Debit for the current BE account user.


Account Type
Account type object allows you to set the account policies.

The following is the page for Adding / Editing account type:

Description: free text with the account type description.

Balance type: drop down box displaying the available balance types (currently only the Account Balance
type is supported).

Business Entity: drop down box displaying the available business entities. An account that is associated
with a specific business entity can only use an Account Type and Cycle Code with the same business entity
or none.

Payment Currency: drop down box displaying the available currencies (Multi-Currency should be enabled).
Select a currency that might be used for invoice payment in addition to the account balance currency.

Balance Currency: indicates the account balance currency as defined by the selected account balance.

Prepaid User Purchase Options: a configurable option for a prepaid user under an account to enable the
purchase of top ups from the account balance (select ‘Account Balance’).

Taxes: Enable to define between 1-3 tax types at the account type level. Each account created with the
account type will be taxed per the definitions.

Tax type (1-3): the available tax types.

Automatic Payments: Configure Automatic Payment parameters. The accounts that have registered a
credit card and enabled automatic payment will be charged automatically according to the settings below.

Payment Days from invoice: Set the grace period for the automatic payment. After the defined
number of days the payment attempt will be done.

Number of Payment retries: The failed payment may be automatically resubmitted. Set the
amount of attempts to charge the CC.

Number of days between retries: The failed payment may be resubmitted immediately or after
the predefined period. Set the period in days.

Collection: The balance policy can be used for implementing rules for accounts that do not pay the debt on
the due date. For example, such a policy will suspend the account if an invoice is not paid till the due date
and unsuspend it once it is paid.

Collection Policy: Select a predefined balance policy (See Policy Engine).

Due days: due days for invoice payment. The field defines the period, in days, for the account owner
to pay his invoice debt. The due date of the invoice will be calculated based on this setting.

Collection Credit Limit: if the collection credit limit is different from zero, then the account will
enter collection only if exceeding this credit limit and will exit collection once back above this credit

Invoicing: Define Invoicing parameters:

Balance Policy: drop down box displaying the available balance policies:

 Open Item – Each invoice has a separate balance and needs to be paid separately.

 Balance Forward – Each new invoice includes unpaid balances from previous invoices. So
only the last invoice needs to be paid.

Produce Prepaid Invoice: Enable to generate a prepaid statement for prepaid users under the
account. When the prepaid statement is enabled, prepaid user’s transactions are included in the

Send Invoice by Email: Activate to enable sending generated invoices to the account’s email.

Send Due Amount Zero Invoice by Email: Activate to disable sending invoices with zero due
amount to the account’s email.

Invoice Layout: Define Invoice layout parameters:

Invoice Includes Call Details: Enable the including of call details in the account invoices.

Screen XSL: The XSL layout file to be used for viewing invoices on the screen.

Print XSL: The XSL invoice layout file to be used for printing invoices.

Notification Policy: Enable sending specified email to an account once any of below events is triggered.
See Notification Policy chapter for details.

On Credit Card Expiration: Select a predefined notification policy (see relevant chapter) to be
executed on credit card expiration date.

On Bill Ready: Select a predefined notification policy to be executed when the invoice is confirmed.

On Bill Due: Select a predefined notification policy to be executed when the invoice due date

On Bill Paid: Select a predefined notification policy to be executed when the invoice is paid.

The following page is the account type lookup page:

Balance Types
Balance Type enables to define custom balances at the user level in addition to the core balances: money,
volume, time and step. These balances may be updated during event processing in the rater and policy engine.
They may be taken as a base for decision making in rater and policy engine.

Custom balances on account level allow creating multi-currency accounts.

Create Balance Type:

Name: Free text for the balance type name.

Description: Free text for the balance type description.

Balance Level: Select if it is account or user balance.

Presentation UOM: The unit of measure in which the balance is presented in the UI. This is not necessarily
the units in which the balance is stored. For example MB (balance stored as bytes), Min (balance stored as
seconds). Only relevant for user level balance type.

Currency: Select the balance currency. Only relevant for account level balance type.

Service Type
Service type definition enables to define the services supported by the billing system:

Name: Free text for the service type name. Later on, when creating offers / users / accounts, this field will
be used for selection.

Description: Free text for the service type description.

Balance Types: The definition of the user level balance types. Those will be available for the price plans
and offers, assigned to this service type.

 Balance 1-3: Allow up to three custom balances to the service type.

Resource Information: The section describes user identification options:

 Multi Resource: Defines whether a user can have more than one resource.

 Managed Resource: Defines whether user resources will be taken from Resource
Inventory only.

 Resource Type: For Managed Resource option defines the resource type, available for user

 Empty User Name: Defines if the user name will be assigned by a CSR or generated
automatically. An automatic user name is used for services that do not represent real network
services. For example, an equipment lease can be represented by a separate service type with

an automatic user-name assignment. The user must be set up with “No Password” as
password source in a group or directly on the user.

Charging Information: The section describes session charging options:

 Interim Charging: Defines whether the session will be charged on each interim accounting
update or only at the end.

 Multi Session Charging: In case of user running multiple sessions simultaneously per user,
defines whether ongoing sessions will be considered by the Rater or not.

Default Quota: Set the default Time or Volume quotas for Multi Session Charging. The default time quota
defines the time quota in minutes to grant to the user at each quota request. The default volume quota defines
the volume quota in KB to grant to the user at each quota request. The allocated quota may be smaller than
the default quota, in case the user’s balances are not sufficient for the default quota.

Below is the list of service types, which can be accessed via Home -> Settings -> Edit Service Type:

Clicking the name will open the Service Type edit page. Available Action – Delete allows to permanently
delete a Service type.

Resource Types
Resource Type definition is a reference for Resource Inventory (see section above). It is used for organizing
resources for allocating to users.

To create a new Resource Type, go to Home -> Settings -> Add Resource Type page:

Description: Free text for the Resource type description. Later on, when creating Resources and defining
service types, this field will be used for selection.

Below is the list of resource types:

Clicking the Id will open the Resource Type edit page. Available Action – Delete allows to permanently
delete a Resource type.

Tiered Admin Access
In addition to the basic admin access types (refer to the AAA Manual), Aradial Billing provides the following

Financial Admin – This type of access may be granted by the Administrator to any of the users in
the database by setting their Admin Type value to Financial Admin. This user can perform, by
default, all actions the Full Rights Administrator can perform, but grant an Admin Type level to
another user. You may change this Interface by changing the level 2 HTS files (HTS levels are in
AAA manual).

Customer Service – This type of access may be granted by the Administrator to any of the users in
the database by setting their Admin Type value to Customer Service. This user can perform, by
default, all actions with Accounts, Users, Vouchers, can review basic billing entities like Price Plans,
Offers, Invoices and Payments, but it doesn’t have access to any network configuration screens. You
may change this Interface by changing the level 5 HTS files.

Business Entity Manager/Reviewer – This type of access may be granted by the Administrator
to any of the users in the database by setting their Admin Type value to Business Entity Manager
and assigning it to a business entity. This user can perform, by default, all actions as defined by the
related business entity type, only with a specific business entity. You may change this Interface by
changing the level 6 or 7 HTS files respectively.

Network Admin – This type of access may be granted by the Administrator to any of the users in
the database by setting their Admin Type value to Network Admin. This user can perform, by
default, all actions with network configuration, but doesn’t have access to any billing entities as well
as to Accounts and Users. You may change this Interface by changing the level 9 HTS files.

User Reviewer – This user has the same rights as Customer Service, but those are Read-only. You
may change this Interface by changing the level 10 HTS files.

You may easily create new levels of access by duplicating one level of HTS files, and altering the new set of
HTS files to your requirements. Refer to the AAA manual for the details.


Aradial supports three voucher types and allows operators to generate massive bulks of vouchers.

The following features are supported by Aradial Vouchers:

 Voucher template management (add, edit, remove)

 Generate vouchers batches

 Full batches life cycle management

 Vouchers summary and detailed reports

 Voucher sales report

 Vouchers session reports

 Voucher activation reports

 Import / Export Vouchers

Voucher Types
There are three supported types of vouchers: Vouchers, Prepaid Cards and Calling Cards.

Vouchers: Vouchers can be used to purchase new users or to enhance existing users with operations like
refill, top-up, etc. Existing users can register vouchers under their own user name. Available Offers (please
refer to below chapter) for vouchers are Service offers, One Time and Add-On.

Prepaid Cards: Can be used for data services and only service offers are available for generation. A Prepaid
Card can only be used for creating new users.

Calling Card: Can be used for VoIP services and only service offers are available for generation. A Calling
Card can be used only for creating new users.

Voucher usage:

 At the account (please refer to the Accounts chapter) level:

o Create a new service. Only vouchers associated with service offers can be used here.
 At the user level:
o Voucher with a service offer – Upgrade an existing service by switching the user to a
different offer.
o Voucher with a service add-on offer – Add Money, time, volume, or expiration to the
existing user service.
o Voucher with a refill offer – Add money to a prepaid money balance.
 A voucher with a money value can be used as a payment option for registering a new service /
user. A voucher has a money value if it is associated with a service-offer with a money refill value.

Voucher Templates
The Voucher templates can be found under Aradial main page  Vouchers  Edit Template option.

The templates allow the operator to define a set of voucher parameters, which allow easy batch generation
later on.

Adding Voucher Template page:

Name: A free text field which allows setting the template name. The template will be used once generating
batches of vouchers.

Type of Voucher: Represents voucher type. Tree options are available: Voucher, Calling Card, Prepaid Card.

Service type: Represents the type of the service. The drop down presents all available service types in the

Offer: Represents the offer (package) to be used. The drop down presents all available offers in the system
in accordance with selected Voucher Type and Service Type.

Number of characters in the generated voucher name: Voucher name length.

The Voucher Name Type: Sequence or Random.

Voucher Name Symbols Set: Combo box which allows the user to set the name symbols. The possible
values are: Alpha numeric, digits only, capital and numbers, alpha numeric readable and custom which allows
the user to define and custom rules in Aradial configuration.

Number of characters in the generated PIN: Specifies the voucher password length.

PIN Symbols Set: A combo box which allows the user to set the password symbols. The possible values
are: Alpha numeric, digits only, capital and numbers, alpha numeric readable and custom which allows the
user to define and custom rules in Aradial configuration.

Voucher Suffix: Allows setting the suffix for the generated vouchers names. The same suffix will be used
for all created vouchers.

Business entity: Allows a business entity association. Choosing a business entity means that all created
vouchers will be registered under the chosen business entity.

Edit Voucher Template page

The edit page displays all existing templates and allows opening and editing certain details.

Name: The template name. Clicking on the name will open the selected template in edit mode and allow

Type: Represents the voucher type that can be generated using this template.

Service: Represents the service type, defined in the template.

Offer: Represents the offer defined in the template.

Name Type: Sequence or Random name generation.

Business Entity: The value for the voucher business entity (or None if no business entity was selected).

Action: Possibility to delete voucher templates.

Generate Vouchers
The Generate Vouchers page is available from the Voucher menu and allows the user to generate a batch of
vouchers or to add vouchers to an existing batch. The vouchers are created using predefined templates or
by creating new vouchers.

Voucher Template: Allows creating a batch of vouchers using predefined templates. The combo box will
present the available templates. When selecting a specific template, the related attributes will automatically be
populated and disabled for manual input. The template is not mandatory and the user may generate a batch
using his own parameters and not using the predefined ones. For such cases, the user will be requested to fill
in all input parameters for the voucher generation.

Number of Vouchers to Generate: Specifies the number of vouchers to be created.

Batch Prefix: Selects the prefix to be used for the generated vouchers names. The same prefix will be used
for all created vouchers.

Vouchers Batch: Specifies the batch to which the vouchers will be assigned. You have an option to generate
vouchers with an existing batch by selecting a batch from the combo box field, which presents the available
batches in the system. For a new batch you should use the 'None' value and fill in a new batch name.

Service type: Represents the type of the service. The drop down presents all available service types in the

Voucher Name Symbols Set: Combo box which allows the user to set the name symbols. The possible
values are: Alpha numeric, digits only, capital and numbers, alpha numeric readable and custom which allows
the user to define and customize rules in Aradial configuration.

The Voucher Name Size: Length of voucher name without prefix.

Expiration Date: Allows setting an expiration date for the vouchers. Blank value means no expiration date.

Voucher Name Type: Selects weather to create the voucher ID in a sequential order or a random order.

Start Number: The field specifies the start number to be used after the batch prefix. For example: batch
prefix A with start number 10000 and name length 6 will generate the following vouchers: A10000, A10001,

Initial Status: Choose between Created, Shipped and Ready. Ready vouchers are can be used right away,
while Created and Shipped vouchers represent vouchers that are not yet ready for end user activation. For
changing the vouchers status please refer to the Manage section.

Voucher Price: Specifies the voucher price.

Offer: Represents the offer (package) to be used. The drop down presents all available offers in the system
in accordance with selected Voucher Type and Service Type.

PIN Symbols Set: A combo box which allows the user to set the password symbols. The possible values
are: alpha numeric, digits only, capital and numbers, alpha numeric readable and custom which allows the
user to define and customize rules in Aradial configuration.

PIN size: Specifies the voucher password length.

Voucher Suffix: Allows to set the suffix for the generated vouchers names. The same suffix will be used for
all created vouchers.

Business entity: Allows a business entity association. Choosing a business entity means that all created
vouchers will be registered under the chosen business entity.

Return Detailed Results: Enabling this flag means that the generated vouchers will be presented on the
screen after the operation is completed.

Export to File: Enabling this flag means that the generated prepaid cards will be exported into a CSV file
after the operation is completed.

The following screenshot presents a batch using a predefined template where part of the fields are
automatically set and disabled:

Once populating the cards details and pressing the 'Generate' button, the process will be executed and a
batch of vouchers will be created based on the input parameters.

Detailed result page:

Name: The created voucher ID which is also the user ID (in case of prepaid cards or calling cards) based
on the input parameters (batch prefix and start numbers based on voucher length).

PIN: Created password based on the input parameters.

Batch: The vouchers’ batch.

Price: The voucher price value.

Expiration Date: The expiration date if exist. Empty field means no expiration date.

Manage Vouchers
The manage vouchers menu provides the user with full control over the batches and vouchers and supports
status changes in various cases.

Perform Operation: the field is a combo box which allows several types of operations to be executed at the
batch or voucher level. The following options are available:

 Change to Shipped – Move vouchers from Created/Deactivated/Ready to Shipped

 Change to Created – Move vouchers from Shipped/Deactivated/Ready to Created

 Change to Ready – Move vouchers from Created/Deactivated/Shipped to Ready

 Deactivate – Allows deactivation of batches / vouchers. The option is available for batches /
vouchers which are not used.

 Assign Business Entity – Assign the selected vouchers to a business Entity. This operation can be
used to assign vouchers to the selected business entity or to un-assign vouchers (select None in the
Business Entity list).

 Delete – Allows deletion of batches / vouchers. The option will be available for batches / vouchers
which are not used.

Batch: allows filtering based on a specific batch. The list presents the available batches in the system.

Type of Voucher: The combo box presents the available types and allows filtering based on it. For example,
when multiple batches are using the same voucher type.

Voucher Name: Allows to operate on a single voucher. You need to populate the voucher name.

Business Entity: Allows filtering based on a business entity.

Voucher Template: Allows filtering based on a template, used for the voucher generation.

Currency: Allows filtering based the voucher currency, which is inherited from the offer.

Status: Allows filtering based on the voucher status.

Service Type: Allows filtering based on a service type.

Voucher price: Allows filtering based on the voucher price.

Offer: Allows filtering based on the voucher offer.

The following page presents an example for deactivating vouchers belonging to a specific batch:

The list of vouchers that will be impacted by the operation is presented and you should press on the Confirm
button to approve the operation to perform. Once pressing the confirm button a success / failure message
will be displayed.

Generate Single Voucher

The fastest way to generate a voucher is using the form below:

Voucher Type: Select the voucher type: voucher, prepaid card or calling card.

Voucher Template: The list of templates for the selected voucher type. The voucher name type in the
template must be Random, otherwise the template wouldn’t appear in the list.

The voucher is generated immediately after pressing Generate button and the brief voucher details are

New vouchers are always generated in Ready status.

The voucher reports page allows generating detailed or summary reports for your vouchers.

The following page allows you to define the criteria's for the reports:

Report Type: allows selecting the report output.

 Summary report – Will present summaries at the batch level.

 Detailed report – Will present details at the voucher level.

 Prepaid Cards report – Will present details at the voucher level together with relevant user balances.

Batch: allows filtering based on a specific batch. For example: when you want summary report for a single
batch you need to choose the batch name from the combo box.

Voucher Type: Allows filtering based on a voucher type.

Voucher name: Allows filtering based on a voucher name.

Business Entity: Allows filtering based on a business entity.

Service Type: Allows filtering based on service type.

Depleted: Allows filtering depleted cards. Available for Prepaid Cards Report.

Currency: Allows filtering based on a voucher currency.

Voucher Template: Allows filtering based on a template, selected for voucher generation.

Status: Allows filtering based on the voucher status.

Voucher price: Allows filtering based on the voucher price.

Offer: Allows filtering based on the voucher offer.

Summary report output page:

Batch: The batch name. In case no batch name was used in the batch generation, the field will remain empty.
The summary report displays a single line per batch.

Business Entity: The business entity the vouchers were created under. When no business entity was selected
in the vouchers generation, the field will remain empty.

Created: Amount and price of vouchers in status Created.

Shipped: Amount and price of vouchers in status Shipped.

Ready: Amount and price of vouchers in status Ready.

Used: Amount and price of used vouchers.

Deactive: Amount and price of deactivated vouchers.

Total: Total amount and total price per batch.

Detailed report output page:

Batch: The batch the voucher belongs to.

Voucher ID: The voucher name.

PIN: The voucher password.

Serial: The system voucher identification.

Template: Template, selected for voucher generation.

Service Type: Service type associated with the voucher.

Offer: The offer associated with the voucher.

Price: The price of the voucher.

Expiration Date: The expiration date if exists.

Voucher Type: The voucher type.

Business Entity: The business entity the vouchers were created under.

Status: The voucher status.

Activation Date/User: User ID of the user that activated the voucher and the date of activation.

Prepaid Card report output page:

These reports include in addition to the voucher details the balance details of the users associated with the
prepaid card vouchers:

Time Bank: Current value of the time bank of the user associated with the voucher.

KB Bank: Current value of the KB bank of the user associated with the voucher.

Balance: Current value of the money balance of the user associated with the voucher.

Activation Report
The Activation report page allows generating periodic reports for activated vouchers.

Report Type: Choose between Summary and Detailed reports.

Summary Period: Allows selecting vouchers aggregation by predefined periods. Available options are:
Daily, Weekly and Monthly.

Voucher Type: Allows filtering based on a voucher type.

Business Entity: Allows filtering based on a business entity.

Date: Allows filtering by voucher activation dates.

Per Voucher Template: When marking this flag you will be able to view the report grouped by voucher

Activation summary report output page:

Period: Aggregation period, defined as input parameter. In this example – Monthly.

Type: Activated voucher type.

Activation Date Range: For the selected period the earliest and latest date of activation vouchers.

Number of Vouchers: Presents the amount of vouchers that were activated during this period.

Total Price: Presents the total price of vouchers that were activated during this period.

Activation detailed report output page:

For the fields description refer to above screens.

Sessions Summary
The session summary page allows gathering statistic and viewing detailed or summary reports for prepaid
card and calling cards sessions (not for plain vouchers). The following page allows you to define and set the
input parameters for the reports:

Session lookup screen:

Report Subtype: Specifies whether to present session lookup report for cards with sessions only, cards
without sessions or both.

Batch: The batch field is a combo box presenting the available batches in the system. The field allows you
to retrieve results for a specific batch.

Voucher name: Allows you to specify single voucher name and hence present session details for a single

Template: Allows filtering by template, selected for voucher generation.

Service Type: Allows filtering by service type, associated with the voucher.

Offer: Allows filtering by the voucher offer. Drop down list contains offers, belonging to the selected service

Date: The from and to fields allow to filter sessions based on a range of dates.

Business Entity: The business entity the vouchers were created under.

Session Summary report output page:

Voucher ID: Voucher name the line is referring to.

Total Sessions: The number of total sessions the voucher has.

Batch: The batch the voucher belongs to.

Total Hours: The total hours used for the selected voucher in all sessions.

Total in MB: The total in MB used for the selected voucher in all sessions.

Total out MB: The total out MB used for the selected voucher in all sessions.

Charge: The total charge for the selected voucher in all sessions.

From Date: The date of the first session for the selected voucher.

To Date: The date of the last session for the selected voucher.

Action: Allows you to drill down for a detailed report for selected voucher.

The following is a detailed report for a selected voucher:

User ID: Selected voucher name. Clicking voucher name will open user details information.


NAS Port: NAS port.

Login Time: local start time of the session.

Time Online: Session Time.

Service: The type of service granted.

IP Address: IP address assigned to the session.

Caller ID: Calling number.

Destination: Called number.

In Mb: This field displays the amount of data, in Mb, the user received (download).

Out Mb: This field displays the amount of data, in Mb, the user sent (upload).

Charge: Session cost.

Action: Clicking Summary will open session summary report filtered by the selected user.

Import vouchers
Import vouchers functionality allows importing various vouchers from a file. To perform import, populate
the path to the source file in the Import Vouchers screen, available from Vouchers menu:

Required source file format:


ype ,UserIndex ,BusinessEntity

 Batch – The vouchers batch to import to.

 VoucherName – The Name of the voucher to import.
 PIN – The voucher password.
 ServiceType – The index of the service type which the voucher applies to.
 OfferName – The Offer name to which the voucher applies.
 Price – The price of the voucher (usually taken from the offer).
 Status – The status of the imported voucher(0=Created,1=Shipped,2=Ready).
 ActivationDate – The date which the import voucher was activated (the field is ignored in the import
and is there to match the export format)).
 ExpirationDate – The date which the imported voucher will be expired.
 VoucherType – The number type of the imported voucher (0=Prepaid card, 1=Calling Card,
 UserIndex – The internal Aradial index number of the user who activated the voucher (the field is
ignored in the import and is there to match the export format).
 BusinessEntity – The business entity id the imported voucher is assigned to.

Body Example: "zzz",zzzcccxSAAzzz ,Sx5d,1,”PrePaid Voucher Offer”,12.0000,2,,,0,,,3

Define local file name and press Import.

Import result page:

In case some vouchers couldn’t be imported, they will be presented in the import result page:


Invoicing Overview

Aradial invoicing provides high flexibility and configurability. The CSR may define and implement objects
such as cycle code, charge types and tax types, discounts and control the way billing runs, invoice look and
feel and more.

The following chapter describes the invoicing reference definitions, management of billing runs, statistics,
monitoring, audit and control, invoices payments and adjustments and invoice reports.

The invoicing process is a batch process that is in charge of performing the Invoicing jobs.

The following commands / operations are supported:

- Run Billing for Cycle-Code

- Undo Cycle-Code

- Confirm Cycle-Code

- Produce Cycle-Code

- Generate-Cycle

- Schedule-Automatic-Runs

Invoicing Life Cycle
The following diagram describes the life cycle of a cycle state with a manual run mode (an automatic run
mode will attempt to go through all the above states automatically):


Pending Run Invoiced Produce Produced Confirm Confirmed

Undo Produce

In order to avoid gaps in invoice numbers due to invoicing undo, invoice number is generated only after
invoice confirmation.

Cycle codes
In this page, bill cycles and bill cycle properties can be defined.

The following is the Add new cycle code page:

Cycle code: The cycle code name (i.e. giving a code for each bill cycle).

Description: Free text field to describe the bill cycle (i.e. 5th of each month).

Bill day: The date for the bill day (i.e. 5 means the 5th of each month).

Cycle run mode: The cycle run mode. The possible values are:

- Manual – The bill cycle will not be run by the scheduler and needs a manual start

- AutoRun – Billing will run on defined date and time automatically and stop before confirmation,
which will have to be run manually.

- Automatic – Start automatically on predefined date and time and goes through the full billing life
cycle, including confirmation.

Business Entity: Drop down box displaying the available business entities. Account can only use Cycle
Code with same business entity or none.

Run time: The run time (hhmm) where the billing process will be performed.

The following page is the Edit / View cycle codes. The page presents the available cycle codes in the system
and allows managing / deleting cycle codes.

Charge types
The charge type object is used for invoice charges aggregation. Each charge in the system (i.e. setup fee,
recurring charge, usage charge) should be associated with a specific charge type. The charge type serves two
purposes: it provides a description for the charges of an invoice and defines the aggregation for the usage

The following is the page to define new charge types:

Name: The charge type name. The name will be presented on the invoice.

Description: Free text field for the charge type description.

Revenue type: The revenue type associated with the charge type. Available options are: OC (for one time
charges), RC (for recurring charges) and UC (for usage charges).

The following page enables to edit / view the available charge types in the system:

Tax types
An unlimited number of tax types can be defined which will be calculated in the invoicing process. Tax types
can be defined per state.

Tax may be defined as a percent value or as an expression.

A percent tax type defines the taxes to be applied as a percentage of the invoice amount, while an expression
tax allows defining the tax based on a formula:

Name: Tax type name. The name will be presented in the drop down lists in the Account Type definition.

Description: Free text field to describe the specific tax type.

State: Indicates that the tax type will be applied only to accounts that reside at the related state.

Tax calculation method: Possible values are: Inclusive and Non Inclusive. Inclusive means that the invoice
charges already include the tax and so the tax amount will be deducted from the sum of invoice charges.
Non Inclusive – the tax will be applied on the sum of invoice charges and added to them.

Relevant for Charge Type: Ability to define a tax for a specific charge type. The tax will be applied to the
amount of charges of the specified charge type. If the charge type is defined as All, the tax will be applied to
the invoice total amount.

Calculation Type: Select percent or expression calculation method.

Rate: The tax rate in percentages. The tax amount will be calculated by the invoicing process.

Expression Tax type may use invoice total amount and other invoice attributes for tax calculation:

Expression: Define the expression for tax calculation.

Check: Verify the expression. Checks if the expression is valid and points to the error if there’s any.

Add to expression: Select predefined amounts and operators that can be used in the expression:
GetCharge(Name || Id) OC Total Amount
Account Id Tax Amount
Cycle Code Due Tax Amount
Cycle Instance Invoice Total Amount
Intermediate Invoice Invoice Due Amount For Tax
Invoice Total Amount Initial Balance
Invoice Id Invoice Status
Invoice Date Payment Status
Financial Transactions Amount Paid Amount
Invoice Amount Payment Request Status
RC Total Amount Mail Status
UC Total Amount Financial Transactions Without Tax

The following page enables to edit / view existing tax types:

Invoices Lookup
The invoice lookup page allows searching for generated invoices.

The following page is the invoice lookup page:

Account ID: Allows searching of invoices related to specific account only. The account can be located using
Account ID, User ID, Last Name or First Name – select the relevant value from dropdown and press Find.

Cycle code: Allows searches for specific cycle codes or multiple cycle codes.

Include Invoices: Allows searching for Intermediate only, Non Intermediate or All types of invoices.

Bill cycle: Allows searches by specific cycle instances. Applicable for Non Intermediate invoices.

Business Entity: Filter the report by the selected business entity.

Invoice number: Allows searching for a specific invoice number

Invoice status: Allows searching for a specific invoice status. Possible values are: all (default value), pending
invoices or confirmed invoices.

Payment status: Allows searching based on the invoice payment status. Possible values are: all (default),
non payable, unpaid, paid and partially paid.

You may also use advanced search in order to view invoices by date range or based on sums. The following
advanced options can be presented by clicking on the Dates and Sums links:

Payment Request status: Allows searching based on the invoice payment request status. Possible values
are: all (default), Not Issued, Issued, Success and Failure. Available on Advanced search tab.

Mail status: Allows searching based on the mail status. Possible values are: all (default), Not Sent, Sent and
Failure. Available on Advanced search tab.

Invoice date: Allows searching invoices by their related invoice date range.

Invoice due date: Allows searching invoices by their related invoice due date range.

Overdue: Allows searching invoices with a past due date.

Once populating the input parameters for search and pressing the Search button, the following result page
will be presented:

Invoice number: The generated invoice number. The invoice number is a link to the invoice itself.

Account ID: The account ID, account last name and account first name related to the invoice. Account Id
is a link to account details screen.

Cycle code: The cycle code the account belongs to.

Bill cycle: The year and date (invoice bill date) for the generated invoice. The format is YYYYMM.

Invoice date: The actual date the invoice process was running.

Initial Balance: Account’s debt that will be included in the invoice.

Financial Transactions: Total amount of financial transactions (such as adjustments), generated in the
current cycle.

Invoice amount: The total net invoice amount before tax.

Tax amount: The calculated tax amount net for the invoice amount.

Due Tax amount: The sum of invoice taxes and taxes from adjustment that are collected in this invoice.

Invoice total amount: The invoice amount plus the tax amount.

Invoice due amount: The invoice total debt for the related account. In open item method, the invoice due
amount will always be identical to the invoice total amount. In balance forward method the invoice due
amount may also include old debts from previous invoices.

Invoice due date: The last date for the payment to be done. The invoice due date is calculated based on the
account type definition.

Invoice status: The invoice status. Possible values are unconfirmed and confirmed. For detailed
explanation about the invoicing life cycle please refer to the invoice life cycle section above.

Payment status: The invoice payment status (can be not paid, partially paid, paid)

Paid amount: The paid amount.

Mail status: Indicates whether the invoice was sent to the customer by E-Mail or not or failed to send.
Invoice is automatically sent to every account that has an e-mail address.

Operations: Enables managing intermediate invoices. The choice of operations depends on the invoice

 Unconfirmed invoice can be: Confirmed, Undone, Produced.

 Confirmed invoices can be Produced, Sent by email.

Ready Cycles
The ready cycle page presents all the ready cycles with their related information in the system.

Ready cycles means billing cycles which their billing date was already past. You may also view the bill cycle
related statistic and run several activities (please see below for more details).

The following is the Ready cycles page:

Cycle code: The cycle code for the bill cycle.

Cycle instance: The cycle instance in YYYYMM format.

Start / end date: The bill cycle period. The start date and the end date for the bill cycle period.

Run date: The actual run date the bill cycle was running.

Status: The bill cycle status. For the billing life cycle please refer to the Invoicing overview section.

View: The below options are available in the View menu:

Runs: Presents the various runs (steps) inside the bill cycle for the running cycle.

Following is the Runs page:

The Runs page displays a separate line for each step in the billing lifecycle as well as internal statistic like the
number of accounts, errors and created invoices in each step.

Errors: presents the errors (for each run) in case error exist for the specific bill cycle

Following is the "Errors" page:

Invoices: Presents the created invoices for the specific bill cycle.

Please note: the below page as well as detailed fields description is described in the above chapter.

Action: enables to perform manual activities for the selected bill cycle. The possible values are:

Produce: The production flow generates the invoicing products of a cycle instance. Invoicing
products are the XML files generated from the Invoices.

Undo: Allows to undo the invoicing process. The Undo flow removes the invoicing products of a
cycle run. This allows re-running of the run flow. Undo also rolls back the RC charges and they are
recalculated on the rerun. The Undo flow is used to remove incorrect invoices and RC charges and
recreate them. Undo can only be done on unconfirmed cycle instance.

Confirm: The confirmation flow commits the invoicing products of a cycle run and updates the
account balances. The invoice numbers are generated. Note: A confirmed invoice is final and cannot
be modified and rerun.

Running cycles
This page shows cycle runs that are currently being run – should be at most one element.

The page shows the same columns of the Cycle Run History plus the following:

- Accounts Processed – The number of accounts processed so far.

- Refresh button – Refreshes this page.

View Cycles
This page enables to lookup and view any cycle instance, including past and confirmed cycle instances.

Following is the view cycles lookup page:

The lookup page contains the following fields:

Cycle code: Allows searching for a specific cycle code or range of cycle codes.

Bill cycle: Allows searching for a specific bill cycle or range of billing cycles.

Start / end date: Allows searching for cycles based on start and end dates.

Run date: Allows searching for cycles based on their related actual bill run date.

Status: Allows searching cycles with a specific cycle status. The default value is ALL for all statuses.

The result page is similar to the Ready Cycles page.

Note: the Next Action will show Produce even for Confirmed cycles, as Produce can be run again to
regenerate the invoice XML files.

Close Cycle action enables generating the monthly invoices prior to the cycle close date to send the invoices
to the customers a couple of days before the bill day, so they can pay it by the bill day. Operation requires
user confirmation and is available for invoices in Pending status. Once the instance is closed, the invoicing
may be run. All charges, generated after cycle close date and before next cycle date will be included in the
following invoice.

Bill Cycle Report

The bill cycle report is a report of all the charges for a specific cycle instance.

The following is the lookup page for selecting the report for a specific bill cycle:

Cycle Code: A combo-box with all the available cycle codes in the system.

Bill cycle (Cycle Instance): A combo-box with all cycle instances that are not in Pending status.

Business Entity: Filter the report by the selected business entity.

Currency: The report is generated for the charges of one currency at a time.

The following page is the output for the above query page:

Charges: a line for each Charge Type in the cycle instance with the following information:

- Charge type name

- Sum of all charges with the Charge Type

- A summary line for all the Charges

Taxes: A line for each Tax Type in the cycle instance with the following information:

- Tax Type name

- Sum of all taxes for the tax type

- A summary line for all the taxes

Total: A summary line for all the above.

Statement report
The statement report is a periodic summary report of all the debits and credits for a specific period.

The following page is the lookup page:

Summary period: Specifies the summary report period. Possible values are Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

Date range: Specifies the search for a specific date range.

Business Entity: Filter the report by the selected business entity.

Currency: The report is generated for the charges of one currency at a time.

The following is the output page for the above query:

Period: The period for the report based on the input parameter (i.e. Daily, Weekly or Monthly)

Effective date range: The effective date range for the presented report based on the input parameters.

Type: The type of the presented row (invoice, payment, adjustment, etc)

Number of transactions: Summing the number of transactions for the presented row.

Credit Amount/Tax: The credit amount and its part allocated to tax, for the presented row.

Debit Amount/Tax: The debit amount and its part allocated to tax, for the presented row.

Total: Report Summary.

Summary report
The summary report provides financial summary for the selected range of issued invoices.

The following page is the lookup page:

Similar to Invoice lookup with additional options to filter invoices by:

Account City: Filter invoices of accounts in a selected city.

Account State: Filter invoices of accounts in a selected state.

Account Country: Filter invoices of accounts in a selected country.

Account Type: Filter invoices of a selected account type.

Account Currency: Filter invoices of accounts which have balances of selected currency.

The following is the output page for the above query:

Cycle Code: Cycle code for which the summary is calculated.

Cycle Instance: Cycle instance for which the summary is calculated.

Bills Generated: Total number of invoices in the selection.

Total Amount: Sum of invoice total amount.

Paid Amount: Sum of paid amount.

Transactions Amount: Sum of financial transactions.

Outstanding Amount: Sum of due amount.

Revenue report
The revenue report is a periodic summary report of all the invoice charges and adjustments for a specific

The following page is the lookup page:

Month/Year: Specifies the report start month/year.

Duration: Specifies the report period. Available values are Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly,

Business Entity: Filter the report by the selected business entity.

Currency: The report is generated for the charges of one currency at a time.

Below is the output screen:

Charge Type: Revenue charge type.

Number of Charges: Number of aggregated charges.

Date Range: Start and end date of aggregated charges.

Amount: Sum of charges.


Aradial Policy Control

The policy control module is based on the following principles:

 Policy module – An event handling module that processes events, evaluates the policy rules
associated with the user and fires the relevant actions when a policy rule is matched.

 User Hotline mode – This is a mode of the user profile, where an alternate service (Group) is used
instead of the user’s subscribed service.

A balance policy is associated with an Offer. For a user with an Offer that has an associated balance policy,
all the balance related events will be processed by the balance policy module.

Policy defines a list of balance policy rules. It is the parent entity binding all the policy definitions (Rules,
Actions and Event Types).

Add policy screen:

Name: Free text field for the policy name. The name will be used in the drop down for selection when
attaching policy to an offer.

Description: Free text field for the policy description.

Policy Base 1: Reference to a Policy that the current policy will be composed of.

Policy Base 2: Same as Policy Base 1, enabling to derive from more than a single policy.

Defined policies are managed from the Edit Policy screen:

Add rule: Enables adding a new rule to the policy.

Edit Rule: Enables managing policy rule’s list.

Offers: Shows the list of offers that are associated with the policy.

Action: Deletes a policy permanently.

Policy Rules
A policy is composed of one or more policy rules. A policy rule is applied in the context of a specific user
balance impact event. A rule is composed of a condition and an action to be performed if the condition is

To create a policy rule, click Add Rule on the policies list screen. The screen layout depends on the selected
policy rule type, which can be: Balance, Unconditional and Expression.

Balance Policy Rule

Description: Free text field for the policy rule description.

Rule Type: Select from Balance, Unconditional and Expression.

Event Type: Select the event that will trigger the policy rule validation.

Priority: Set the priority of the rules validation order. Rules with lower numbers are evaluated before rules
with higher numbers.

Balance Type: Select the user balance that will be used for rule validation. Choose from Volume, Duration,
Monetary, Custom balances and Step Counter.

Direction: Select whether the rule will be validated when the selected balance is crossed Up, Down, Down
(Exclusive) or Up (Exclusive). The difference between the direction marked as Exclusive and the unmarked
one is that for the unmarked direction, the rule will be valid when the balance reaches or crosses the
threshold, while for the exclusive direction, the rule will be valid only when the balances crosses the threshold
but not equals to it. This is useful when defining rules for both the up and down directions for the same
threshold, so only one of the rules (either up or down) will be valid on the exact value of the threshold.

Threshold Level: Select whether the threshold value is defined for all the users (Policy) or for each user
separately (User). On the Policy level the threshold is equal for all the users. On the User level it can be
different for every user and it should be defined on the user details screen.

Threshold Value: Set the balance threshold value when the policy rule should be triggered.

Action: Select an action that will be executed if the policy rule fits its condition.

Unconditional Policy Rule

Unconditional policy rule fires the defined action every time the event is triggered.

Expression Policy Rule

Qualification: Create an expression that will be calculated when the defined expression is evaluated as true.
The expression can use operators on the following elements:

User and User Details attributes;

User policy Attributes;


Functions: the list of eligible balance events, indicating balance name, threshold and the crossing

The following operators are supported:

+, -, *, /: Regular arithmetic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

And, Or, !: Logical operators

=, !=, <, >, <=, >=: Relational operators

?: : Similar to C conditional expression. For example, the following expression evaluates to 1 if the
duration balance is less than 100, otherwise it is 0: Balance.Duration < 100 ? 1 : 0.

Add to Qualification: Section contains lists with predefined values that can be used in the expression to
avoid misprints and similar errors.

The screen below presents the list of defined rules for selected policy:

Description: Is a shortcut to the selected policy rule details screen.

Policy Action: Is a shortcut to the selected policy action details screen.

The policy rule can be permanently deleted using Delete Action.

Policy Action
The action is performed when a rule’s condition is fulfilled. An action is composed of one or more steps.

To add a policy action, fill Name and Description on the Add policy action screen:

List of defined policy actions enables to edit action details, delete an action permanently, add steps to the
action and view action steps:

Step defines an executable command that make up an action. Clicking the Add Step link opens a new step
details screen:

Action Step: Defines the execution order of the step.

Action Type: Defines which action to perform. It must be one of the following:

 Send PoD.
 Send CoA.
 Switch Group – Change the user’s group.
 Set Hotline – Set or reset the user Hotline group.
 Set Balance – Set the time, volume, step or custom balances of the user to a given number or
add / subtract from them.
 Perform a Script – The Script name may contain the same parameters like “Submit
Command” enclosed in “@” (Without the limitation of 4 parameters).
 Perform a TCL Script.
 Submit Command – Submit a command to the scheduler for asynchronous execution:
In the scheduler command configuration, the command may contain the following parameters
enclosed in “@”:

- FilledOfferId – The OfferId.

- FilledPolicyAttributes – The User Policy Attributes.
- BalanceDuration – The user time bank.
- BalanceVolume – The user KB Bank.
- BalanceMonetary – The user monetary balance.
- BalanceStep – The user step balance.
- User.* – Any parameter that exists in the Users Table, except the previous parameters.
- UserDetails.* - Any parameter that exists in the UserDetails Table.
- {Radius Input} – Any parameter that is in the Radius input request.
 Please note: currently there is maximum of 4 parameters that may exist in the command
 Send Email – Send an email to the user.
 Suspend User – Change the user’s status to ‘Suspended’.
 Unsuspend User – Change the user’s status to ‘Unsuspended’.
 Set Expiration Date – Add to the user’s expiration date.

 Change Offer – Change the Offer associated with the user;
 Change Additional Services – Change the additional services attached to the user. The
following operations are supported:
- Replace: replace an existing additional service. An additional service must have the same
name prefix in order to be replaced. For example: the Down_512 service will replace
any additional service starting with “Down_”.
- Add: add an additional service.
- Remove: remove an additional service.
 Update User Column – Set a defined value to the selected column of the User.
 Suspend Account – Change the account’s status to ‘Suspended’.
 Unsuspend Account – Change the account’s status to ‘Unsuspended’.
 Update Account Column – Set a defined value to the selected column of the Account.

Action steps can be viewed on the Edit steps screen below:

Action: Is a shortcut to the selected policy action details screen.

Step Sequence: Is a shortcut to the selected policy action step details screen.

The policy action step can be permanently deleted using the Delete Action.

User Attributes
User Attribute Type defines user level attributes that can be used in the condition part of policy rules:

Name: Free text field for the attribute name.

Description: Free text field for the attribute description.

User Modifiable: Select if the attribute value can be set by the user. It will be available for the user in WSC

Display Type: Select the attribute presentation option: String, Numeric or Percentage.

Minimum Value: Set the minimum allowed value for the attribute. Applicable for Numeric and Percentage

Maximum Value: Set the maximum allowed value for the attribute. Applicable for Numeric and Percentage

Units: Select attribute unit. Applicable for Numeric type. Attributes with time units will be available for
policy rules with Duration bank condition, volume units for volume bank and None unit for monetary bank

The screen below presents the list of defined user attributes:

Event Type
Event Type defines the supported types of balance events and their mapping to network or system events.

Add/Edit Event Type screen:

Name: Free text field for the event type name.

Description: Free text field for the event type description.

Event Type Mapping defines the mapping of a network event (RADIUS) or system events to a balance event
and can be managed from Event Types list below:

Add Mapping: Enables adding a new mapping.

Edit Mapping: Enables managing mapping.

Action: Deletes an event type permanently.

To add a mapping, set the required attributes on the screen below:

Message code list contains the following predefined values:

 Accounting: RADIUS accounting. The message can be filtered by a specific attribute and its
value. For example, for selecting Accounting Stop messages, the sub code attribute would be
“Acct-Status-Type” and the value would be 2.

 Balance Update: A balance is updated from a CSR or user operation (not through a usage event).

 Auto Renew: A balance is automatically. This is relevant for balances with a periodic cycle.

 RC: A recurring charge was applied to the balance (the money balance).

 RC Failed Due To Balance: The recurring charge failed since the prepaid money balance was
not sufficient for the RC amount.

 Apply New Offer: A new offer was applied to the user.

The below screen shows the defined mappings for the event type:

Action: delete an event type mapping permanently.

The batch process executes policy operations to a population according to the APCBatch definition:

Name: The Batch name

Population SQL: An SQL statement which is use to fetch the population. It must include one of the
following fields: PolicyId, FilledOfferId.

Note: It is allowed to put a symbol for the statement which is defined in BatchSqlStmt.txt file.

Message Code: The message code which is sent to APC.

The list of APC batches demonstrates all information above:

Running the process.

The following command is used to execute the process: APCBatch.exe @CommandLine@ -

command=APCBatch -Name={Name}, where Name is the APC Batch name.

Note: this command can be defined in a Scheduler Command and run using the Scheduler Recurring Jobs.



View Payments
The view payment page enables to view and search payments in the system based on various search criteria.
The results can be viewed in a printable report as a graph and exported to CSV format.

The following is the view payment page:

Account: Search payments for specific account.

Cycle code: Search payments for a specific cycle code.

Bill cycle: Search payments for a specific bill cycle.

Invoice number: Search payments for a specific invoice number (even if the invoice is only partially paid).

User Id: Search payments for a specific user.

Business Entity: Allows filtering based on a business entity.

Currency: Allows filtering based on a payment currency.

Advanced search tab provides more filtering options:

Report Type: There are three reports available:

- Individual Payments;

- Payments grouped by offer;

- Payments grouped by category.

Payment Processed by: Aradial user / process name that made the payment.

First name: Search payments for a specific first name.

Last name: Search payments for a specific last name.

Category: Search payments for a specific offer category.

Offer: Search payments for a specific offer.

Email: Search payments for a specific email address.

Due date: Search payments for specific due dates.

Payment date: Search payments for specific payment dates.

Following is the search result page for individual payments report:

Payment Id: Unique payment number, given by the system automatically. Clicking the Id will open payment
details on the right. Payment details show information relevant to the payment method:

Automatic payment: Manual Cash/Check Payment: Manual CC payment:

Batch: For automatic payments the batch name is specified. Clicking the batch will open the batch details
page, described below.

Invoice Number: Invoice that was paid (or partially paid). Clicking the invoice number will open the invoice
for preview.

Receipt: Link to open a printable payment receipt:

Account/User: CC holder first and last name/Identifier.

Payment processed by: Aradial User/Process name that made the payment.

Payment Method: Payment method that was used.

Offer: Offer that was purchased.

Category: Purchased offer category.

Email: CC holder email.

Amount: Payment amount.

Tax: Part of the payment that is allocated to tax.

Due Date: Payment due date.

Payment Date: Actual payment date.

Actions: An option to delete a registered payment. Only cash and check payments may be deleted. Payment
delete will affect account balance and paid invoice (if any) status respectively.

Following is the search result page for payments report, grouped by Offer:
Offer: Offer that was purchased. No offer indicates Invoice payments.

Number Of Payments: Number of payments for the defined offer.

Total Payments: Amount, paid for the defined offer.

Total Taxes: Tax amount paid for the defined offer.

Following is the search result page for payments report, grouped by Category:

Category: Category of offers that were purchased.

Number Of Payments: Number of payments for the defined category.

Total Payments: Amount, paid for the defined category.

Total Taxes: Tax amount, paid for the defined offer.

The payment page enables to create manual payments for the accounts registered in the system. Payments
can be manually assigned to the selected unpaid (or partially paid) confirmed invoices.

It is allowed to post a manual payment to an invoice with a pending automatic payment. The automatic
payment will be cancelled or reduced due to the manual payment.

Following is the payment page:

Account: Enables to select the account to make a payment for. The find button presents a list of accounts
(matched to a search criteria) and enables to select one of them for payment by clicking a radio button. The
following is the opened account list:

Invoice number: A drop down field that displays the available invoices waiting for payment. Each invoice
which wasn’t paid or partially paid will be available for selection. None option enables making an advance
payment, which will be automatically assigned to the following invoice until depleted.

Payment Currency: In case account balance currency is different from account payment currency, you can
select one of those.

Conversion rate: Read only. Shows the exchange rate used for currency conversion.

Amount: The unpaid amount for the selected invoice. You will be able to insert payments up to the unpaid
invoice amount or any amount for advance payments.

Details: Free text field.

The adjustment page enables to create manual adjustments for the accounts registered in the system.
Adjustments are allowed for paid (or partially paid) invoices only while the adjustment amount cannot exceed
the paid invoice amount.

Following is the adjustment page:

Account: Enables to select the account to make adjustments to. The find button presents a list of accounts
(matched to the search criteria) and enables selecting one of them for adjustment by clicking a radio button
(similar to the payment screenshot above). Cancelled accounts are not shown.

Invoice number: A drop down field that displays the available invoices that can be adjusted.

Inclusive Tax: A drop down allows choosing taxation type: inclusive or exclusive. In case of inclusive tax,
the adjustment amount entered already includes the tax, while in the case of exclusive tax, the adjustment
amount does not include taxes. In the latter case pressing Simulate Tax will present the tax amount for the

Amount: The adjustment amount.

Simulate Tax: Press the button to preview the adjustment tax and total amount.

Reason Code: Numeric reason code.

Details: Free text field.

Effective Date: Effective date of the adjustment.

Collection is a batch process that runs daily for accounts that do not pay the debt on the due date. As defined
in collection rules, the process may suspend the account, send a warning email, etc. Collection rules are
declared using the Policy Engine. Collection policy is assigned to an Account type and it would be applied
to all related accounts.

The process of entering collection is a daily job that scans the accounts that need to go into collection, the
accounts that did not pay the invoice debt on the due date. Such accounts would be suspended and get an
indication: Under Collection.

Account exits collection once the invoice debt is fully paid. Once the payment is submitted, the account is
unsespended immediately and the “Under Collection” status is removed.

Payment Report
The payment report is a summary report of all the payments for a specific period (based on the search

Following is the lookup page:

Summary period: The summary report period. Possible values are Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

Date Range: Search payments for a specific date range.

Business Entity: Allows filtering based on a business entity.

Payment Currency: Filter by payment currency.

The following page is the output for the above query:

Period: The period for the report based on the input parameters (i.e. daily, weekly or monthly).

Effective Date Range: The effective date range for the presented report based on the input parameters.

Number of transactions: Summing the number of transactions for the presented row.

Total Payments: The total amount of the payments for the presented row.

Total Taxes: The total amount, allocated to tax, for the presented row.

Payment Aging Report

The payment aging report is a summary report of all the payments for which the due date has passed (based
on the search criteria).

Following is the lookup page:

Account: Enables to select a specific account for the report.

Cycle code: Limits the report to payments of a specific cycle code.

Bill cycle: Limits the report to payments of a specific bill cycle.

Business Entity: Allows filtering based on a business entity.

Account Currency: Filters by account balance currency.

Below is the report output:

Account: Clickable account name – will open account details.

Current: Denotes the sum of all unpaid invoices before or equal to their due date.

1 – 30/31 – 60/61 – 90/Over 90: Columns split by “late” periods. For example, 31-60 amount means that
this payment due date passed 31-60 days ago.

Balance: Account’s total aging.

Total over 30: Total payments late over 30 days.

Late: Total late payments.

Action: View the invoices that were not paid on time.

Each cell of the table displays the aging amount’s percentage (%) of the total debt of the account.

Sales Report
Sales report shows sales summary for the offers sold. The report is grouped by Business Entities.

Business Entity: Allows filtering based on a business entity.

Payment Date: Allows filtering based on payment date.

Balance Transfer Detailed Report

The balance transfer report is a summary report of all the balance transfer transactions (based on the search

Report Type: Select presentation of balance transfers between users or business entities.

Date: Allows filtering based on transfer date.

Business Entity: Allows filtering based on a business entity assigned to the user.

User Id: Allows filtering transfers by a source user.

Balance Transfer Summary Report

The balance transfer report is a summary report of all the balance transfer transactions (based on the search

Report Type: Select presentation of balance transfers between users or business entities.

Summary period: Group summary by the period: Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

Date: Allows filtering based on transfer date.

Business Entity: Allows filtering based on a business entity.

Payment Currency: Shows summary for the transfers of the specified currency.

Bulk Payment Control
Bulk payment control enables to monitor and audit the automatic payment processes.

Payment errors

The payment errors lookup is similar to the view payments page. For detailed fields explanation please refer
to view payment section.

Below is the report output:

Error: the error reason returned on the payment request.

Action: the ability to repost the payment again.

Payment Requests

The payment requests page enables to view the currently pending payment requests. These requests are
generated automatically for confirmed invoices whose accounts are configured with automatic payment.

The payment requests lookup is similar to the view payments page. For detailed fields explanation please
refer to view payment sub-chapter

Following is the output page for the payment requests.

Batch Audit

The batch audits page enables to generate reports on payment batches. A payment batch is a grouping of all
payment requests made for all the confirmed invoices of specific cycle for a specific month. The payment
batch is used to monitor all the payment requests for the cycle.

The following is the batch audit lookup page:

Batch ID: Search a specific batch based on the batch ID.

Batch Name: Search a specific batch based on the batch name.

Status: Search based on the batch status. Available statuses are: pending, completed and partially completed.

Following is the result page:

The result page presents the batch information as well as statistic for the payments included in the batch.

Payment Import Errors

The screen enables to verify erred transactions from the Import Payment process. Import Payment processes
financial transactions from an input file. Input file format is defined in TransactionsImport.tpl, located in the
root folder. Target folder is defined in configuration file.

Transaction Errors Lookup screen:

Account: Filter transactions for a specified account.

Date: Filter transactions by specified date range.

Following is the report output:

Date: Transaction effective date.

Account: Name of the account that the transaction belongs to.

Activity: Transaction type.

Credit: Transaction credit amount.

Debit: Transaction debit amount.

Error Reason: Description of the error that caused transaction failure.

Action: Allows posting a manual payment for the specified account.

The Receivables Settings includes reference data relevant for payments.

Credit cards

The credit card page enables to define new types of credit card.

Following is the Add credit card page:

Card Type Name: The credit card type name. The value will be presented in the drop downs for credit
card selection.

The following page is lists the available credit card types in the system as well as allows to delete or update
the available types.

Payment Methods

The page enables to define new payment methods in the system, supporting payment by check, PayPal,
PayPal Express, Credit Card, cash payment and tokenized payment.

The page also enables to update or delete existing payment methods.

Following is the Add payment method page, used for defining new payment methods:

Method Name: The payment method name.

Direct: Flag whether this payment method is direct (User enters the CC information in Aradial and Aradial
calls the Payment gateway) or Indirect (User is forwarded to the Payment Gateway web site, pays, and Aradial
gets notification about it).

Currency: Defines the currency associated with the payment method.

Method Type: Method type (CC / Manual).

Gateway: The payment gateway to use.

Do CC Validations: Indicates whether the CC should be validated upon adding / editing it to account

Do Register Tokens: The registration data is saved in the Account CCNumber. When making automatic
Payment, this data is sent instead of the CC details.

Use File for batch operations: Enables export of the payment requests, generated during the invoicing
process, to an external file.

Gateway User Name: User name for accessing the payment gateway.

Gateway Password: Password used for accessing the payment gateway.

Gateway Currency code: The gateway currency code.

PayPal: Defines whether PayPal will be used for payment. Note: For Paypal payments, the Paypal Express
method is the preferred method, while PayPal is left for backward compatibility.

PayPal Email: The merchant PayPal email.

3d Method: Indicates whether users need to pass 3d secure before the payment. The 3ds payment gateway
is used to do the 3ds validation and redirect to the regular payment gateway will some additional parameters.

Indirect Method: Defines the payment method for indirect payments. For example, in order to use Paypal
express, the indirect method will select the payment method containing the Paypal express definition, while
the current payment method is used for direct credit card payments.

PMS: Defines whether PMS will be used for payment.

PMS System: Selects the PMS system.

Payment GW Configuration

The payment gateway configuration defines the payment gateway parameters, which are used for interfacing
it. The page shows different fields according to the selected payment gateway.

The following fields are important when accessing the payment gateway:

X_login: The login (user name) for accessing the payment gateway.

X_tran_key: The key (password) for accessing the payment gateway.

X_test_request: Specifies whether working with the payment gateway in real mode or test mode. The valid
values are: TRUE and FLASE.

Payment HTTP requests

The HTTP requests page defines the interface with the supported payment gateways. The page is restricted
and not allowed to be changed.

Following is the Add page to define new HTTP request in the system.

Request name: The request name. For example: CC.AuthCapture, CC.AuthOnly, etc.

URL: This field has different semantics according to the request type:

Http/ Https – The actual URL without the "http://" prefix.

Execute – The command line (In the actual command line the parameter are added in the end in
http get format).

Null – The return string.

Special – The Special request name ("Internal").

In case the URL is empty and "Base Request" is defined, it is inherited from the Base request.

User ID: The Authentication UserId (Relevant only for Http/ Https requests). In case it is empty and "Base
Request" is defined, it is inherited from the Base request.

Password: The Authentication password (Relevant only for Http/ Https requests). In case it is empty and
"Base Request" is defined, it is inherited from the Base request.

Request type: The Request Type. Possible values:

HTTP – Plain HTTP.


Execute – Execute a command line.

Null – Do nothing, return the URL.

Special – Internal command.

None – Do not create a request at all.

<parent> - Inherit from the parent request/

Request method: relevant only for Http/ Https requests:

Get – HTTP Get request

Post – HTTP Post request.

<parent> – Inherit from parent.

Base request: The request to inherit from.

Following is the lookup page which allows to filter existing request definitions according to the payment
gateway type

Following is the result page:

Payment HTTP parameters

The HTTP parameters page defines the parameters for the HTTP requests. This page is restricted and not
allowed to be changed.

Following is the Add HTTP request parameter page:

Request group: This is the name of the payment gateway.

Request name: The request name. For example: CC.AuthCapture, CC.AuthOnly, etc.

Parameter name: The parameter name.

Parameter number: The parameter number. If filled and there is more than one parameter with the same
name, the actual parameter that will be sent is the 1st that does not get an empty value. Lower numbers are

Parameter type: Type of parameter. Possible values:

Literal – The value is "Parameter Value” (String).

HTTP – The value is taken from and HTTP Input parameter according to the "Parameter Value”.

Item – The value is taken from an internal object (e.g. the Offer). The "Parameter Value" is the
member name to get from the object.

Relative Date – The value is the Current Time + "Parameter Value (Integer)" formatted according
to the Aradial date format setting.

Random Alpha numeric – The value is a random string with "Parameter Value (Integer)" length.
In case the "Parameter Value (String)" is filled it indicates the character set to be used, otherwise, the
characters set is Alpha numeric (a-z,A-Z,0-9).

Request – The value is taken from a value that was sent during the previous request in the current
flow, or was filled in a request during the flow. The "Parameter Value (String)" should be "{Request
Name}.{Parameter Name}".

Copy All – Copy all http input parameters to the request.

Sequence – Take the value from a sequence. The Sequence name is "Parameter Value (String)".

Parameter value (String): see above.

Parameter value (Integer): see above.

Following is the lookup page to filter or view existing parameters.

Following is the result page:


The PayPal parameters page defines the parameters for the PayPal requests:

Internal PayPal express URL: PayPal Express URL, points to the local IIS application, pointing to the
Paypal php directory. Usually, this URL will have the form of: http://IP-of-Aradial-machine/ardpaypal/.

PayPal URL: PayPal URL. This URL needs to be updated also in the HTTP Request “Paypal Validate” at
the URL field.

Aradial URL: Aradial Portal URL.

Number of retries: Limit the number of retries for PayPal validation.

Time to wait between retries: Limit the time between retries of PayPal validation.

Accept None Completed Payment Status: PayPal validation passes when Aradial receives
payment_status “Completed”. This flag is used to accept the payment even though it is not “Completed”.
In this case there is information Log “Non Completed Payment status was sent: %s, continuing, payment

PayPal Express

To configure PayPal Express using indirect method, the following actions should be taken:

1. There should be installed PHP for IIS (PHP 5.5 and up) and the PATH is updated to the PHP
directory. IIS user for ardweb should have sufficient permissions to run PHP.

2. Add IIS application to the default site: ardpaypal and point it to the
PaymentGateways\PayPalExpress\ directory under the Aradial main directory.

3. Configure ardpaypal:

a. Authentication/Anonymous: set the Windows user (e.g. Administrator).

b. Handler Mappings: ISAPI-dll/Edit Feature Permission/Execute:Enable.

4. Using Aradial Web Admin:

a. Set Internal Paypal Express URL: http://IP-of-Aradial-machine/ardpaypal/ (Receivables ->

Settings -> PayPal).

b. Add PaypalExpress payment method:

 Direct: enabled

 Method Type: indirect

 Gateway User Name: <your-gateway-username>

 Gateway password: <your-Password:Signature> - Password and Signature are taken from

the Paypal control panel and concatenated in this field with : as separator.

 Currency: <your-currency>

c. Update the CC method to use PaypalExpress as indirect method.

5. Update PaymentGateways\PayPalExpress\

a. Aradial Admin URL

b. API user name/password

c. Aradial log directory.


The screen enables configuring the parameters for the PMS system integration. PMS stands for Property
Management System and is used to manage hotels. From the billing perspective, the PMS is used to allow
hotel guests pay for the internet service via their hotel bill.

System Name: The name of the PMS system to connect with. The name must be unique; all
communications with the system will be identified by the system name.

System URL: The IP of the remote system to connect with.

Port: The Port on which the PMS system and the PMS client will connect on.

Timeout: The time to wait for a response from the system before failure.

PMS Web Client IP: The IP assigned to the web client (a service on the server).

PMS Web Client Port: The Port on which the web client (a service on the server) will be listening on.

PMS Web Client Threads: The number of threads the service can use.

Link Alive frequency: The time in seconds between the sending of link alive message from the service to
all systems registered.


When using Cardinal for 3ds, there is a specific PHP script for performing the Cardinal 3ds operations, which
should be installed on IIS. The bellow screen enables configuring the URL for invoking the PHP script.


The screen enables configuring export payment requests to a file as a part of an invoicing process:

Maximal Number of Lines in a File: Limit the number records per file.

Maximal File Size: Limit the file size. Once the file reaches the defined limit, a new one will be generated.

Path and File Name: Set the interim file name and location where exported payment requests will be saved.

Template File Name: Set the template file name, which stores the exported payment requests pattern.

Complete File Name: Set the file name and location where exported payment requests will be saved.


Aradial supports multi-currency accounting. There are offer eligibility rules for accounts and users:

 A user can only purchase offers with the matching currency;

 An account can only purchase bundles with the same currency as the account balance.

All the users that belong to an account inherit the currency of the account balance.

Account may have invoice payment currency (defined at the account type) different from account balance
currency (defined at the balance type). Invoices due for such accounts will be calculated using the exchange
rate. These invoices may be paid with either account balance or account payment currency. However
payments that are not assigned to any invoice directly, may be done with account balance currency only.

Currency definitions and exchange rates are set below:

Add currency:

Name: Selects the currency name. The rest of the fields are populated automatically and are read-only.

View the defined currencies screen:

Unused currencies may be deleted.

Currency exchange rates may be set manually or retrieved automatically from one of the providers. Yahoo
and Google are supported by default. Provider parameters are set in configuration file (or registry):
CurrencyExchangeRates -> Provider.

To define what rates should be retrieved, create an automatic exchange rate:

Once the exchange rates are defined, they will be updated daily by the scheduler process. You may delete
unnecessary exchange rate requests from the screen below:

Manual rates may be set below:

There can be both automatic and manual rates. The system will use the latest entered rate.

To view existing rates, open Currencies Exchange Rates List:


Resource Inventory Management

The Resource Inventory is designed for storing managed user resources. Resources can be of different types,
for example phone numbers, MAC addresses etc. Aradial offers a very flexible solution for handling
resources, including the following:

- Full resources’ life cycle ;

- Resource categorizing;

- Import / Export list of resources;

- Batch management;

- Detailed and summary reports.

The Resource Inventory Management module can be accessed from Home menu.

Resource Categories

For easier maintenance, resources can be grouped by Categories and Sub categories. An unlimited number
of categories is supported.

Following is the page for creating a new category:

Resource Category Name: Free text field to represent the name of the category.

Created categories can be viewed on Edit Category page:

Name: Resource category name.

Add Sub categories: Option to add sub categories to the category:

Show Sub categories: Presents the list of sub categories:

Action: Option to delete category permanently. A category can be deleted if it doesn’t have any sub

Resource Inventory

The Add / Edit inventory resource page is available from the Resource Inventory menu:

Resource Type: Select one of the predefined Resource Types.

Category: Select a resource category. If no category is defined, this field may remain empty.

Sub Category: Select the resource sub category. If no sub category is defined for the selected category, this
field may remain empty.

Resource Value: The resource value, e.g. phone number.

To browse resources in the inventory, open the resource lookup page:

Resource Type: Search by a Resource Type.

Category: Search by a resource category.

Sub Category: Search by a resource sub category.

Resource Value: Search for a specific resource value.

Status: Search by Resource Status. Possible values are: Created, Assigned, Released, Deleted.

Creation Date: Search by date range when the resources were created.

Update Date: Search by date range when the resource were updated.

Assign User: Search resources that are assigned to a specific user.

Assign Date: Search by date range when the resource was assigned to a user.

Release Date: Search by date range when resource was released (no longer is assigned).

Below is the search result page:

For field definitions please refer to the above page.

Available Action: Delete allows deleting resources from the inventory permanently.

Manage Resources

The manage resources menu provides control over the inventory resources and supports changing
resource / batch status to Delete and Un-delete. Resources with a status of Deleted, will remain in
Inventory, but will not be available for assignment.

Perform Operation: Select the operation to perform: Delete or UnDelete.

Resource Type: Select resources of the defined type.

Category: Select resources of the defined category.

Status: Select resources with the defined status. Possible values are: Created/Deleted, Assigned, Released.

Sub Category: Select resources of the defined sub category.

After pressing Execute, a confirmation page will be presented with details of all selected resources. To
proceed with the operation, the confirm button should be pressed.

Batch Management
It is possible to save all existing resources to a CSV file for exporting or for backup:

Set Output file name and press Export.

The Import functionality allows importing resources from a file or restoring resources from the last exported

Set the full path to the source file and press Import.

The source file format (no header):


Body Example: 0,0,1,123456,0,,,,

Aradial provides Detailed and Summary reports for Inventory Resources:

Report Type: Select the report type. The available types are Summary and Detailed.

Resource Type: Select resources of a specific type.

Category: Select resources of a specific category.

Sub Category: Select resources of a specific sub category.

Status: Select resources with a specific status. Possible values are: Created/Deleted, Assigned, Released.

Assigned User: Search resources that are assigned to a specific user.

Create Date: Search by date when the resources were created. Date range can be defined as: After input
date; before input date; on input date.

Update Date: Search by date when the resources were updated. Date range can be defined as: After input
date; before input date; on input date.

Export to File: Export the report into a CSV file.

Below is the Summary report output. Resources are aggregated by Status, Sub Category, Category and
Resource Type:

Detailed report output is the same as from the output from Resource Look up:

For fields descriptions please refer to the section above.


Trouble Tickets
Trouble tickets is a mechanism to report and track issues related to accounts. A ticket and its activities can
be created, updated and viewed by both the customer and a CSR.

Ticket Category
A ticket category enables to tag tickets with different, predefined topics. Ticket categories can be used for
various purposes such as: organization groups, sub groups, etc.

The ticket category page may be accessed by clicking on the Trouble Tickets  Category Add / Edit .

Following is the "add category page"

Category name: free text field that holds the category name description.

View categories page:

Name: The ticket category name. By clicking the name link you will be redirected to the category page and
will be able to change the category name.

Action: Allows category deletion.

Adding New Tickets
Tickets can be created from the account/user navigation pane (please refer to the Accounts chapter) or from
the ticket generic page:

Parent Type: Select whether the ticket belongs to an account or to a user.

Account/UserId: Allows selecting the account or typing UserId for which the ticket will be created.

Status: By default each ticket may be created in the New status, however you may create tickets in other
statuses as well.

Priority: Set the priority of the issue: Low, Medium, High.

Category: The available ticket categories.

Severity: Set the priority of the issue: Minor, Major, Critical.

Assign To: The list of CSRs which the ticket can be assigned to.

Subject: A free text field for the ticket headline.

Description: A free text field for the ticket description. This is a high level description as each ticket may
have related activities (please refer to the next sub-chapter).

Resolution: A free text field for the ticket resolution.

Once pressing the Account find button, the following result page will be presented and account selection
will be enabled:

Edit / View Tickets
Once pressing on the Edit ticket link, the ticket lookup page will be opened and allow ticket search based on
several criteria.

Following is the ticket lookup page:

Subject: Search by ticket headline.

Open: Filter by ticket status: show only open tickets.

Priority: Filter by ticket priority.

More filters may be found on Advanced Search tab.

Once pressing on the search button, the following result page is displayed:

For open tickets there is an option to add ticket activities. Click Ticket Id link to open the ticket details and
activities management screen:

Expand Activities section to manage ticket activities:

To add an activity, click New:

Fill the activity details and Add. New activity will appear in the activities list:

It may be edited or deleted by a CSR.

Unlimited number of activities can be defined per single ticket. For closed tickets new activities cannot be

Ticket Reports
Once pressing on the reports link, the following page will be opened:

Report type: Ticket detailed report or ticket summary report (please refer to the examples below).

Category: Allows generating the report for a specific ticket category. Default value is All.

Status: Allows searching for specific ticket status. By default all statuses will be selected.

Creator user: The ticket original creator.

Assign To: The assigned CSR.

Create date: Allows generating the report for a specific date range based on creation date.

Update date: Allows generating report for specific date range based on update date.

Ticket summary report:

Aggregated tickets report. The following result page will be displayed:

Category: The ticket category.

Assign To: The assigned CSR.

Status: The ticket status.

Number of tickets: The number of tickets for the aggregated row.

Ticket detailed report:

Detailed ticket report. The following result page will be displayed:


Scheduler Configuration
The scheduler configuration enables to manage and maintain all scheduler commands as well as various
activities like deletion, edit, etc.

The scheduler page can be accessed from the following path:

Aradial main page  Data & Logs  Scheduler

Scheduler Commands
As a default, the scheduler commands page, in Edit mode will be presented. The scheduler command page
lists all the commands in the system.

Command: The command name (please see next section for details)

Program: The command program as well as the parameter names for each command

Timeout value: The timeout value in seconds, in which the process will be aborted in case of problems.

System Command: Indicator to distinguish between system daily jobs like invoicing, balance maintenance
and jobs created due to policy rules (see relevant chapter).

Internal Command: Indication whether the command requires execution of external process or not.

Action: Allows deletion of specific commands.

By clicking on the command name, you will be able to edit the command details. The following page will be

Command: The command name.

Program to execute: The command and the input parameters to be executed once the command is

Timeout: The timeout in seconds in which the program will be aborted in case of problems.

System Command: Indicator to distinguish between system daily jobs like invoicing, balance maintenance
and jobs created due to policy rules (see relevant chapter).

Internal Command: Indication whether the command requires execution of external process or not.

Maximum Retries: Maximum retry amount for failed jobs.

Scheduler Recurring Jobs

The scheduler recurring jobs enables to define recurring jobs in the system. Following is the Add recurring
job page:

Command: The command name for which the job will be created, as defined in the Scheduler Commands.
The drop down presents all available commands defined in the system.

Active: Defines whether the job is active or not. Non active jobs will not be run automatically.

Parameter name: Defines a parameter name and should match with the command.

Parameter value: Defines the value for the specified parameter name, which the command will use once
the job is triggered.

Frequency: The job frequency. Possible frequencies are: Daily, Weekly and Monthly.

Run time: The run time (hh:mm) for the job to run.

The following page is the Edit recurring jobs:

Command: The command name. Clicking on the job name opens the scheduler job edit page.

Parameters: The parameter names and the values for the selected command.

Frequency: The frequency for the selected recurring job.

Run time: The recurring job run time.

Last scheduled day: The last day when the recurring job was scheduled to run.

Action: Allows deletion or execution (manually) of the recurring job.

Scheduler Jobs
This page displays information and statistic for any job which was running by the scheduler.

Following is the scheduler jobs Lookup page:

Command: Select available command name.

System Job: Select between Yes, No, All.

Scheduled date: The scheduled date range.

Run start date: The start date range.

Run end date: The end date range.

Status: The status of the job.

Result: The result code of the job.

Parameter 1: Job’s parameter 1 value.

Parameter 2: Job’s parameter 1 value.

Following is the query output page:

Job number: A unique job number, given by the system for each job.

Scheduled date: The scheduled date for the selected job.

Command: The command name.

Parameters: The parameters and values used for the job.

Run start date: The start date where the job started running.

Run end date: The end date where the job was ended.

Status: The status of the job.

Left Retries: Amount of retries left.

Result: The result code of the job.


Rejected CDRs and Rejection Logs

The rejected CDRs page enables to lookup and view rejected CDRs, which are accounting events that were
rejected by the charging sub-system due to some errors.

Viewing the Rejected CDRS

The rejected CDRs page can be accessed from the following path:

Aradial main page  Data & Logs  rejected CDRs

Once pressing on the rejected CDRs link, the following page will be opened:

Reject Code: the rejected CDR code.

Reject Description: The description of rejected CDR error respectively to the rejected code.

Ip Address: IP address assigned to the session.

Date: Allows filtering the rejected CDRs between dates.

Once pressing on the search button, the following result page is displayed:

Clicking the Details Link of the rejected CDR row will open the rejected CDR details page, presented below:

Viewing the Rejection Logs

The rejection log records all the rejected authentications.

The rejection logs page can be accessed from the following path:

Aradial main page  Data & Logs  Rejection Logs

Once pressing on the rejection logs link, the following page will be open:

User Id: Filter by User Id.

Reject Code: The rejection code. The code values are defined in Aradial.dic.

Reject Description: The description of the error respectively to the rejection code.

Date: Allows filtering between dates.

NAS Name: Filter by NAS name.

MAC Address/Caller ID: Filter by MAC Address/Caller ID.

Once pressing on the search button, the following result page is displayed:


Notification Policies
The notification module supports sending of email notification. A notification can be a part of a batch
process when the event trigger is by time or it can be triggered by an event. For example: in the user
registration an email will be sent if the registration succeeded.

The following list of notifications can be sent by the system:

 User registration email.

 User purchase email.
 User Low Balance notification.
 Credit card expiration notification.
 Bill is ready or due or paid automatically.

A notification is defined by a Notification Policy and includes the following information:

Name: Free text for defining notification name, which will be used to refer to the policy.

Population SQL: The SQL that will retrieve all the relevant information for sending the notification.

Template File: The template file that has the content of the email, including:

- To – The destination email address.
- Cc – The cc email address.
- Subject – The subject of the email.
- Body – The body of the email.
- The template file can reference data obtained from the Population SQL by enclosing the reference
name with ‘@’. For example: To=@db_Email@.

Population Level: Select whether the notification will be executed on Account or User level.

Success SQL: The SQL that will be executed on the successful notification. This is an optional parameter
and can be used to update the relevant table that the notification has been successful, so no subsequent
attempts will be made to send the notification.

Failure SQL: The SQL that will be executed on the failed notification. This is an optional parameter and
can be used to update the relevant table that the notification has failed.

Following is the Notification Policies list:

Click on the policy name will open notification policy details for editing.

Available action: Delete notification policy permanently.


Web Self Care

Using Aradial as User’s Web-Self-Care.

Aradial provides a portal which is a web-based application that enables customers and users to browse and
manage their own accounts.

The portal can be customized to suit any provider's look and feel.

With Aradial self care application, authorized users will have the following activities:
 View the user summary
 View user balances
 Update user details
 Change user password
 View and search the user sessions
 Top up and Voucher Top Up
 View used vouchers
 Change Plan
 View payments
 Manage tickets
 View future activities
 Transfer balance

Login to Aradial user self care:

When a pre-defined user wants to access to Aradial portal and view / manage his account he should access
the Aradial portal URL (http://localhost:8001/Wsc).

The Aradial Self Care port is configurable and can be changed from the main admin Aradial screen 
Configuration  HTTP Server  WSC Interface Setting section, WSC Interface port parameter.

Aradial Self Care supports user authentication by UserId, Mobile number or E-mail. The identifier can be
changed from the main Admin screen Configuration  Security  Web Authentication, Web Self Care
user identifier.

Forgot password mechanism.

Aradial provides two options for the forgot password mechanism:

 One time password.

Click ‘Send access code’ button to get a temporary password to access the account data. The
code will be sent via email or mobile (for the access code configuration please refer to the AAA
manual, Configuration -> Security). Once the code is received, fill it in the ‘Access Code’ field
to log in.

 Password reset with security questions.

For the users that filled the security questions and answers, there is an option to reset the current
password. Click ‘Forgot Password?’ link:

Fill the User identifier as requested, which may be UserId, email or mobile as defined in
Configuration -> Security -> Web Authentication.

Fill the correct answers and set the new password:

Use the new password to log in on the home page.

Once Aradial authenticates and validates the user name and password/access code, the Aradial User Self
Care will present the User Summary Page:

User Summary

The following sections will be presented in the User Summary tab:

Personal Information:

Aradial user self care portal will present the user personal information with the registered data in 'read only'

Access Information:

Aradial user self care portal will present the user access information with the registered data in 'read only'

Additional access information:

Aradial user self care portal will present the user additional access information with the registered data in
'read only' mode.


Aradial user self care portal will present the dates information with the following details in 'read only' mode:

User Creation date: The date the user was created in Aradial.

User expiration date: The user expiration date. In case the user has no expiration date, the field will
be empty.

User activation date: The user activation date as inserted in the user registration. In case no
activation date was inserted, the user creation date will be presented.

Last login on: The last login date for the specific user. This field is updated automatically by Aradial
and will present the most updated date.

Billing information:

Offer: The offer associated with the user.

Time Bank: Current value of the time bank of the user.

MB Bank: Current value of the MB bank of the user

Balance: Current value of the money balance of the user.

Custom Balance: Custom bank values if applicable.

Show Usage: Show the allowance consumption in percent’s.

Update User

The Update User page in the Aradial self care interface allows the users to manage their own accounts and
update their details.

Aradial allows changing any of the user personal information but will not allow changing Metering info and
/ or any other system data information (e.g. user activation date, expiration date, tariff details, etc).

The user is able to change his/her personal information by changing the appropriate fields and then press
'Update' button. The change will be reflected immediately.

Change Password

Aradial self care portal enables users to maintain and change their password information.

The portal will first authenticate and validate the old password and then allow changing to new password.

The flow to change the user password is as follows:

- The user logins to the change password tab in the user self care.

- User types in the new password and re-enters the new password.

- The portal will authenticate the old password.

- If validation passes, the password will be replaced and appropriate massage will be displayed.

- In case of validation error, password will not be changed and appropriate massage will be

Create Ticket
An end user is able to create tickets in WSC. The flow is the same as in Admin. Please refer to the Account
Tickets chapter for details.

View Ticket
View Ticket screen allows browsing the user’s tickets, editing them and managing ticket activities like in
Admin. Delete is not possible.

View Sessions

Aradial user self care interface is allowing the users to view their own sessions by login to the View sessions

Once login, the page will be displayed in search mode and will ask for data range criteria's for the search.
Leaving the date fields empty means to range criteria's and Aradial self care will present all user sessions.

Reset – Will enable the user to reset the search criteria's and will remove the old values from the search fields.

The search button will search the user sessions based on the input parameters, or all sessions if no parameters
will be entered.

The sessions screen will present the following information and is different for Data and VoIP sessions:

Login/Connect time: Login time of the session.

Time Online / Duration: Present the session duration.

Caller Id: The caller id that initiated the session.

Destination: Dialed number.

Rate per minute: Call rate per minute.

Charge: Calculated charge.

Cost: the cost of the call.

Service: The service the user is connected to and the session is related to.

In MB: The used in MB (received MB) for the specific session.

Out MB: The used out MB (sent MB) for the specific session.

Top Up
Please refer to the Top Up section under user account.

To allow a prepaid user to purchase from the account balance (it should be enabled in account type), the
account should have a postpaid user associated to it. Pay From Balance action will then create a charge for
the postpaid user for the prepaid user top up. This charge will be invoiced at the end of billing cycle together
with the other postpaid user charges.

When neither user balance nor account credit limit is enough to make a purchase, ‘From Balance’ option is
not presented:

Voucher Top Up
Top Up from generated vouchers ordered by the user.

The user needs to enter the Voucher and the PIN in order to add relevant Top Up plan

Voucher Report
The report presents the vouchers that were activated by the user.

Voucher ID: Serial number of the voucher.

PIN: The voucher password.

Serial: The system voucher identification.

Service Type: Service type associated with the voucher.

Offer: The offer associated with the voucher.

Price: The price of the voucher.

Voucher Type: The voucher type.

Activation Date: The date when the voucher was activated.

Change Plan
Please refer to the change plan section under user account. The same rules as for Top Up regarding purchase
from account balance are applied.

Future Activities
Please refer to the future activities section under user account.

View Payments

Aradial user self care interface enables prepaid users to view their own payments history by login to the View
payments tab.

The page asks for date range criteria's for the search. Leaving the date fields empty means all user payments
will be presented.

Reset – Enables the user to reset the search criteria's and will remove the old values from the search fields.

The search button searches the user payments based on the input parameters, or all payments if no
parameters will be entered.

The payments screen presents the following information:

Payment receipts may be printed at any time:

Balance Transfer
A user may transfer money to any other user, identified by User Id and Mobile phone number:

Both User and Mobile fields are mandatory.

My Transfers and My Received tabs allow browsing user’s balance transfer history: sent and received
amounts respectively:

Account Admin User:
If the login User has “Account Admin” rights he is able to manage the entire account configuration including
account users, bundles, account tickets, account invoices and account payments.

The menu of the Web self care includes all the account managing capabilities:

Please refer to the account chapter for the new menu items.


Wifi / Hotspot Portal

Using Aradial Captive Portal and customizing per location.

Customizing Aradial Portal

Aradial user self care interface allows operators to customize and change the self care look and feel and
enable users login using their own login screen. Aradial provide all facilities to change the login page to
include the provider logo, details and use Aradial self care functionalities.

The following chapter will describe the following activities:

- General explanation

- Changing Aradial portal per location (provider)

- Examples and instructions

General explanation:

Aradial portal receives parameters from the redirection URL of the router / access controller. This way once
the user want to login he is redirected to the provider home page and needs to login with his personal details.

The following example will demonstrate the flow for user connection (e.g. in hotel from the user room for

- The user connect his PC / laptop / mobile device to the wifi lan and gets an IP address

- The user is opening his browser to connect the network

- The user will automatically redirected to a secured portal (SSL)

- The user will be requested to login with his user name and password

- The login details are sent by the router / access controller to Aradial for authentication

- Aradial will reject or grant the user for login.

 Please note: Aradial supports both http and https web access

Changing Aradial portal per location (provider):

As mentioned above, Aradial portal is receiving parameters from the access controller. The provider should
configure the URL in the access controller

For example:

- Configure the URL: http://localhost:8002/Portal in the linksys chillispot access controller screen.

- The following will automatically be added to the URL: uamip=12&uamport=123

- When it is redirected the URL would be:


- The Portal javascript detects uamip=12&uamport=123 and knows it is chillispot.

In the above example we can see that in the redirected URL the portal=Example1 link the user to the
provider home page for user login.

Aradial supports changing the look and feel web page using the portal parameter in the URL. The portal
parameter can also link to a folder name which exist under: Aradial\Hts\Portal


The above link will redirect the user to the provider home page for user login, the portal parameter is
linking to a directory called example1 and the web page look and feel can be customized in the Portal.hts
Pictures and images can also be customized buy putting the *.png file in the specified directory.

Instruction for changing Aradial portal per location:

- Copy one of the examples directories under Aradial\Hts\Portal and rename it (e.g.

- Download editor like PSPad and edit the Portal.hts in order to change the content as requested

- Change the picture (*.png file) to the requested logo

- Configure the URL in the access controller to link to the specified directory

 Please note: More about Aradial Hts customization can be found in Aradial-AAA-Manual.


The following example will enable users login, self registration, password recovery, self account management
and more information regarding the service provider. The screen shot is an example for a redirection page
which every user is directed for once trying to access or connecting his PC to a wifi lan.

The portal is build to suit specific provider logo and look & feel.

Voucher Sign Up – Fill the service voucher name and pin and mandatory user details, such as UserId,
password, name and email and create a new user.

Voucher refill – Fill the voucher name and pin, user Id and password and refill the user with the voucher.

Sign Up – Use a Credit Card or other defined payment method for registering a new user with this offer.

Top Up – Fill an existing user name and top up with Credit Card or another available payment method.

Change Plan – Fill existing user details and apply a new offer.

Free User Sign Up – Supports free user registration with different offer per portal. The offer is specified in
the main Admin module -> Configuration -> Portal List:

Assign an offer to a specific Portal location (name of the Portal should match the relevant portal directory

Multiple portals are supported:

Manage account – Fill UserId and Password and get to the Web Self Care module.


Aradial Configuration allows you to manage several settings for Aradial, such as when are the reports and
invoices are generated, which database to use, and more.

The Configuration page may be reached from the Administrator interface by clicking Configuration.


Charge Precision – Set the precision of the calculated usage charges.

Commission Precision – Set the precision of the calculated reseller commission.

Upload Download ratio – Set transmitting/receiving ratio for data usage.

Prepaid RC Mode – Select Conditional or Unconditional. In conditional mode RC for prepaid

users is charged only if the user has enough balance to pay the RC amount. In Unconditional mode
the user balance is ignored and RC is charged in any case.

Disable RC for Suspended Users – When ON, the RC is not charged on the RC charge date for
Suspended users. In this mode the RC is credited for the period from suspension date till the next
RC charge date and charged respectively when the user is activated.

Show Different Service Types In Offer Relation – Enables creating relations between offers that
belong to different Service Types.

Offer Expiration Action – Expiration operation when performing a change offer operation
between two offers for a user with an expiration date:

- Use Offer: Perform the expiration operation according to the offer definition.

- Keep the expiration date: Do not modify the user's expiration date and charge the user
according to the prorated difference between the price of the current offer and the new one.

- Add to current time: Credit the remaining expiration time of the current offer and set the
new expiration date from the current time, regardless of how the new offer expiration action is

Expiration Credit Rounding – Defines the rounding unit for price proration for user expiration.
The rounding unit can be hours or days. For example, if rounding unit is days and user is credited
for its remaining 3.5 days till its expiration date, then the user will be credited for 3 days.

Balance Transfer Fee – A fee to charge for balance transfers. The fee is charged to the sender of
the balance transfer. The fee can be defined as:

- Constant value, e.g. 0.1.

- An expression that can be used to charge for a relative amount. For example, a 1% fee
from the transfer amount would be defined as: 0.01*Amount.

Balance Transfer Fee Charge Type – Set charge type for the balance transfer charges.

Default Currency – Set the default system currency.

Enable Multiple Currencies – Enable multi-currency mode. When this mode is disabled, there is
a single currency in the system. When this mode is enabled, it is possible to define several currencies
and create entities like offers, account and users with different currencies.

Default password for Bundle Users – this password will be set for bundle users automatically.


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