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S.PAVISHAN J/CE/20/17/01 REG NOP-aJ/CE/20/17/01

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Now days green buildings are moved up in our construction field so we want to know the
material’s behaviors, types, how to use. We want know about the materials and their usage
handling method. This assignment provides new technology and tell about how to maintain
cost efficiency in buildings. It’s tell requirements of buildings and tell how to design eco-

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I am a civil engineering student. Studying in British college of applied studies. BCAS provide
best studies for the students and trained well student. And my greatest thanks to our sir
Eng.K.Kajeenthan. He is a lecturer in Bcas. He is always encouraging me and supporting
me. Thank you sir. Thank to my parents and friends. They are to help me and supporting


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Abstract.................................................................................................................................. i
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
SITE...................................................................................................................................... 2
PROJECT ............................................................................................................................. 2
Regulation ......................................................................................................................... 2
Legislation ......................................................................................................................... 2
Impacts of regulations and legislation on storage ,handling and use of material ................ 2
Storage.............................................................................................................................. 2
Handling ............................................................................................................................ 2
Use of materials ................................................................................................................ 3
Minimize construction related hazards ............................................................................... 3
1.2 Risk assessment ............................................................................................................. 4
1.3Regulation associated with the following activities ........................................................... 6
Excavation ......................................................................................................................... 6
Soil classification and testing ............................................................................................. 6
Arranged the Competent person........................................................................................ 6
Preplanning ....................................................................................................................... 6
Arranged the safety factors................................................................................................ 7
Precautionary activities ...................................................................................................... 7
Concreting ......................................................................................................................... 7
Placing concrete ................................................................................................................ 7
Compacting the concrete ................................................................................................... 7
Curing the concrete ........................................................................................................... 8
Working at height .............................................................................................................. 8
Guardrail ........................................................................................................................... 8
Ladder ............................................................................................................................... 8
Roof .................................................................................................................................. 8
platform ............................................................................................................................. 8
scaffolding ......................................................................................................................... 8
Moving , lifting and handling weight ................................................................................... 9

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Site vehicles and moving plants......................................................................................... 9

Concrete truck ................................................................................................................... 9
excavators ......................................................................................................................... 9
chemicals storage ............................................................................................................. 9
Discuss the environmental and sustainability factors........................................................... 10
2.1 life cycle assessment material explanation .................................................................... 10
Material environmental profiling ....................................................................................... 10
lifecycle assessment (LCA) ............................................................................................. 10
Lifecycle of timber ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Advantages of getting environmental CERTIFICATION ............................................ 11
Advantage ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Produce a waste management plan for a given materials ....................................... 12
Brick ................................................................................................................................ 12
Concrete.......................................................................................................................... 12
Metal ............................................................................................................................... 12
Timber ............................................................................................................................. 12
Plaster board ................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Sustainable practices and consideration for materials choice can improve the
environmental rating of the completed building. .................................................................. 13
Environmental rating........................................................................................................ 13
........................................................................................................................................ 13
Tools for material choice ................................................................................................. 14
Sustainable practises ...................................................................................................... 14
Life cycle assessment ..................................................................................................... 14
Day light using ................................................................................................................. 14
Rain water harvesting and recycling the water................................................................. 15
Using Solar panels ......................................................................................................... 15
Natural ventilation ............................................................................................................ 15
present material decisions for a given structure utilizing execution properties, exploratory
information, sustainability and natural thought..................................................................... 16
3.1 Relevant testing procedures to identify the performance characteristics of selected
construction materials ......................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Results in terms of the materials properties & regulatory requirement, highlighting any
unexpected results & why these may occur ........................................................................ 16
COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH .......................................................................................... 16

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Cube test ......................................................................................................................... 16

Workability ....................................................................................................................... 17
SLUMP TEST .................................................................................................................. 18
Aggregates impact value test .......................................................................................... 19
AIV TEST ( aggregates impact value test ) ..................................................................... 19
3.3 Define the properties and uses of following materials .................................................... 20
Concrete.......................................................................................................................... 20
TIMBER........................................................................................................................... 21
Reinforcement steel......................................................................................................... 21
Bricks and blocks ............................................................................................................ 22
Structural steel ................................................................................................................ 23
3.4 Effects of loading structural materials and compare the behaviors & performance of
materials that could be used for the same functions ............................................................ 25
4.0 Evaluate the performance of a given building concerning it’s human requirements ....... 26
4.1 Define a material selection for human comfort requirement ........................................... 26
Proper ventilation ............................................................................................................ 26
Thermal comfort .............................................................................................................. 26
Visual comfort.................................................................................................................. 26
Noise ............................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Balanced indoor environment ........................................................................................ 27
4.3 X-value, U-value calculation & Evaluate the energy loss per second through the wall in
watts ................................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Comfortable Lux level & dB level for different places and situations .............................. 29
List the lux level for different places ................................................................................. 29
List the DB level for different places ................................................................................ 30
4.5 Passive and active strategies minimize the usage of energy .................................... 30
Active strategies .............................................................................................................. 30
Passive strategies ........................................................................................................... 31
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 32

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Figure 1 Construction related hazards…………………………………………………………. …3
Figure 2 Signs ....................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 Storage cabin .......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4 Material lifecycle ................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5 Timber lifecycle ..................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6 Green labeling system .......................................................................................... 11
Figure 7 Management plan ................................................................................................. 12
Figure 8 Certification level ................................................................................................... 13
Figure 9 Green labeling system .......................................................................................... 13
Figure 10 Day light .............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 11 Day light .............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 12 Rainwater harvesting .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 13 Solar panels ........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 14 Natural ventilation ............................................................................................... 15
Figure 15 Cube mould......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 16 Crushing the cube ............................................................................................... 17
Figure 17 Cube casting ....................................................................................................... 17
Figure 18 Slump test equipments ....................................................................................... 18
Figure 19 Report ................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 20 Slump testing ...................................................................................................... 19
Figure 21 Impact testing machine ....................................................................................... 20
Figure 22 I section .............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 23 H section ............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 24 L section ............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 25 Channels ............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 26 Block vs Bricks .................................................................................................... 25
Figure 27 Thermal............................................................................................................... 26
Figure 28 Natural ventilation ............................................................................................... 26
Figure 29 Balance indoor environment ................................................................................ 27
Figure 30 DB level .............................................................................................................. 30

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Table 1 Risk assessment ...................................................................................................... 4
Table 2 cube testing results ................................................................................................ 17
Table 3 AIV test results ....................................................................................................... 20
Table 4 Blocks vs Bricks ..................................................................................................... 25
Table 5 Lux level ................................................................................................................. 29

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Here this subject is in 1st semester. Its tell about health and safety methods, hazards in
construction work, how to prevent that hazards, life cycle assessment of materials, green
building requirements, waste management plan, sustainability development , tests, human
comfort requirements, calculation of energy loss .its help to increasing the our knowledge
about these modules. It’s given the opportunity for analyzing and finds the solution. I am
studied about current situation of construction in srilanka. Now I can give the solution for the
safety of workers. I find the regulation of labors like it’s a law. Now days civil field encourage
The eco-friendly building and material. Worldwide newly invent the eco-friendly materials but
here we don’t know about that and don’t try to search that but now this subject help to realize
that. Now it’s gave evaluation of construction materials, eco-friendly buildings, labor’s
regulations and laws.

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It’s present about methodology and direction of doing construction activities without harm
and injuries. This is like as guide note so the person who does that activity, that person will
get guidance and easily handling that work with health and safety. Regulation are created by
organizations for regulate to the work activities. (hsa, 2000)

It’s give an set of guidelines, orders or regulations with international standard codes, like as
it’s a law for how to do that work or activity on construction site. Its created by world’s
common construction organizations.

Impacts of regulations and legislation on storage ,handling and use of material

This is a important for the construction activity . Material ,goods, equipment are stored in site
for do the construction peoples known about how to store ?,how to handling that ?
And how to use of material?
 Its reduce risk and harm

 This is say how to storing material ,goods and equipment. First we known about
requirements for the storage .every construction materials have guide notes with
regulations .that’s say choose specific area for storing , have a enough space, thinks
of affected on material.
 So we will get proper method for storage. Divide materials ,addressing substances ,
prepare non traffic footway, maintain distance from material to another material, and
 Storing area must keep clean and clear, prohibit maintain waste material in store

 This is present way of using construction things by construction peoples. Normally
Construction site are consider must wearing ppe (personal protective equipment)
before handling the equipment ,and health and safety engineer teach to the
construction peoples, how to handling proper way, Standard method and process
help to avoid confusion , Prohibit unnecessary handling

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Use of materials
Materials have different types of physical properties. Eg- chemical ,steel ,timber and ect.
Eliminate mixing the material.

Minimize construction related hazards

This is a 50 storey constructing building ,so these type of hazards will be held here
 Workers working at height and falling down
 Workers working near the moving object and get an accident
 Worked on machinery noise and hearing problems
 Hand vibration syndrome
 Electric shocks
 Material ,machinery air born fibres and pollution here
 Collapsing trenches

So as a employee I want to prepare plan for reduce these type of hazards

 Provide suitable training and advice about this hazards to workers

 Provide P.P.E and safety belt for workers working at height and avoid working at
height where possible.
 Provide highly visibility jackets to the workers and machinery make a beep sound
and have a visibility lights
 Workers avoid to working at moving machinery
 Workers must be wear headphones for noise
 Ensure the trenches is secure
 Use certified machinery and equipment
 Appoint health and safety officer

Figure 1 Construction related hazards

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1.2 Risk assessment

Severity (s) Probability (p)

4.Calamitous, may cause death 5.Habitually, liable to happen every now

And again

3.Basic, may cause genuine injury or ailment 4.Likely, will happen a few times

2.Peripheral, may cause minor injury or 3.Incidental, prone to happen


1.Immaterial, won't injury or disease 2.Far off, improbable yet


1.Impossible, so improbable it very well

May be accepted that it

Table 1 Risk assessment

No Task Hazard S P Score Control

4 3 12 Install barricade to the

excavation area
Excavated soil falling down on
workers. Workers maintain
4 3 12
distance from moving
Equipment or plant falling down
4 5 20 Install frame work into
on workers.
1. Excavation the excavation area

3 3 9 Analyze and prepare

The accident during to utility the method of
services on excavation. statement for the

Out coming Toxic materials from 4 3 12 Identify the

excavation area. underground utility
services from
excavation area

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Wearing personal
Skin allergic protective Equipment
2 4 8
Wearing goggles.
Wearing N95
2. Concreting Lungs diseases
respiratory mask.
2 4 8 Wash the skin with
Eye allergic cleaning products.

Using the mechanical

Using the More peoples
Musculoskeletal injuries 3 2 6
do that work.
3. Materials Back bone injuries.
lifting/handing Using the proper
Strain laceration
method and techniques.
3 3 9

Provide the
supervisor for the
Gases and liquids Harmful to the
chemical storage
4. Chemical respiratory system. 3 2 6
storage management.
Allergic on skin .
Use the protective

Complete Inspection by
the safety officer
3 4 12
Prepare the planning for
5. Working at Workers falling from height.
height do the work by safety
Objects falling down on the
workers. 4 1 4
Should be Install the
safety net to around the
working area

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Provide the traffic

management by
supervisor .
6. Site vehicle Traffic problems between plant to
and moving Minimize the Useless
people or plant to plant. 2 2 4
plant plant.
Collision between plants and
people. Install the traffic signal
and signs .

1.3Regulation associated with the following activities

 It’s a process of removing or cutting earth material. This activity implement by
excavators, man power and equipment .
 The occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) excavation standard , 29
code of federal regulations part 1926 they had requirements of excavation. (houcks,

Soil classification and testing

 First identify the deposit of soil and rock .its present type of deposit and compressive
strength of soil.

Arranged the Competent person

 That person have individual knowledge about excavation and earth deposit on that
 Its help to reduce the hazards on site and he will maintain the standard and task
 Inspecting protective system and site .

 This is present method of excavation .we can identify the hazards and how to solve
 Identify the cost of project , and prevent the failures .

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Arranged the safety factors

Provide and check the personal protective equipment, control the traffic ,check the weather ,
supervising the work, and fall protection need. These are help to reduce the harm on
working time

Precautionary activities
 Identify underground utilities
 Excavated soil keep from trenches with at least 2 feet.
 Ensure the PPE

Inspection of activities

It’s a composite material. Its consist cement ,aggregates .then mixed with Water will get
concrete. This is used in building, bridge ,road and other construction activity. Concrete
strength is decided by fine aggregates: cement : coarse aggregates and water content
mixing ratio

Placing concrete
 This is most important procedure . Concrete temperature between 15 c to 25 c. Its
gained full strength with 28 days . In case concrete affected by extreme hot .that’s
produce shrinkages cracks and damage to the we want to provide curing
 Using retarding admixture is increase the lower the rate of hydration.
 Fast transporting the concrete is maintain setting time.
 Sprinkling the water on form work and concrete placing area is reduce the
 Cure minimum 7 days of casted concrete. Concrete placing height is not up to over 4
feet .its avoided the segregation .
 Don’t do the latterly movement with vibrators .inspection of concreting place is help to
check the reinforcement and form work and utility services. Provide enough vibration
for concrete its avoide the honeycombs
 Before the concreting we want to do the concrete test. Slumb test provide the
workability of mixing concrete. Cube test is help to find the strength of casted

Compacting the concrete

 Its provide expels the entered air from fresh concrete. Its act to help aggregates
particles together and improve the density of the concrete. Its improve the
aggregates bonding with reinforcement

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Curing the concrete

 Its providing moisture content . and help to improve the strength of concrete.

Working at height
 The work at height regulation 2005 says protect the worker from risk on working at
height. When If possible Avoid the Working at height . Other vice we want to provide
a suitable safety equipment.

 This Standard vertical size is 42 inches. Its structure has strength minimum 200
pounds force applied with in two inches of top have not rough faces and
jagged surfaces . If any chance these are here they will make puncture ,laceration
,snagged cloths.

 Its used to climbing up work or down work there are many type of ladder here
straight ,fixed access , tripod orchard ,step ladder. And they made from wood ,metal ,
fiber and ect.
 When we use the ladder ensure it has slip resistance feet and using on firm area.
 The top of the ladder is at least 3 feet above the top of ladder using area. Inspecting
the ladder using purpose and identify the what grade and type of ladder want to use .

 Analysing the working are and prepare the method of statement .taking the
precaution activities. provide the guardrail for the roof edges . workers linked by fixed
cable. Wearing slip resistance shoes . workers are guide by the experienced person /
supervisor .

 It has adequate strength , has not defects , fixed to supported , its has minimum 635
mm wide working area. Do not put overload here .check this necessary.

 Its has weight capable capacity. Its not made up to 125 feet. Foot area is has slip
resistance and not damage. If you fixe the scaffolding long height then it want to
connect to fixed area.
 First check the soil type and condition and after fixed that.

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Moving , lifting and handling weight

 Cranes are used to weight lifting or moving operation. So may type of crane are
used in site. Crane driver has clear vision and well experienced .if weight is want to
lifted over height check the overhead utility services .crane must be has a overload
indicator. Arrange the working order for the activities. Work is checking by supervisor

Site vehicles and moving plants

Concrete truck
 Its used to transporting the concrete from batching plant to site. Its has rotating body
for maintain the slump , consistency , the motion is help to avoid the Harding of
concrete .
 Concrete pump help to transport the concrete from truck to building.

 Its used to digging or moving the earth elements. Provide the well trained driver for
operating work. Make inspection generally .ensure the over load indicator ,it is has
timer for count the timing the work . If necessary check the soil or earth type before
the excavator’s work

chemicals storage
 We choose the better place for the storage. And its maintain distance from working
area hanging the dangerous signs for the storage. Necessary check the storage by
supervisor. Maintain the logbook for the chemical storage in or out stock. Must
wearing personal protective equipment. Avoid improper arrangements , block the fire
equipment , provide the fire extinguisher ,chemical stored in explosion proof
refrigerator and maintain the temperature in the room .keep the chemical free from
sunlight and fire equipment ..

Figure 3 Storage cabin Figure 2 Signs

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Discuss the environmental and sustainability factors

2.1 life cycle assessment material explanation

Material environmental profiling

 It’s a way for identifying and analyzing the environmental effects of materials in their
life cycle ( extraction to disposal ).its give a route for the designers to demand their
products in the market with reliable and comparable .its used to improve the material
physical body. Give the chance to reduce the wastage and cost .we can find the
solution for the impacts .altogether its improve our efficiency and give the good
environment for next generation. (sciencedirect, 2006)

lifecycle assessment (LCA)

 it’s a analysing method for evaluate environmental impacts during on the every stage
in the product lifecycle .its goal is make a product with more sustainable. we can
identify the impacts and give the solution or create the way for reduce that. we will
make the new products with low emission. Its give an idea to reduce the material

Figure 4 Material lifecycle

Lifecycle of timber
Here we use the timber. We used the timber material in construction work. After the used if
the building want to demolish that time we can recycled the timber. Its in better condition we
can reuse, get into the factory and recycled that, use to bioenergy. Its not emission toxic
gases, its not produce the harm to the environment. If we collect the raw material of timber
that time we will plant the new tree on the earth. It’s a green method.

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Figure 5 Timber lifecycle

2.2 Advantages of getting environmental CERTIFICATION

This function is control and watching the building for their impacts on environmental and
what are the solution and material they used to reduce the environmental impact and proof
by the certificate system. (chas, 2007)

 Reduce the pollution- Mostly they are used natural things so they are not produce
emission on environmental
 Saving the cost in wastage - This time we recycle the outcome. Disposal things are
change to raw materials. Normally eco-friendly buildings are not produce the more
 Increase the customer- Every customers want to happiness and piece full , and this
type of building are not provide harmful things.
 Increase the sales - Customers increasing effect on this
 Maintain the Efficiency on material, energy
 Energy is made from renewable resource so its reduce the cost and impacts on
environment. We used recycle material for this building so its help to reduce the cost
and impacts.

Figure 6 Green labeling system

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2.3 Produce a waste management plan for a given

It old bricks have good condition then we will use to renovation building. Make a outdoor
barbecue , paving ,garden path .give to hard core for building roads , its work like as coarse
aggregates . Its used to backfilling .they are crushed and recycled .

Small size concrete pieces used like as gravel for road,
Crushed concrete use to as aggregates for new concrete.
Big sixe piece of concrete used to riprap revetments.
Substituted for landscaping stone or aggregates.

Its crushed and reuse to built a new metal elements
Change to table or chair, make a new architect design ,

Crushed and make a new composite.
If have good condition then prepare to for new.
Change to table or small craft.

Plaster board
It can be recycled and make a new plaster board.

Figure 7 Management plan

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2.4 Sustainable practices and consideration for materials

choice can improve the environmental rating of the
completed building.
Environmental rating
It’s a tool for find the evaluation of the building. Green building council srilanka (GBCSL)
collaborated with institute for construction training and development (ICTAD) and provide
the rating system. They are provide 4 rating system platinum – 70 points and above , gold –
60 to 69 points , silver – 50 to 59 points ,certified – 40 to 49 points.
The 100 points under these criteria management – 4 points , sustainable site – 25 points ,
water efficiency – 14 points , energy and atmosphere – 22 points , materials and resources –
14 points , indoor environmental quality – 13 points ,innovation and design – 4 points , social
and cultural awareness - 4 points .

Figure 8 Certification level

Figure 9 Green labeling system

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Tools for material choice

 Mechanical properties – reduce the cement and use the fly ash .design the building
with orientation , using overhang , building massing
 Thermal performance – use the hollow block ,cavity wall , eco bricks are used to heat
 Acoustic performance
 Weight and dimension limited
 Safety on handling materials
 Cost efficiency – we will get the more material and energy from nature so there are
renewable resource .so we can reduce the cost and maintain the efficiency.

Sustainable practises

Life cycle assessment

 Assessing the environmental impacts and reduce that
 Find the quantity of consuming and emission
 Using the eco friendly bricks

Day light using

Its reduce the electricity cost .and its getting from nature .its not provide emission or harmful
things. We choose the big size of window and fixed the solar light orientation.
(cultivatingcapita, 2000)

Figure 10 Day light

Figure 11 Day light

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Rain water harvesting and recycling the water

This time we will reduce the water usage. Prepare the tank, roof top harvesting and recycling
filter .so we get the good water and use to our activities.

Figure 12 Rainwater harvesting

Using Solar panels

This is help to harvest the solar light .and change to reduce the long term
electricity cost .

Figure 13 Solar panels

Natural ventilation
Its provide fresh air .this time we are not use the mechanical devices for getting the air.
Its reduce the heat of inside

Figure 14 Natural ventilation

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Present material decisions for a given structure utilizing

execution properties, exploratory information,
sustainability and natural thought

3.1 Relevant testing procedures to identify the

performance characteristics of selected construction
3.2 Results in terms of the materials properties &
regulatory requirement, highlighting any unexpected
results & why these may occur

It’s a capacity of resist to the under compression
Some Factors affecting this ,they are coarse aggregates , air entrainment , water cement
ratio .

Cube test
Testing equipment
 Cube mould
 Tamping rod

 Find the compressive strength of building elements .
Figure 15 Cube mould
 We should prepare the cube mould
 Applied the oil for the surface
 Pouring the concrete inside of mould should 3 layers.
 Every layers compacting 25 times by tamping rod
 ( Tamping rod has standard size = die.m 16mm , 0.6 m length )
 After 24 hours remove the cube from mould.
 And put the mark on the cube.
 And it will submerged into the water .
 Its took ages ( 7days , 14 days , 28 days )
 After we will take the cubes to testing lab

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Testing lab equipment

Compression testing machine (CTM)
We took the result from grade C20 concrete

Table 2 cube testing results


TEST RESULT 308.4 KN 410.3 KN 444.8 KN

COMPRESSIVE 13.7 N/mm2 18.23 N/mm2 19.76 N/mm2


NOTE – we take the 3 samples for the every testing and finalized take the average of the

Figure 17 Cube casting Figure 16 Crushing the cube

It’s a property of concrete its define homogenous status.
Its depend on quantity of water , aggregates grates , mixed fine materials percentage

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 Find the workability of concrete

Testing equipments
 Frustum cone
 Tamping rod
 Measuring tape
 Metallic sheet for placing concrete

 Trowel Figure 18 Slump test equipments

 Clean the inner face of cone
 Pouring the concrete in four layer
 Each layer tapping 25 times
 After cone is remove solely from concrete in vertical direction
 Measure the height difference between cone highest point and top of concrete.


Figure 19 Report

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 Here slump value is 135 mm .consultant’s approved value is 125 +/- [25] .so this is
between the 120mm to 150 mm. so its approved for the concreting .
 True slump – it shape is like as cone .
 Shear slump – half of the concrete slide down its called shear slump
 Collapse slump – if concrete slide down multi direction. Its got out of shape from
mould .its called collapse slump.

Figure 20 Slump testing

Aggregates impact value test

its used to find the value of aggregates resistance due to sudden shock

AIV TEST ( aggregates impact value test )

Testing equipments
 Impact value testing machine
 Tamping rod
 Oven
 Sieves per standard

 Get 12.5mm sieve through sample and collect which is retained in 10mm sieve .
 Samples are dried by oven in 100 degree to 110 degree.
 Then filled the metal cup with samples. Filled in 3 layers and each layer get 25
tamping .
 Remove the excess sample from cup
 After cup is fixed to horizontally and locked.
 Provide the hammer shock which free fall on the sample.
 After remove the cup and sieve through the 2.36mm sieve.

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 Now calculate the sample weight


Table 3 AIV test results

No Description Sample 1 Sample 2

1 Weight of dried sample (W1) 345 365

2 Weight of crushed particle gain from 55 65

2.36mm sieve (W2)

3 I.V of aggregates =( W2/W1) ×100 15.94% 17.80%

So average impact value is = 16.87% so recommended value is 10 to 20 .

so it’s gain strong

Figure 21 Impact testing machine

3.3 Define the properties and uses of following materials

 It’s a mixed material they are cement, coarse aggregates , fine aggregates ,and
water .
 It’s best to use for the compressive strength, but its weak in tension force.
 Durability – its best for resistance from rain ,chemical attack .
 Porosity and density – its better in durability its density depend on size /dimension of
aggregates and reduce the water .

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 Best in Fire resistance , It has Impact resistance

 Recyclability material – use like as aggregates.
 Produced locally – we have local resource for this product
 Cost effective – durability , low maintenance cost.
 Emission free – its not emit any gases or toxin

 It has 2 Varity 1.softwood 2. Hardwood . hardwood dense is more than softwood.
 Its used to make a beam, columns, and architectural works.
 Hardness - its depend on resistance and other attributes.
 Specific gravity – its depend on pores .mostly it has 0.3 to 0.9
 Moisture content - if water content is more its attack by fungi
 Shrinkage or swelling – after the cutting its lose the water from cell that time
shrinkage made on
 Strength – if timber has more quality that has more strength. its used structural works
 Density – good quality timber has more density .it has not more moisture content
 Toughness – it has more bearing shocks.
 Durability – best timber has resistance to fungal attack
 Elasticity - it will get own shape after usage .
 Soundness – good timber provide good sounds.

Reinforcement steel
 Steels are made from iron with carbon. There are two types of steels here .1 – high
yield steel , 2. Mild steel .

 Its best for tensile force.
 It has elasticity habits.
 Its response to thermal .(expansion )
 Its create a best bond with concrete.
 Its available cheaply ,if you order it bulk .

High yield steel

 It has its created best friction and bonding. It has 500N/mm2 strength.
 It has 8 mm to 50 mm diameter.

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Mild steel
 Its normally used as stirrups. Its not has torque so friction is smaller than high.y.steel.

Bricks and blocks

 They are made from clay and water mixed. Standard size is 225mm × 112.5mm ×

Types of bricks
 Burnt clay brick
 Fly ash bricks
 Solid bricks
 Sand lime bricks.


 Good bricks have long term durability

 Easy of use
 Best is Energy efficiency
 Fire resistance
 Strength – its used to compressive strength .but normally its not transfer high
compressive strength.
 Weather proof- rendered clay bricks are water resistance and weather proof .

Concrete Blocks
 They are made from casted concrete. It has variable size depend on usage. 4inc ,
6inc, 8inc , 9inc are mostly used to built wall and structural works. its has
endurance to compressive strength .

 Its resistance to strong wind
 It’s give natural level fire resistance
 This material use lower energy
 Its work as soundproof , Water resistance material.

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Structural steel
 It’s made from iron with carbon .it has H- shape, I –shape, L- shape models. its
depend on use of stage. Now days its used in steel structural buildings. Its framed by
concrete and us as columns and ect. (wikipedia, 2007)

 Strength – European standard says steel has weather shield. Minimum strength is
 Best in ductility- here consider cold or thermal affection .we consider elongation.
 Weldability – structural working time want to welding the steels. Fixed and joints are
made that steels want to this properties .
 Durability - long term usage is most important ,because buildings are made for long
term usage .
 Weather shield - every steel has this content because they want to resistance the
weather . if it has not weather shield they are attacked by corrosion

I section .
 Its has horizontal elements are flanges and vertical element is web
 The web is used to resist the shear forces and flanges are used to resist bending
moment .
 Its not has good efficient in torsion.
 Its best preferred for hollow structural section.

Figure 22 I section

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H section
 Normally like as I section steel. They are have long and heavy size than I section.
Web and flanges have same thickness .used in hollow structural and heavy load
transferring .

Figure 23 H section

L section
 Its Basic type is rolled formed . they are 900 degree angle. Its used in framing,
brackets, trim, reinforcement. Normally it size is 25mm × 25mm × 5mm to

Figure 24 L section
 They are not used most in construction activities because bending axis isn’t centered
on the flanges. Mostly 2 channels welded and use like as H section .but its not gain
power more than H section.

Figure 25 Channels

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3.4 Effects of loading structural materials and compare the

behaviors & performance of materials that could be
used for the same functions

Table 4 Blocks vs Bricks

Properties Bricks Blocks

Heat protection Normally its absorbed heat on They are not working like as
day time and release it on night brick.
time and day time its provide its maintain the heat
level .

Eco friendly Its recycled and used to This not for best recycled usage.
backfilled works.

Durability Its more durable than blocks They want to maintain than

Fire resistance Normally its welled fired things. Its also best resistance to fire

Maintenance Mostly they are free from They want to maintenance


Strength They can’t endurance heavy They can endurance heavy load
loads than bricks.

Soundproofing Its provide less than blocks They have higher density so
provide the higher soundproof

Build cost efficiency Its want to time more than block Its buildup short duration .

 So they are mostly much equal, so its best or bad decided by purpose and client
requirements .

Figure 26 Block vs Bricks

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4.0 Evaluate the performance of a given building

concerning it’s human requirements
4.1 Define a material selection for human comfort

It’s a most important thing in construction. It’s a early stage planning before the construction
works starting . common requirements are proper ventilation, enough lightening, thermal
comfort, noise comfort, ect. (open.lib, 2006)

Proper ventilation
Its most affect the human comfort, if enough full air isn’t here peoples can’t concentrate on
their works , its reduce the human work energy , and they can’t get well breath . so material
selection must full fill this requirements .so we will choose correct material and that material
reduce the indoor heating , clean the polluted air .

Thermal comfort
If the indoor thermal is high, peoples cant do their works we will use the thermal
resistance material , normally bricks are best material for this.

Visual comfort
Its most part . if you want to do your jobs that time we want the visual comfort. We want to
enough natural lightening So we plan the best light transferring material . Select the light
transferring sheets for roof. Use the glasses for the wall .

Its reduce the concentration on work and cant here the communication. So we want to
choose the sound resistance material. studio Foam , cavity block, fiber glass .

Figure 27 Thermal Figure 28 Natural ventilation

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4.2 Balanced indoor environment

 Our building is in the Colombo .so we are selected the colombo area materials
 Indoor environment includes air quantity ,sunlight, lighting, thermal and ect.
 We used big size of windows its help to reduce the heat and polluted air.
 bricks for wall its help to reduce the thermal inside and night time its produce the
absorbed heat so its balanced day and night thermal .
 glass for windows and opens – its used to produce the sunlight into the building so its
help to maintain lightening, thermal .
 our building based concrete and bricks and glass
 and these type of material are not emitted the co2 gas, toxic gases. They are mostly
recyclable so they are best to environment. They have sound insulation so they are
help to reduce the sound inside. They are mostly harvest energy from nature so
these material are help to maintain the indoor environment .
 finally they are not interrupt the humans and balanced indoor environment so they
are increase the productivity.

Figure 29 Balance indoor environment

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4.3 X-value, U-value calculation & Evaluate the energy loss

per second through the wall in watts

 Thickness A = 2.5 + 0.1 ×1 = 2.6 ×10-2m

 Thickness B = 2.25 ×10-2 m
 Thermal conductivity (K) A = 0.1 wm-1 0c-1
 Thermal conductivity (K) B = 2 wm-1 0c-1

RSi = 0.123 RSo = 0.05 Ra = 0.18




U = 2.25 wm-2 0c-1

R= = = 0.444 wm-1 0C

HL = UA ∆TS = 2.25 × 50 × 19

= 2137.5 W

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4.4 Comfortable Lux level & dB level for different places

and situations
List the lux level for different places

Table 5 Lux level

Places Lux level

Cafeteria 200 – 300 lux

Class room 300 – 500

Conference room 300 – 500

Corridor 50 – 100

Dormitory 200 – 300

Kitchen 300 – 750

Laboratory 500 - 750

Library 200 – 500

Lobby 200 – 300

Locker room 100 – 300

Electrical room 200 – 500

Office 300 – 500

Parking 50 – 100

Rest room 100- 300

Stair ways 50 – 100

Workshop 300 – 750

Retail sales 200 – 500

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List the DB level for different places

Figure 30 DB level

4.5 Passive and active strategies minimize the usage of

Active strategies
 Its energy used to keep comfortable in building and its created by men.

They are
Solar electricity
 its mounted on roof top. And its harvest the sun light and changed to electricity .

Wind power
 it has turbine and its turn by wind and collect the electricity .

Solar water heating

 its heated by sun lights. And its transfer in tank and will heat up to water

Grey water re use

 collect the water from showering, hand wash, and waste water are collected into tank
and give the treatment to that and re use to other works.

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So they are collect the energy from nature sources and change it to wanted energy .so its
help to reduce the expenses cost .

Passive strategies
 This a natural sources .and we don’t change it to another energy only we create the
way to the source income in to the building. So we use the creativity in architectural
design .

 We use the sun light for this process .sun light has natural heating we
want to create the way for sunlight. Create the big windows , use the glass for wall,
design the window face to east

Natural Lighting
 sun is provide the natural light .so we can collect the natural from sun. So we want
create the more windows, use glass panels, design the building face to sun .

 here we want to provide the best opening and windows with doors, its help to
increase the air quantity in building. And architectural designer provide the best
design and orientation for the ventilation. Natural ventilation help to decrease the
heat inside and fill up human comfort air .

so active and passive strategies are help to reduce the maintain cost and absorb energy
from nature. So its help to eco friendly and increase the human comfort.

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This assignment is built my knowledge. How to handle the material and what are the use of
that and identify the usage. I am trying to solve the calculation part .it’s give how to find
thermal losses with using the many reference for to solve this assignment. I got
green building technology and find the construction future is on green buildings .After this
assignment I got clear vision of this module and knowledge.

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