Thushanthan Hydro Final

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N. Thushanthan
Hydraulics principles and applications

Hydraulic Engineer is a branch of Civil Engineering and is one of the most difficult subjects. Most
students generally find this difficult to understand well. Supports students in that order, experts in
the field of hydraulic engineering provide excellent assistance, and helps to complete assigned
tasks in a timely manner. It enables timely completion of every aspect related to Civil Engineering.
Assignment specialists offer each type of workplace assistance and offer a variety of benefits that
are hard to ignore. To obtain hydraulic engineering assignment assistance, university students
should approach a specialist and obtain a program in a timely manner. The professionals in my
work have experience and knowledge of, which helps them to understand the subject better. So
I go looking for them and do my job.

N. Thushanthan j/CE/20/17/05 1
Hydraulics principles and applications

I feel lucky to have completed my civil engineering studies at the British College of Applied
Studies. It is a college that strives to provide students with excellent and essential new content.
Students go to campus to get better knowledge and there are students. Stimulated to read well.
First of-all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. K. Kajeethan, Lecturer in Civil
Engineering, British College. I would like to thank my parents and colleagues for assigning tasks
and for useful research. I would like to thank my friends for their excellent encouragement and
guidance and for their help and support in completing this in so many ways. And everyone on
campus is friendly and helpful to each other, and finally my congratulations to all of them.
N. Thushanthan

N. Thushanthan j/CE/20/17/05 2
Hydraulics principles and applications

Abstract...................................................................................................................................... 1
Acknowledgement...................................................................................................................... 2
List of figures ............................................................................................................................. 4
List of table ................................................................................................................................ 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6
1. Apply concepts of physics to develop solutions for hydrostatic and hydrodynamic problems.
2. Calculate forces related to fluids at rest and in motion. ......................................................13
3. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure exerted on substructures for a given contexts. .............24
4. Proposals report for swimming pools. ................................................................................35
Introduction ........................................................................................................................35
Swimming pool engineering plane and proposal layouts. ...................................................36
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................43
Reference .................................................................................................................................44

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Hydraulics principles and applications

List of figures
Figure 1 open channel flow ........................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2 pipe flow....................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 non uniform and uniform flows ..................................................................................... 9
Figure 4 compressive and in compressive flow .........................................................................10
Figure 5 laminar and turbulent flow ...........................................................................................10
Figure 6 laminar and turbulent flow ...........................................................................................12
Figure 7 equation of Reynolds number .....................................................................................12
Figure 8 pipe flow......................................................................................................................23
Figure 9 pipe size and flow........................................................................................................23
Figure 10 excavation .................................................................................................................37
Figure 11 basic proposed swimming pool .................................................................................38
Figure 12 steel cage reinforced .................................................................................................39
Figure 13 pump and filter ..........................................................................................................39
Figure 14 concreting .................................................................................................................40

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Hydraulics principles and applications

List of table
Table 1 pipe flow vs open flow ................................................................................................... 8
Table 2 swimming pool cost ......................................................................................................42

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Hydraulics principles and applications

In today’s modern world, hydraulics play a very important role in people’s daily lives. Hydraulic
engineering is a subdivision of civil engineering that deals with the flow and transport of fluids,
mainly water. One of the main topics discussed here is dealing with the concepts of physics to
develop solutions to the problems of hydraulics and hydrodynamics. Evaluate the hydraulic
position to determine the parameters describe the proposed solution and problem for the hydraulic
problem using drawing or models. Next, calculate the forces associated with the fluids at rest and
in motion. Hydrostatic forces are the force exerted by the pressure load of a liquid reaction on
submerged surfaces. The calculations of the hydrostatic force and the position of the pressure
center are fundamental elements in fluid dynamics. The calculations are calculated using the
Darcy Weiss back equation for the manning equation for a given pressure pipe system and a
given open channel flow level. And the last thing developed is a practical solution to properly
distribute the fluids in the side tubes. In this case, we calculate and define the head loss for a
given pipeline pipe size for given flow parameters. In this project, hydrostatic and hydrodynamics
issues were discussed and I hope this project will be very helpful for us. Simple hydraulic
structures include aquifers and water supply systems, Using the force of gravity to deliver water
pressure, the design of the water supply structure is naturally integrated with hydraulic
calculations, which requires a detailed evaluation of the results obtained and the accuracy of the
alignment used. In the design of the water supply structure and hydraulic calculations, burying
the alia and checking the pressure heads in different parts of the structure. In addition, it is
necessary to set whether or not there should be at least one pressure zone in the structure. This
guarantee is related to the fitting area of the promoter and the pressure dimmer station.
Classification is based on neural input factors that describe specific boundaries affecting the
design of the water supply structure, such as floor relief, pressure loss, pipe stiffness and water
separation. Paper provides another method for expanding traditional methods for hydraulic
calculations for water supply structure by providing pressure estimation. Research of design ideas
for stress zones using head and pseudo nervous systems.

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Hydraulics principles and applications

1. Apply concepts of physics to develop solutions for

hydrostatic and hydrodynamic problems.
 Pipe flow and open channel flow
 Open channel flow
Rivers, streams, floods, irrigation, drainage canals, etc. Having a free surface for flow is not
always open channel flow. Liquid currents at sea, such as ocean-surface currents or rivers, are
not open channel flow. The pressure and shear pressure everywhere are zero based on the
boundary conditions on the free surface.

Figure 1 open channel flow

 Pipe flow
When a fluid (water) flows in a closed path it is called tube flow. This type of flow has no free
surface and does not even show direct atmospheric pressure such as open channel flow. But it
exerts hydraulic pressure on the route. Unlike open channel flow, not all currents in a closed path
are tube flow.

Figure 2 pipe flow

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Hydraulics principles and applications

Open flow vs pipe flow

Open flow Pipe flow

An open channel flow is a type of liquid flow in Tube flow is the flow in a closed path.
a path with a free surface that is open to the

The open channel flow has a free surface There is no free surface in the pipe flow

The pressure on the free surface is constant The pressure in the pipe is not constant

Gravity-driven current Pressure driven flow

The maximum velocity is slightly away from Maximum speed occurs in the middle of the
the water surface tube

Surface hardness varies depending on the The surface hardness varies depending on
depth of flow the type of pipe material

The cross section of the open channel can be The cross section of the tube is usually
trapezoidal, triangular, rectangular, circle, etc. rounded.
Table 1 pipe flow vs open flow

 Flow types and examples

The steady flow may not be uniform or uniform, in the same way the steady flow may not be
uniform or even. The constant flow discharge is constant over time and the cross-sectional area
of the fluid flow for a uniform flow is constant through the flow path.

Examples of different flow types

Constant and uniform flow: The discharge flows through a tube of constant diameter with a

Constant and random flow: Constant exhaust flow through the tap pipe. The flow of water
through a river with a constant discharge is a good example of such a flow because the range of
the river usually changes with distance and the water flow in the river is constant.

Unstable and uniform flow: Fluid flow through a constant intersection tube with sudden changes
in exhaust or pressure.

Unstable and random flow: The pressure in the flow increases through the variable cross-
section pipe. Water flow in the drainage network during water discharge is a practical example.

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Hydraulics principles and applications

Figure 3 non uniform and uniform flows

 Compressive and in compressive fluid flow

 Compressive flow

The main equations for compression flow are the upper continuum equation and the momentum
equation from the Navier-Stokes equation. The main equation of motion is: In this equation, μ and
are comparative ratios, which define the viscosity and the pressure-pressure relationship of the
fluid. Value in general is generally a function of viscosity. In textbooks or other fluid kinetics guides,
these values are related to the events under which fluids undergo elastic decomposition, which
are generally associated with compressed fluids experiencing lower body forces. It is not present
in low pressure gases which are easily compressed during flow. From here, we can instantly
calculate viscous or fuzzy currents. The invisible flow is defined by setting μ = 0 in the momentum
equation above, which eliminates sticky words in the above equation and simplifies the decision
setting. In general, fluids with sufficiently low viscosity exhibit flux with high Reynolds numbers,
which can be approximated using the latent form of the momentum equation above.

 In compressive flow

The continuity of the Navier-Stokes equations and the involuntary flow to the propulsion
components depend on two approximations. Spontaneous fluids have a constant density at space
and time, so all derivatives of density are zero. As a result, the continuum equation decreases
this simplifies the momentum equation. Let us return to the following form of the momentum
equation for incomplete viscous currents: The latent approximation with μ = 0 can now be applied
as usual to the above equation, which gives the text form of the Euler equation of motion for the
compressible invisible currents. There is an additional relationship in flow depending on speed,
pressure and density known as the Bernoulli equation. The following equation applies to
streamlines at incomplete currents: This equation is an effective statement of energy conservation
at incomplete currents. This equation is system dependent, i.e., different systems have different
values for the constant on the right.

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Hydraulics principles and applications

Figure 4 compressive and in compressive flow

 Laminar and turbulent flow

Laminar flow or turbulent flow depending on the velocity of the fluid flowing through the tube-like
closed channel or between two flat plates, the size of the tube (or Reynolds number) and the
viscosity of the fluid.

Figure 5 laminar and turbulent flow

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Hydraulics principles and applications

Laminar flow
Laminar flow is the movement of liquid particles in well-defined paths or streamlines where all
streamlines are straight and parallel. Thus, the cells move in the laminar or slide smoothly over
the adjacent membrane. Laminar flow occurs in tubes of small diameter, in which the fluid flows
at low velocities and high viscosity. This type of flow is also known as streamline flow or viscous
Laminar flow is divided as follows:
 A directional laminar flow
 Polystyrene laminar flow
 Oscillating laminar flow
Common examples of laminar flow are oil flow through a thin tube, blood flow through
microtubules, and smoke rising directly from the incense stick. However, the smoke turns into a
turbulent flow after rising from its normal path to a small height like a spiral.
Turbulent flow
Turbulent flow is defined as the flow of liquid particles in a zigzag path. Due to the movement of
the liquid particles in the zigzag path, vortices are formed, which lead to greater energy loss. In
turbulent flow, the velocity of the fluid at a point is constantly changing in both magnitude and
direction. Turbulent flow occurs in tubes of large diameter, where the fluid flows at high speeds.
The main tool for analyzing turbulent flow is CFD analysis. CFD is a branch of fluid dynamics that
uses algorithms and numerical analysis to diagnose and solve problems involving turbulent fluid
flows. It is widely accepted that the Navier-Stokes equation or the simplified Reynolds-average
Navier-Stokes equation is the basis for all CFD codes.
Difference between laminar and turbulent flow
The laminar flow can be visualized experimentally using ink on a cylindrical tube. The ink is
injected into the center of a glass tube through which water flows. While the speed of the water is
still slow, the ink does not seem to mix with the water; Streamlines are parallel, and they are called
laminar flow. A sudden change occurs when the speed of the water increases. Then, the flow is
completely interrupted, and the water becomes uniform with the ink. Therefore, streamlines are
chaotic, not direct, they are called turbulent flow.

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Hydraulics principles and applications

Figure 6 laminar and turbulent flow

Reynolds number
Reynolds number is the ratio of the inertial force of a fluid to its viscous force. The recession force
is caused by the velocity of the flowing fluid mass. Think of this as a measure of how difficult it is
to change the speed of a flowing fluid. The viscous forces deal with the friction of the flowing fluid.
Think about pouring a cup of tea and pouring cooking oil. Cooking oil has a high viscosity because
it resists flow. If you think recession and viscous energy are very similar, you are right. In fact,
they are so similar, they have the same units! This means there is no Reynolds number unit.
Based on the Reynolds number we can determine whether the fluid flow is laminar or turbulent.
If the Reynolds number is less than 2300, the flow is laminar. If any Reynolds number exceeds
4000 it indicates turbulent flow. Indicates an unstable flow between these values, i.e., the fluid
flow is shifted between the laminar and turbulent flow. This usually occurs briefly at the beginning
or end of the fluid flow when the pipe is turned on or off on the valve or barrel. Let's look at the
equation for a Reynolds number.

Figure 7 equation of Reynolds number

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Hydraulics principles and applications

2. Calculate forces related to fluids at rest and in motion.


 The flow rate through the pipe- 405 l/s

 Pipe diameter- 400mm
 The roughness of the pipe- 0.0015mm
 Local loss coefficients
 Sharp entry- 0.5
 Gate valve (fully open)- 0.3
 900 elbow- 0.3
 Kinematic viscosity of water- 0.7×10-6 m2/s
 Base width- 62m
 Bed slop- 1 in 1500
 Manning’s coefficient- 0.015
 Water depth- 16m

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Hydraulics principles and applications

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Hydraulics principles and applications

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Hydraulics principles and applications

 Pipe network analysis

Pipe network analysis is the calculation of fluid flows and pressure drops in complex piping
systems. Analysis of pipe systems is important for customers, natural gas supply scheme or
general applications of water supply to pipe systems where constant supply pressures and flow
rates are important. The supplier is unlikely to know the specific demands and flow rates across
the network, so the pipeline network analysis system provides a method for selecting loops and
performing calculations. The calculations required for pipeline network analysis are available in
business software packages, but the basic equations can be calculated manually. The analysis
uses a relaxation method where pipe rotations are selected, pressure drop and distribution points
are estimated. The amount of material passing through the system is then determined and
continuous calculations are performed. At this point, the estimates are adjusted and the
calculations are repeated as needed. This is called the iteration method. The process continues
with small and minor changes in the assumptions until the safety of the mass and energy is
satisfied. Mass and energy conservation means that the input pressures and currents at the
supply point are equal to the system pressure losses and the required customer supply flow rates
and pressures.
Tube network analysis uses the same repeat method regardless of the fluid distributed. The
importance and complexity of these calculations will increase as the pipeline network grows and
customers expect uninterrupted delivery. Fluid dynamics and pressure drops can be measured
experimentally, but laboratory measurements do not always translate well to real-world systems
of interconnected loops, multiple distribution points, and ever-changing pipe network. Application
planners can use pipeline network analytics results to modify and upgrade their systems.
Additional pump or compressor stations may be required to supply currents appropriate to new
customer requests. Growing subdivisions or environments may require re-analysis of the network
because the addition of new piping loops alters computational estimates.
Internal condition or stiffness develops as the water pipe ages. Additional pumping power may be
required to deal with this. Pipe network analysis should generally be a dynamic process in which
variables are constantly changing rather than a single analysis that does not change over time.
Hardy Cross method is a traditional computational method used to manually analyze pipe network
analysis. This method assumes that all pipe sizes and lengths are constant variables. As the pipe
system becomes more complex, the hard cross section becomes less precise. The results of
difficult cross-calculations may be less accurate than those of software applications, but the
results can be used as estimates for more complex software calculations.
Pipe-line efficiency
Pipeline performance utilization helps to ensure flow stability, determine the correct hoofing
frequency, and reduce pumping power. The required product should be obtained at low
maintenance cost. Wax-like deposits.
 Over time the pipe accumulates in the walls
 Causing a drastic reduction in capacity
 As the internal diameter of the pipe decreases, the pump power cost increases
 Reduces flow rate and prevents overall flow
 Promotes the development of itching
 Resistance to corrosion can prevent it from being used improperly

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Figure 8 pipe flow

Figure 9 pipe size and flow

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Hydraulics principles and applications

3. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure exerted on

substructures for a given contexts.


 h – area
 ¯h – distance of center of gravity of the area from free surface of liquid
 P – center of pressure
 h*- distance of center of pressure from free surface of liquid
 IG – moment of inertia of the surface about free surface liquid.

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Hydraulics principles and applications

4. Proposals report for swimming pools.

Pavilion construction (PVT) ltd has taken design and constructed of swimming pool for Jaffna
district. The design and structural are completed for pavilion construction (PVT) ltd. There were
several proposals to build this swimming pool. According to it a lot of information was collected.
This swimming pool was built based on these data. You can find it here.
Duration- 4month

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Hydraulics principles and applications

 Filter
 Pump
 Multiport valve
 Skimmer
 Main drain
 Cleaning brush
 Ladder
 Underwater light
 Dosing pump
 Heater

Swimming pool engineering plane and proposal layouts.

Concrete is the most commonly used material when building a swimming pool. A concrete
swimming pool is designed to withstand a large pressure load and the entire water load.
Significant loads on the structure of a concrete pond are the weight of the land outside the pond
and the weight of the water inside the pond. The impulse will vary when the water in the pool is
emptied for cleaning purposes. This can affect concrete based on design capability.
Procedure to construct concrete swimming pool
a. Select location and design
Swimming pool design is the first step in pool construction. Choose the appropriate layout for the
given land or select the land according to the already planned layout. Swimming pool design
mainly depends on the shape, depth, area of the pool, filtration system and overall size. To
facilitate public maintenance, the area selected for the pond should be flexible. It is recommended
to choose a flat surface, which will help reduce the large cost of the excavation and filling process.
Land away from trees can help prevent a pond full of leaves. The direction of the swimming pool
is best when set towards the sun.
b. Excavation of earth
Once the design and location for the construction of the swimming pool has been fixed, the next
step is to excavate the area to prepare it for construction. This is done through the following steps:
 Find the perimeter of the swimming pool using wooden sticks. To accurately mark the area of
the swimming pool, carefully extend it to the perimeter.
 Use a backhoe (or any trowel) to clear the land within the perimeter. Always make sure there
is no drainage, power line or waterway in the closed and adjacent area.
Dig the area, taking into account the area occupied by the floor of the swimming pool. The amount
of clay cut according to the design plan on hand will be strictly followed. This allows you to get a
pool according to the desired dimensions

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Hydraulics principles and applications

Figure 10 excavation

c. The basic structure of the swimming pool

The foundation construction of the pool is one of the most important factors affecting the life of
the swimming pool. Excavation is carried out so that the lower face becomes flat and uniform. If
the site has loose soil, it should be filled with hard soil and compacted. Can be compacted using
natural soil or gravel. Use a size of 12 to 40 mm to make the compact and foundation. Once the
composite material is adequately filled, the foundation should be in contact with the landscape.
Compress using rollers or similar equipment depending on the compression area. Once the
foundation of the pond is properly compacted, a small layer of cleaning concrete should be poured
down. The thickness of the concrete layer is usually 5 cm. To easily drain water to the drainage
system, always provide the pool site with a pool slope or slope. The selected slope should be
such that it does not affect the balance of the swimmer. 40 out of a maximum of 40 slopes is
recommended for pools used by children and non-swimmers.

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Hydraulics principles and applications

Figure 11 basic proposed swimming pool

d. Steel cage reinforcement

Once the pond walls are excavated and the foundation prepared, the next step is to provide steel
reinforcement to the pond wall and bottom. Here, the shot grid approach is followed, in which a
single steel cage reinforcement is provided on the inner surface of the swimming pool. In the firing
or shotcrete process, the concrete structure is built into a piece with no gaps between the wall
and the floor. After providing the steel reinforcement, place the required plumbing lines, drain
lines, etc. in the cage system. The arrangement of the side stairs is according to the design.

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Hydraulics principles and applications

Figure 12 steel cage reinforced

e. Pump and filter system for swimming pool

A filter system and a pump are fitted together in a large tank made of concrete, metal, etc. Prior
to concreting, plumbing lines are provided to carry water from the swimming pool to the filter
system and back to the swimming pool. The filter system and pump are connected to the
municipal water line and carry fresh water to the pond. This arrangement is necessary to replace
water lost from the pond due to splashing or evaporation.

Figure 13 pump and filter

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f. Concrete in the construction of a swimming pool

Burn the walls and floors with shotcrete or gunpowder with standard mix concrete. Use special
tools to shape the surface according to the design. After the concrete is finished, it should be
cured twice a day for 14 days. In general, the concrete floor of the pond and the thickness of the
walls determine the life. The greater the thickness, the less likely it is for cracks and fissures to
occur. Generally, the thickness of the bottom of the pool is greater than the thickness of the walls.
For safety, a standard pool shell should be at least 6 inches thick. Except for the plaster.
Of the construction methods (using formwork and shotcrete), construction with shotcrete is the
most convenient option. This method creates a single structure that is well energized. In formwork
mode, the walls and floor are where the potential for splitting is. Giving more thickness to the
formwork will help prevent this problem.

Figure 14 concreting

g. Concrete pool waterproofing

The most popular ways to make a waterproof concrete pool are by using tiles, glass, ceramic or
epoxy-cement structure or any waterproof membranes. Selection of waterproofing method is
carried out based on the water table condition of the area and soil moisture. Waterproofing of
walls and floors is done to make it waterproof.
h. Electric and gas
Master Electricians Trench and install electrical wiring / wiring equipment and all locations
specified in the project from the home's main electrical box. If using a gas heater or BBQ, the gas
lines will go from the main gas meter in front of the house to the designated appliances. After the
final location inspection, the homeowner should contact the SRP and connect the gas line to the
main meter. Only the homeowner can call to schedule this appointment and be at home for the
meeting to allow access to the home. This is a free service provided by SRP and will install a very
large meter depending on usage.

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Hydraulics principles and applications

i. Tile/ coping
In this condition, we will install waterline tiles and tackle the edge of the pond and set up any water
features like waterfalls, water cut, rain gutter, decks, laminar. The time required depends on the
number of features and their complexity.
j. Decking
The two most popular decking options are concrete or pavers. Concrete can be coated with a
structure such as Cool Tech, Stamp, Acid Wash or many more options. Concrete decking is
poured, and coating is applied. The sidewalks have become highly desirable due to their beauty,
longevity, and maintenance. Pavers comes in brick pavers, concrete pavers and rolled travertines.
The number of square feet of layer determines how many days.
k. Outdoor living
This phase includes outdoor kitchen / BBQ, fireplace, seating areas, outdoor living features such
as Ramadan, pergolas. One of our primary goals is to “bring the interior out”. By building
structures to suit your lifestyle, you can enjoy using your backyard 365 days a year. The
complexity of your project determines how long it will take to complete this step.
l. final city inspection
Before applying to the surface of the pool, a final location inspection should be called for. The
homeowner must be at home for this inspection because the inspector needs access to the home.
He should check that he has received all the prohibition codes for the pool area.
m. final cleanup
At this point, the project is nearing completion. We will now remove all excess construction
materials and debris from the construction site and prepare to finish the interior of the pond.
n. pool surface
Your pool project is almost done. The most popular finish is Prebleach, which is fired by high
pressure hose and comes in a variety of colors. After coating, it takes 24 hours to come back and
cure before acid wash. Once the acid wash is complete the pool will begin to fill with water.
o. filling and start-up
The kids are ready to jump now! It took a little patience as our staff started all the equipment and
started to balance the water chemistry. Our start-up staff is there to move the water quickly as
soon as the pool is full so you can start enjoying your new pool. A technician will arrange a
convenient time with you to inspect all equipment and maintenance instructions.

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Swimming pool cost and value

Works Cost (RS)

Site clearance 10,000.00

Excavation 12,500.00
Disposal soil 8000.00
Surface treatment 6000.00
Base concrete 4000.00
Shuttering 8000.00
MEP work 35,000.00
Concrete work 88,000.00
Curing 2500.00
Back filling 7000.00
Tiles work 95,000.00
Decking 15,000.00
Lighting 5000.00
Water treatment 20,000.00
Waste recirculating system 28,000.00
Filtration systems 50,000.00
Companion tanks 40,000.00
Water fills 8000.00
Table 2 swimming pool cost

Finally advantage of swimming pool

 Great exercise
 More sun means more serotonin
 Treat and prevent injuries
 Stress relief
 Save money on entertainment
 Host the best get together
 Raise strong swimmers
 Sleep better
 Adds visuals appeal and value to your home
 Enjoy more quality time

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Hydraulics principles and applications

By the time I did this work, I was able to gain additional knowledge about the subject. Volume by
searching the internet and books. I earned a lot while doing this work. Knowledge of how to
calculate viscosity. Kinetic viscosity, flow type, Reynolds number and Bernoulli equations.
Searching on websites and books expands my knowledge. As materials and technologies get
better it makes me want to search more and more
Day by day. After doing this work, I got a clear idea about the module and it came as a result of
their rapid development many products and technologies have been introduced. Science and
significance must be updated at all times.

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Hydraulics principles and applications

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Hydraulics principles and applications

N. Thushanthan j/CE/20/17/05 50
Hydraulics principles and applications

N. Thushanthan j/CE/20/17/05 51
Hydraulics principles and applications

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Hydraulics principles and applications

N. Thushanthan j/CE/20/17/05 53
Hydraulics principles and applications

N. Thushanthan j/CE/20/17/05 54
Hydraulics principles and applications

N. Thushanthan j/CE/20/17/05 55
Hydraulics principles and applications

N. Thushanthan j/CE/20/17/05 56
Hydraulics principles and applications

N. Thushanthan j/CE/20/17/05 57

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