Water Recovery System

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Water Recovery System

Arc 1 (Mafia + Business World)

Arc 2 - Entertainment Industry

Arc 3 -

Arc 4 -

Arc 5 -
Arc 6 -

Arc 7 -
Arc 1 – Prologue

“Sobsobsob, that bastard, how could he be so


Their current client[1] was a man with exquisite

features, his peach-blossom eyes shimmering bright
and cute as he cried. The tip of his nose was red,
making him both pitiful and attractive.

Shen Jiayan[2] offered the man a few facial tissues, his

eyes dark and dim. “What happened? Come, tell me
the whole story, slowly.”

The client rubbed furiously at his face before giving

Shen Jiayan a grateful look. Then he shared his tale
between his sniffles and sobs. His name was Shen
Qiyu[3], the youngest son of the Shen family. Because
he’d been spoiled since childhood, he was used to
having things his way. Originally, Shen Qiyu had no
need to inherit the family property or manage its
company. He could rely on the company dividends to
support himself for the rest of his life. Of course, that
was only before he met the “man who would change
his life”–Gu Jing.[4]

Shen Qiyu’s father had found Gu Jing to be his son’s

bodyguard. He knew his youngest son loved stirring up
trouble, so he used his connections with old friends to
get him a personal guard. Shen Qiyu was a straight
man, but Gu Jing was not. However, the young master
was exactly Gu Jing’s type, an arrogant kitten who liked
to bare its fangs and claws. Moreover, he was clueless
when it came to romance. Gu Jing only needed
minimal effort to bend[5] Shen Qiyu.

Gu Jing might be a wicked, sly, and wanton man, but

he was also responsible. After hooking up with Shen
Qiyu, he become docile and obedient, doting on the
young master’s every whim. But the good times didn’t
last. Shen Qiyu and Gu Jing had hardly become a
couple before Shen Qiyu’s father found out. Once he
realized his son had bent and was the bottom in the
relationship, he was filled with nothing but rage. He
knew his son’s personality and simply cut off the boy’s
financial assistance. No one was allowed to give him
any money.

Thus, Shen Qiyu and Gu Jing’s livelihood relied on Gu

Jing to make a living through hard labor. Shen Qiyu was
quite in love at first, but he was a wasteful, extravagant
fellow. Hardly a month had passed before he ran back
to the Shen house and agreed to his father’s demands
to cut off all relations with Gu Jing. His father
humiliated Gu Jing before writing a check and ordering
him to leave. The story should have ended here, but
Shen Qiyu ran into Gu Jing again three years later.

This time was different. The new Gu Jing wasn’t

someone to be ordered about by Shen Qiyu’s father,
but a source of respect for the entire Shen family. It
was true that Shen Qiyu was a man who couldn’t suffer
hardships or defy his father, but his feelings for Gu Jing
were genuine. After all, the man was his first love.
They’d only been broken up by force by his father, so
the three years’ of absence had only deepened his
feelings towards the man. Once he learned of Gu Jing’s
new status and position, Gu Qiyu’s father didn’t stop
him from pursuing the man, either.

Thrilled, Shen Qiyu went to find Gu Jing, but discovered

with shock that he had long gained a true lover who
“didn’t care about his birth or status” by his side: Xu

Naturally, Shen Qiyu refused to accept this and wanted

to continue his relationship with Gu Jing. But the man
not only refused him, but even slapped a 10,000,000
dollar check in his face. This was ten times the money
that Shen Qiyu’s father had given him in the past.
Unresigned, Shen Qiyu found all sorts of ways to
scheme against Xu Chenle. Of course, Gu Jing couldn’t
sit by and watch his lover being bullied. Add that to his
old grudges, and he simply bankrupted the entire Shen
family. Because of that, Shen Qiyu’s father was forced
into jail.

Shen Qiyu was left with no choice but to beg Gu Jing

for help. But he only lorded over the man and asked,
“When has anyone recovered water that’s already
been tossed out?”

Once he got to this point in the narrative, Shen Qiyu

broke into gasping sobs. His white, jade-like face
flushed red as he cried, “I, I just can’t accept it. I’ve
lived in luxury all my life, but for his sake I ate a
month’s worth of mantou and pickled vegetables. E-
even if I couldn’t take it and went home in the end, I
still tried my best for him in the end, didn’t I?”

“B-but what about that Xu Chenle? When he met

A’Jing, A’Jing was already so impressive. Of course he
could spout a whole pile of pretty words at him! If I
could go back in time, I’d tell A’Jing that I don’t care
about his birth or status, too!”

“Just wh-which part of this is fair? You tell me!”

“Sobsob, that bastard even bankrupted my family. My

dad had to go to jail and I lost everything…”
Shen Jiayan patted his head comfortingly, his
movements a little stiff. But Shen Qiyu felt much better
after that. Shen Jiayan then asked in a soft voice, “Then
what do you want me to help you with?”

“I wish that the Shen family won’t go bankrupt and

that dad doesn’t have to go to prison,” Shen Qiyu said,
before his face fell. “I know I’ve done a lot of wrong
things, but I really do like him. When I went to find him
again, it wasn’t because of his status, really!”

Shen Jiayan only nodded as he looked at Shen Qiyu’s

limpid eyes. “I believe you.”

“Thank you!” Shen Qiyu’s tears gave way to smiles. He

wrung his pale, slender fingers as he asked, “May I ask
the price I have to pay?”
“Sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or luck. Choosing one
of them will be fine,” Shen Jiayan said with a hooded
gaze as he tapped the table.

Shen Qiyu didn’t hesitate for long and said quickly,

“Then let it be smell!”

“Alright.” Shen Jiayan waved a hand in front of Shen

Qiyu’s face before withdrawing a ball of soft green
light. “It’s done. I’ll fulfill your wish for you, so let me
send you off now.”

Despite losing a bit of something on his side, Shen Qiyu

didn’t feel uncomfortable anywhere. His steps were
much lighter than when he first arrived as well. After
Shen Jiayan sent him off, a pure black cat materialized
by his side and padded over elegantly. “Your Excellency
Host, will you enter the world now, or skim through its
plot first?”

“I’ve already learned most of the plot. Where’s the

story at now if we go in this instant?”
“Due to the regulations, we can only enter the world
after the protagonist gong has met the upright shou.
But this is Your Excellency Host’s first time carrying out
a mission, so you have the privilege of choosing when
to appear.”

“The privilege of a first-timer?” Shen Jiayan said as he

stroked the cat beneath its chin.”But I assume the
rewards are different depending on the time of entry?”

The black cat didn’t expect its host to catch on so

quickly. “That’s right. If you choose to enter when they
first met, then it’ll be easy mode, but you’ll lose 1,000
points from the final reward. If you enter when they’re
already deeply in love, then it’ll be hard mode and
you’ll get 10,000 extra points.”

“Then let’s pick normal difficulty–when they have good

feelings for each other, but neither side’s confessed
“Alright. Mission goals confirmed: prevent the Shen
family from bankruptcy and let Gu Jing love Your
Excellency Host in the role of Shen Qiyu. Difficulty level
confirmed: Normal. Reward points for completion
confirmed: 5,000 points. Cheat skill confirmed:
enhanced smell. Shall I commence the transfer?”


[Table of Contents] [Next Chapter]

༺ Chapter Glossary ༻

[1] client (雇主) – guzhu, the literal definition is

“employer/master/hirer,” but as they’re employing the
MC’s services to fix their worlds, I went with “client.”

[2] Shen Jiayan (沈嘉言) - Shen when used as a

surname. Written identical to 沈 (Chen), which means
“to sink, deep/profound.” Jia is “praise, commend,
good/fine,” and Yan is “speech, word.” Our novel’s
main character, a transmigrator bound to the Water
Recovery System.

[3] Shen Qiyu (沈祁玉) – Shen and Qi are both

surnames, Yu means “jade.” Arc 1’s slag character.

[4] Gu Jing (顾璟) Gu is a surname that means “turn

around and look at, customer,” Jing is “luster of jade.”
Arc 1’s male lead.

[5] bend (掰弯) – baiwan, to turn a straight person gay.

[6] Xu Chenle (许宸乐) – Xu is a surname that means

“promise, praise/approve,” Chen means “great
mansion, imperial palace, throne/emperor,” Le means
“joy.” Arc 1’s shou (uke/bottom).
Arc 1 – Chapter 1

Once he regained consciousness, Shen Qiyu had

already changed into Shen Jiayan. He could smell the
delicious aroma of milk and slightly browned toast in
the air and licked his lips. Eh, I’m hungry.

“Your Excellency Host, you’re here to complete a

mission, not to eat!” the little black cat clawed at Shen
Jiayan’s shirt to try and stop him. Shen Jiayan simply
went downstairs with the cat hanging off his body.

He didn’t speak, but replied in his head ‘I’ll only have

strength to complete the mission after I eat.’

I knew it! The cat jumped off the Shen Jiayan’s body.

The Shen father was sitting at the breakfast table

reading his newspaper, his forehead knitted tightly
behind his golden spectacles. His lips were curled into a
frown, marking him as a stern and hard to approach
man. But once he saw his youngest son descend the
steps, the Shen father adjusted his glasses and
smoothed out his forehead. His frown relaxed, though
the first words out of his mouth was a reprimand.
“Your older brother’s already left for the company, but
you’ve gotten up this late.”

Shen Jiayan didn’t miss the fleeting changes in the

man’s face and suddenly understood that he doted on
Shen Qiyu after all. He could guess why the man had
broke apart him and Gu Jing: 1) because a male-male
relationship defied the common principles of yin and
yang and couldn’t be allowed within the Shen family,
and 2) he thought Shen Qiyu didn’t love Gu Jing much
at all if he couldn’t persist in his views.

Once he figured this out, Shen Jiayan began his act of a

spoiled child. “With dad and big brother here, all I have
to do is worry about eating, drinking, and playing. Isn’t
that enough?”
Shen Jiayan’s peach blossom eyes curved up as he
smiled into two crescents, evoking the image of his
long-dead mother. The Shen father felt his heart soften
every time his youngest son play spoiled. The child had
lost his mother at a very young age while his older
brother and him had been busy with business. They
rarely had time to look after the boy beyond indulging
him at every opportunity.

The Shen father knocked Shen Jiayan upside the head,

but it was only a light tap. “All you can do is run your
mouth. Hurry and eat breakfast!”

“Oh,” Shen Jiayan sat down and docilely ate his meal.
He spread blueberry jam over the perfectly prepared
slice of toast, then rolled it up to eat. A drink of milk
accompanied a big mouthful of bread to give him utter

“Your Excellency Host, don’t forget your mission,” the

little black cat was invisible to everyone else, so it
simply sprawled on the table to glare at Shen Jiayan
with its dark brown eyes.

Shen Jiayan almost choked on his toast and coughed a

few times before blinking at his father. “Dad, I want to
go play in H City for a few days. Don’t you have a
company there too? Can you give me that one?”

“There is a branch company in H City, but if you want

to work, just go to your older brother’s branch. Why
run off so far away?” his father knit his brows.

Shen Jiayan simply grabbed his father’s arm. “Dad, you

and big brother are in charge of the company here.
What kind of things could I accomplish like that? But
the branch company’s different. I can rely on my own
skills to work hard.”

“You don’t have the skills to accomplish anything!” his

father scolded, but still relented in the end. “Fine. I’ll
give them a call later and have them listen to your
Shen Jiayan kissed his father on the cheek. “Thanks,
dad!” Then he went upstairs to pack his things for H

His father was left rubbing his face in dislike. “He’s

already so old, but still acts like a child.”

By his side, Attendant Wang couldn’t help but wonder.

Old master, shouldn’t you stop smiling while saying
such things? Your grin’s so wide it’s almost reaching
the back of your ears.

H City was located right next to F City. It only took a

couple of hours to reach there by car. Shen Jiayan had
his hands on the steering wheel as he spoke to the
black cat in the passenger seat. “System, help me
check what Gu Jing’s schedule is tonight. I want to
create a meeting by chance.”
“There’s a banquet tonight being hosted by Old Dong.
Gu Jing was able to gain a firm foothold quickly in H
City precisely because of his support. To repay his
kindness, Gu Jing will definitely attend the party,” the
black cat said as it licked its paw.

Shen Jiayan’s peach blossom eyes glittered. “If that’s

the case, Xu Chenle will be there as well?”

The black cat switched to licking its other paw. “Of

course. He’s Gu Jing’s personal secretary, after all.
Moreover, this isn’t any ordinary banquet. Xu Chenle
blocked a bullet for Gu Jing, thus earning his deadset

“Looks like I have no choice but to go,” Shen Jiayan

grinned. “How’s that, can you get me an invitation

“There’s no need. The Shen father’s branch company

would have received one originally. But Your Excellency
Host, are you planning to block that bullet for Gu Jing

“We’ll see,” Shen Jiayan said carelessly. He wasn’t a

masochist, so he’d like to avoid that possibility if he

The black cat knew its host was a lazy type who disliked
troublesome things, so it stopped asking to shake itself
and step elegantly on the car seat. “Then where is Your
Excellency Host going now?”

“First, the company,” Shen Jiayan’s eyes curved into a

grin. His hazy gaze was almost electric, making anyone
who saw it numb. “It’s been ages since I’ve seen Gu
Jing, so it’s better to have a reasonable pretext.”

The black cat buried its face in its paws and sighed with
emotion over its host’s expression. Really, he was
nothing but wicked. The original Shen Qiyu was a
pampered, spoiled child. Beyond his delicate looks, he
was nothing, but his host had mixed his own
personality and looks with the body to create a
devastating combination. And in a world that judged by
looks, too!

When the branch company heard that the family’s

ignorant, incompetent son was coming to their office,
all of them were filled with despair. But that only
lasted until the moment they saw him in person. After
that, news spread like wildfire throughout the
company’s group chat.

- Well dang, did you see the young master? That slim
waist, those long legs–I’ve taken pictures of them both
and I’m going to lick them 10 times tonight!

- Send them to me, I’m begging you!

- Me +1. With looks like that, it’s fine even if the

young master doesn’t know anything! Even if he
doesn’t do anything, he can still be a vase for everyone
to admire and improve their mood.

- Heehee, I can deliver documents to the young

master later. I’d just like to ask: are you all jealous yet?

- I’m rolling on the floor upstairs

- God, I’m so jealous that my face’s changed beyond


Currently, the subject of everyone’s gossip, Shen

Jiayan, was sitting in a chair. His slender fingers were
flipping through the pages detailing the company’s
current financial affairs. Long lashes framed a pair of
peach blossom eyes as his lips curved up into a grin,
handsome and distinct. It was impossible to look away
from him.

By his side stood a woman named Linsa[1] dressed in

immaculate clothes without a hair out of place. Her
neat and tidy looks belied the storm currently raging
within her heart. Young master has such good skin. I
can’t see a single pore out of place. It’s white and
tender. I wonder what kind of man would match to his

Shen Jiayan smoothed out his lips as he tapped the

most recent report in his hands with an unhappy gaze.
“Last month we maintained a 10% profit, but why isn’t
there any this month? Instead, we suffered losses?”

Linsa recovered her wits and replied, “Young Boss, I’m

not sure why, but the Jing Xiu Group has been
constantly against us this month. We lost an
advertisement agreement when they snatched it away,
and we’ve been losing clients as well.”

Jing Xiu Group?

“That’s Gu Jing’s company,” the cat reminded him as it

stuck out its tongue.
Shen Jiayan raised his brows with interest before
curving his eyes into a captivating smile. “I understand.
Don’t worry about that for now, I’ll take care of it

“Alright,” Linsa immediately agreed. Her confidence in

the young boss grew as she spoke, “Are there any
other instructions, young boss?”

“Help me prepare a formal suit for Old Dong’s


“Yes,” Linsa understood implicitly that this was how

her boss would resolve the issue “tonight,” so she
agreed quite quickly.

Shen Jiayan rested a black fountain pen against his lips

as he chuckled to himself. We’ll be meeting for the first
time tonight, Gu Jing. Please instruct me well.[2]
[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter]

༺ Chapter Glossary ༻

[1] Linsa – this is the spelling of the name in English

from the raws.

[2] Please instruct me well (请多多指教) – qing

duoduo zhijiao, a polite saying to ask for advice/help,
usually reserved for one’s superiors. Used here in a
mocking way.
Arc 1 – Chapter 2

Old Dong had power and influence in H City, so figures

from both the city’s underbelly and upright sides had
to show him face. Although he’d retired on the surface,
anyone in the know understood that he controlled half
of H City’s economy in his hands. In any case, he wasn’t
someone you could offend.

Therefore, his 70th birthday banquet gathered all of H

City’s famous and elite. The banquet was filled with
wine cups and gambling chips lying about in disorder.
The well dressed, perfumed figures chatted and
laughed late into the night. But what surprised
everyone was how the reserved and taciturn Old Dong
was actually hitting it off in conversation with another
man. Someone had to ask, “Could that guy be the Dong
family’s heir? Why does Old Dong like him so much?”

Another person replied, “He’s not from the Dong

family. That’s Gu Jing. He’s the one in charge of that
rapidly rising Jing Xiu Group. I heard he helped Old
Dong with a big favor in the past, so the man propped
him up in exchange.”

“In other words, he’s not someone we can offend


“Not only that, you better build a good rapport with

him. He’s a ruthless guy. I heard he’s done nothing but
make a mess for the Shen family’s branch company.”

“Then he’s got some skills to boot,” the speaker’s

expression turned odd at the next second. “But why
does his companion look so out of place here?”

Naturally, the companion referred to none other than

Xu Chenle. He was only a young an inexperienced
college student who was seeing so many rich and
influential people for the first time. They were all high
status figures, so it was already impressive that he
wasn’t making a fool of himself. How could anyone
expect a stellar performance from him here?
Moreover, Gu Jing’s presence was a foil that served to
push him further into the shadows. Today he was
dressed in a black suit that highlighted his aura like
some emperor of the night. The hair on his temples
was evenly cut, and his dark, jade-like eyes hid a sharp
edge within their depths. His high, straight nose and
slender lips revealed him to be a fickle man. Still, when
he smiled, his phoenix eyes were filled with fragments
of ice that made for an alluring sight.

The crowd could judge the attractiveness of this man

by how effectively he distracted their female
companions. It was an infuriating sight, but they
couldn’t do anything about it. What was the point of
getting mad at Gu Jing just because he looked too
handsome? Still, none of them knew that Gu Jing’s
favor for Old Dong was actually saving his life in the
past, or that the two men had a closer relationship
than they realized. Currently, the old man was dressed
in a traditional Chinese jacket of gold embroidered
with a pair of twin dragons–one coiling, one resting.
The eyes of the dragons were glimmered beneath the
crystal lanterns as if alive, daring anyone to gaze upon
them closely.

Old Dong picked up his teacup and took a light sip. “I

heard you’ve been working against the Shen Group
recently. Of course, Uncle Dong myself doesn’t
disapprove, but I’d like to remind you not to act

Gu Jing was loathe to bring up this topic and furrowed

his brows. “If Jing Xiu wants to grow, then it’ll have to
face off against the Shen eventually. Better to come on
strong now than delay the inevitable later.”

“That’s not wrong,” Old Dong said as he set down the

teacup. “But of all the companies out there, why target
Shen Group first?”

His question was food for thought, but Gu Jing only

drew his lips into a smirk. “What, they can’t be the
first?” he retorted.
This brat is still so sly! He knows why I’m asking, but
he’s still skirting the issue with me. Old Dong simply
got straight to the point. “Tell the truth. Jing brat, you
still haven’t let go of that young son from the Shen
family, Shen Qiyu, right?”

Hearing that name gave Gu Jing a moment of

distraction. Shen Qiyu, his first love. Of course, one’s
first love in youth would always be engraved in one’s
heart and bones, especially when theirs came to such a
miserable end. He couldn’t even recall what the man
looked like now, but hearing his name awokened the
same old feelings of helplessness and self-loathing he’d
suffered before, as well as memories of how the Shen
father had raged and humiliated him. They were
emotions that struck him at his heart. Perhaps he
never really loved Shen Qiyu that much. Nor did he
have to make the man his. But he couldn’t accept the
fact that his wholehearted sacrifice had only ended
with the other leaving without a single goodbye. Shen
Qiyu was the one who disappointed him and his
Gu Jing’s eyes drooped as he laughed calmly. “Uncle
Dong, you’re overthinking things.”

“You brat, you’re just too gruff,” Old Dong patted his
shoulder. “If you really can’t let that boy go, then Uncle
Dong can help you say a few words. That old Shen still
owes me a bit of face.”

“Uncle Dong, you’re overthinking things,” Gu Jing

stressed. The refusal in his tone was clear. Thus, Old
Dong dropped the topic and pointed at Xu Chenle

“If you’re asking Uncle Dong, isn’t this child a little too
tasteless and dull? At least that young master Shen has
a passable face. This boy doesn’t have looks or skills.
Why did you take a fancy to him?”

There was quite a bit of dislike in his tone. Hearing

this, Gu Jing only chuckled to himself. An old child, an
old child. Uncle Dong’s acting more and more like a kid
nowadays. He glanced at Xu Chenle and replied, “He
has a good personality. Everything else is of secondary
importance.” Moreover, he hadn’t taken a fancy to the
man yet.

Old Dong saw that Gu Jing was disheartened talking

about love affairs and recalled how the good-looking
Shen Qiyu was hopeless when it came to suffering and
hard work. He felt relieved at thought. If you want to
live with someone, having a good personality is
enough! There was no need to coax him more.

At this moment, a confused hubbub rose from the

door. It seemed like someone had caused a
commotion. Old Dong slowly turned to look and saw a
man dressed in a double-breasted white suit with black
pinstripes an elegant coattails step into the room.
Besides that, his looks and aura were outstanding
enough to match his suit. A pair of peach blossom eyes
sparkled brightly from his face, while his red lips were
graced with the hint of a smile. He was a handsome
and light-hearted youth. Old Dong stared at him in
astonishment before glancing at Gu Jing beside him.

“Who’s that?” he asked, “He’s a perfect match for you!

If it was up to Uncle Dong, why don’t you chase him for
a change?”

Gu Jing had only separated from that person for a year,

so he still recognized the man. But he didn’t
understand why his heart would still feel nervous upon
seeing him again. He never thought he was a
sentimental type. His eyes were fixed on Shen Qiyu as
he approached before he gave Old Dong a meaningful

“Him? That’s Shen Qiyu.”

“……” said Old Dong.

Shen Jiayan easily shouldered Gu Jing’s gaze as he
arrived in front of them. “Old Dong, happy birthday!
Here’s a small gift as a token of my respect.”

Old Dong felt as if he was on pins and needles. What a

delicate atmosphere! Of the two men by his side, one
was smiling, while the other was emanating a frosty
air. He really was an old man who didn’t understand
these youngsters. But as a veteran of the world, he was
quick to pus Shen Jiayan towards a seat. “This old
man’s a little tired now. The two of you youngsters
should talk!”

So speaking, Old Dong took Shen Jiayan’s gift and

quickly fled upstairs as if pursued by a beast. Shen
Jiayan took a seat and waved at Gu Jing with a grin.
“Hello, President Gu.”

Gu Jing’s lips curved up into a smile that didn’t reach

his eyes. “I dare not accept such honor. On what noble
errand has young master Shen come for tonight?”
“None, actually,” Shen Jiayan slowly withdrew his smile
and adopted a serious expression. “But there is
something I want to do.”

Gu Jing only saw his silhouette reflected in Shen

Jiayan’s peach blossom eyes as his heart sped up. His
throat became dry, so he sipped some tea before
asking, “What is it?”

“Woo you,” It was a strange statement, but Shen Qiyu

meant it in all sincerity.

Gu Jing nearly spat out his tea. He gulped it down with

effort and wondered if he had hearing problems.
“What did you just say?”

Shen Jiayan cocked his head to one side and smiled, his
eyes curving into crescents as he raised his voice. “I
said, I’m going to woo you!”
The hall was quiet to begin with as everyone held
conversation in low tones. Shen Jiayan’s sudden
announcement was akin to a bombshell that silenced
the crowd until one could hear a pin drop. Everyone
turned as one to stare at them. Gu Jing really wanted
to gag Shen Jiayan just then. He had never lost face in
front of so many people in public.

“Impossible. You should just give up!” Gu Jing rejected

instantly. He headed for the restrooms, determined to
wash his face and calm down.

But Shen Jiayan remained carefree. Since he’d already

said it out loud, he feared nothing now. “Gu Jing, I’ll do
my best.”

Gu Jing staggered midway to the restroom.

Arc 1 – Chapter 3

“Your Excellency Host, you’ve scared away the target,”

the black cat remarked as it leaped onto Shen Jiayan’s
knees. Then it observed the stunned crowd in the hall
and added, “Oh, he wasn’t the only one you scared.”

“Mm,” Shen Jiayan replied lazily. He found a more

comfortable position on the chair and relaxed. The
black cat exposed just enough of its claws to hook Shen
Jiayan by the shirt without hurting him. “Then host,
what’s your next step?”

“I’ll sit on this sofa for awhile first,” Shen Jianyan said
as he pinched the cat’s paw to expose the rest of its
claw. Then he released and pinched it again, toying
with the paw.

The black cat glanced at him. “And then?”

“And then, when Gu Jing comes back, we can sit on the
sofa together,” Shen Jiayan replied instantly.

“…..” said the black cat. My host is extremely lazy. All

he does is think about completing his missions while
sitting down all day. What should I do? Seeking for help
online, emergency!

Perhaps its accusatory gaze was too obvious, but Shen

Jiayan actually rubbed his nose with a guilty
conscience. “Well, what do you suggest?”

The black cat stood up and shook itself before pointing

a paw at Xu Chenle with a commanding air. “Go take
care of him first. The strategy guide says it’s mandatory
to say cruel things to the love rival.”

Shen Jiayan gave a noncommital response before rising

to his feet and walking towards Xu Chenle. In all
fairness, Xu Chenle didn’t look very remarkable, but he
was a clean type who gave off a good impression to
everyone. Currently he was holding a serving tray with
a small plate of salmon sushi and a glass of champagne.
Both were Gu Jing’s preferred foods. But thanks to
Shen Jiayan’s sudden confession, he was still spacing

Shen Jiayan drew close to him and said, “You’re about

to drop that.”

“Oh.” Xu Chenle quickly set the tray aside before giving

his hesitant thanks. The black cat scratched Shen Jiayan
in displeasure.

“Your Excellency Host, you’re supposed to threaten


Shen Jiayan pressed the cat’s head with a finger to

comfort him, then turned to face Xu Chenle. His lips
smoothed into a line before his expression turned
serious. “I like Gu Jing.”
“Mm, I know,” Xu Chenle felt awkward. He didn’t know
why Shen Jiayan was suddenly telling him these things.
He thought he’d covered up his feelings towards his
boss quite well.

Shen Jiayan raised up his fingers as he continued to

speak. “First, we were each other’s first loves. Second,
we didn’t break up willingly, but was forced to by our
parents. Third, I still like him, and I’ll make him like me

Xu Chenle could admit that he was gay. When Jing Xiu

Group was nothing special, he was willing to stay on
because he had an interest in Gu Jing that he wanted
to develop. But nothing had happened between yet.
They were still in a boss and subordinate relationship.
He had no experience dealing with his boss’s ex telling
him these things. “Then why are you telling me this?”

“Because I know you like him too, but he’ll end up with
me in the end. So I’m asking you to stop liking him. It’ll
just be a waste of time, anyways.”
Xu Chenle’s heart sped up when the other exposed his
feelings, but he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry by
the time the man finished speaking. He should be
angry, but he suddenly felt that this young master was
actually a little cute. What to do?

Xu Chenle couldn’t resist reaching out to rub Shen

Jiayan’s hair. Instead of losing his temper, he felt like
speaking to a spoiled younger brother. “Alright, then
I’ll stop liking him.”

Just like that?

Man and cat exchanged glances, both of them feeling

at a loss. To Xu Chenle, it only looked like Shen Jiayan
had blanked out before glancing foolishly towards his
left, then back at him again.

I feel like I’ve been attacked by cute again!

In any case, he only had positive feelings towards his
boss, not love. He wasn’t the only man in this world. If
they didn’t work out, he could simply switch to
someone else.

Shen Jiayan continued to probe. “Then what if I ask you

to help me woo him and tell me his work schedule?”

“Tell me your cell phone number and I’ll text you what
the boss is up to,” Xu Chenle seemed to have come to
a decision, because he broke into a brilliant smile and
turned amiable at once. Shen Jiayan thus exchanged
numbers with him in a haze. Then Xu Chenle wished
him luck and the two left each other like old friends.

“System, that Xu Chenle really is a good guy,” Shen

Jiayan couldn’t help but remark.

“So?” the black cat asked, licking its paws.

“I think he really did want to share the joys and
hardships of life with Gu Jing. They’re a good match.
Now I feel like the big villain,” Shen Jiayan said upon

“Then Your Excellency Host, are you still planning to

gather points?” the black cat stopped licking itself to
blink at him innocently.

Hearing this, Shen Jiayan’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Of

course! Forget it, Xu Chenle can find his happiness

“…….” said the cat. I knew it.

To complete his task, Shen Jiayan walked around with a

glass of wine while sniffing out his surroundings for
anyone carrying the scent of gunpowder on them. With
his sense of smell enhanced, he was akin to a hunting
dog. As long as he got close enough, he could tell
which person was carrying a gun on them. But he was
planning to expose the man and have him captured,
not sacrifice himself for Gu Jing to block some bullet.

Shen Jiayan’s plan was sound, but the saying went that
even the best of plans couldn’t block all exceptions.
Standing in the corner of the hall was an unremarkable
man dressed in a large gray coat. He suddenly rushed
over and grabbed Shen Jiayan before pressing the
barrel of his gun to his waist.

“Hurry and take me to Gu Jing,” he said in an icy voice.

What miserable luck. He was originally planning to take

Gu Jing down in a crowd, but didn’t expect this brat to
pull a publicity stunt and draw everyone’s attention.
Now his plan was ruined. But he could still use the man
to find Gu Jing personally!

Shen Jiayan gave a start. Why isn’t this man sniping

from a distance and taking hostages instead?
Sensing Shen Jiayan’s hesitation, the man assumed he
wouldn’t cooperate and jabbed him with his gun again.
“Quickly, or I’ll kill you first.”

“Alright,” Shen Jiayan murmured back before heading

towards the restrooms.

There are so many hallways here. I wouldn’t just run

into him by chance, right? Shen Jiayan mused as he
inadvertantly raised a flag for Gu Jing. Thus, it was no
surprise when they ran into Gu Jing first thing. From a
distance, Gu Jing could already tell that Shen Jiayan
was walking a little strangely. It seemed like something
was pushing him instead. Only then did he notice the
man wearing a face mask behind him. He wasn’t very
tall, but his eyes looked bloodthirsty. A thought flashed
through Gu Jing’s mind, but his expression remained
unchanged. He simply knitted his brows and grabbed
Shen Jiayan by the arm.

“Shen Diyu, get over here.”

The man had no interest in Shen Jiayan and pushed
him straight at Gu Jing before pointing the muzzle of
his gun at his target. Because it happened so quickly,
Gu Jing didn’t have time to do anything besides catch
Shen Jiayan. A ferocious smile painted the man’s

“Die!” he shouted.

There was a bang as a bullet flew out of his gun.

Arc 1 – Chapter 4

Gu Jing stood in front with Shen Jiayan held tightly in

his arms. The bullet went straight into his right chest.
He groaned, but still managed to kick the gun out of
the shooter’s fingers and backhand him onto his knees.

“Hurry and call for help!” he shouted at Shen Jiayan.

Shen Jiayan’s face was ashen white, his lips pale. Sweat
had broken out across his forehead as he ran towards
the hall. “System,” he said to the black cat, “I’ve
suddenly discovered something.”

“Could it be that you’ve fallen in love with Gu Jing from

what just happened?” the black cat grew flustered.
“But you know that’s against regulations.”

“No,” Shen Jiayan’s breathing quickened. “This body

gets weak at the sight of blood.” He felt a wave of
dizziness as soon as he spoke. Fortunately, he managed
to grab the hand of a person heading towards him.
“Quickly, in the hallway, Gu Jing is…”

By the time Shen Jiayan woke up again, it was to see

his father’s stern expression. Next to him was a
younger, handsomer version of his father’s face,
wearing an identical glare. Shen Jiayan blinked before
he said meekly, “Dad, big brother.”

Both faces softened at the sound. Big Brother Shen

clumsily handed over a glass of water and gently
helped his brother drink despite the irritation on his
face. “Is there anywhere else you feel uncomfortable?”

Shen Jiayan shook his head. Silently, his father expelled

a sigh of relief before he started to scold. “Dad’s
already told you to keep your distance from Gu Jing.
Nothing good happens when you’re with him! It’s just
in one ear and out the other with you, isn’t it?”
Shen Jiayan nodded subconsciously before he saw his
father knit his eyebrows. He quickly shook his head and
murmured, “Dad, I was taken hostage this time. Gu
Jing got shot trying to save me.”

If Gu Jing hadn’t held back, he could have easily

overpowered the man. Worse comes to worst, he
could have fled the scene with plenty of time to spare.
But he’d gotten shot for Shen Jiayan’s sake, and now
he was being disliked by his father. Even the
scatterbrained Shen Jiayan felt that it was unfair.

But his father was more focused on something else and

roared, “You’re talking back to your dad because of
him, aren’t you?”

Shen Jiayan was left speechless and forced to remain

silent. His older brother noticed his still pale
complexion as he sat there listlessly and felt a twinge
of regret. “Where were you hurt? Why did you faint?
The doctor couldn’t tell anything wrong.”
Shen Jiayan quickly looked towards his brother, his
eyes somewhat bright. “I wasn’t injured. I just got
lightheaded at the sight of blood.”

“……” said his father. He was supposed to curse that Gu

Jing fellow, but now he was lost for words.

“……” said his brother. Does little brother need

nutrients after fainting at the sight of blood? I think so!
Should I go ask the doctor? Mm, I’ll do it one day for

Shen Qiyu’s father coughed to break up the awkward

atmosphere. “Is there anything you want to eat? I’ll
have Nanny Wang make it for you and deliver it here.”

Shen Jiayan immediately sat up, ignoring the glucose IV

still stuck in his hand as he counted off a list. “I want to
eat sweet and sour spareribs, scrambled eggs with
tomato, Coca-Cola chicken wings, and seaweed soup.”
“Then son, you stay here with your brother. Dad will
take a trip home,” his father said, before adding, “Keep
an eye on him. Don’t let him go off searching for that
damned bloke.”

His elder brother’s face was stiff. “Don’t worry, dad.”

Once their father left, Shen Jiayan immediately jumped

off the bed. The sudden motion ripped the IV needle
out of his hand. “Big bro, which room is Gu Jing in? I
want to see him.”

His elder brother only stared at the blood pouring out

from the IV incision on his hand with an unhappy look.
He knew much more than their father, including just
how much his little brother was infatuated with Gu
Jing. He also heard from Gu Jing’s secretary that his
brother had been crying out for Gu Jing’s safety
moments before he fainted. Despite this, why was he
still unhappy to see his brother behaving this way?
“Take care of the wound on your hand,” he said as he
handed over a cotton swab. “Press on the inury.”

Shen Jiayan sat on the edge of the bed and pressed on

the bleeding spot, his eyes dancing with hope. “Look
big bro, it’s stopped bleeding.”

His brother rubbed his hair before falling silent. Finally

he relented. “I’ll go with you, but leave as soon as you
get a glimpse of him.”

“Fine,” Shen Jiayan agreed without a second thought.

He was feeling extremely guilty right now because Gu
Jing didn’t get hurt originally. It was because he stirred
up the original plot of Xu Chenle blocking the bullet,
then had Gu Jing block the bullet for him. Now he had
to make sure the guy was still alright. But his urgent
actions only gave a different impression to his older
Elder brother Shen’s lips curved up mockingly. Gu Jing,
is it? You want to steal my little brother away again?
Then I’d like to see your determination this time.

Currently, only Xu Chenle was standing outside of Gu

Jing’s sickroom.

“Chenle, this is my…” Older brother, Shen Jiayan trailed

off before his brother cut him off.

“Hello,” his brother said as he offered a hand. “Shen


Xu Chenle stuck out his head blankly and shook it.

“Urk, hello. I’m Xu Chenle.”

Shen Qiran nodded his head before grasping his little

brother by the shoulders to enter Gu Jing’s room. Xu
Chenle stood dazed for a bit before following after
There was a thick layer of bandage over Gu Jing’s right
chest, stained with faint spots of red like plum
blossoms in snow. He was currently lying on the bed,
looking a little weak from excessive blood loss. But his
aura was the same. When he saw an unknown man
pull Shen Jiayan into the room, he leaned forward
unconsciously. Then, as if sensing his movement, he
forced his right hand to relax and showed an easygoing
smile. “Diyu, who’s this?”

Before Shen Jiayan could answer, his brother

interrupted. “His most intimate person in the world.”

Shen Jiayan blinked. Suddenly, he understood and

muffled his mouth to laugh, but was quick-witted
enough to keep quiet.

“Heh,” Gu Jing chuckled. Ignoring the comment, he

looked at Shen Jiayan with eyes full of warmth. “Qiyu,
didn’t you say in the past that you liked me and you’d
be with me no matter what?”
Shen Jiayan nodded. “Right, ah! I-is there anything
wrong with that?”

Gu Jing changed his position on the bed and patted the

empty space next to him. “Then why don’t you spend
some time with me? It’s so boring being by myself in
this sickroom.”

Bastard, he’s actually acting like a spoiled child here?!

Shen Qiran wanted to yell at him, but saw his little
brother agree and prepare to walk to his side. His heart
gave a jolt. “……”

Shen Jiayan had no other choice. Looking at Gu Jing’s

current state gave him nothing but guilt. No matter
what the man wanted, he wanted to agree. Shen Qiran
grabbed him by the wrist and warned, “Did you forget
our agreement before you came? Leave after just a
glimpse. Now you’ve seen him, so come back with me.”

“But…” Shen Jiayan trailed off.

“No buts!” Shen Qiran was firm. “Go back with me this
instant and you’ll have more chances to see him later.
Otherwise, don’t even think of finding him again.”

Gu Jing narrowed his phoenix eyes, which flashed with

a moment of rage. “Diyu, come over here. I’ll protect

Shen Jiayan hesitated before taking his brother’s hand.

“Gu Jing, treat your wounds first. I’ll come back to see
you again, so wait for me.” His last few words were
spoken very clearly.

Gu Jing stared at him before suddenly lying back down.

He sneered before half-shutting his eyes. “Whatever
you want.” So this is what you mean by “I’ll do my

Once the two were gone, Gu Jing told Xu Chenle in a

cold voice, “Get out.”
Xu Chenle hesitated before recalling young master
Shen’s clear, pure eyes. In the end, he chose to speak
up. “Boss, after young master Shen confessed to you,
he came to give me a warning.”

“Hm?” Gu Jing didn’t expect that. “What did he say?”

“He said you’ll definitely like him by the end, so I

shouldn’t think of chasing you,” Xu Chenle left out his
part in the conversation to summarize Shen Jiayan’s

Gu Jing’s lips curved into a grin despite himself. “And


“And then, young master Shen was so worried about

you that he fainted. When he ran over, one of his
hands was bleeding. He must have come as soon as he
woke up,” Xu Chenle never expected that he’d speak
up for someone else without being prompted one day.
Gu Jing knit his brows, feeling a little worried. But
when he recalled the other man, he pursed his lips.
“Who was that other man just then? Why does Diyu
listen to him so much?”

“Boss.” Xu Chenle couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “That

man’s name is Shen Qiran.”

Gu Jing suddenly understood as his eyes lit up. After

some thought, he went to make a phone call. “Hey,
Uncle Dong, there’s something I need to trouble you
about. It’s what you said before about saying a few
words in front of that Uncle Shen…”

Xu Chenle softly shut the door behind him. Tsk, tsk,

people in love really do have negative IQ.
Arc 1 – Chapter 5

“Jing, you brat, you called at just the right time. Uncle
Dong’s got something to tell you too,” Old Dong’s tone
was prudent as if he had something important to say.

Gu Jing slowly withdrew his smile as he lowered his

voice. “Tell me, Uncle Dong.”

“Remember the guy who was sent to shoot you?”

Uncle Dong’s eyes grew shrewd. “I’ve already caught
him, but do you know what symbol was on his left

Gu Jing had only caught a glimpse of the hand in

question and faintly recalled some marking. “A
lightning bolt?”

“That’s right,” Uncle Dong said, tapping the table with

his index finger. “Remember how you saved this old
man’s life from a bunch of men in the past? Those men
had the same lightning bolt symbol.”

“You’re saying they still haven’t given up?” Gu Jing

knitted his brows. In a flash, he recalled a critical point
about the situation. They’d not only moved against Old
Dong, but himself as well. That means they weren’t
simply out for money or profits. It was down to
revenge killing now. When he thought about it deeper,
he realized they wanted to kill him because he’d saved
Old Dong’s life. Would that mean they’d kill everyone
else related to him as well, just so he could suffer?

An image of Shen Diyu’s face floated up in Gu Jing’s


Old Dong sighed as a trace of shame crept into his

voice. “This old man blocked their progress in the past,
so it makes sense that they’d want to kill me. But I’m
worried that it’s implicated you this time as well.”
Gu Jing pursed his lips. “Uncle Dong, don’t worry. I
won’t let anything happen to me.”

“Mm. Uncle Dong’s telling you this so you can keep on

guard. Don’t worry, I’ve already sent men to protect
the hospital you’re staying at. Once you’ve gone past
this period of time, things will improve.”

“Thank you, Uncle Dong, I understand.”

Before he hung up, Old Dong remembered something

and asked, “That’s right, what did you want your Uncle
Dong to ask that old Shen fellow again?”

“Nothing,” Gu Jing smiled bitterly. “It’s better for Uncle

Shen to keep hating me. This way he’ll keep Diyu away.
The further he is, the safer he’ll be.”

Just what’s all this? That Jing brat’s finally willing to

spend his days with the Shen boy, but now it’s all a
mess because of this old man? Old Dong was ashamed.
“It’s all Uncle Dong’s fault.”

Gu Jing was quite pragmatic about it all. “Uncle Dong,

it has nothing to do with you. If both of us still hold
feelings for each other, why do we need to see each
other morning and night? Once everything’s over, I’ll
explain things to him. You don’t need to worry about
me. Just take good care of yourself.”

Uncle Dong burst into laughter. “That’s true. You’re

both young and have a long life ahead of you. Then
that’s it, I’m hanging up.”

On the other side of the equation, Shen Jiayan was

studying hard to learn how to cook. Thick white smoke
billowed from the kitchens and drifted into the parlor,
making the whole scene look like some divine, mist-
covered fairyland. Unfortunately, both Shen Qiran and
his father were in no mood to enjoy the scene from
their seats on the sofa.

“What’s ol’ second[1] doing to make such a spectacle?”

the Shen father covered his mouth to suppress his
coughs as he strove to keep a stern expression.

“I don’t know,” Shen Qiran coughed a few times.

“Judging from the smell, it might be stir-fried onions
with green peppers.” Otherwise, why would we be

Nanny Wang stood on one side with a sour expression.

“Old master, eldest young master, just then second
young master said that he’s simmering tomato and
pork liver soup. Apparently it’s good for enriching the

“Then why isn’t second young master asking you to

help him instead of going to the kitchens himself?” the
Shen father glanced towards the room. You’ve just
gotten back from the hospital. Please don’t make
yourself ill again.

Nanny Wang had a woebegone face. “I want to help

second young master too, but he said it’s more
meaningful if he cooks the soup himself. He wouldn’t
let me help and chased me out.”

Now she was worried about the state of her kitchen.

Was it still alright? Her pots, her vegetable knives, her

The Shen father used his walking stick to smack Shen

Qiran. “Eldest, go check on ol’ second by the door. Why
is he taking so long to cook something?” And he’s even
making it for that bastard Jing, hmph!

Shen Qiran’s face was stiff. “Dad, why don’t you go

“This smoke is too stifling,” his father said with another
jab. “Maybe ol’ second hardly listens to me these days,
but you’re following in his footsteps, too? Is that

“I wouldn’t dare,” Shen Qiran said before standing up

and heading for the kitchens. He was about to open
the door when someone pulled it open from inside,
leaving him in full view of a dirtied face and a pair of
bright peach blossom eyes.

“Big bro, this smell is too stifling. Help me look after

the pot while I get some fresh air!” Shen Jiayan blurted
out before leaving the mess in Shen Qiran’s hands.

“…..” said Shen Qiran. Why must I be the one who

always suffers?

On the sofa sat the Shen father on one side and Shen
Jiayan on the other. His father couldn’t see the black
cat that was stretched lazily in between them.
“Ol’ second, you’re planning to visit that stinkin’ brat
Gu Jing today, aren’t you?” his father said as he
slammed his walking stick on the floor a few times.
Veins were popping out of his forehead.

“Mhm,” Shen Jiayan replied.

“And if dad won’t let you?” his father asked calmly.

“Dad, I really do like him,” Shen Jiayan bit his lip. “One
year ago, you told me to break up with him and I did as
you said. But I wasn’t happy at all this past year until I
saw him again in H City. Dad, I’ve listened to you once.
Then how about you listen to me once this time?”

His father’s words seemed to be torn out from

between his teeth. “No. My Shen family can afford to
cast him away!”
“Then if that’s the case dad, my answer is that I’ll go
too,” Shen Jiayan decided. Since he had to fulfill the
client’s dreams, he would naturally expose his true
desires to his father as well.

“Fine, on your knees!”

Shen Jiayan did as he was told. His father whacked him

hard with his walking stick. He hadn’t cared how wild
Shen Diyu have been in the past and only reserved his
cane for beating his eldest son. This time it landed on
Shen Jiayan’s left shoulder with a hot thwack of pain. It
was obvious that the hit would leave a bruise.

“Still going?” his father’s lips trembled slightly as he

purposely raised his voice.

Shen Jiayan glanced at him as he knelt on the icy floor.

His left shoulder seemed to have lost all feeling from
the smack, but his lips were still insistent. “I’m sorry,
Another hit struck him on the stomach, then his arms,
legs, etc… His father avoided any vital parts on his body
to smack his meat until it turned numb with pain. Shen
Jiayan only whimpered once before biting his lips. He
neither begged for mercy nor cried out in pain. In the
end, his father collapsed back on the couch. He knew
how much his son feared pain, but the boy still
managed to keep silent in the face of his beating.

Still, that didn’t mean Shen Jiayan wasn’t complaining

at all.

‘System, it hurtshurtshurtshurtshurts, I’m about to die

from the pain. Lighter, tell him to smack me lighter, or
else I’m going to revolt. I’m seriously going to rebel.
Sobsob, isn’t this mission only worth 5,000 points?
Why does it hurt so much?!’

Shen Jiayan was only able to hold out because of the

system’s words. “Your Excellency Host, as long as you
make it through this, I’ll award you with 1,000 points.”
Thus, Shen Jiayan gave it his all.

“Fine then, just go!” his father said helplessly. The

more you loved someone, the more you were at your
wit’s end. Shen Jiayan staggered his way to his feet
before enveloping his father in a light hug.

“Dad, thank you. No matter who I end up with in the

end or what I choose, I’ll always love you.” These were
words the original host had wanted to say as well, but
never got a chance to in his past life.

His father turned towards his, his eyes sparkling

slightly. “In any case, your dad can’t control you
anymore. Just do whatever you want!”

Shen Jiayan headed towards the kitchens in enough

pain to grit his teeth. His face was all scrunched up by
now. His older brother was currently leaning against
the door frame with his arms crossed. Once Shen
Jiayan passed him, he reached out to touch his face.
“Little brother, you look a little ugly right now.”

After a pause, he added with a sigh, “But you’ve grown


Shen Jiayan tilted his head with a chuckle. “Big bro,

you’ve been beaten a lot more times than me, right?”
And then he entered the kitchens in a cloud of smoke.
His pot of tomato and pork liver soup had just about
boiled dry. Shen Jiayan quickly added in more water.
“System, the soup should be done by now, right?”

The black cat swished its tail as it circled the around

the pot of blackish “soup.” It looked at Shen Jiayan
with doubtful eyes. “Can you really drink this?”

“Weren’t you the one who told me just to add

tomatoes and pork liver with water and simmer them
slowly?” Shen Jiayan asked guilelessly.
Well, it seems like that’s what Xu Chenle did in the past
too, the black cat mused to himself. Although his own
host’s end product looked a little different, the process
was still the same. It shouldn’t…be too much of a
problem, right?

“It should be fine,” the black cat puffed up its chest

with confidence.

“Alright, then I’ll go find Gu Jing now,” Shen Jiayan

placed the soup into a box to keep it warm before
setting out.
Arc 1 – Chapter 6

“Gu Jing, I heard Nanny Wang said that tomato and

pork liver soup is great for the blood, so I brought
some for you. Want to try some?” Shen Jiayan placed
the warmer box on Gu Jing’s bed, his eyes filled with

As to why he didn’t say he’d made the soup himself?

That was because he was afraid Gu Jing would reject
his soup outright. Still, Gu Jing refused it anyways.
“Shen Diyu, I’ve already said that things are impossible
between us. You don’t need to waste your time at my

Shen Jiayan was startled by his words and lowered his

eyes. He blinked quickly as if holding back tears. “I
wasn’t expecting you to like me again, but the future’s
still so far off. How are you so certain that you won’t
love me again?”
The black cat swished its tail on one side as he circled
around Shen Jiayan with astonishment. “Your
Excellency Host, what’s wrong with you?”

‘I stared at Gu Jing for too long so my eyes hurt,’ Shen

Jiayan blinked a few more times. ‘Don’t worry, I’m fine

The black cat stopped worrying. “That’s good.”

But Gu Jing had no idea of this face. He only told

himself to ignore the man’s expression and pretended
he didn’t even want to see him before giving a cold
laugh. “Shen Diyu, don’t you know that spilled water
can’t be recovered again?”

Shen Jiayan’s peach blossom eyes had a hint of

pleading in them as he reached for the food box. “At
least you can try a taste of this soup, right?”
“No need, I don’t want to,” Gu Jing gulped a few times,
but he held firm. He didn’t dare to gamble when it was
Shen Diyu’s life on the line. The last thing he wanted
was for this man to get in danger before of himself.
Thus, his only choice was to reject him.

Shen Jiayan’s tears trickled down his jade-white face

even as he forced a smile. “Gu Jing, I’ve even poured
the soup into a bowl for you. Just one sip to taste will
be enough.”

Gu Jing simply reached out and knocked Shen Jiayan’s

bowl aside. The blue and white porcelain shattered
against the ground and broke into pieces. The pork
liver and red tomato pieces were lost amidst the soup
all over the ground. Fortunately, Shen Jiayan was too
far away to be burnt by any of the liquid. Now his tears
flowed down in full force, turning his nose red. Even if
he tried, he couldn’t suppress the soft whimper that
came out once or twice from his throat. It was as if he
was a small animal trying to lick its own wounds.
“Your Excellency Host, your acting skills have improved
remarkably. Even I was touched by your crying just
then,” the black cat didn’t hesitate to praise him, its
eyes shining with admiration.

‘I’m not acting, I’m actually in pain,’ Shen Jiayan

complained. ‘Holding that food box just then set off my
injuries. I’m in agony right now. Now Gu Jing’s shoved
me and aggravated the injury, so it hurts even more.’

“…..” Heheh, I was overthinking things.

But the black cat wasn’t the only one who

misunderstood. Gu Jing held back from hugging Shen
Jiayan from behind as his tone turned cold. “It’s better
if you hurry up and leave! I’m afraid someone will
misunderstand if you stay here any longer.”

Shen Jiayan stopped cleaning up to look at Gu Jing with

his clean and teary gaze. “Someone will
misunderstand? Are you talking about Xu Chenle?”
Gu Jing had no idea why Shen Jiayan would bring him
up, but he could tell the idea affected him. Thus, he
turned ruthless and admitted it. “Yes, I’m afraid he’ll

“You really do like him,” Shen Jiayan exhaled, his eyes

red. But he still vowed all the same, “Gu Jing, it’s fine if
you don’t like me. I still won’t give up.”

Gu Jing was actually at a loss for what to do. The man

before him was weak and prone to injury, but also very
stubborn. No matter how you refused him, he still
looked ready to ram himself against a wall to declare
his love. Could anyone really be cruel enough to refuse
advances from this kind of Shen Diyu?

The first day, Gu Jing rejected Shen Jiayan’s tomato

and pork liver soup. The second day, Shen Jiayan came
with Chinese yam and black chicken soup as well as a
fresh, tender rose.

Shen Diyu’s father had been displeased at first, but

brightened at the sight of his son buying a rose. That’s
right, my son. If you have to be with a man, at least
make sure you’re the top! See that? That’s how I
chased after your mother! Good, you really are my

Thus, even Gu Jing’s hopes that the Shen father would

keep them apart dissipated into dust. Shen Jiayan had
just offered Gu Jing the black chicken soup when the
latter handed it off to Xu Chenle, who was standing to
the side after coming over to visit.

“Come, your body’s no good. Haven’t you been

coughing recently too? Drink some chicken soup to
buff up.”
Xu Chenle glanced at the silent Shen Jiayan and wanted
to refuse. “Boss, I haven’t been…” Coughing recently,

“Drink it up. Otherwise you’ll lose your salary,” Gu Jing

threatened in full view of Shen Jiayan.

“…….” said Xu Chenle. Who did I provoke this time?

Why is this couple dragging me into their arguments?

Xu Chenle had hardly drank a sip before his expression

blanched. The person who made the soup had
neglected to skim the oil afterwards, so now his mouth
was full of grease. He almost choked at the taste. And
it seemed like the chicken wasn’t plucked very cleanly
either. In fact, one of its tiny feathers seemed to be
stuck in his throat, making it itch.

Xu Chenle set down the bowl. Even if it was his salary

at stake, he wasn’t going to drink anything that strange
ever again. After all, his life was more important.
“Boss, you should chat with young master Shen. I’ll go
back first,” Xu Chenle declared before slipping out the

Gu Jing turned to observed Shen Jiayan’s reaction. He

had a very pale face that was almost a translucent
white. The dark circles beneath his eyes were obvious
signs that he hadn’t rested well last night.

Was it because of what I said?

Gu Jing’s guilty conscience and self-blame threatened

to drown him. Diyu, just wait a bit longer. Once all this
is over, I’ll cherish you well for sure. Then we can be
together for the rest of our lives. When that time
comes, you can beat or punish me all you want. I won’t
say a word.

Shen Jiayan’s lips were a bit pale and dry. He licked

them before he spoke. “Gu Jing, do you want to try this
black chicken soup today? If not, then I’ll make
something else tomorrow.”

Gu Jing’s entire boy stiffened at the words. He never

expected Shen Diyu, who hadn’t done anything for him
even when he was passionately in love, to suddenly
start making him food personally. A choking sensation
rose in his throat as warmth spread from his chest. For
a second, he couldn’t speak.

Shen Jiayan tilted his head and asked doubtfully, “Gu


The call reminded Gu Jing that he had to keep Shen

Diyu out of this mess no matter how well the man
treated him. He dumped the contents of the bowl
straight onto the floor along with the rose. The two of
them mixed into a mess on the ground.

Looking at Shen Jiayan, Gu Jing declared, word for

word, “Can’t you see that Chenle didn’t like it? Then
why keep making them? And the rose–do you think a
man like me would like roses?”

Gu Jing believed that to bring up someone else when a

person was in love with you was the worst form of
humiliation. But he never expected Shen Jiayan to
show up again by the third day. This time he simply
made some wintermelon sparerib soup. It was obvious
at a glance that he’d worked hard, because the soup
was white and clear with a fragrant aroma.

This time, Shen Jiayan took out two bowls and gave
one to Xu Chenle first. A little nervous, he asked,
“How’s the taste of this soup?”

Xu Chenle tried it while convinced that he would die,

but realized the flavor wasn’t half bad. It was clear and
refreshing, while the spareribs had been boiled to
perfection. He couldn’t help but give him a thumbs up.
“Not bad, it tastes great.”
Shen Jiayan then looked at Gu Jing with shining eyes, a
sweet smile playing upon his features. “Gu Jing, look.
Xu Chenle said it tasted good this time. Then how
about you drink a bowlful too?”

In that moment, Gu Jing almost wanted to cry. Because

love could turn a person into the basest, lowest being,
but what virtue did he have to reduce Shen Diyu to
someone like this? Gu Jing took a deep breath as his
hands clenched into fists. He didn’t even feel it when
his nails pierced through his skin. This was the first
time he realized that hurting someone who really care
about you could pain yourself more than them.

Still, he had no other choice.

“Shen Diyu, I, Gu Jing, will never graze on old grass.[1]

Do you understand what I mean?” He didn’t accept the
bowl of soup from Shen Jiayan’s hands. “Shen Diyu, if
you have even an ounce of self-worth left, then never
come to this hospital again. Alright?”
Shen Jiayan placed the bowl of soup by the bedside
table in silence. Soon enough, he recovered his spirits.
“Gu Jing, if you don’t like this soup, then in the future
I’ll make you–”

“Enough.” Gu Jing’s throat shook. “Shen Diyu, I won’t

like anything you make because I don’t like you! Do
you get it now?!”

As Gu Jing finished speaking, he saw Shen Diyu’s eyes

dim. Finally, the man broke into a faint smile and said,
somewhat despairingly, “I understand, Gu Jing.”

In a flash, it felt as if a knife had stabbed Gu Jing

through the heart.
Arc 1 – Chapter 7

“System, I think I’m going to fail this mission,” Shen

Jiayan looked up a little sadly as he left the hospital
doors. “And it’s my first one, too.”

The black cat licked Shen Jiayan’s palm comfortingly.

“Your Excellency Host, you’ve already done very well.”

“Thank you,” Shen Jiayan stroked the cat’s head, but

still felt depressed. The kitty ended up walking around
Shen Jiayan in circles. Although its host was lazy at
times and liked to forget his mission, he was still
professional when it counted. Thus, he couldn’t help
but grow solemn at his current state.

After the third circle, the black cat suddenly

remembered something and blinked. “Host, we can
still get a passing score!”
“A passing score?” Shen Jiayan’s peach blossom eyes
widened. He was a little lost. “How?”

“It’s like this. As long as Your Excellency Host can make

Gu Jing say ‘I want to stay by your side,’ then we pass.
It doesn’t matter if he means it or not, we’ll still get
3,000 points from that.”

Shen Jiayan’s eyes brightened as he consoled himself.

“3,000 isn’t bad.”

The next few day, Shen Jiayan avoided the hospital as

he wracked his brains for Gu Jing to say the fated
words. Meanwhile, Gu Jing was free to join up with Old
Dong without Shen Jiayan’s “interference” and began
to catch a few “big fish” in earnest.

“Jing, you brat, there’s nobody left of the group except

the boss Viper and his third-in-command, Cripple.
They’ve been forced to their wits’ end, so they’re
probably capable of doing anything,” Old Dong said
with some worry. “Uncle Dong has already spread out
my men. I’m sure we’ll capture them within the next
three days, so just be careful.”

Gu Jing narrowed his eyes as his gaze darkened. It was

an alluring sight. “Nothing will happen to me. They
couldn’t touch me in the hospital, so they’ll have less
chances when I go home.”

“That’s good,” Old Dong was clear that Gu Jing had met
with multiple assassination attempts over the past few
days. There was poison and guns alike, but Gu Jing had
evaded them all. With only two people left to capture,
it’d be a simple job for Gu Jing to finish. Old Dong
believed in his skills, so he hung up without worries
after making sure he was alright.

But once the call ended, Gu Jing began to think of Shen

Diyu instead. He hadn’t visited him recently. According
to Xu Chenle, all he did was stay in the Shen house.
Even if Viper and Cripple were pushed to their limits, it
was unlikely they’d pay attention to the buy. Naturally,
there was no way he’d implicate Shen Diyu in this
mess. But Gu Jing was still worried. Thus, he wanted to
call Xu Chenle to check on Shen Diyu’s safety again.

Strangely enough, nobody picked up even after he

tried thrice. Gu Jing immediately recalled how Xu
Chenle had been visiting him in the hospital nonstop
these days to report on the company and felt a sense
of foreboding. As expected, the fourth call connected
to reveal Viper’s arrogant tone on the other end.

“Gu Jing, your little lover’s in my hands now. Do you

want to listen to his voice?”

After a moment of silence, Xu Chenle’s wretched cries

came over the call.

“Gu Jing, you hurt four of my brothers a few years ago.

Now you’ve caught five more over the past few days.
How am I supposed to reckon my debt with you now?”
Viper said as he grit his teeth. “How about this? I’ll cut
him once for every brother that’s died. See if he can
last long enough for you to save him.”
Gu Jing felt he was despicable, because his first
thought was of relief. Thank goodness I chased off
Shen Diyu.

But no matter what, Gu Jing had to take care of Xu

Chenle too. He’d gotten into this mess because of him.
After a pause, he said calmly, “Viper, no one wants to
reach the point of no return, right? How’s this.
Whatever you want, whether it’s weapons or cash, I’ll
have it delivered. As long as you let him go.”

“Heh, I don’t want a thing. I just want you to taste the

pain of losing your most important person. See what it
feels like to suffer a fate worse than death!” Viper grew
excited as he spoke, mixing his shouts with laughter as
if he’d gone insane.

“Viper, I respect you as a man for not wanting a thing.

But have you ever thought about your brothers? What
do they want? After they die, don’t they want their
families to be set for life? As long as you let him go, I
can give you as much money as you want,” Gu Jing

Viper clapped his hands. “Tsk tsk. Gu Jing, your tongue

is still as good as always. I’m almost convinced by your
words. But it’s a pity, a real pity. I can’t take care of
those brothers anymore. I just want you to suffer for a

“Fine, you want me to suffer?” Gu Jing lowered his

voice into bewitching tones. “Then what’s the point of
tormenting him? Why don’t you exchange him for me
instead and torture me directly? Isn’t that a better way
to vent?”

Viper knew it was only a ploy, but he couldn’t refuse

the suggestion. “You’re willing to trade yourself for

Gu Jing knew he’d taken the bait as his eyes turned

dark. “Of course. Didn’t you say it yourself? He’s my
beloved.” He put special emphasis on the last word.
Viper thought it over before he gave in. “On the
outskirts of H City, there’s an abandoned warehouse
near the mountain temple. Only bring yourself. If I see
a hint of anyone else or if you try any tricks, I’ll drag
you and your little lover to Hell.”

“Fine. But why should I believe you? Suppose you

refuse to let him go after I come? Wouldn’t I be paying
dearly for your cunning?” Gu Jing arched a brow.
“There should be a method that’s fair for both parties,
don’t you think?”

Viper immediately turned cautious. “Then what’s your


“I’ll bring two gold men and a police car with me. Then
I’ll trade myself for him. I promise they’ll leave as soon
as they have the man in their hands, how’s that?” Gu
Jing didn’t pressure the other, but retreated in order to
gain an advantage. “If that doesn’t work, then forget it.
You know I’m not a man for lingering feelings. At most
I’ll switch to play with another toy.”

“Fine,” Viper gritted his teeth with a nod. “But only two
people max. Any more and I might as well have us all
die. There’s nothing in this warehouse but explosives

“Then it’s set.”

As soon as Gu Jing cemented his deal, the black cat

transferred all the intel to Shen Jiayan. “Your
Excellency Host, this is a great chance. You have to
seize it. If you can help Gu Jing rescue Xu Chenle,
perhaps he’ll agree to your request.”

“I know,” Shen Jiayan responded without thinking. To

him, it was either complete the mission or die–there
was no hesitation there.
By the time Gu Jing rushed to the scene, Shen Jiayan
had long concealed himself behind the warehouse.
Viper came out with Xu Chenle as his hostage, leaving
Cripple to guard the explosives fuse inside. Viper was
insane enough to line the entire warehouse with
explosives ready to go off as soon as he knew Gu Jing
was coming. What he wanted was total destruction.
Even if it cost Cripple’s life too, he wanted Gu Jing

Outside the warehouse, Gu Jing had just switched

himself for Xu Chenle. Once the police car and its
people drove off, he turned and punched Viper in the
stomach. Blood trickled out from Viper’s lips at the
attack, but a strange smile rose to his lips. He
handcuffed Gu Jing to himself before he declared,
“Cripple, light the fuse.”

Gu Jing’s face blanched at the words. He could beat

Viper in a fight, but if the man was determined to hold
him down, then it’d take him time to break free. But
none of that would matter once the critical time
Assuming that Cripple feared death, Viper roared out,
“Cripple, light the fuse! Otherwise I’ll kill you myself

But there was no response from inside. Currently,

Cripple was being held in place by Shen Jiayan from
behind. The lighter in his hands had been kicked far
away. In the end, he pulled out a knife from his chest
and slashed at Shen Jiayan’s arm. “Let go.”

Shen Jiayan gave a muffled cry of pain before

tightening his grip. No matter how much it hurt, he
didn’t want to let go. Cripple went wild and started
stabbing him in the arm and legs. Blood poured from
more and more wounds to dye the floor red. Shen
Jiayan grew weaker and weaker. He figured he
wouldn’t be able to last at this rate, but still used all his
strength to hold Cripple back. Even if he died, he
wasn’t going to let him light the fuse.

Someone kicked open the door to the warehouse. Gu
Jing’s first sight upon stepping inside was seeing Shen
Diyu in a pool of blood. His breath caught. Is this why
the explosives never blew up? He dealt with Cripple
using a single bullet and staggered his way to Shen

“Diyu, hold on. I’ll take you to the hospital,” Gu Jing

said, but his hands trembled so much that he couldn’t
even find the strength to pick him up.

Shen Jiayan’s vision was hazy with blood. He couldn’t

even see Gu Jing clearly, but he recognized the man’s
voice. Somehow, he found the energy to grasp him by
the sleeve. “Gu Jing, it’s fine even if you lie to me once.
Can you—can you just tell me that you want to stay by
my side?”

“Fine,” Gu Jing’s voice grew stiff. “But Diyu, why are

you here?”
Why? Shen Jiayan’s thoughts were getting muddled. In
the end, he managed a smile. “Maybe because the
whole time you were looking at him, I was looking at
you too?”

“Shen Diyu! I won’t let you die!” Gu Jing’s cries were

heartrending, but nothing would ever wake the man in
his arms again.
Arc 1 – Extra

My name is Gu Jing.

I have the best lover in the world. His name is Shen

Diyu. For me, he’s willing to cook in the kitchens. I’ve
secretly tasted his food, though. His tomato and pork
liver soup is too fishy and raw; his Chinese yam and
black chicken soup too greasy. The only thing worth
eating is his wintermelon and spareribs soup, but he
didn’t make that completely on his own.

That’s what my father-in-law told me later.

Father-in-law. That’s right, we got married. Our

marriage certificate was done in May. His photo had
his peach blossom eyes curved into a smile. Those
irises were as pure as fresh-fallen mountain snow. The
lilt of his lips was wearing my favorite smile. Every
night, he would get insecure and ask me again and
again, “Gu Jing, let’s stay together, alright?”
He really loved to act spoiled, but I was helpless against
him. All I could do was smile and promise, “Alright,
we’ll be together for the rest of our lives.”

That’s right, he likes to cry too. Whenever his peach

blossom eyes glimmer with tears, I feel like giving him
the entire world. Before I met him, I hated the sight of
crying men, but now all I think about is how not to
make him cry. It’s because I owe him too much. For my
sake, he clashed with his father and was beaten black
and blue, but still went to the kitchens to make me
soup. That’s right, the fishy tomato and pork liver soup
I mentioned before. Even if I lied to him and said I
loved another, all he did was stare at me sadly and say
he’d still look at me regardless.

Fortunately, we cleared up the misunderstanding

between us later.

Fortunately, I can still make it up to him for the rest of

my life.
But still, there are things he never would have
expected. For example, the person I pretended to love
in place of him ended up getting together with his
older brother. It really left everyone happy. Moreover,
his father is growing to like me too. He treats me well,
almost as another son.

I’m the happiest person in the world.

At least I would be, if he was still alive on this Earth.

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