My Stories Online On Archiveofourown

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Shadowhunters: The mortal instruments stories:

New world to discover.

Summary: Marley is adopted into the Miller family in New York. When she turned 17 her parents told
her the truth, that she is adopted. Her world was about to change for the worse, she went home
from a party and found her parents dead, by the hand of demons, that was when she met Jace, Alec
and Izzy. Then 1 year later she lives at the New York institute. Complete. (Alec/OC)

When things get complicated.

Summary: People are about to find out who Marley really is and they aren’t happy about it. The
Shadowhunters at least, they would think they can use her for their own stuff. Marley won’t let that
happen, because that’s then she done with them all!!! Her father Magnus would do anything to
protect his little girl and they will be sorry if something does happen to her as well as Alec. They are
really the only ones that are willingly to protect her!!! Later in it, the others will help her too, but
they first reason with her. Oh, well it’s a complicated stuff!!! Sequel to New world to discover.
Complete. (Alec/OC)


Magical Demon.

Summary: Paris is the fifth sister of the Halliwell line, but she has a secret that she can’t join the
charmed ones. She has demon blood in her, cause of her father, who is half demon. Her mother Patty
didn’t even know that, which was surprisely for her, but Penny did know and tried to warn her, she
didn’t listen and Paris was born, but she had to live with her father. Paris grow up, knowing that she
is a quarter demon and learned all about it, but not her witch side. She always knew that she is
different. It would go on, until she was attacked by another demon and met her sisters and from that
day on, she helped them, but also not telling them that she is a quarter demon. Will secrets come to
light? Who’s Ben? And more importantly, what want Cole from Paris?

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