Idioms and Phrase+E

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K la a a (H a O e a b g n e d ffic ) K ilg o C o d u y a a h an hwh r pr


H.S.CEnglish 2nd Paper

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A bed of thorns A bed of roses A bone of contention A black sheep A close fisted man A great deal of A lot of A man of letters A far cry test

(KKkhv) (cykhv) (weev`i welq)

(Kzjvvi) (KcY) (cPzi) (cPzi) (wevb ew) (e`~i) (AwM cwiv) (webv gN eRcvZ) (c_g eZv) (GK K_vi jvK) (bx ew) (Ai Rb euP hvIqv) (weev`i welq)

10. Acid 11. A 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. A

bolt from the blue maiden speech man of word man of parts narrow escape of discord

16. Apple 17. Apple 18. All 19. All

of ones eye ( bqbi gwb) (wbwePvi mKj jvK ) (cvq)

|| S.M. Gias Uddin || Director || E.Haque Coaching ||

and sundry but

| Raju Sir || English Teacher || E.Haque Coaching ||


20. All 21. All 22. All 23. An 24. A

day long the year round on a sudden open secret

(mvivww`b ) (mviveQi ai) (nVvr) (Mvcb A_P Rvbv welq) (`yw`b)

rainy day

25. As 26. As 27. At 28. At 29. At 30. At 31. At 32. At 33. At 34. At 35. At 36. At 37. At 38. At 39. At 40. At 41. At 42. At 43. At

a matter of fact (cKzZc) if/ As though a deadlock a glance a stretch any cost fingers end home large least ones wits end random (hb) (APjvev) (GK bRi) (GK Uvbv) ( h Kvb Dcvq) (bL`cb) (`) (^vaxb) (Kgc) (nZeyw)

(Gjvgjv) (Gjvgjv) (wec`vcb) (Dci) (kl mgq)

sixes and sevens stake the top of

the eleventh hour a standstill arms length most

(APjvev) (`~i) (eoRvi)

|| S.M. Gias Uddin || Director || E.Haque Coaching ||

| Raju Sir || English Teacher || E.Haque Coaching ||


44. At 45. At 46. At

dead of night first sight

(Mfxi ivZ) (c_g `LvZB)

ones beck and call (Avven) blood egg names and baggage the air (k~Zv) (Lvivc jvK) (Mvjg`) (ZwZv) (wbj Pv Kiv)

47. Bad 48. Bad 49. Bad 50. Bag

51. Beat

52. Beggar 53. Below 54. Better 55. Bid

description (ebbvZxZ) (wbggvbi) (x) (`L gb nIqv)

the mark half


56. Birds 57. Black 58. Black 59. Blue

of the same feather (GKB Mvi jvK) and blue (e`g cnvi) and white (wjwLZ fve)

blood (AvwfRvZ) friend (Nwb ez)

60. Bosom 61. Book

worm (eBqi c&Kv) and butter (RxweKv) down (f cov) out (Qwoq cov) to light (cKvwkZ nIqv) castles in the air (AvKvk Kzmyg Kbv Kiv) Question (Riyix welq)
|| S.M. Gias Uddin || Director || E.Haque Coaching ||

62. Bread 63. Break 64. Break 65. Bring 66. Build

67. Burning

| Raju Sir || English Teacher || E.Haque Coaching ||


68. By 69. By 70. By

dint of (ej) hook or by crook (h Kvb Dcvq) leaps and bounds (AwZ`yZ) ones name (Mvwj `Iqv) in question (m`n Kiv) the day (Rqjvf Kiv) paw (KviI Ljvi cyZzj) and dogs (gylyj`vi ew) red handed (nvZbvZ aiv)

71. Call 72. Call

73. Carry 74. Cats 75. Cats

76. Caught

77. Chicken hearted (fxi)

78. Come 79. Come

round (AvivM jvf Kiv) off (msMwVZ nIqv) tears (gvqvKvbv)

80. Crocodile 81. Crying 82. Cut

need (Riyix cqvRb)

a sorry figure (Lvivc djvdj Kiv) coals to Newcastle (Zj gv_vq Zj `Iqv)

83. Carry 84. Call 85. Day

a spade a spade ( mwZ K_v mvRvmywR ejv) dram (w`ev^c) letter (AKRv) language (AcPwjZ fvlv)

86. Dead 87. Dead 88. End 89. Eat 90. Fall 91. Fall

in smoke (e_ nIqv) humble pie (bwZ ^xKvi nIqv) flat (e_ nIqv) in with (GKgZ nIqv)
|| S.M. Gias Uddin || Director || E.Haque Coaching ||

| Raju Sir || English Teacher || E.Haque Coaching ||


92. Fight 93. First

shy of (Gwoq hwIqv)

and foremost (mecavb) and blood (i gvsmi kixi)

94. Flesh 95. For 96. For

good (wPiZi) the sake of (LvwZi) paradise (evKvi ^M) leave (webv QzwUZ AbycwwZ)

97. Fools

98. French 99. From 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112.

hand to mouth (w`b Gb w`b LvIqv)

Gala day (Avb`i w`b) Get rid of (gyw cvIqv) Good at (`) Go to the dogs (Mvjvq hvIqv) Golden opportunity (mvbvjx myhvM) Hard nut to crack (KwVb mgmAv) Hard and fast (evuav aiv) Hanker after (jvf Kiv) Heart and soul (mevKib) Head or tail (gv_vgyz) High time (cKZ mgq) Hold water (Amyweav) Hue and cry (n P)

RAZU SIR BBA (Major In Finance) University Of Dhaka

| Raju Sir || English Teacher || E.Haque Coaching || || S.M. Gias Uddin || Director || E.Haque Coaching ||


Cont: 01937134007 01727110049

(I apologize for any mistake of this sheet.)

| Raju Sir || English Teacher || E.Haque Coaching ||

|| S.M. Gias Uddin || Director || E.Haque Coaching ||

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