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Coping with Stress during the COVID-19 Crisis: The Case of the BS Nursing Students of

Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges, Inc.

Rosalyn B. Bilog, MAN1, Iluminada B. Santos, MM2, Ferwin P. Precenillo2, Paul Adrian C.
Batas2, Jobelle J. Salac2 and Mario S. Suba, PhD3
Dean, Institute of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges, Inc.
Faculty, Institute of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges, Inc.
Director of Research, Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges, Inc.

This action research aimed to find out; (1) the stress experienced by the BS Nursing
students of MVGFCI during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis; (2) the effects of stress caused by
COVID-19 on students' attitude to school life and responsibilities; (3) the stress coping strategies
used by BS Nursing students of MVGFCI and its influence on their attitude towards school life
and responsibilities and; (4) to recommend an action plan to improve the stress coping strategies
of students in a healthy way during and immediately after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Mixed
methods research design was used and 22 BS Nursing students participated in this study. The
result showed that BS Nursing students expected the inability to comply with requirements due
to limited access to WiFi, learning resources, and connection to their classmates. Meanwhile,
stress affected their class standings, attitudes towards their life, perception of their surroundings,
and inability to focus on their priorities. Their best coping strategy is to set goals that would help
their studies especially in finishing their academic requirements.
Keywords: stress, coping, COVID-19, action plan

Stress is the first step in developing a affect everyone if it is taken for granted.
possible psychological disorder when not However, a fight or flight response can lead
properly addressed and taken care of. Today, to decisions that would not keep us safer and
most people feel stress because of the may make things worse. It is because fear
pandemic and everyone has their way of has another unfortunate side (
coping. Whenever there is a perceived threat COVID-19 caused chaos, especially
or danger, our body automatically activated in the medical field. Medical workers from
the fight or flight response. Fight or flight doctors to housekeeping are the front liners
response is a set of physical and providing medical assistance to the COVID-
psychological responses that help us fight a 19 patients. As the cases continue to rise,
threat or flee from it. The physiological bed spaces in the hospitals have been fully
response/changes result from the activation occupied leading into difficulties in
of two systems controlled by the admitting and curing patients.
hypothalamus; the autonomic nervous However, aside from difficulty in the
system and adrenal-cortical system while the admission of the COVID-19 patients, the
psychological responses to threat continuous increase of mental health
characterized by emotional, cognitive, and problems needs to be addressed as well.
behavioral responses occur. Fight or flight Some predictions were made that the third
response enables an individual whether to wave of COVID-19 is mental health
face the perceived threat (to fight) or escape problems. Mental health is defined by the
from it (to flight). World Health Organization (WHO) as "a
COVID-19 indeed brought too many state of well-being in which an individual
fears to people because COVID-19 is not an realizes his or her abilities to cope with the
imagined danger, the risk is real. It may normal stresses of life, to work productively

and to make contribution to his or her family skeletal workforce are common problems we
and community." experienced now according to the news.
These stressors can be linked to COVID-19.
Mental Health amidst COVID-19 Similarly, the Center for Disease Control
In a survey conducted by Social and Prevention (2015), identified several
Weather Stations (SWS) last July 3 to 6, factors that may increase a person's risk of
2020, 86% of the Filipinos said that attempt and even complete suicide. These
COVID-19 brought them too much stress factors are previous suicide attempts, history
( Based on the same of depression or other mental illness, alcohol
survey, junior high school graduates and drug abuse, family history of suicide or
experienced great stress than the other violence, physical illness, and feeling alone.
participants. The same observation was noted by Nadine
Premier Value Provided Inc. or PVP J. Kaslow (2014), in her study which shows
conducted a similar survey by SWS, in the different risk factors of suicide on a
which it measured the effect of pandemic young person. These are serious loss of
and community quarantine on the workers in loved ones, mental disorder (particularly
the Philippines. 450 employees served as mood disorders), hopelessness, guilt,
participants and the survey was conducted worthlessness, previous suicide attempts,
from May 5 to 16, 2020. Results showed disciplinary problems, high-risk behaviors
that the level of stress, anxiety, and and even sexual orientation confusion.
depression of people were quite alarming. It Another contribution to the above
also showed that millennials and generation study was done by the World Health
Z employees were the most affected. Organization in 2014. According to the
Employees who are in a work from home study, the lowest suicide cases were noted
setup reported a higher level of anxiety and among the school-age population with 15
depression compared to those who work on- years of age while the highest are those in 70
site ( years of age or above for both sexes. The
Depression, on the other hand also report also shows that all those suicide rates
affects Filipinos amidst COVID-19. WHO are at their peak among young adults but
reported that the Philippines have one of the will subside during middle age. The
highest rates of depression in Southeast Philippine Psychiatric Association also
Asia, affecting more than three million added that suicide incidence is high in young
Filipinos. adults with age ranges from 15-24 years old.
Suicide is one of the possible results
of stress especially now that we have a Stress and Coping Mechanisms
pandemic crisis. Suicide reports due to Stress may be interpreted as
depression are sad manifestations of the negative, however, stress can also be
negative mental health effects caused by positive; it is called eustress. According to
COVID-19 (Gorecho, 2020; the renowned guru in Clinical Psychology, Selye in 1974, eustress is pleasurable
Emotional and financial stressors are satisfying experiences; it is positive stress.
the common risk factors of suicide; Stress and coping are intertwined. Stress can
emotional stressors such as worrying too be psychologically positive or negative, and
much, overthinking, anxiety, panic attacks, the means of coping can be effective or
etc… and financial stressors like having no ineffective in meeting the challenge
work, getting fired at work, deduction due to presented by the stressful situation.

Another expert in coping Stress can greatly affect the
mechanism, Folkman & Lazarus (1980), academic attitude and performance of the
defined coping mechanisms as cognitive and student. They might get anxious coming
behavioral efforts to master, reduce, or back to school and lose their drive to learn.
tolerate demands. Likewise, Matheny, Gunnar (1998) called this academic stress.
Aycok, Pugh, Curlette, & Silva-Cannella Academic stress is already present before
(1986) defined coping as "any effort, the COVID-19 pandemic. He defined it as
healthy or unhealthy, conscious or the anxiety and stress that comes from
unconscious, to prevent, eliminate, or schooling and education. Some academic
weaken stressors, or to tolerate their effects stressors are studying homework, tests, labs,
in the least hurtful manner". reading, and quizzes. There is the stress of
Further, if an individual feels stress, doing all of the work, balancing the time,
coping mechanisms will immediately follow and finding time for extra-curricular
regardless of how useful it is or not. Some activities. In our current situation, those
people feel stress and choose an unhealthy academic stressors may cause them a lot of
coping mechanism and some people burden because of the strict guidelines of
healthily use coping mechanisms. IATF. Due to limited face-to-face classes,
Recently, the World Health the educational institutions shifted to
Organization listed some coping flexible-learning system (FLS). This new
mechanisms amidst COVID-19. These are; setup of teaching-learning process
talking to trusted people, contact family and minimizes the possibility of acquiring a
friends, stay at home and maintain a healthy virus. However, this is challenging not only
lifestyle, do not use smoking, alcohol, or to the teachers but also to the students.
other drugs to deal with emotion, limit Regardless of what is happening in
worry and agitation, and seek professional the world, the resiliency of the Filipinos is
help. still evident today. Even though we are
In recent news, the government asks wearing masks, we still manage to smile and
the help of religious leaders to help aid the the joy can be seen through the eyes.
overwhelming mental health issues. Stressors are everywhere thus coping
mechanisms are. Amidst what is happening
Stress and its effects on Academic to the world, it is better to figure out the best
Attitude of the Students and healthy coping mechanisms to prevent a
Students also had difficulties bigger problem.
adjusting and coping with the stress brought Based on the findings from the
by the COVID-19. It may decrease their related studies, the researchers find it
motivation to go back to school or when important to determine the stress-related
they return to school, it might affect their experienced among BS Nursing students of
academic performance. It is important for MVGFCI and determine the stress coping
them to address the stress they have strategies used by them to come up with an
experienced during community quarantine action plan to improve their stress coping
and how they deal with it so that the strategies.
institution will come up with an intervention The study also addressed one of the
program to improve the stress coping major health research thrusts as articulated
strategies of students during and in the 2020 MVGFCI Health Research
immediately after the COVID-19 pandemic Agenda which is “Clinical characterization

and management of disease caused by the facilitate effective learning conditions for
virus”. their students amidst the crisis.
The same study can also be
replicated in other institutes of MVGFCI to Conceptual Framework
address its mission to provide opportunities The conceptual framework (Figure
and avenues for students to experience 1) indicated the focus of this research. This
quality life while in school. study determined stress experienced by the
nursing students and its effects on their
Objects of the Study attitude to school life. People during this
This study aims: stressful time tend to use their coping
1. To find out if the BS Nursing strategies to overcome their stressors.
students of MVGFCI experience stress Moreover, the students coping strategies and
during this COVID-19 pandemic crisis. the effects of stress on their academic
2. To find out the effects of stress responsibility and attitude are also
caused by COVID-19 on students’ attitude determined in this research. Furthermore, the
to school life and responsibilities. data gathered from the study (stress
3. To find out the stress coping experienced by BSN students, effects of
strategies used by BS Nursing students of stress, and coping strategies) was used to
MVGFCI and their influencing effect on make an action plan to improve the stress
their attitude towards school life and coping strategies of students during and
responsibilities. immediately after the COVID 19 pandemic
4. To recommend an action plan to crisis.
improve the stress coping strategies of
students in a healthy way during and
immediately after the COVID-19 pandemic

Significance of the Study

Identifying the various forms of
stress experienced by the college nursing
students at MVGFCI during the early part of Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
the pandemic brought by COVID 19 and the
effects of these stresses to the respondents Methodology
provided the researchers the basic All students across year levels
information in instituting appropriate enrolled in the BS Nursing program of
strategies/measures to improve the coping MVGFCI during the first semester of the SY
strategies of the students to alleviate the 2021-2022 were the respondents of this
effects of the COVID-19 crisis. The school action research. A survey questionnaire
can use the results of this action research in developed by the team of researchers were
formulating policies that can cushion the utilized to answer the statement of the
impact of the pandemic on the lives of the problem of this study. The same were sent
students, side by side with concerned units, via Google form to all student respondents
i.e., student services office and the medical and they were given ample time to answer
services unit. Likewise, the faculty can be and send back the accomplished survey
coached in developing teaching strategies in questionnaire to the researchers.
alleviating the effects of the pandemic to

The questionnaire was composed of I. During the early part of the quarantine
three major parts. The first part is made up period (ECQ) in the province of Nueva
of five statements to enumerate and describe Ecija, I expected the following.
the numerous types of stress experienced by Verbal
the students during the early part of the Statement Item Mean Interpretati

quarantine period. Each statement was rated
by the respondents using the 4-point Likert
Scale where: moderately
1 communicating 1.80
1.0 to 1.75 – disagree agree
with my
1.76-2.50 – moderately agree mentors;
2.51-325 – agree Inability to
3.26 – 4.0 – strongly agree comply with
The second part with 6 items requirements in
identified the effects of stress in the 2 school due to 3.07 agree
respondents’ lives. The last part consists of limited access
15 statements that enumerate the coping to WIFI
strategies employed by the students to connections;
alleviate their stress during the lockdown Connection with
3 my classmates 1.85
period. agree
is challenging
All the data collected were analyzed Resources
using descriptive statistics (mean and (journals,
standard deviation) using SPSS. books, and e-
materials) to
Results and Discussion complete my
4 3.00 agree
Table 1 shows the respondent’s requirements for
experiences during the quarantine period. all the courses I
With regards to the respondent's am currently
enrolled in are
expectations during the quarantine period,
limited; and
they agreed that they expected not to comply
Conflict with
with the requirements in the school due to oneself due to
limited access to WIFI connections 5 inability to 1.50 disagree
(x=3.07). Aside from limited access to address personal
internet connection, respondents agreed that issues
they have limited resources to complete their  
requirements (x=3.00). They also find it General Weighted 2.24
difficult connecting with their classmates Mean:
and mentors with a mean of 1.85 and 1.80 Legend:
respectively. Although in general, they 1.0 to 1.75 – strongly disagree
experienced difficulties in their academics, it 1.76 to 2.5 moderately agree
2.51 to 3.25 – agree
is noteworthy that they conflict with
3.26 to 4.0 – strongly agree
themselves due to their inability to address
personal issues having the lowest mean of
The effects of stress were seen in
their class standing due to limited resources
got the highest mean with (x=3.20) followed
Table 1. Stress experienced during by their ability to focus on priority, attitude
Quarantine Period towards life, and perception of everything

around me having a similar mean of 3.13. students tried to stay calm and developed a
While the relationship with their significant healthy coping strategy amidst the COVID-
people and spiritual connection was least 19 pandemic.
affected by stress with a mean of 1.50 (Table
2). Table 3. Coping Strategies of BS Nursing
Table 2. Effects of Stress in the III. To cope up with the stress I am
Respondent’s Life experiencing, I do the following:
II. The stress that I experience affects my..: Verbal
Verbal #  Statement Item Interpreta
Me n
# Statement Item Interpretatio tion
an Talk about my
Ability to focus on 3.1 problems with a
1 agree strongly
my priorities; 3 1 support person 3.40
Class standing due (parents, friends,
to the limited 3.2 and loved ones);
2 agree I engage in
resources that I 0
have; different relaxing
Relationship with activities
my parents, (meditation, strongly
1.5 2 3.30
3 friends, disagree calming agree
0 techniques,
classmates, and
significant other; listening to soft
Spiritual music);
1.5 Try to identify my
4 connection with disagree
0 problems and then
God; strongly
Attitude towards 3.1 3 put into action 3.27
5 agree agree
life 3 some potential
Perception of
3.1 I choose a natural
6 everything around agree
3 and healthy form of
stress relief
General Weight 2.6 strongly
agree 4 (running, yoga, 3.30
Mean 0 agree
walking, dance,
Despite the stress they had and others);
experienced, students were able to cope with I make light of a
it (Table 3). They set goals to help them to stressful situation
study amidst the pandemic having the 5 by having fun and 3.33
highest mean of 3.67. They were also able to find humor in
develop personal strategies to get back on everything
track and focus on their study (x=3.60). I practice
Apart from developing positive coping relaxation
techniques strongly
strategies, they also worry about the 6 3.40
whenever I hear agree
negative effects of COVID-19 in the news about COVID
Philippines (x=3.53). Meanwhile, they find 19
themselves overwhelmed with COVID 19 7 I seek out 3.40 strongly
updates that they shut down completely got emotional support agree
the lowest mean of 2.25. This means that from others every

time there is news communicating to their teachers and
about new cases of classmates all because of the limited access
COVID 19 to WIFI connections.
I try to find the In a recent study by Elmer et. al.,
health information
strongly (2020), the social relationships of
8 that I need to 3.47
agree individuals are likely to be affected by the
understand COVID
19 more crisis in different ways. Social relationships
I find myself so are conduits of social support. In times of
overwhelmed with crisis, social support may be more important
moderately than ever. But at the same time, physical
9 COVID 19 updates 2.25
that I shut down proximity and opportunities for interaction
completely are important in developing and fostering
I find it difficult to social ties. As face-to-face interactions and
find someone to random encounters are minimized due to the
1 moderately
confide in about 2.30 social distancing measures, individuals
0 agree
my anxiety relating likely focus on those relationships that are
to COVID 19
spatially close, most meaningful, or most
I worry about the
1 consequence of strongly The respondents experienced stress
3.53 because of this crisis, especially in their
1 these stressful agree
events in the academics. The respondents experienced
Philippines stress because of their class standing due to
I develop personal limited resources. They think they will get a
1 strategies to get me strongly low grade because they did not comply with
2 back on track and agree the requirements of their teachers. This crisis
focus on my study affects the focus of the respondents from
I take time to relax their academics and because of unexpected
1 and be free from strongly circumstances, the focus will turn to anxiety
3 new about COVID agree
then the mental health of the respondents
I keep thinking that
will be varied and they absorb more stress.
there's not much I Most of the respondents experienced stress
1 especially on their academics and focus
can do to help 3.10 agree
4 priorities, but the relationship with their
myself and my
family friends, family, and classmates, spiritual life
I set goals to help is not affected by the stress.
1 strongly
my studies during 3.67 Even the respondents experienced
5 agree
the pandemic stress during this crisis, they developed
  coping strategies to handle their stress
General weighted 3.45 specifically in their academics by setting up
goals for them to continue pursuing their
dreams in life. The respondents make
The BS Nursing Students of strategies to cope with the other stress
MVGFCI experienced the impact of the experienced by developing their personality,
COVID-19 crisis. They encountered being physically fit by doing exercise, and
difficulties during their studies to comply taking time to relax, practicing the health
with all the requirements had difficulties in protocols to avoid this disease, giving

emotional support for everyone that is 4. Post the daily class schedule so that
suffering from the disease, and also they know what the teachers can expect
suffering emotional and mental health from them.
because of this pandemic. 5. Encourage involvement in
Conclusion extracurricular to help alleviate some
The following has been concluded based anxiousness to promote a sense of social
on the results of this study: belonging.
1. Students experienced stress due to 6. Continue monitoring students’
the inability to comply with the progress in a way that is not stressful to
requirements due to limited internet them.
connection, limited resource and difficulty 7. Regularly check with parents to
communicating with their classmates and share their observation and better understand
teachers. the cycle of mood fluctuation more
2. Stress also affected their class effectively.
standings, their focus on their school, 8. Provide slow activities for slow
attitudes towards life, and their perception of students to catch-up
themselves. 9. Come up with programs to
3. Students developed coping strategies encourage social interaction such as small-
by setting goals that can help them study group work.
amidst the pandemic and developed personal 10. Engage the involvement of parents to
strategies to get back on track. work closely with the school in managing
4. In general, students experienced students experiencing academic pressure.
academic stress that resulted in poor 11. Come up with information drive
academic performance. Meanwhile, they about mental health
developed healthy coping strategies to catch
up on their academics. References
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Proposed Strategic Measure to Improve Coping Strategies amidst
(2015). Understanding Suicide. Fact
Sheet. {Online}
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1. Improvement of instructional
early childhood
practices and strategies through flexible
teaching Tool and Materials.
2. Follow through by activating the
Hiremath, P., Kowshik, C.S.S., Manjunath,
Students Affairs Office function in a way
M., & Shettar, M. (2020). COVID 19:
that is not stressful
Impact of lock-down on mental health
3. Create or activate the Parents
and tips to overcome. Asian Journal of
Teacher Association.
Psychiatry 51 102088. 2
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1. For teachers, model calmness and 20.102088
self-control. Kaslow, Nadine J. (2014). Suicidal Behavior
2. Flexible deadline on the students’ in Children and Adolescents.
activities and assignments. American Psychological Association.
3. Provide choices for the assignments
that can help them have some control over
the environment.

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coronavirus pandemic triggers such depression on the rise among gen z,
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